

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Those Lost Memeries

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Why can't I remember anythingM

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 17 ก.ค. 57

    "Tamachan! Your awake now.' 
    "Umm who are you?"
    "Can't you remember me? It's kisa, kisachan your girfriend."
    "Sorry i can't remember anything but who are you agian?"
    "I already told you it's kisa, kisachan we have been a couple for about 3 months."
    "I'm am really sorry about that but, i just still can't, aahh! my head hurts so bad."
    "Are you alright? Can't you remember anything?"
    What! why can't i still remember, what happend, what happend to me?
    Who am I? "Kisachan right?"
    "Umm who am I."
    "Well how do i put it. Well you are my fiance and we just came to love each other just last 3 months. You are the head of the fujiora familly now. You were the son of MR Fujiora. You are also the top student in your class you are 1 year of highschool."
    "Then wheres my family?" 
    "Well i think you school rest more because you need to rest to get you memeries back."
    This is bad, where are my family now. Are they still alive or they are dead. What should i do. The best thing now is to just rest in peace. I slowly closed my eyes.

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