You may not be an intelligent student. Your grades may not be so good but you know what, I really don't care about it at all.
I love you when you play basketball. I love you when you try to catch and grasp things in your hand. I love you when you smile though it is not a smile for me. I love you when you are piss off. I love you when you get mad.
I love the way you look at me. I love the way you are. I will never change you because I believe that you are so good in the your own way.
Please don't think that I am too good or too smart because I am not. I am not a pretty woman but I am sure that I can make you happy. I am not a chatty one but I am sure that I can talk or listen to you when I'm with you all night long. I sometimes am a hot blood kind, so you are, but I am sure I can stay cool when you get mad.
I have no idea what else I tell you more or what else I can do for you because there are too many. But all I want to do now is to tell you that 'I LOVE YOU'. And all I need now is those three little words saying you love me too.