

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Adventure of Magic War [ฉบับ English]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : Trust!

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 10 ต.ค. 55


            The Black&Berry and TwisTies went separate way to complete the plan that Berry told them. Everything went well. Two BlackWind were knocked out. Berry said that knocking them out is enough because it would take too long to kill it and if they kill BlackWind, something could go wrong with the magic ball.

            Berry did not cast a spell on the other 3 BlackWind so Twist and Ties could not knocked them out. Black tried to use fire to slow them down but it would be more effective with earth element. Black was losing his power and Berry had to cast healing spell which drained her power as well.

            “I don’t think I can hold on much longer.” Berry casted healing spells.

            While she was casting her healing spell, 1 of the BlackWind was about to attack her. Ties came to rescue her and she hit BlackWind in the face with her earth magic.

            When Berry used her healing II power for Black, Twist, and Ties, Berry raised a concerning statement.

            “I don’t think we can keep fighting them like this. We might not get the magic ball. Someone has to go in and get it out. The rest will have to stay out here and fight off the BlackWind if needed.” Berry spoke while fighting off the Blackwind.

            “Twist and I will stay. You two should keep moving.” Ties spoke her opinion for the first time.

            “I should stay to help you heal.” Berry said.

            “You already heal them with your healing II power. It should last them a while.” Black explained.

            “In here, the force is so strong. I can only use half of my power.” Berry argued.

            “Then you two should hurry there and back.” Twist said while fighting off the Black wind vigorously. Twist looked quite scary.

            “Don’t worry. Trust us.” Ties spoke again for the second time.

            Berry smiled and ran off feeling good about having trustworthy friends.
    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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