

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    + : : + ห้องเก็บของ + : : +

    ลำดับตอนที่ #5 : + : : + ห้องเก็บโค้ด + : : + >>>ชี้ลิ้งค์เปลี่ยนสี

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 5 พ.ค. 54

    <script type="text/javascript">

    // ใส่รหัสสีของสีที่ต้องการให้เปลี่ยนเมื่อนำ MOUSE ไปวางบน LINK ครับ (ใส่แค่รหัส 6 ตัวนะครับ ไม่ต้องใส่ # นะครับ)
    var fadeTo = "ffffff";

    // Fade in colour increment/decrement by
    var fiBy = 6;

    // Fade out colour increment/decrement by
    var foBy = 10;

    // Speed - milliseconds between each colour change in the fade
    // Less than 10ms doesn't really make all that much difference, so
    // 10 is the minimum effective value.
    var speed = 10;

    // Class name of links to NOT fade (i.e. ignore)
    // var ignoreClass = "somebogusvalue" if you don't want to
    // use this feature. Alternatively, add onmouseover="clearFade()"
    // to the link you do not wish to fade.
    var ignoreClass = "ignore";

    // No more changes required (unless you know what you are doing)
    // Enjoy... and email me and let me know what site(s) you are using it on :)
    var opera, ie, dom, x = 0, oc, fader, ocs = new Array();

    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) opera = true
    else if (document.all && !opera) ie = true
    else if (!document.all && document.getElementById) dom = true;

    function convertRGB(z)
      var newfcS = "", splitter = "";
      splitter = z.split(",");
      splitter[0] = parseInt(splitter[0].substring(4, splitter[0].length));
      splitter[1] = parseInt(splitter[1]);
      splitter[2] = parseInt(splitter[2].substring(0, splitter[2].length-1));
      for (var q = 0; q < 3; q++)
        splitter[q] = splitter[q].toString(16);
        if (splitter[q].length == 1) splitter[q] = "0" + splitter[q];
        newfcS += splitter[q];
      return newfcS;

    function currentColour(index)
      var temp, cc;
      if (opera) cc = document.links[index].style.color
      else if (ie) cc = document.links[index].currentStyle.color
      else if (dom) cc = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.links[index], '').getPropertyValue("color");
      if (cc.length == 4 && cc.substring(0, 1) == "#")
        temp = "";
        for (var a = 0; a < 3; a++)
         temp += cc.substring(a+1, a+2) + cc.substring(a+1, a+2);
        cc = temp;
      else if (cc.indexOf("rgb") != -1) cc = convertRGB(cc)
      else if (cc.length == 7) cc = cc.substring(1, 7)
      else cc = fadeTo;
      return cc;

    function convert2Dec(hex)
      var rgb = new Array();
      for (var u = 0; u < 3; u++)
       rgb[u] = parseInt(hex.substring(u*2, u*2+2), 16);
      return rgb;

    function newRGB(f, n, d)
      var change;
      if (d == 1) change = fiBy
      else change = foBy;
      for (var g = 0; g < 3; g++)
        if (n[g] > f[g] && n[g] - change >= 0) n[g] -= change;
        if (n[g] < f[g] && n[g] + change <= 255) n[g] += change;
      return n;

    function fade(index, d)
      var fc, nc, temp = new Array(), finished = false;
      nc = convert2Dec(currentColour(index));
      if (d == 1) fc = convert2Dec(fadeTo)
      else fc = convert2Dec(ocs[x]);
      temp = convert2Dec(currentColour(index));
      nc = newRGB(fc, nc, d);
      if ((nc[0] == temp[0]) && (nc[1] == temp[1]) && (nc[2] == temp[2]))
       finished = true;
      if (!finished) document.links[x].style.color = "rgb(" + nc[0] + "," + nc[1] + "," + nc[2] + ")"
      else clearInterval(fader);

    function findLink(over)
      if (document.layers) return;
      if (fader)
        document.links[x].style.color = "#" + ocs[x];
      if (over && !this.id) this.id = over;
      x = 0;
      while (!(this.id == document.links[x].id) && (x < document.links.length))
      if (this.id == document.links[x].id)
        oc = currentColour(x);
        fader = setInterval("fade(" + x  + ", 1)", speed);

    function clearFade()
      if (document.layers) return;
      if (fader) clearInterval(fader);
      fader = setInterval("fade(" + x + ", 0)", speed);

    function init()
      for (var i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++)
        ocs[i] = currentColour(i);
        var currentOver = document.links[i].onmouseover;
        var currentOut = document.links[i].onmouseout;
        var ignoreIt = document.links[i].className == ignoreClass;
        if (!ignoreIt) document.links[i].id = "link" + i;
        if (!currentOver && !currentOut && !ignoreIt)
          document.links[i].onmouseover = findLink;
          document.links[i].onmouseout = clearFade;

    if (opera || ie || dom) window.onload = init;


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    อีบุ๊ก ดูทั้งหมด


