

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    monster and magic (end, for now)

    ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : Chapter 3 Info dumping

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 87
      23 มิ.ย. 61

        Jordan! Gave me the microphone! It my turns now!

       Hello friends and fans, Ava here, Let continued our chaotic adventure shall we?

       Now where are we...Dad came...I shouted...Bull man attacked...Gamma arrived...Here!

       We ran out of the restaurant, but our new friend Gamma didn't stop, donno where we heading, Jordan was running next to me.

       And this is where the part I needed to describe him, it as horrible as it sound, he looked okay, I guess. He got mostly from his father, the brown hair and the cinnamon eye. He dressed in a blue shirt and a jean, some of my friends said he’s hot when I showed the picture of him, despite he was hopeless in term of fashions.

       We ran for about quarter of a mile when I couldn't stop my curiosity any more.

       "Told me what just happened and who are you and where are you taking us."

       He scratched his head, "I should properly introduce myself first." He walked back 3 stepped and then bow. "My name is Gamma Hollow, magician from the first fort, and the man who will get you the heck outta here."

       "What do you mean magician?"

       "Well the people who used magic of course."

       "But isn't it fakes."

       "No no no, magic is the art that descended from the gods, we use it to protect the world from evil being, and each other."

       He pulled a staff out of midair, like dad did, "Watch this." he said.

       He point the staff to the nearest trash can, and it exploded. and 1 second later it reform into a statue of liberty.

       "Wala." He said like it was no big deal.

       "So what dad did is also magic?" Jordan asked.


       But there another thing that tickled my sense of reality, descended from god?

       "What do you means gods?"

       "Oh yeah, gods exists, too."

       "Ok…" I said "Magic exists; I can believe that, but gods?"

       "God wasn't a being that rules all of us or something, they were some sort of natural force, who born from belief of humans, they can grant you power, they can mentor you, they can kill you, they can possess you, but they didn't create us or anything, they kinda just exist."

       "I still don't believe it." said I, how could I? It conflicted everything I believe.

       [Jordan told me at that time, I look like I going insane. But I always look like I'm not completely sane anyway]

       Gamma looked up into the sky "Jormungandr! She thinks you not real!"

       For a minute nothing happened, I nearly thought he was joking when the nearest sewer explode and a 2 meter wide snake slithered out of it. It had a green scale, a red predator eyes, and a poisonous looking fangs.

       It came toward us and for a moment I froze in fear because it was coming half ways at us but still didn't get out of the sewer entirely.

       And then it started to change shape, its body gets shorter, the scale turned to skin, when it reached us, it had become a 20 years old man wearing a snake skin jacket with black hair.

       "What the..." I try to say.

       "Hello, I'm Jormungandr, the world snake, nice to meet you." The man said

       "But wait" Jordan said. "Aren't you, the bad guy?"

       The man laughed "Everyone who meet me the first time said that. Do you think after 2000 years passed, we still have our rivalry?"

       "Probably not."

       "The myths you people know don't actually reflect us anymore. You see, just like human, gods can change. Some goods turn bad, some bad turn good."

       Gamma looked at his watch. "We been here for too long, all the monsters probably catch our scent by now."

       "I not that smelly." Jordan said.

       "Yes you are." I replied

       "Shut up."

       "It only a matter of times before they found us..."

       Suddenly, we heard a loud sound, like a heard of hyena's roars when they found their pray. Wonder who their prey was.


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