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    Newbie Princess Lessons บทเรียน(ไม่ลับ)ฉบับเจ้าหญิงมือใหม่

    ลำดับตอนที่ #14 : Lesson 06 - Roommate rules [ENG VER.] (5%)

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 206
      16 มี.ค. 60

    After the introduction of the new types of students, it was now her turn to go introducing herself along with the other princes and princesses from the left kingdom. The advantage of this activity was at least to help the professors and the seniors, as a clue, to acknowledge who they were, or which kingdom they came from, and understand about their characteristic and what they might like or dislike according to the plain, but famous, stereotype in each kingdom. Also, the main reason of this was for the harmony living together in this school, and in reality, which was certainly a big world, after the graduation.

    Then, the next queue was changed to the compliments from the alumni, who graduated from this school and separated back to their own kingdom to perform their different duties preparing and gaining experiences as many as they could to be the great king ever in the future.

    Or, if in that kingdom had more than one descendant in royals, the  younger princes or princesses should prepare themselves sooner to find their place in the future to support the kingdom and the royal duties of his or her family to be developed and sustainable everlasting.

    Thus, this was such as a gigantic royal meeting they had ever had in every classes from all of the kingdoms. No matter what their duties and responsibilities were to the kingdom, or no matter what they were called as a king, a royal highness prince or princess, or a governor, but at here, in this present time, they were all alumni who had the firmly close relationship together to each other and that was the rapport created from the small friendship within four years at this school.


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