

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Borrowed Time

    ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : BRENDON

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 13
      28 มิ.ย. 64

    - II -


    I just got out of the hotel room filled with pleasure and guilt.” I love Gab. I love Gab. I love Gab.” I told myself repeatedly as I walking through the hallway. I felt like I’m being unfaithful to Gab but I don’t want to fail Pat in any way. We’ve all been together for ages going through so much shit. This shouldn’t be our end. I do keep a secret from Gab.. well not much of a secret. Not like I can but this definitely one of them.

    The phone vibrates in Brendon’s back pocket. The caller id says “Gab”

    “Honey bunny where are you? We gotta get married today remember?” Gab, excited and eccentric, speaking from the other end of the call

    “I’m on my way. My future wife. Not gonna lie the bachelor party was wild!” Brendon said. Trying to sound equally eccentric.

    “Yeah.. yeah... Wild. Like you’re gonna be with someone else other than me. Hurry honey B. drive safe.” gab replied

    “Of course babe. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Brendon said before he hung up. Giving a little smooch before he pressed the red button.

    I rush into the elevator and rushed out the front door of the hotel. Ask the reception if I could get a ride to the hotel where I’m supposed to be. I’m quite happy Gab agreed to pick this hotel. The planning phase was a pain in the ass. Luckily Pat was around he sure was really helpful. Pat could actually be our wedding planner but we both agreed that maybe it’s best for all of us to let the third party be our WP. as much as we both love Pat. we know for sure he couldn’t handle this kind of thing and he’ll get it so personal. Also... Pat was never actually achieve anything. We both believe in him. We do but he’s not much of an achiever. He got great ideas and thoughts but he’s so irresponsible. It’s like he could solve everyone else's problem but not his own. I walked in a cab as I was getting lost in my thought. I told the driver the destination. I look at the watch it’s now 3:44 am “don’t you to sleep gabby.” I thought.

    I finally arrived at the hotel. Abel, as flamboyant as ever, he’s one of Pat and Gab mutual friend and our wedding planner. waiting outside as if he knows I’m arriving.

    “Honey... Brendon... Pat texted me yesterday last night that you’d arrive around this time” Abel said

    Abel is always flirty. He’s flirty with everyone. It’s really strange because as a wedding planner, being flirty isn’t really a good Idea but how he works is just impressive. I guess that’s why he could stay in the business for quite a while.

    “C’mon and what’s that smell. Honey, you really do have bad taste in fragrance. Funny Gab never mentioned it but Pat did. Let’s go fix you up. Mr. Groom and husband to be” Abel said

    I shocked a little by the guilt. I’ve always been a bad liar. I mean if I’m good at not showing expression if I don’t have to say anything... So that’s how I keep a secret, by not saying anything at all.

    “That’s your job. Abel. let’s go I don’t want today to be such a mess. Gab will sure have my head if that’s happened” I replied and Abel giggles.

    “Right this way. And see.. I told you that velvet red looks good on your skin. For both of you. Today is gonna be one hell of a day for me and both of you” Abel said afterward and lead me to the groom dressing room. Near the gala hall.

    I reached the room with nothing but the dressing table and clothing rags in the room. Abel is preparing my wedding suits so I sneak to the other end and went to check the ceremony hall. Every. Fuckin. Thing Is red. The guest’s bench. The banquet decorated on those white marble pillars. The wedding cake. I’m not really sure if this is the wedding but damn it looks unique. All the red colored decoration contrast the shiny white marble hall and look so.. As pat would say “marvellous”. Pat is sure gonna make fun of me if he hear my thought for being such straight macho and saying marvellous. I’m really thankful for Gab to for listening to me and let me decide on this one big thing of her dream. I’m such a lucky guy.

    “Come back here and get dress! What if you ran into the bride you silly” Abel scold a little.

    “C’mon It’s like 2030. Aren’t we all done with such nonsense? I just want to see if you’ve done your job as we said” I replied and laughed gleefully mocking Abel serious face. He got a little upset and walk back in the dressing room. I followed.

    “Okay I want you to shower again and get rid of that smell.. And honey. Never. Ever. wear it again”

    “Geez. that’s harsh is it really that bad”

    “I would call off the wedding if I were Gab”

    “Fine, I’ll be right back.”

    I let Abel lead me where I could shower again. I took a quick one. Feeling a little weird for taking shower twice in such a short time. I jumped out of the shower, putting my underwear on Able knocked on the door and rush me (Again)

    “You could go to the wedding with just that underwear though,” Abel said. Clearly couldn’t keep it in his pants.

    “Don’t get all Pat on me right now. I’m about to get married. Sorry” I replied. Playfully.

    Abel laughed and now showing clear signs of hurriedness. He passed me the suit. I’m getting used to getting flirted with by the gays. Not to sound arrogant. I’m flattered. But it’s not easy how to act around them. Pat did flirt to me all the time. And I know he had... Or have a crush on me. Pat said I could just be myself and just get used to it because I’ll get that all the time and Gab... She’s so not happy with it. Gab has her way to show her territory and seems like Pat is one of the gays who’s still around. Maybe because we had a history because other than that... I don’t see how Pat would.

    An hour has passed. I’m now fully dressed in velvet red silky suits. Black shirt and white bow tie. Abel do know how to make men look good. He had left the room after we finished a while ago. I looked at the clock and just realize I’ve been sitting here collecting my thoughts for almost an hour. There’s not much left for the groom to do anyway. Strange. I don’t feel as excited as I should be. Nor sad or disappoint or happy. This doesn’t happen often but of all the time it happened just before the wedding... I could really sense that there’s something wrong. Something I can’t quite tell what it is,  something bad is about to happen.

    Now I'm at the ceremonial hall and look out at the guesses. Waiting on the aisle anxiously waiting for the bride. I don’t really anything as my concern right now is just two things “Where the hell is my ring bearer and DON’T MESS UP THE FUCKIN VOW” and as I looked to my right the door flung open. Pat walked in. sweat all over his face is pale. Heaving breath like he just went for a jog of his life. I’m used to seeing him being like this. He’s always late... Always. But this time as I could sense there’s something off.. Pat looked... Worried, concern and confuse. Pat hardly show facial expression but I know him. I make my way around the guest’s benches and see if he’s okay

    “I got it. I got it. Let’s get back to the aisle” Pat said

    “You looked like you’ve been through hell.. Is there something wrong?” I asked, concerned

    “Don’t worry. It was a weird ride on my way here I’ll explain later after the wedding. Here’s your fucking ring” Pat replied. Clearly hiding something.

    Me and Pat walking back to the aisle. The hall is buzzing with the guests' gossip voice trying to figure out what’s happening. Pat's brothers are also here. They’re a little shocked. Pat sees them and waves. Still trying to hide and gathering his strength back up. I waved at them too to keep them there. ”I got it” I mouthed. We both arrived at the aisle. Pat is adjusting himself behind and now the door flung open again. This time I’m startled. Impressed, I remain still.

    Gab is walking in with her velvet red wedding dress and white laces. It’s not fancy like other wedding dresses or gowns but damn... Gab looks fierce. It fit her perfectly. The laces on her chest and shoulder the long dress also with the white roses laced to the end of the dress. Gabriella walks down the aisle slowly dragging her long dress follow the little kids sprinkling the white rose petal on the red carpet. She’s clearly excited But also Pleased. Gab looks so happy. We’ve talked about the wedding is not such a big deal but I’m glad it happened and get to see her this beautiful and happy. Gab reached the aisle and the little kid walk to get the ring from Patrick. I just notice that Pat is tearing up. I can only wish it’s the tear of joy. Pat says it a lot that he wishes us both happy but I know him. maybe he meant only half of it. At the end of the day, he knows I’ll choose Gab.

    “We are gathered here today to witness, to join Brendon and Gabriella in matrimony. These two people present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together. You may speak now or forever hold your peace.”

    A momentary pause popped up... And just right before the pastor opens his mouth to confirm my wedding. The entire halls gasp.. I looked out at the guests and sees no hand. Then I turned back at Gab.. she’s shocked and started tearing up, her available hand covering her mouth and then I look at the pastor and sees him look at my left side. His jaw dropped. At that moment. I know what happened.

    “For fuck’s sake Pat. can’t I just Married in peace”


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