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    Newbie Princess Lessons บทเรียน(ไม่ลับ)ฉบับเจ้าหญิงมือใหม่

    ลำดับตอนที่ #12 : Lesson 05 - The mystic tribes [ENG VER.] (100%) finally updated!!

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 244
      12 มิ.ย. 60

    ‘Say, are you really a witch ?’

    ‘Umm,’ Jesia nodded her head firmly as if she was so proud of her native race before asking curiously that, ‘but, why do you ask like this?’

    ‘Nothing,’ It was great that Jesia hadn’t thought too much or minded that someone might be afraid of her upto loss her happiness and joyfulness, Nodiena thought before she answered, and also appreciated, that, ‘I’ve just seen a real one not from the cartoon book. You’re much cooler.’

    ‘Really? Is that so?’

    ‘I reaffirm that,’ Niron raised his hand as he walked towards the girls with Morsel in behind, ‘Ma’am, you are the fantastic witch I’ve ever heard, oh, in the good way, of course.’

    ‘Ha-ha. You can call me normally. Though a witch is the creature that has a long life, I don’t want to be treated as an old woman by the same classmate. Besides, my age now for the witches and wizards is still very young like a teenager as same as you guys,’ Jesia explained with lively voice and then waved her hands to introduce herself officially again to the human, whose appearance are similar to her,

    ‘I’m Jejiresia Morganna, the future leader of the witches no.373 from Aeraris special region, Aeris Kingdom. Nice to meet you.’

    Bang !

    T-Ta-Ta-dah  ~

    At the end of her speech, the trumpet echoed as a musical gift of this greeting was astonishingly heard from the young witch.

    Umm, if she could use magic easily like Jesia, who was born to be, will be great. Nodiena thought.

    ‘Er.. I didn’t do that,’ Jesia denied repeatedly seeing the curious eyes sent to her by princes and a princess from different kingdom, ‘trust me, if it was me, I would make a colorful firework explosion, at least three of four bombs for sure.’

    ‘Then, what sound was that?’ Nodiena asked back not attending to laugh at a bad joke, which was much similar to the truth, and turned herself to ask at the two wise princes, who should know the answer for her.

    ‘I just heard the door closing,’ Morsel said facing against the large court where everyone’s carriages stayed, ‘maybe our friends all came here completely.’

    ‘That’s great. Then it’s now a time for the orientation and the introduction. I wanna know which kingdom newly come this year,’ Niron talked gladly, and started to let everyone go together to the court where the ceremony will begin in such a minute,

    ‘Come, come. Or we won’t catch up the good thing.’


    The Parade of the colourful flags in the signature of each kingdom gradually marched into the field from the direction aside the center building to line up orderly around the large courtyard, which presently was changed into a high stage by the convenient magic.

    Nodiena felt a bit sad that she couldn’t come in time to see the using of the magic transforming the plain court into the beautiful and amazing stage for the multipurpose use. No matter how long did it pass, the magic still astonished her every time she saw them, as she was just a normal girl who rarely witnessed the use of magic unless at the magic show booth in the circus. Even if in her theatre group, the number of actors who could perform any spell was rare too, also the owner of the group who raised her for a while wouldn’t have hired the magician for the amount of time since he was allergic to the magic. How poor !

    But then, during the time she was looking to the marching by whom supposed to be the alumni and the seniors graduated from here as to join the ceremony and altogether welcome the freshman year like her and other new coming friends to become the part of this school, she noticed something wrong from the enormous chairs everyone was sitting on instead of what had been missing from here, and then whispered to the one who sat beside her hoping she could get the relieved answer,

    ‘Hey, what about our belongings and the carriages? Where are they now? Do you think they’re missing?’

    ‘Someone might have taken them to somewhere, but I don’t think they’re all lost. But if that’s the case, mine then was too,’ Niron answered as if he didn’t care whether or not all of the luggages had been disappeared or moved by the strangers to somewhere else.

    The girl who couldn’t calm herself down thought seriously about the cost of all the stuff which had to be more than hundred million zole* and what she should do if the luxury luggages, the nice dresses, the new and expensive books, the invaluable carriages, and the flying horse suddenly vanished by not being managed correctly by the school staffs. At least, the price of the flying carriage was around the million zole. And how could she barely compensate them all to the palace?

    Argh, what should she do...

    ‘Hey, Niron, do you think that the horse can fly by himself? Like he flees away?’

    Ha !

    The unintentional laugh, which in her eyes seemingly more like a breath out, exploded from the most silent prince she had ever met.

    His beautiful eyes, like a sapphires, shone sparking like he was in deep humor. Yet, he maintained his etiquette by not laughing directly at her face and replied, or pinched, her with a satirical sentence

    ‘The horses in my kingdom won’t fly away without a command as they were well-trained.’

    Great ! Did he taunt her that her kingdom had sent the poor horse to her ? She wouldn’t want to ask, or haggle with, that what Riodene horses ate or which breed they were as it would make her look more silly in his eyes.

    Nodiena thought irritably finding that the answers from those two princes, who look dependable, didn’t make her feel better at all.

    If it was in the past, when she needed not to confront with a whole new world consisted of the fresh brand-new things she hadn’t known before like how to be a good princess, the kingdom relations, the mystic tribes blah blah, including the magic usage which was closer to daily life of someone who grew up in the palace - where there was a royal wizard in active every kingdom, Nodiena could assure that she knew almost everything in the Scorpio kingdom very well as she had lived and survived by herself for a long time; she wouldn’t sit confusedly and unknowingly like this so that she needed to ask anyone around her everything.   

    The worried and fretful gesture of the one who felt herself less smart after she had agreed to be a princess, just the name, made someone behind her said willingly to help as she hoped that her future classmate wouldn’t miss an official and sacred ceremony right in front of her eyes,

    ‘You don’t need to be worried. I was here for all the time and at the moment ago, our senior told us that she needed to keep our belongings first at somewhere and will eventually return all of them to us later at our room. And for the rooms in which we are going to stay, we’ll know by a lucky draw afterwards. So, chill out, hmm?’

    The room? So this place was really a boarding school. Although she could guess from the amount of the luggages, no one directly told her as well as all of the stuffs in the baggages that she wasn’t packed by herself. Due to the intense course, for her own future not to be ashamed, she was just left and finished the course at the night before the travelling day, when she just had private time for relax and could have a pleasant stargazing on the veranda.

    Thinking back, it was beginning to sound like she had signed an unfair contract engaging to play as a slave princess and was controlled in which direction they told her to go left or right.

    Was there anything more she hadn’t known and needed to find out by herself?

    The girl thought and wished the answer would be ‘not’.

    Nodiena said sorry in her mind to the professor who managed the front ceremony before turning back to notice the owner of the previous sweet voice to say thank you. Then, she saw a big pair of dark blue eyes contrasted to a pink white skin which was rounded by long wavy carmine pink hair in a twintail of the princess who had a small built similar to hers.

    So adorable..

    As if she were a goddess or an angel !

    ‘Thank you,’ Nodiana smiled back as she nodded her head to the one she impressed, before turning herself again to the ceremony on the stage in the moment she heard the loud voice announcing to officially welcome everyone with the thought and intention in her head to go talking with this cute and sweet girl later after the ceremony finished as she wanted to have a good friend who she could be easily happy and relaxed with.

    ‘Welcome to our Royal Zodiacros’

    The loud chime voice was heard from one of the seven fairy teachers, who had a similar face and wore a long gown dress in different colour as same as the big hat on their head and the crystal-like pair of wings behind their back.


    ‘As you have known well that our school will be opened only for those honour princes and princesses in order to gain any chances in preparing themselves, learning how to rule their kingdom and being able to grow up among good friends in the place which is safe and secure especially for the king or queen-to-be in the future’ said a fairy teacher in an orange dress before she drew behind when one of her friends softly provoked her.


    Another fairy teacher in the green dress moved her eye-glasses a bit for the clear vision, swept her eyes over all the students and smiled brightly like an old, but kind lady while saying that,

    ‘In this place, you guys can practice many hundreds of times while making millions of mistakes so that you would be expertised in these field in the future without needing to care any blames or scandals, which you might be accused of causing the bad results via any burdens or duties you do. I hope you will feel free to learn any failures and mistakes as many as you can in order not to make them again in the future.’


    ‘As written in the invitation letter, this year is the first year that our school has sent those letters to the successor of each mystic tribes and got honorably accepted from four of them. We would like you all to always respect and honor each other as they are not different from you, who are the royals and need to lead many people in the future as the rulers,’ said the green dress teacher before she drew back to pass this introduction to another one in a blue dress, who already had the small papers prepared in her hand and fluttered her wings closer to those new students.



    What the funny thing it was that she needed to study with seven twin fairies wearing the dress colored like a rainbow ! If she told this story to Princess Nadia, will she laugh about it ?


    Nodiena secretly thought seeing the small quarrel among those fairy sisters who were her future teachers before the event in front of her got her attention back again.


    ‘The four tribes coming today are the surrogate of the witches, the elves, the vampires and the werewolves. Please give them a warm welcome and let them come onto the stage to introduce themselves as an honor.’


    Clap! Clap! Clap!


    Nodiena gave an applause along with everyone to them while watching Jesia standing beside other three men, whose external appearance were not so much different from those normal human beings. Then, she started to think that was it possible for her to have lived or met these kind of people, who secretly hid their real appearance, before or what were the reasons behind those actions.


    I’m Jejiresia Morganna, the future leader of the witches no.373 from Aeraris special region, Aeris Kingdom. Nice to meet all of you.’


    The small gossips exploded out immediately after hearing the bright and clear unique voice of the young witch. Nodiena, who was trying to catch the glimpse of them along with listening to the introduction of the looking good elf named ‘Etrian Heixina’ - who had long straight silver hair under the pointed ears from both sides as same as the beautiful silver eyes - as expected from the elvish, secretly laughed hearing each sentence about her first female friend like as follows..


    ‘She doesn’t look old and have a hunchback like I thought.’

    ‘I think she doesn’t sound cruel like in the book too.’

    ‘Why doesn’t she have a broom beside her? Maybe she forgot it.’


    The last sentence couldn’t prevent her not to laugh out anymore. And what would happen if she decided to turn around to tell them like, ‘Hey, she didn’t forget it. It’s just broken down and she had no time to fix it yet, so she just secretly hid it around here temporarily’. Would any witches’ or wizards’ reputation become worse if the gossip one knew the truth that the broom, she was looking for, was out of use due to the witch herself lost control and hit the person with it before?


    ‘It’s an honor for me to get invited for the studying here among human who are royals,’ the chime voice and the antique sentence drew Nodiena’s attention back onto the stage again.


    Umm.. too methodical and too ceremonial for the impatient adolescence like her; however, it did sound good when the speaker was the young elvish whose age might be upto hundred years old already.


    Oh.. Let’s wait for another one.  

    She thought while exploring her eyes on a tall thin guy who had a pale skin mostly covered under the black-red velvet cloth with a neck cover, as same as the descriptions in the book she had read in every detail. His short black hair merged well with the dark clothes on entire of his body, as well as the sharp red eyes like a fresh blood that made him look scarier with only one stare around this place.


    ‘Stephan Blanchard Lebeau the fourth. I don’t drink human blood, so no need to be afraid of me.’


    Wait, what kind of this introduction again, hello?

    Doesn’t he know that it would make anyone feel scarier towards him much more? Geez.


    Nodiena felt more terrified looking at his sharp fangs which accidentally showed out when he introduced himself, and reminded herself again not to make any mess with this guy, if it was possible.

    Well, she didn’t feel frightened or want to do a racism on the discrimination like this, yet the cold hostile atmosphere expressing out as a symbol from the night hunter from this vampire was so much opposed to her lively and energetic life.


    ‘I think it’s gonna be fun this year. I feel very lucky now that I wasn’t born years before or else I won’t have a chance to see a vampire and a werewolf coming to study at here together,’ Niron’s voice interrupted her thought and made she wonder that how the forever opponent like these two guys will live here, would there be any fight since the first day of the school? Well, if that’s the case, she would prepare herself to find the safe place to hide from early as she might need to use it one day.

    But then, the laughter in a good mood coming from one of the two tribes, whom other people were softly whispering to each other about, oppositely broke all the bad idea and cleared the confusion or any relevant questions in their mind when hearing of what he was going to say.

    The well-built and strong guy - like a healthy man - stepped forward. His dog ears appeared under his golden brown hair like the sand, the same color with his eyes, in a second and vanished in the air within a blink of the eyes as well as the fluffy white-brown tail of him. The werewolf man cleared his throat and said loudly and clearly that,


    ‘Hey, I’m Rasso, the future sergeant of werewolves no.608. Already injected. So I assure that you won’t get a tetanus or rabies for sure if I mindlessly bite anyone here. Oh, and another thing, I’m really a big fan of those cool and smart vampires. Thus, there won’t be any bad rumors saying that I secretly go out for a fight with him just for fun without asking other people to join, I promise.’  


    Err.. no need to ask for something like that, dude!

    PS. zole* = the currency used in all of the kingdoms in Zodiacros supercontinent


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    ๦อบ๨ุ๷ที่๹ิ๸๹าม๥ันมา๹ลอ๸๨่ะ​ :)




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