

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #7 : Sciman - 3 (25/9/59)

    • เนื้อหานิยายตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 79
      16 พ.ย. 59

    Class Work 3

    (Section 427)


    Group 7





    Present to

    Teacher Khin Saw Mon









    Review Questions Chapter 7


    11. As the human population continues to increase, what might happen to other species?

    - The population growth of human is affect to the environment. More human is mean more demand. These are some example that might happen to other species.

              Environmental will decreasing. Because of the poor agricultural practices and the using of resources by human. And when the environmental is bad, some plants and animals cannot survive.

              Aquatic animals will die due to the water pollution. Lost of Human activities cause waste water. If we have more people, more waste water will be produced. And it will affect aquatic animals.

            Extinction of plants and animals will happen. More people. More demand. We will have to use more natural resources and it will affect plants and animals. We destroy the forest for land and other benefits. It is mean that the habitat of an animals and plants are destroyed as well. So when they have no habitats, they will finally die.


    15. Why is your ecological footprint larger than that of a person in Africa?

    - Because people in our country use more natural resources than people in Africa. We import more materials than them, we want more resources to do many activities than them.




    17. Why do economic well-being and the status of women influence the number of children born in a country?

    - If economic is good, couples rather have more children. Because they can afford to have a children, their finance is good enough. But if economic is bad, they are forced to work, and woman will have to work and postpone pregnancy, so the birth rate will decrease.

    Status of woman Lack of education reduces options for women. Because they lack of an education, chances of jobs has reduced and it will lead to early marriage which they will typically have more children. On the other hand, Educated-woman can take care of themselves. They will have delay marriage and have fewer children.


    21. Describe three reasons why women in the less-developed world might desire more than two children.

    - Economic In Less-developed country, even young children can be given jobs that help the family economy. They can cook or carry water or do something else, so parents in LDC country rather have more children to increase the chances of income for the family in the future.

    - Traditional Some Less-developed country may have traditional to have large family, they have many children to take care of them when they old.

    -Education In Less-developed country, most of the women are not well-educated, so they may can’t take a good care of their children and children may die from disease or the wrong way of caring.



    Review Questions Chapter 11


    4. Describe three major causes of the loss of biodiversity.

    - Pollution: human activity influences the natural environment producing negative effects that change the flow of energy, the chemical and physical constitution of the environment and abundance of the species.

    Climate change: for example, heating of the Earth’s surface affects biodiversity because it endangers all the species that adapted to the cold due to the latitude (the Polar species) or the altitude (mountain species).

    Overexploitation: occurs when humans harvest, hunting, fishing, or farming organisms faster than the organisms can reproduce. It can make some organisms become extinct and threaten many others.


    12. List three examples of ecosystem services provided by biological resources.

    - Food and Raw Materials People harvests wild plants and animals as food and medicine and use plants to provide food for livestock, building materials, and firewood. They rely directly on ecosystems for food and raw materials.

    Waste Treatment Decomposer organisms recycle both natural and human-produced organic wastes.

    Cultural Service The non-material benefits people obtain from ecosystems.  Such as, tourism, spiritual enrichment, educational activities.



    14. Describe the relationship between habitat needs of a species and the overall survival success of the species.

    - An animal’s habitat must provide the food, water, and cover. Cover means any place that can protects animals from enemies. It include places where the animal can rest and raise young, where it can escape from enemies and from the weather. If it has all of this, it can improve the success of the species. Plants or Animals will survive. But if it doesn’t has enough food, water and cover, animals or plants may hardly survive.

    Third presentation


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