“ Love Chapter ”
          love is like a war
Easy to start
Difficult to end
Impossible to forget..
    watching the stars
till they’re gone .like an actor all alone .
      Who never knew the story we was in . Who never knew the story end.
      like the sky reflecting my heart all the colors become unvisible when you gone
      try to find the answer
try to hide the tears but it just like a circle that
      never end
.loneliness your silent whisper fills the river of tears through
      the night
sometimes our tears blinded the love we lost our dream along
      the way
let time like the rain and set me free
sand of time will keep
      your memory
what can I say you leave me out of my eyes what  can  I
      say all I can hear is voice from dream
I want to runaway from reality
      that I’ve been crying  missing and thinking of you
time may change my
      life but my heart remain the same to you time may change your hearth but
      my love for you never change
now you gone away where can I go from
I believed if time passes every thing turns into beauty every sound
      begin playing a beautiful melody ...but my mind is still in
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