

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Just love เพียงรัก (รวมเรื่องสั้นภาษาอังกฤษ)

    ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : เรื่องสั้นฉบับพิเศษ (I) I want to be

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 13 พ.ย. 59

    Note : มี๨ำ​ผิ๸บ้า๫๹้อ๫๦อ​โทษนะ​๨ะ​ พอ๸ี​ไรท์​เ๹อร์​ไม่ถนั๸ภาษาอั๫๥ฤษ​เ๦ียน​เท่า​ไหร่

         Everyone knows that human desire is insatiable. People want to be many things and belong many things. I used to be one of them. However, each person has different reasons that urge them on their desires.

         There are many things that I wanted to be. For exemple, firstly; I wanted to be a bird that was not in any cage. Someone might think my desire was weird. The reason is the bird has a freedom life. If I was the bird. I would  freely see the world in the wide side and fly without tasks and my responsibilities on my shoulders. However, the desire of being bird is unable to fulfill my entire satisfaction. Bird has a short life and has to struggle for earning their life so, I changed my mind.

         I wanted to be a dog whom had a kind owner. If I was the dog, I would be happy and comfortable. I would not have to serve some food by myself, my owner would serve them for me. How nice it is! I had not to struggle for saving money or earning my living. On the other hands, my life would be without freedom. I would have to always do anything as my master said; just being the good pet. I honestly said that this life was so comfortable, but it was boring so, I changed my mind once again to being another kind of creature. It is human.

         Being human was better. However, it was just normal. It would be great if  I was a pretty, rich and smart since I was born. It would be a beautiful life. Furthermore, I would love to be a girlfriend of  handsome and rich guy. If I was smart, I would get a good grade without efforts since I was in a kindergarten until present. My desire was so insatiable! How greedy it is! However, being the pretty, rich and smart girl or all of those kind of animals just was my daydream in the past.

         Finally, I just realized that I should not be anyone except being myself. I should be pleased and be proud of myself. Although, everyone is not a perfect one even me. We should just respect ourself and have a self-esteem. Everyone well know what is our own weakness and mend our way to be getting better. No matter how long we spend time to mend. It is better than being other people.


    insatiable = ​ไม่รู้๬ั๥พอ  ​โลภ

    satisfaction = ๨วามพอ​ใ๬

    weird = ​แปล๥ประ​หลา๸

    to struggle for earning their life = ๸ิ้นรนหา​เลี้ย๫๮ีพ

    self-esteem = ๥าร​เ๨ารพ​ใน๹ัว​เอ๫  ๨วาม​เ๮ื่อมั่น​ใน๹ัว​เอ๫


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