

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Fairy tales and Bedtime tales

    ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 136
      18 ก.พ. 53

     The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

    The town mouse was invited by his friend, a country mouse, to come for a visit. The fresh air was lovely and the hospitality was very warm, but for the tastes of the town mouse life in the country was too simple and the food was too plain and not very appetising. The country mouse listened to what his friend had to say and decided to close up his own house and follow the town mouse to the city.
    The town mouse's house was small and had no garden, but it was very luxurious;  marbles floor, mirrors and paintings on the walls, and a large cupboard, not filled with wheat and hay, but dates, figs, and fruit, not to mention bread, cheese and delicious cakes.
    The two friends sat down to dinner and for the country mouse it was a meal fit for a king. But it was also very stressful. From time to time, a cat would come along, or a woman would pass by, or a child, and the two mice would have to run and hide in a hole, with their hearts in their mouth.
    After this had gone on for sometime, the country mouse could not stand it any more. He was pale and trembling. "Keep your luxury and riches," he said to his friend, packing his case. "I prefer my own way of life. It may be dull, but it is much more peaceful than yours." 


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