

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    ++Screw ++

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : ประวัติวง screw (ภาษาอังกฤษ)

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 753
      3 พ.ค. 52


    SCREW, formed in March 2006, may be a new band, but their members have good experience from their former bands. Vocalist Byo used to be a member of Joker together with the bassist Yuuto, who was also in gossip for a short while. Guitarist Kazuki used to be in Clover, their drummer Jin was in LiViNg DEAD and Manabu who used to be their support guitarist, became an official member after they signed onto the label indie PSC in May 2007.

    They started off playing secret lives and their first oneman concert was held at Takadanobaba AREA on April 23. Their first mini-album, Nanairo no Reienka, was released in July that same year and it was limited to 2000 copies.

    Several concerts were held and three maxi-singles were released later in the year, and to finish off 2006 they were invited to be a part of the Winter Romantic Fes.3days「X-day」 event organized by Kanoma (ex Fatima) and Kamijo (Versailles, ex Lareine).

    2007 began with more concerts and in March they released a full length album which they called Fusion of the core. A promotional tour for the album, LIMITED FUSION, soon followed. A short while after the tour, SCREW was signed on to PSC and they released the singles VENOM and VIRUS.

    Much more can be expected from this young band as they have many concerts scheduled and they can be counted on to turn out some great new releases as well


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