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    Easy Programing

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Command Line Ⅰ - Getting Started

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 31 ธ.ค. 61

    Creating Files

    Command Line

              The command line is a tool for interacting with a computer using only text rather than other methods like clicking and scrolling. Let's learn these skills thoroughly because they are essential for developing websites and applications! UNIX command is a type of command that is used in Linux and mac.


              Like the image below, you can give instructions to the computer by entering commands into what is called a terminal. Let's start looking at what kind of commands there are in the next slides.

    Creating a File

              First, let's look at the command for creating new files, the touch command. You can create an empty file by typing touch file_name and executing it.

    Executing a Command

              You can execute a command by pressing the Enter key after typing it.

    Displaying a File

    Displaying the Content of a File

              You can also display the content of a file with the cat command. To use the cat command, type cat file_name.

    Error of a Command 

                   If you specify a file that does not exist using the cat command, you will get an error, and the command will not be executed.

    Tab Completion

              The command line also has a useful completion feature . Like in the image below, if you press the Tab key while entering a file name or folder name, the rest of the name gets auto-completed. Using tab completion not only improves efficiency but prevents typing mistakes too.

    Creating a Directory

              You can create a new folder using a command as well. A folder is also called a directory. To create a directory, use the mkdir command as follows: mkdir directory_name.



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