

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Dory diary

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Love at the first sight

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 13 ธ.ค. 59

    A week later before the final exam is coming to my school have an a-flied trip for riding bicycles around the park that near the Changi Airport.It was three classes have a-flied trips together on the same day,I meet a lot of new friends that come from other class and I make a lot new friends that day.In lunch time I was eating with my new friends that I have just meet them,they are all Chinese I'm the only one who doesn't how to speak mandarin,but that is not a big deal my friends can speak English.The time that I was waiting for my friends at the table,there was one group of Chinese boys walking to my table and shout my name out loud because they just think is fun,but then I turn back and ask them why they shout! my name so loud, then they just laughing at me."there is one boy from that group walk to me and ask what is my name and when I reply to him he smile and walk away...the first thing that makes my heart melting is when he smile it looks so  cute"

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