

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : เกี่ยวกับหลักสูตร

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 3 ม.ค. 50

    ปริญญา วิทยาศาสตร์บัณฑิต (หลักสูตร4ปี)


    1. จำนวนหน่วยกิตรวม 150 หน่วยกิต
    2. องคประกอบหลักสูตร
    ก. หมวดวิชาศึกษาทั่วไป 52 หน่วยกิต


    - ภาษาอังกฤษและภาษาไทย



    - สังคมศาสตร์และมนุษย์ศาสตร์


    - คณิตศาสตร์



    - วิทยาศาสตร์พื้นฐาน


    ข. หมวดวิชาเฉพาะด้าน 92 หน่วยกิต


    - กลุ่มวิชาเทคโนโลยีพื้นฐาน


    - กลุ่มวิชาการศึกษา


    - กลุ่มวิชาเทคโนโลยีมัลติมีเดียพื้นฐาน



    - กลุ่มวิชาคอมพิวเตอร์


    - กลุ่มวิชาคอมพิวเตอรประยุกต์ - มัลติมีเดีย


    - กลุ่มวิชาการฝึกงาน


    - กลุ่มวิชาสัมมนา
    ค. หมวดวิชาเลือกเสรี 6 หน่วยกิต


    Educational Plan
    of Applied Computer Science - Multimedia Curriculum

    First Year
    First Semeter
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    LNG 101 General English for Science and Technology
    4 ( 3 2 6)
    MTH 111 Calculus I
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    PHY 101 General Physics I
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    PHY 191 General Physics Laboratory I
    1 ( 0 2 3)
    CMM 111 Design Fundamental
    3 ( 2 2 5)
    CMM 112 Visual Laboratory
    2 ( 0 4 2)
    CMM 171 Introduction to Computer and Data Processing
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    19 (14 10 33)
    Hrs./Week = 57

    Second Semeter
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    CHM 107 General Chemistry
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    LNG 102/103/104/105 English Elective I
    2 ( 1 2 5)
    MTH 112 Calculus II
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    PHY 102 General Physics II
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    PHY 192 General Physics Laboratory II
    1 ( 0 2 2)
    CMM 113 Graphic Design for Multimedia Technology
    2 ( 1 2 3)
    CMM 114 Introduction to Multimedia Technology
    2 ( 2 0 4)
    CMM 172 Computer Programming Language I
    3 ( 2 2 5)
    19 (15 8 37)
    Hrs./Week = 60

    Second Year
    First Semeter
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    ENG 100 Electrotechnology : Electronics
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    LNG 102/103/104/105 English Elective I
    2 ( 1 2 5)
    LNG 292 Thai Skills 2 : Writing
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    MTH 253 Ordinary Differential Equations
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    PRT 107 Introduction to Photographic Techniques
    3 ( 2 2 5)
    CMM 271 Computer Programming Language II
    3 ( 2 2 5)
    CMM 281 Application of Computer Graphic
    2 ( 1 2 3)
    19 (15 8 36)
    Hrs./Week = 59

    Second Semeter
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    EDT 312 Educational Statistics
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    EDT 321 Instructional Technology
    2 ( 1 2 2)
    ENE 101 Electrotechnology (Electronics) Laboratory
    1 ( 0 3 3)
    LNG 102/103/104/105 English Elective I
    2 ( 1 2 5)
    CMM 212 Production of Television Program for Education
    3 ( 1 4 4)
    CMM 272 Computer Programming Language III
    3 ( 2 2 5)
    CMM 282 Application Software in Multimedia Technology I
    2 ( 0 4 2)
    SSC 281 Economics
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    19 (11 17 33)
    Hrs./Week = 61

    Third Year
    First Semeter
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    EDT 330 Organic Chemistry III
    3 ( 2 2 4)
    LNG 211/221/222/411 English Elective I
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 311 Sound for Multimedia Technology
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 312 Educational Psychology for Multimedia Technology
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 371 System Analysis and Design
    3 ( 3 3 6)
    CMM 381 Application Software in Multimedia Technology II
    2 ( 0 4 2)
    SSC 101 Physical Education
    1 ( 0 2 2)
    18 (14 8 36)
    Hrs./Week = 58

    Second Semeter
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    EDT 311 Retrieval and Dissemination of Information
    2 ( 2 0 4)
    LNG 211/221/222/411 English Elective I
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 372 Database Management System
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 373 Data Communication and Telecommunication
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 382 Computer Applications in Education
    3 ( 1 4 4)
    CMM 383 Operation/Maintenance of Multimedia Technology Equipment
    2 ( 0 4 2)
    SSC 331 Human Relations
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    19 (14 10 32)
    Hrs./Week = 56

    Summer Session
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    CMM 321 Professional Practice in Multimedia Technology
    2 ( 0 8 4)
    Hrs./Week = 12

    Fourth Year
    First Semeter
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    CMM 471 Operating System and System Software
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 472 Computer Graphics
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 481 Multimedia Technology for Mass Communication
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 491 Seminar
    1 ( 0 2 2)
    CMM 498 Project Study in Multimedia Technology
    1 ( 0 2 2)
    SSC XXX Social Science and Humanities
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    free Electives
    3 ( X Y Z)
    17 (12+X 4+Y 28+Z)
    Hrs./Week = 44+X+Y+Z

    Second Semeter
    Cr (Le Pr Ss)
    CMM 473 Introduction to Management Information Systems
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 482 Advertisement and Exhibition Techniques
    3 ( 3 0 6)
    CMM 483 Instructional Package in Multimedia Technology
    3 (2 2 5)
    CMM 499 Project in Multimedia Technology
    3 ( 0 6 6)
    Free Electives
    3 ( X Y Z)
    15 (8+X 8+Y 23+Z)
    Hrs./Week = 39+X+Y+Z


    Course Descriptions
    of Applied Computer science - Multimedia Curriculum

    CMM 111

    Design Fundamental

    3 (2-2-5)

    Prerequisite : None

    Study of theory and practice of fundamental design. The relational components of line, shape, surface, size, ratio, color, and space. Designing concepts in two and three dimension objects. Foundation of art history.


    CMM 112

    Visual Laboratory

    2 (0-4-4)

    Prerequisite : None

    Study and practice of visual design by using line, shape, surface, weight, color, and ratio. Basic-designing concepts such as balance, conflict, and relevancy. Furthermore, the concepts and relation of components of two and three dimensions in order to apply to use in designing multimedia technology task.

    CMM 113

    Graphic Design for Multimedia Technology

    2 (1-2-3)

    Prerequisite : CMM 111

    Creative thinking for designing. Application of art components. Art components management for using in design of multimedia technology tasks. Image creation for education and dissemination such as text and presentation designing. Graphic design for instruction.

    CMM 114

    Introduction to Multimedia Technology

    2 (2-0-4)

    Prerequisite : None

    Basic knowledge about multimedia and multimedia technology. Basic media such as text, image, animation, graphic, and sound. Current multimedia technology. Roles and uses of multimedia technology in many areas such as education, advertisement, and public relation etc.

    CMM 212

    Production of Television Program for Education

    3 (1-4-4)

    Prerequisite : None

    Roles of television. Uses of television for education. Techniques of preparing and creating television. Efficiency of television in instructional process. Students understanding the method of using television equipment and be able to write the television script for education. Students assigned to produce and edit the video production.

    CMM 311

    Sound for Multimedia Technology

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : None

    Study of sound psychology. Sound appreciation. Sound effecting to mood and feeling of audience. Techniques of selecting and using sound in different situation. Technique of creating sound for multimedia technology tasks such as music creation, sound effect, and narrative sound etc.

    CMM 312

    Educational Psychology for Multimedia Technology

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : None

    techniques. Study of self learning access means. Application of self learning access. Human - computer interaction.

    CMM 171

    Introduction to Computer and Data Processing

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : None

    Details of computer system : memories unit, data input and output, control processing unit, and memories reserved unit. Programming unit and integration of subprograms and assembler programs : single reading and double reading. computer language. Program design and development. Principle of flowchart writing. Data organization, and circulation of data processing.

    CMM 172

    Computer Programming Language I

    3 (2-2-5)

    Prerequisite : None

    Studying of computer language system : type of data, meanings, decision making, and loop system. Procedure and function of data system structure : program recording, storing, and coding.

    The study will be specific on the program coding which is used in developing other multimedia application software that is the current recognized software.

    CMM 271

    Computer Programming Language II

    3 (2-2-5)

    Prerequisite : None

    Studying in computer language system : type of data, meanings, decision making, and loop system. Procedure and function of data system structure : program recording, storing, and coding.

    The Study will be specific on the program coding which is used in developing other recognized multimedia application software that is different from the Computer Programming Language studying in CMM 172.

    CMM 272

    Computer Programming Language III

    3 (2-2-5)

    Prerequisite : None

    Studying in Computer Language System : type of data, meanings, decision making, and loop system. Procedure and function of data system structure : program recording, storing and coding.

    The Study will be specific on the program coding which is used in developing other recognized multimedia application software that is different from the Computer Programming Language studying in CMM 271.

    CMM 371

    Systems Analysis and Design

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : CMM 171

    Introduction to systems analysis and design. Tool and technique for systems analysis and design. Studying in the possibility of system development. Studying in the existing system and the requirement of a new system. Procedure of system design. Steps of system development and evaluation.

    CMM 372

    Database Management System

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : CMM 371

    Data system and database management. Data relation. Independence of data, hierarchy data module. Types of networking and relation. Data normalization. Data processing language. Data security system. Data retrieving Database structure.

    CMM 373

    Data Communication and Telecommunication

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : CMM 171

    Principle of data communication. The relation between computer and data communication. The development of joining telecommunication technology and computer technology. Computer network system. Standard of data communication and related organization. Application of network system : hardware and software used in data communication. Trend and development about the data communication, computer network system. Fundamental of internet.

    CMM 471

    Operating Systems and Systems Software

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : CMM 171 , CMM 271

    Input / output data system. Interruption structure. Memory unit management. Data processing. Distribution of resources in multiprogramming systems. Batch processing procedure. Complying, loading, and executing program. Loading and linking program. System library, subprogram, and memory positioning technique : direct and indirect positioning. New position in using register for positioning and controlling system program. Translation program. Database program.

    CMM 472

    Computer Graphics

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : CMM 171 , MTH 202

    Graphics system. Graphics data structure. Picture creating general and storing by computers. Dot positioning, drawing, picture minimizing, and maximizing. Position moving, rotating, and cutting. Animation techniques, Devices for computer graphics system.

    CMM 473

    Introduction to Management Information Systems

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : CMM 171

    Fundamental of management information systems. Data and information. Components of management information systems. Management information subsystems. Systems and modeling decision. Process of the management information systems development. Roles and importance of information in administration.

    CMM 281

    Applications of Computer Graphic

    2 (1-2-3)

    Prerequisite : None

    Graphic Design by Using Computer : design and layout. Program operating and techniques in using current graphics application software.

    CMM 282

    Application Software in Multimedia Technology I

    2 (0-4-2)

    Prerequisite : None

    Studying of application software for creating five basic multimedia : text, picture, animation, graphic, and sound. Students trained to use current application software and create a job by using that software.

    CMM 381

    Application Software in Multimedia Technology II

    2 (0-4-2)

    Prerequisite : None

    Studying of application software for creating basic multimedia. The software being well-know and different from the software used in CMM 282. Students trained to use that software until able to create and apply in multimedia technology tasks.

    CMM 382

    Computer Application in Education

    3 (1-4-4)

    Prerequisite : None

    Concepts and theories of using computers as computer based instruction. Computer assisted instruction. Computer assisted learning. Computer managed instruction. Computer administered education. Components of computer hardware, software, and courseware. Application of microcomputer in education. Students assigned to produce CAI package.

    CMM 383

    Operation and Maintenance of Multimedia Technology

    2 (0-4-2)

    Prerequisite : None

    Concepts and theories of multimedia technology equipment. Efficient operation of multimedia technology equipment. Maintenance, repair, and replace of multimedia technology equipment.

    CMM 481

    Multimedia Technology for Mass Communication

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : None

    Multimedia technology for mass communication. Operation of multimedia technology equipment for mass communication. Influence of mass communication. Plan and management of mass communication : radio, television, and printed matter.

    CMM 482

    Advertisement and Exhibition Techniques

    3 (3-0-6)

    Prerequisite : None

    Advertising concepts. Advertising psychology. Plan, budget, and management of advertisement. Design and use of advertisement media. Advertisement for education uses. Exhibition : concepts, plan, management, and evaluation.

    CMM 483

    Instructional package in Multimedia Technology

    3 (2-2-5)

    Prerequisite : None

    System, mean, scope, value, and limitation of instructional packages. Type of instructional packages. Construction, operation, and evaluation of multimedia instructional package.



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