ลำดับตอนที่ #6
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ลำดับตอนที่ #6 : เนื้อเพลงภาษาลาตินของ Final Fantasy Versus XIII : Somnus -Sleep-
Tellus dormit
et liberi hiemem faciunt numquam exstinct.
Ne experti si posit.
Omnae dividit,
tragedia parum amandum quae.
Et novem per vel tua in fierem
vi erat e dorme
paroram vidae verum quae
mane tempum
experti cendi.
A kingdom sleeps
And children make groans that are never diminished
Nor can they hope.
A man is divided.
He faces a tragedy and is sent away.
And to travel at night from destruction
Is his other burden.
To bear every fear is his punishment
Which he must endure throughout time
And from it ascend.