ลำดับตอนที่ #1
คุณแน่ใจว่าต้องการคืนค่าการตั้งค่าทั้งหมด ?
ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : A Boring Day
Today I went to IX building to read notes, but I just listened to music and fell asleep. What a wast of time. =_="
I wanted to talk with someone how I had felt down about myself, however, I didn't have someone to talk to. So, I decised to apply in Dek-D and shared my feeling here. It made I fell much brtter. ^^ Thank you, Dek-D. I will get a good deep sleep tonight and I will do better for tomorrow.
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P.S. I wants to improve my English by writting my diary in English. If there are a error gramma, could you tell me? I will be very appreciated that. �Thank you.
I wanted to talk with someone how I had felt down about myself, however, I didn't have someone to talk to. So, I decised to apply in Dek-D and shared my feeling here. It made I fell much brtter. ^^ Thank you, Dek-D. I will get a good deep sleep tonight and I will do better for tomorrow.
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �Lookmoohookatai
P.S. I wants to improve my English by writting my diary in English. If there are a error gramma, could you tell me? I will be very appreciated that. �Thank you.