

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Adventure of Magic War [ฉบับ English]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #6 : Leaving...

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 10 ต.ค. 55


            Ties explained to Berry that she could guess her plan after she saw her with the magic ball. She knew that Berry would sacrifice her life to kill the monster to save the others. So there would be no more war. Ties knew this so she drew a magic sign close to where Berry did her shield. When Black knew what Berry planned to do, he went mad. Ties used the magical sign she drew.



    The magic sign broke Berry’s shield just enough for Black to destroy the whole thing. That was when Ties told the healing wizard to build another city shield and asked for the wind wizard to move Black and Berry. After moving the two, the healing wizard finished building the town shield, and that was when Black exploded with the magic ball.

    After Ties explained everything to the people in town, everyone was sad.

    2 days later.


    Berry kept her promise she gave to Fino. She returned the magic ball back to the valley.

    “You don’t have to return it back to the valley. Just keep it here. The BlackWinds can protect your town. Also, I have never felt comfortable until I met you the BlackBerry. So let me stay here.” Fino finished the speech and went back into the magic ball.

    Berry smiled and kept the magic ball in a safe place.

    Two days passed after that fight. The magic city came back to normal. The sunlight is brighter as ever. Berry, Twist, and Ties became best of friends and promised that they would never forget Black, who gave his life to save others.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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