

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Fairy tales and Bedtime tales

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : The Little Goldfish

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 174
      19 ก.พ. 53

     The Little goldfish

    One day a poor fisherman found in his net a little goldfish, which waved its fins and moved its mouth, as if to beg him to let it go. The fisherman was so moved that he thew his fish back into the sea, even though, if he sold it to the goldsmith, he would have earned a considerable sum of money.
    "You will see how grateful I am," called the fish from beside the boat, before dissappearing back under the waved, " but you must never tell any body about what has happed."
    When the fisherman arrived home, he found that his miserable hut had been transformed into a fabulous castle and his wife was wearing a dress fit for a queen.
    "Where did all these riches come from?" was the firs thing the wife asked, when she saw her husband again.
    "Do not ask me, my wife, or everything will dissapear again."
    But the woman would not give her husband a moment's peace, and in the end he told her about the little goldfish. At that very moment, the castle turned back into a hut, and everything was the way it had been before, and the woman remained what she had always been, nosey and dissatisfied.


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