

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    เรื่องน่ารู้เกี่ยวกับ SAT

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : Tips - Writing test

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 18 ก.ย. 51

    Getting acquainted with the writing test

    Purpose of the writing test

    *      The depth of your thinking – responds to the topic or question.

    *      Your ability to organize ideas

    *      The way you express yourself

    *      Your mastery of standard written English


    How to find answers to sentence improvement question (ปรับประ​​โย๨​ใหม่)

    *      Read the entire sentence, paying close attention to its meaning

    *      Be aware that errors may exist only in the underscored segment of the sentence

    *      Try to hear the sentence in your head

    *      Try to determine whether a problem exist

    *      Search for wordiness and awkward expression in the underscored segment of the sentence

    *      Read the choices, but ignore choice A, which is identical to the underscored segment of the original sentence

    *      Eliminate all choices that contain obvious errors.

    How to find answers to identifying sentence errors questions

    *      Read the whole sentence

    *      Try to hear the sentence in your head

    *      Focus your attention on awkward sounding works and phrases

    *      Try to explain what the grammatical flow might be.

    *      If all the  underscored word are correct mark E on your answer sheet

    How to find answers to improving paragraphs questions

    *      Read the entire passage, paying attention to its main idea and to the writer’s purpose

    *      Ignore all errors except those raised by the multiple-choice questions

    *      Carefully read each questions

    *      Eliminate any choice that contains wordiness, repetition and expression


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