ลำดับตอนที่ #1
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ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : รายชื่อ เทพตำนาน Norse (สแกนดิเนเวียโบราณ)
Name | Description |
Aesir | Chief gods of Asgard; one of two groups of gods, the Aesir and the Vanir |
Andvari | Dwarf; robbed of gold and magic ring by Loki |
Angerbotha (Angerboda, Angrboda) | Giantess; mother by Loki of Fenrir, Hel, and Jormungand |
Asgard (Asgarth) | Abode of the Aesir gods |
Ask | First man; created by Odin, Hoenir, and Lothur |
Asynjur | Goddesses of Asgard |
Atli | Second husband of Gudrun; invited Gunnar and Hogni to his court, where they were slain; slain by Gudrun |
Audhumia (Audhambla, Audhumla) | Cow that nourished Ymir, whom she created by licking ice cliff |
Balder (Baldur, Baldr) | God of light, spring, peace, joy; son of Odin; inadvertently slain by Hod at instigation of Loki |
Bergelmir | Frost giant who, with his wife, was the only giant to survive death of Ymir |
Bifrost | Rainbow bridge connecting Midgard and Asgard |
Bor (Bur) | Son of Buri; father of Odin, Hoenir, and Lothur |
Bragi | God of poetry |
Branstock | Great oak in hall of Volsungs; into it, Odin thrust the magic sword Gram, which only Sigmund could draw forth |
Brynhild | Valkyrie; wakened from magic sleep by Sigurd; married Gunnar; instigateddeath of Sigurd; killed herself and was burned on pyre beside Sigurd |
Buri (Bori, Bure) | Progenitor of gods; father of Bor; created by Audhumia |
Einherjar | The chosen slain, whose souls dwelled in Valhalla |
Embla | First woman; created by Odin, Hoenir, and Lothur |
Fafnir | Son of Hreidmar, whom he slew for gold in Otter's skin; in form of dragon, guarded gold; slain by Sigurd |
Fenrir | Wolf; offspring of Loki; posed a threat to the gods until they were able to restrain him |
Forseti (Forsete) | Son of Balder; god of justice and conciliation |
Frey (Freyr) | God of wealth and crops; son of Njord; originally one of Vanir |
Freya (Freyja, Frea) | Goddess of love and beauty; sister of Frey; originally one of Vanir |
Frigg (Frigga) | Chief goddess; goddess of marriage; wife of Odin |
Garm | Watchdog of Hel |
Gerd | Wife of Frey; the most beautiful of all women |
Gimle | Home of blessed after Ragnarok |
Ginnungagap | Yawning chasm that existed at the beginning of the universe; within it were Niflheim and Muspelheim |
Giuki | King of the Nibelungs; father of Gunnar, Hogni, Guttorm, and Gudrun |
Gladsheim (Glathsehim) | Hall of the gods in Asgard |
Gleipnir | Magic cord used to shackle Fenrir |
Grimhild | Mother of Gudrun; administered magic |
Gudrun | Daughter of Giuki; wife of Sigurd; later wife of Atli and Jonakr |
Gunnar | Son of Giuki; in his semblance Sigurd won Brynhild for him; slain at hall of Atli |
Guttorm | Son of Giuki; slew Sigurd at Brynhild's request |
Heimdall (Heimdallr) | Guardian of Asgard; son of Odin |
Hel | Goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld; daughter of Loki |
Hel | A realm of the dead within the underworld; a place of fog and intense cold |
Hermod | Messenger of the gods; son of Odin and Frigg |
Hiordis | Wife of Sigmund; mother of Sigurd |
Hod (Hoder, Hodur) | Blind god of night and darkness; tricked by Loki into slaying Balder |
Hoenir | One of the creators of Ask and Embla; son of Bor |
Hreidmar | Father of Regin, Otter, and Fafnir; demanded Otter's skin be filled with gold; slain by Fafnir, who stole the gold |
Idunn (Ithun, Iduna) | Keeper of the golden apples of youth; wife of Bragi |
Jonakr | Third husband of Gudrun |
Jormungand | Midgard Serpent; chief enemy of Thor; symbol of evil |
Jormunrek | Slayer of Swanhild; slain by sons of Gudrun |
Jotun | Race of giants |
Jotunheim (Jotunnheim,Jotunheimr) | Abode of the giants |
Lif and Lifthrasir | First man and woman after Ragnarok |
Loki | God of evil and mischief; instigator of Balder's death |
Lothur (Lodur) | One of the creators of Ask and Embla |
Mani | Being who drove the moon; brother of Sol |
Midgard (Midgarth) | Abode of humans; the Earth |
Mimir | Giant; guardian of the well in Jotunheim at root of Yggdrasil; had immense wisdom and knowledge of past, present, and future |
Mjolnir | Magic hammer of Thor |
Muspelheim | Hot, glowing land of fire in the south of Ginnungagap |
Naglfar | Ship to be used by giants in attacking Asgard at Ragnarok; built from nails of dead men |
Nanna | Wife of Balder |
Nibelungs | Dwellers in northern kingdom ruled by Giuki |
Niflheim (Nifelheim) | Outer region of cold and darkness; site of Hel, the land of the dead |
Njord (Njorth; Njordr) | Father of Frey and Freya; originally one of the Vanir |
Nott | Giantess; personification of night |
Norns | Demigoddesses of fate; Urd (Urdr), the past; Verdande, the present; Skuld, the future |
Odin (Othin) | Chief of the Aesir; creator of the world with Vili and Ve; equivalent to Woden (Wodan, Wotan) in Teutonic mythology |
Otter | Son of Hreidmar; slain by Loki; his skin was filled with the gold hoard of Andvari to appease Rodmar |
Ragnarok | Final destruction of the present world in battle between gods and giants; some minor gods would survive, and Lif and Lifthrasia |
would repeople the world | |
Regin | Blacksmith; son of Hreidmar; foster father of Sigurd |
Rerir | King of the Huns; son of Sigi |
Sif | Wife of Thor; goddess of grain and fertility |
Siggeir | King of the Goths; husband of Signy; he and his sons slew Volsung and his sons, except Sigmund; slain by Sigmund and Sinflotli |
Sigi | King of Huns; son of Odin |
Sigmund | Son of Volsung; brother of Signy, who bore him Sinflotli; husband of Hiordis, who bore him Sigurd |
Signy | Daughter of Volsung; sister of Sigmund; wife of Siggeir; mother by Sigmund of Sinflotli |
Sigurd | Son of Sigmund and Hiordis; wakened Brynhild from a magic sleep; married Gudrun; slain by Guttorm at instigation of Brynhild |
Sigyn | Wife of Loki |
Sinflotli | Son of Sigmund and Signy |
Skidbladnir | Magic ship made by dwarfs and owned by Frey; could be folded up like a handkerchief |
Sleipnir (Sleipner) | Eight-legged horse of Odin |
Sol | Being who drove the sun; sister of Mani |
Surt (Surtr) | Fire demon; would slay Frey at Ragnarok |
Svartalfaheim | Abode of dwarfs |
Swanhild | Daughter of Sigurd and Gudrun; slain by Jormunrek |
Thor | God of thunder; oldest son of Odin; equivalent to Germanic deity Donar |
Tyr | God of war; son of Odin; equivalent to Tiw in Teutonic mythology |
Ull (Ullr) | Hunter god; son of Sif; stepson of Thor |
Valhalla (Valhall) | Great hall in Asgard where Odin received souls of heroes killed in battle (Einherjar) |
Vali | Odin's son; Ragnarok survivor |
Valkyries | Virgins, messengers of Odin, who selected souls of heroes who died in battle and took them to Valhalla |
Vanir | One of the two races of gods; three members, Njord, Frey, and Freya, are associated with Aesir |
Ve | Brother of Odin; one of the creators of the world |
Vidar (Vithar) | Son of Odin; survivor of Ragnarok |
Vili | Brother of Odin; one of the creators of the world |
Vingolf | Abode of goddesses in Asgard |
Volsung | Descendant of Odin, and father of Signy and Sigmund; his descendants were called Volsungs |
Yggdrasil | Giant ash tree springing from the body of Ymir and supporting the universe; its roots extended to Asgard, Jotunheim, and Niflheim |
Ymir (Aurgelmir) | Primeval frost giant killed by Odin, Vili, and Ve; world was created from his body; also, from his body sprang Yggdrasil |