

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Adventure of Magic War [ฉบับ English]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : The Magic Ball of Death

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 10 ต.ค. 55


    And now, they were in the battle with the general of the black devils, but this is the fifth battle of the day that the devils attack the magic world and because of this make many magic fighters get exhausted.

    When Black was fighting with the general of black devil, there’s something appears between them……..and that was the King of Devil!!!


    “If you want to make the war end, find me ‘The Magic Ball of Death’ and we will stop attacking your world.”



    When the boss of the devil ends his conversation, all magic fighters were worry about the magic ball of death, because it was the magic ball in the history which was keep in very dangerous place. No one was brave enough to go in there and the one who go in there would never come back out…..and that valley place was called ‘The History of Black Magic’.

    “I will go, I will go and find that magic ball” Black said.

    “Then I will go, too, so we can help each other” Berry said.

            After Berry and Black had decided to go to the valley. Some magic fighters volunteer to go with them.

    “No!! You all will stay here. We two will go with them.” One of the two magic fighters which are the second most powerful from Black and Berry named Twist shouted out loud. Everybody became quiet and they were thinking if they will go, they would delay them from getting the magic ball.

    The two of them were the second most powerful magic fighters named Twist and Ties. They were partner called ‘TwisTies’.

    “I’m Twist and this is my partner, Ties. We are so happy to help you find the magic ball.” Twist said happily.

    “I’m Black and this is my partner, Berry. We are happy, too, but we must finish pack up by this evening. So, this is our plan before we go to pack up. First.….” Black told the 3 of them his plan and went to pack up their things.

    When everything was ready. Everybody went to the front gate that divided their city and the forest.

    “Good luck everyone!!” One of the magic fighter said.

    “You, too. Let’s go now.” Black told their friends to start on walking forward.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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