

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    < < < แจกโค้ดสำเร็จรูป> > >

    ลำดับตอนที่ #24 : โค้ด Status Bar

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 20 ก.ย. 49

    โค้ด Status Bar

    แก้ไขข้อความตรงที่      "ข้อความ"           ได้เลยครับ

    กด  Ctrl+A  แล้วก็กด   Ctrl+C  เพื่อ  coppy ข้อความทั้งหมดในกล่องข้างล่างครับ

    code  เหมือนกันกับในกล่องเพียงแต่แยกให้เห็นชัดขึ้นอะครับ

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    // set speed of banner (pause in milliseconds between addition of new character)
    var speed = 20

    // decrease value to increase speed (must be positive)
    // set pause between completion of message and beginning of following message
    var pause = 3000

    // increase value to increase pause
    // set initial values
    var timerID = null
    var bannerRunning = false

    // create array
    var ar = new Array()

    // assign the strings to the array's elements
    ar[0] =  "ข้อความ"
    ar[1] =  "ข้อความ"
    ar[2] =  "ข้อความ"
    ar[3] =  "ข้อความ"
    ar[4] =  "ข้อความ"
    ar[5] =  "ข้อความ"
    ar[6] =  "ข้อความ"
    ar[7] =  "ข้อความ"
    ar[8] =  "ข้อความ"

    // assign index of current message
    var message = 0

    // empty string initialization
    var state = ""

    // no value is currently being displayed

    // stop the banner if it is currently running
    function stopBanner() {
     // if banner is currently running
     if (bannerRunning) 
     // stop the banner 
     // timer is now stopped
     timerRunning = false

    // start the banner
    function startBanner() {
     // make sure the banner is stopped
     // start the banner from the current position

    // assign state a string of "0" characters of the length of the current message
    function clearState() {
     // initialize to empty string
     state = ""
     // create string of same length containing 0 digits
     for (var i = 0; i < ar[message].length; ++i) { 
      state += "0"

    // display the current message
    function showBanner() {
     // if the current message is done
     if (getString()) { 
      // increment message 
      // if new message is out of range wrap around to first message 
     if (ar.length <= message)  
      message = 0 
      // new message is first displayed as empty string 
      // display next character after pause milliseconds 
      timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", pause)
     else { 
      // initialize to empty string 
      var str = "" 
      // built string to be displayed (only character selected thus far are displayed) 
     for (var j = 0; j < state.length; ++j) {  
      str += (state.charAt(j) == "1") ? ar[message].charAt(j) : "     " 
     // partial string is placed in status bar 
     window.status = str 
     // add another character after speed milliseconds 
     timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", speed)

    function getString() {
     // set variable to true (it will stay true unless proven otherwise)
     var full = true
     // set variable to false if a free space is found in string (a not-displayed char)
     for (var j = 0; j < state.length; ++j) { 
      // if character at index j of current message has not been placed in displayed string 
      if (state.charAt(j) == 0)  
      full = false
     // return true immediately if no space found (avoid infinitive loop later)
     if (full) return true
     // search for random until free space found (braoken up via break statement)
     while (1) { 
      // a random number (between 0 and state.length - 1 == message.length - 1) 
      var num = getRandom(ar[message].length) 
      // if free space found break infinitive loop 
     if (state.charAt(num) == "0")  
     // replace the 0 character with 1 character at place found
     state = state.substring(0, num) + "1" + state.substring(num + 1, state.length)
     // return false because the string was not full (free space was found)
     return false

    function getRandom(max) {
     // create instance of current date
     var now = new Date() 
     // create a random number (good generator)
     var num = now.getTime() * now.getSeconds() * Math.random()
     // cut random number to value between 0 and max - 1, inclusive
     return num % max
    // -->



    ผู้อ่านนิยมอ่านต่อ ดูทั้งหมด


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