

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Borrowed Time

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : PATRICK

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 77
      10 เม.ย. 67






    “I can’t believe you’re getting married tomorrow” I said while I dragging my index finger along the line between his defined hairy chest. Covered in thick bed sheet on the cheap bed. The only smell I could sense right now is “His chest is just… perfect... gosh..” I’m thinking to myself

    “I know right? It’s a little bizarre for me too. Well… after last night” He said


    “Are you saying last night was a mistake?” I asked. Keeping my face as straight as possible. Trying not to show any emotions


    “It is.. It surely is.” He replied


    I stopped my hand. My face frowned a little more than i was before. Just one sec the smile i had when i woke up just faded.


    “I wish It happened sooner, wayyyy back before things are these complicated” He said


    I pinch his left nipple as hard as I could “you idiot” I said. He groan and grab my wrist and throw me over to his right side. Then he jumped on me looking right down to my eyes.

    “I mean that” He said. This time when i look at his face. I can see sadness in his eyes even he’s smiling down at me. I shrugged. Place my hand on his left cheek.

    “You better get going. Having a marriage to attend.. Remember?” I said, trying so hard to smile. At the moment I know that smile I made was forced. He touch my nose and then “boop” I laughed a little. He jumped off without a word. Rush to shower and shouted “what time is it again?”

    “Time to leave.. Hurry up!” I shouted


    I look at the watch on the wall at the end of the bed. All I could think of is how happy i was last night and how it’s fast it goes. Just last night I was so happy but.. This morning… especially today. I pushing myself up. Leaning against the headboard. Rubbing my eyes again and stretch and as I was doing so. He came out of shower with his white tight brief.


    “Yeah.. I get it. You’re gorgeous. Mr. greek god. Go put on your tux. Bitch.”


    He laughed a little and start getting in his trousers then putting his shirt on afterwards and tug then in his slacks. I got up and grab his suit jacket. Putting it on him from behind. Now we’re both facing the mirror. I only have my boxer on at that point. As he adjusting his jacket I grab and hugged him under his arms. Facing down his back trying to hold on to him. Or what will left of him as much as possible. Tearing up a bit.


    “Can’t you cancel it? You know.. The marriage”


    He grabbed my hand and speak to me facing the mirror. Pulling them down his sides and turn back and facing me saying

    “You know I can’t and You know so well how much I love her. All of this is just because of our deal”


    “So.. there’s nothing more than that? Last night was just meaningless?”


    “Don’t be silly. After all the things we’ve been through. Those crazy years we had. You meant a lot to me man.. I don’t want to lose you… plus you said it yourself that you won’t be like this… you know.. Being such drama queen.”


    He was right. I said it myself. And that’s stupid of me to said so.. “I should think with my dick less.” I told myself


    “Look… I knew you would be like this but I did agreed to do this anyway.. I guess there’s part of me remained curious. And I got to try it and as we agreed. You want me to tried it with you.. So I did. It was pretty good but I still don’t see you any other way than my best bud.. Also I need to leave now and you.. Don’t you be late and forget the damn ring”


    I pause and think only a few second. Then I gather up my strength.. Or what’s left of it. And push him on his chest as hard as I could but of course he didn’t move at all. Not one millimeters Even now he’s just built so thick. “Is he a fuckin brick?” i thought

    “Just fucking go. I won’t forget it. You’re marrying one of my best friend. Not everyone can get to be maid or honor and best man at the same wedding. I’m soooooooo honored. I want you two to be happily.. Well not ever after” I do my evil laugh. He laugh along a little and turn back and quickly jump over the bed and leave the room


    “Bye bitch. See you at the wedding” he shout when he leave the hotel room. Left me with complete silence and a smell of his perfume. “Bitch got bad taste, It’s smells like unflattering hot male model who’s dumb but look irresistible” I think to myself. And then the silence hit me again as I stood there. but this time even my thought isn’t saying a thing. I could hardly believe. Even I’ve left myself in the silence.


    The phone vibrates on the bedside table. I startled and jump to the phone. The screen said “Unknown Caller” I hesitate a little before i picked up the call.


    “Hello. This is Patrick who is this?”


    After a short silence and white noise. The caller start talking in weird edited voice like a footage from multiple source. Like those obama’s sings video on youtube.


    “What If you could lived your life differently, what If you can fix what have done in the past, what if you can go back to fix the choices you’ve made. You know you’re a result of series of mistakes you’ve made.. WE CAN HELP YOU.”


    I stopped listening and hung up the phone. “What the hell...” and look at the time on my phone


    “Shit! Where’s the ring?” I jumped as I see the time is now 5:03 and I need to be at the wedding in less than half an hour so I jumped in the shower and I heard the phone vibrates again. But I ignored it and finished my shower. I grabbed my clothes and wearing only my red velvet trousers put on my favorite red sneakers and rush to the reception to check out. as I was rushing past all the rooms in the hallway I can't help but start thinking about the weird phone calls I've received back in the hotel room. now I'm quite fully clothed. Brendon Loves red and Gabby (Gabriella) agreed on this one for the wedding. so the theme color is of course red. I'm glad Gabby let Brendon goes with this one because I love red too.


        "ding" The sounds of the elevator arrived rang. I walked in. noticed the lady wearing black dress. she looks like she's in her late 20s her face shows no emotions at all. giving me creep a little but I smile at her regardless


    "Ground floor please, madame" I told the lady in the elevator


        she didn't move. as if she couldn't hear me at all. so I pressed the G button on the panel in the glass elevator myself and I didn't look at her after that. all those 14 floors elevator ride went completely silence. I can't help but hoping this if this elevator ride could've finish sooner. I rushed out once the "ding" sound rang. I walked straight to the elevator. carrying the bags full of clothes. It's not so big because I only stayed here for one night and after the wedding. I'll rush home. I looked back because of my curiosity won. I wonder who's she with and why is she so cold like that. maybe she's so professional she got rid of all her emotions.. who knows. but she didn't move or got out off the elevator and I also have a feeling that she's looking at me but this is too late for me to care about anything else. I ran out off the hotel. told the valet guy to get my car and I immediately jumped in the car and drove out. thinking about the phone call again I barely focus on the road. then i stopped myself and refocused on one thing.


    The goddamn wedding.


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