

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Haiku & Poem

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Ode To My First Love

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 12 มิ.ย. 49

              For every step that you make
              And every second that you breathe
              Romance has just begun
              Ruling by the moon and the sun
              Laying in the bed
              On the red roses spreaded surface
              Very soft, sweet and gentle
              Every last love needs no scandal
              Tender in the way you kiss
              Over and over you keep whispering in my ear
              Night is nice when you are near
              God bless us to be together, I believe
              Don't dream it over, I always tell myself
              One like you could move on without my help
              Even worse you might not has a special feeling for me
              Since you've never said the word " I love thee."
              Told me exactly what you think
              Or show me something, just give me a clue
              Nobody can make it clear but you
              Give me the answer, take me out of the blue
              Long time has been passed
              Only a smile from you, I have
              Vagueness in the way you act
              Every time we are together is the fact
              For I do love you all the time and I cannot hide
              Amatory feeling builds up my hope
              Remedy the sorrow in my mind
              Reckless me, telling you the secret of my heart


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