

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Topic 1

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 915
      27 ม.ค. 50


    Here are three exercises to help you master the concept of "Topics." The exercises increase in difficulty.

    There are five paragraphs below. After each paragraph are two questions about the topic of the paragraph.  Read the paragraphs and answer the questions.  The correct answers and explanations follow the five paragraphs.

    A. A national contest to find the worst boss in the nation had some remarkable candidates. One person nominated a boss who had a sign on his desk saying "people are animals." Another named a boss who liked to choke and bite his employees. And the winner was a boss who would not let his employees go to a funeral unless they produced a death notice that was printed in the local paper.

    1. As a topic of this paragraph, "A national contest" is

        a. too general      b. just right       c. too specific

    2. As a topic of this paragraph, "A  national worst boss contest" is

        a. too general      b. just right       c. too specific

    B. Hot tubs have become popular places to relax and relieve muscle tension. However, if you use a hot tub, you should be careful. Dipping your body in hot water makes your heart beat faster. This can be a problem for people with high blood pressure. The hot water also raises your body temperature. This can cause a loss of important body fluids. And five to ten minutes in a hot tub burns off blood sugar. This can be harmful for people with diabetes.

    3. As a topic of this paragraph, "Cautions for using a hot tub" is

        a. too general      b. just right       c. too specific

    4. As a topic of this paragraph, "What five to ten minutes in a hot tub can do" is

        a. too general      b. just right       c. too specific

    C. The highest military honor in the land is to be named as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Only a few military men have held this post. The first Chairman was General Omar Bradley, who was nominated by President Harry Truman. Other Chairs have included General Maxwell Taylor, Admiral William Crowe, and General Colin Powell, who became famous for his handling of the Gulf War.

    5. As a topic of this paragraph, "General Colin Powell" is

        a. too general      b. just right       c. too specific

    6. As a topic of this paragraph, "Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff" is

        a. too general       b. just right       c. too specific

    D. There are currently 5.5 billion people living in the world today. Population is expected to grow rapidly in coming years. By the year 2000, this figure is expected to grow to 6.3 billion. It is estimated that twenty-five years later, over 8 billion people will inhabit the planet. And in sixty years, population will be over 10 billion.

    7. As a topic of this paragraph, "Population growth" is

        a. too general      b. just right        c. too specific

    8. As a topic of this paragraph, "The number of people in the world today" is

        a. too general      b. just right        c. too specific

    E. People who don't brush their teeth regularly usually have bad breath. However, there are other causes of bad breath. A throat infection is one source of bad breath. A sinus problem can also cause bad breath. Even too much coffee or alcohol can cause bad breath. And a stomach problem resulting in acid buildup can be a contributor, as well.

    9. As a topic of this paragraph, "Bad breath" is

        a. too general      b. just right        c. too specific

    10. As a topic of this paragraph, "Causes of bad breath" is

        a. too general      b. just right        c. too specific

    Answers and Explanations

    A. 1. a 2. b (The paragraph gives examples of bad bosses who have been nominated in a contest to find the worst boss in the nation. "A national contest" is too general, since the paragraph is talking about one particular contest.)

    B. 3. b 4. c (The paragraph lists cautions for people who use a hot tub. "What five to ten minutes in a hot tub can do" is too specific because it is one of the cautions.)

    C. 5. c 6. b (This paragraph identifies people who have been Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "General Colin Powell" is too specific because he is only one of the people who were Chairmen.)

    D. 7. b  8. c (If you ask yourself the question "Who or what is this paragraph about?", your answer should be "Population growth in years to come." Thus, "Population growth" is just right; "The number of people in the world today" is too specific, since it says nothing about the future.)

    E. 9. a 10. b (This paragraph gives the causes of bad breath. "Bad breath" is too general because it does not focus on the actual subject that is discussed.)


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