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    Easy Programing

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : Sass Ⅰ - Sass Fundamentals

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      31 ธ.ค. 61


    What is Sass?

    Sass is a language that allows you to write CSS in a more convenient and efficient way. There are 2 ways to write Sass, SASS syntax and SCSS syntax. At Progate, we use SCSS syntax, which is the more common syntax. Note that the file extension is . scss rather than .css .

    Why Sass?

    Some of the benefits of using Sass are shown below. In this lesson, you will learn about these benefits in detail and how to take advantage of them.

    Nested Structures

    First, let's look at the nesting structure that is used very often in Sass. With nesting, you can rewrite your CSS as shown in the example below. In this way, Sass allows you to nest selectors in other selectors. So, with Sass, you don't have to write the same selector many times.

    Benefits of Nesting

    The larger a site becomes, the more useful nesting becomes. It's especially useful when making changes to class names. If you wanted to change the class name of the header in the example below, you would need to make changes in 3 places with normal CSS, but with Sass you only need to make one change.

    The & Symbol

    Review of :hover

    Before learning about the & symbol, let's review :hover and :active. The state in which the cursor is hovering over an element is called hover. In CSS, with selector: hover, you can apply specific CSS when the cursor is over an element.

    Review of :active

    By using active with a selector, CSS can be applied only while an element is being clicked. This can be done with the syntax: selector: active.

    The & Symbol

    With nesting, you can rewrite selector: hover as &: hover, as shown below. Remember that & can be used in this way with any selector - hover, active, etc.

    Applying CSS to Specific Elements

    When you want to apply CSS to only the second

  • tag you can use the syntax element.class-name, as shown below. This syntax is often used for applying CSS to specific elements among many others.

    Referencing Specific Elements

    In the previous page, you learned to reference specific elements easily with the & symbol in Sass. With normal CSS, you have to write the same element name repeatedly, but in Sass you can just write it once, so it's simple and easy to apply different CSS code to specific elements.


    Next, we will learn about variables in Sass. A variable is like a box that holds a value. The figure below illustrates how variables work. They are especially useful in cases when the same value needs to be used many times. We'll learn about them in more detail in later slides.

    Defining Variables

    To use variables, you first need to define them. Variables are defined with the syntax: $variable-name: value; as shown below. You can think of it like saying "put the value on the right into the variable on the left", this is called assignment.

    How to Use Variables

    Using variables is easy. Just write the variable name (i.e. $progate-color) as shown below. By writing the variable name in the place you want to use it, the value (#26546a) stored in the variable will be automatically be inserted. This makes it possible to reference the same value from difference places, making it easy to change.

    Placement of Variable Definitions

    Note that a variable must be defined before the line where it is used. Since the style sheet (CSS) is read from the top down, if you define a variable after the line where you want to use it, an error will occur because it will be interpreted as an undefined variable.

    Variable Scope

    You can also specify the range in which variables can be used. This range is called scope. Even if you want to use a variable after defining it, you can't if it's outside of its scope. This is why we will first define variables in the outermost part of the nested structure.


    What are mixins?

    Now we'll look at mixins, which is a very powerful feature of Sass. A mixin is a function that allows you to combine multiple lines of code and easily re-use it. This removes the need to write the same code over and over and reduces duplicate code.

    Defining mixins

    To use a mixin you need to define it first. The syntax for defining a mixin is @mixin mixin-name {code} as shown in the example below.

    Calling mixins

    Next, let's see how to use a mixin after it has been defined. You can use mixins in a Sass file with the syntax @include mixin-name. When you use @include, the code from the mixin will be loaded into that area. After the mixin is called, the code in the two examples will be the same.

    mixins with Arguments

    Information like color values can be passed to mixins as arguments. Arguments can be used to make your code more dynamic and are commonly used in programming. By passing color values and other data as arguments to a mixin, they can be used within the mixin.

    Passing Data to mixins

    After adding arguments to a mixin, you can use @include to pass values. In the example on the right, the value passed with include (#ff0000) is assigned to $color in the mixin. You can use different values to for each @include, making your code more flexible.


    Functions are more or less universal in programming. You can use them in Sass to do things like "make a color %50 brighter" for example.

    Common Useful Functions

    Various functions are available in Sass. As a start, it's useful to remember some very common functions. Functions are commonly used to manipulate colors as shown below. There are many functions for the purpose of modifying colors. Let's learn these first.


    Let's learn how to loads external files with import. In order to allow a file to be imported, adding an _ to the beginning of the file name is required. Also, the general syntax for loading a file is filename as shown in the example on the right.

    Abbreviating Filenames

    Note that when importing a file, you can leave out the _ and the file extension (.scss) as in the example on the right.

    Common Ways of Using import

    A popular way of using import is to create a file with many variable definitions and load it with . This method makes it easier to refer to and keep track of variables and is used in the development of many professional websites.


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