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    [นิยายแปลอังกฤษ] Shinrei Tantei Yakumo

    ลำดับตอนที่ #20 : VOLUME 3 - THE LIGHT BEYOND THE DARKNESS extra file: repayment

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 38
      31 ก.ค. 58


    psychic detective yakumo novel translation
    extra file: repayment

    This happened a week after that case.


    My feet brought me to the room in the back of Building B. 

    I came to meet the most contrary person on campus: Saitou Yakumo.

    It’s not that I had any trouble. Today was the last day of classes for the first semester, and starting tomorrow the university would enter summer vacation. I would be going home to Nagano. I thought I’d pay a visit to see his sour face first. 

    Plus, I didn’t properly thank him for the necklace I got from him a while back.


    When I opened the door, Yakumo was sitting in the chair he always did, running a hand through his messy head.

    The room was as hot as a sauna.

    'What, it’s you?’

    Yakumo looked at me with incredibly sleepy eyes and spoke while holding back a yawn. 

    'What? I came all this way.’

    'I didn’t ask you to.’

    'Oh, that’s right. I was in the wrong.’

    There’d be no end to it if I took what Yakumo said seriously and got angry.

    Exhausted, I sat on the chair.

    'Sorry, but I have to head out now.’

    'Head out?’

    'Yeah. There’s something I still have to do with the case from last time.’

    Yakumo looked like he thought it was troublesome as he mussed up his hair. 

    'The case from last time – do you mean the one with Kamiyama-san?’


    'Isn’t that already over?’

    'No, I have to return this.’

    Yakumo held up the red paperback diary in his right hand to show me.


    That was Rika-san’s diary.

    Come to think of it, I’d borrowed the diary without going back to return it.

    It was something I borrowed from her father. It reminded me of his sad expression. I promised that I would find out the reason Rika-san died – 

    And then the truth had become clear.

    'Hey, can I go too?’ I said, looking at Yakumo’s eyes.

    To say the truth, meeting him again would make me depressed. That man believed that his daughter hadn’t killed herself, but that wasn’t the truth. I didn’t know what I’d say if I met him. There was no meaning in any comforting words I could say.

    But I still had a duty to meet him.

    'Do what you want.’

    For a while, Yakumo looked troubled, but he finally sighed and said that, handing the diary to me.

    That was right. This was something I should hold.

    After a nod, I took that diary.

    'Don’t be slow,’ said Yakumo as he left the room.

    Hey, he’s just going to leave the door open? Honestly, he just did whatever he wanted.

    I took the door key from the fridge, locked up and then hurriedly ran after Yakumo.

    I thought Yakumo would go meet Rika-san’s father right away, but he said, 'There’s somewhere I want to drop by first,’ and he went to the apartment where Rika-san killed herself.

    'You wanted to drop by here?’

    'Yeah. There was something I wanted to check.’

    After responding to my question, Yakumo looked up at the apartment roof while narrowing his eyes at the summer sun.

    I lined up shoulders with Yakumo and looked up at the sky too, the same way he was.

    After coming all the way here, even someone as thick-headed as me knew what Yakumo had come to check.

    When we came here last time, Rika-san had been jumping from the apartment roof over and over, repeating her suicide.

    What was she doing now that the case was over?

    I wanted to know that before we met with Rika-san’s father. At least that could be some comfort for him.

    – What’s happened to Rika-san?

    Before I asked, Yakumo ended up walking towards the manager who was by the entrance.

    Yakumo made a request to the manager in the same way he did the last time we came to have the manager open the automatic doors at the entrance and borrow the rooftop key.

    I silently took the elevator with Yakumo.

    In that small space where our shoulders were almost touching, I sneaked a peek at Yakumo.

    From the small gap between his body and his white shirt, there was a thin layer of sweat on his chest. He was as pale as porcelain.

    Suddenly, I remembered what happened that time.

    On a road by the train tracks, Yakumo had held my head against that chest when I had been falling apart, hurt after receiving the diary from Rika-san’s father.

    That moment, a variety of emotions had mixed together and I had buried my head in his chest and cried in my incomprehension, but now that I remembered it, I suddenly felt embarrassed and I went red to my ears, dropping my gaze to my feet.

    'What is it?’

    My heart skipped a beat when Yakumo asked me that.


    'It’s fine that you like to eat, but you should be moderate about it.’

    Hey, what sort of misunderstanding did he have to make to get to that conclusion? He was really offensive.

    I thought of rebutting, but I couldn’t say what I had really been thinking and just sniffed and said, 'Honestly.’

    We got off the elevator at the top floor of the apartment and took the stairs to the rooftop from there. We used the key Yakumo had borrowed and went out to the rooftop together.

    I held my hands up over my head and looked up at the scorching summer sky.

    The sky was clear blue and cumulonimbi went up the sky in columns like smoke. I could hear the faraway cries of the cicadas. 

    Yakumo walked forward slowly and stood straight on the edge, which was slightly taller than the roof. 

    I thought Yakumo might just jump off right then. Since he was like a cloud, not bound by anything – 

    Even though Yakumo should have been somewhere my hand could reach easily, he felt very far away.

    'Not here.’

    Yakumo said just that as he looked up at the sky.


    'Yeah, she must have gone to meet him.’

    'I wonder if he accepted Rika-san this time.’

    'I don’t know.’

    Yakumo turned around and jumped off the edge.

    His eyes looked sad. Yakumo really was a very kind person. That was why he had been hesitant and troubled over this case.

    'Let’s believe he did.’

    I smiled at Yakumo.

    It might have just been a convenient way of thinking about it, but I still wanted to believe it.

    'You’re carefree.’

    Yakumo was looking down as he scratched the tip of his nose, like he was embarrassed for some reason.

    'Why am I carefree?’

    'Don’t turn on me like that.’

    'I’m not turning on you. Unlike somebody, I’m honest.’

    'Rather than honest, you’re dense.’

    'What do you mean by that?’

    'I mean exactly what I said.’

    I couldn’t find the words to reply and stamped my foot.

    Yakumo’s lips turned up in a smirk, like he thought he had won. There was no way I’d win in an argument against Yakumo, but it was still vexing.

    'OK, shall we go?’

    Yakumo stretched and then slipped past me to walk towards the door briskly.

    I was going to follow after him, but when he reached the door, Yakumo stopped walking like he had felt something.

    'What is it?’

    I called out at the same time he turned around.

    For a moment, I thought like our eyes met, but I was wrong. Yakumo was looking at something behind me with a surprised expression.

    'You’re still here…’ said Yakumo in a hoarse voice.

    This response. Was Rika-san still – 

    I turned around to follow Yakumo’s gaze, but I couldn’t see anything.

    Even though I just said to believe that Kamiyama-san accepted Rika-san and they were resting in peace – 

    Was all we did pointless?

    That would be too sad.

    'I see.’

    After a suffocating silence, Yakumo said that. I turned back to look at him in response to that.

    He was different than how he had been before. His expression looked somewhat gentle.

    'Is Rika-san here?’

    'She passed away this time,’ replied Yakumo while looking up at the sky.

    'What did she say?’

    'She gave me a message.’

    'A message.’

    'She wants me to pass it on to her father – ’

    'What was it?’

    'I’m going to tell him now.’

    There was a tinge of embarrassment in Yakumo’s voice as he said that. That was right. There was still something we have to do. 

    I nodded and then started walking beside Yakumo.


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