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  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Overlord The Movie: The Last Guild War of Nazarick (AI Translation testing)

    ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : Chapter 1-2 Let's Eat and Drink Together (11,700 words) (AI Translation)

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 46
      22 ธ.ค. 66


    "Akame Ga Kill ost 22 Mukashibanashi
     The adventure team found a new island with background music.

    The scene cuts to several weeks after the NPCs of Nazarick have traveled back from a distant island to the east of the continent.

    It's a regular late night, one night, where the people from the adventurer guild take turns sleeping and resting on a large magically propelled ocean-going ship in the empty sea to the west of the Roble Kingdom.

    It's been almost half a month that they've just been eating and sleeping on this ship, without doing anything else. Surely, this is something that all the adventurers have been aware of, ever since they received the mission from the exploration team under the name of the "Christopher Columbus" project of Ainz Ooal Gown, which aims to sail to test a certain hypothesis.

    And that's the thing about this world, is it round or is it a square piece of cloth? The possible outcome of traveling to the unexplored sea is the possibility that the kingdom will encounter a new island or continent that they have never known.

    "Ring!!" "Ring!!" "Ring!!" The sound of the ship's bell rang loudly, echoing continuously, and it was the signal that the captain had notified all his sailors of the anomaly that had occurred.

    "Ring!!" "Ring!!" The sound of the bell continued to ring until a large number of adventurers came out of their cabins to go to the upper deck of the ship.

    Everyone!!!! Look over there!!! There's an island!!!! And that's the sound of the ship's mast, which now observes something that should be a new piece of land that none of them have ever known before. Through the moonlight that reflects off the sea's surface, shimmering and contrasting with the black color of the land in front.

    Certainly, the sight that appeared made the nearly 50 people on board this ship very excited. This is not just a figment of their imagination, it is a great discovery, which will bring a very high reward from the kingdom. It's the kind that will make everyone very comfortable and happy.

    Anyway, for safety reasons, when the ship began to approach the area of the island, which was larger than expected, all adventurers put on armor and their protective gear because it was possible that the place they discovered this time might not be safe, whether from dangerous animals or even monsters.

    Soon, the anchor was dropped to land on the aforementioned island without any problems. Then the people on the ship gradually descended to the lower land amidst the faint mist and darkness that covered the entire island, which almost seemed to have no trees or grass at all, that is, the condition of the island looked almost inhospitable.

    When it was seen that no danger had occurred and the atmosphere of the island was filled with silence, only the sound of the wind and waves, the team leader divided the adventurers into several sub-teams to conduct a preliminary exploration of the area around. This allowed some of them to walk deep into the interior of the island.

    “The atmosphere of this island looks pretty deep, don't you think?”

    The voice of the man, who was not suited for fighting, spoke with a shaky voice before his friend replied. 

    " mean the spooky doctor?" 

    "Yeah, is this some kind of natural phenomenon on this island?"  "But don't worry...among us, there are 2 adventurers at the Adamantite level..." "So...if something happens then..."  "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  "Ahhhh!!!!!!" 

    But that seemed to be the last words that came out of his mouth before he realized he had been stabbed with a weapon, too fast to react.

    The image that appeared scared the hell out of many adventurers and made them freak out a lot. They were in the middle of a foggy sea, almost unable to see anything before the continuous screams of each person were followed by the clashing sound of swords. Although it was loud for a while, it eventually stopped.

    Before the young man, who seemed to be the only survivor at the moment, could feel something moving beside him in the fiery distance, he observed that it was the long tail of a creature, likely a large snake that could wrap around a human.

    However, when he finally saw its true form after the fog began to clear slightly, he concluded. "Naga!!!! Is that so?" "Insane!!!! What is this!!!" "Oh!!!!!!"

    However, before the last surviving adventurer could say anything more, his body was squeezed by the tail of what he thought was a Naga, until he almost couldn't breathe, before the voice of a woman was heard, and it was a statement from the demon herself that brought her companions to kill all the adventurers chillingly.

    " you know the Naga that went extinct from this group of islands a long time ago? Is that it?" "But it's a pity because my species is Serpent, completely different!!!"

    "And this entire island is my territory, currently under the jurisdiction of your high celestial being in heaven." "The fact that lowly humans like you dare to intrude is unforgivable... But hey, your friends were killed and drained of blood, so I'll give you a chance to answer some questions..."
    "Who are you!!!!!! And why have you come to this island?!"

    And that was the main event that occurred before the silence once again enveloped this island, a place that had never appeared on the map of the kingdoms that had conquered the world until now."

    Image: The night environment of the mysterious island, which the adventurers stumbled upon by chance 
    after sailing their ships continuously to the west of the Roble Holy Kingdom.

    SAO Ost - A Strategy Meeting
    "The music accompanying the performance at the E-Rantel city hall, which has undergone a major urban renovation, is now complete."

    After that, the picture cut back to several days later, in the afternoon of the city of E-Rantel .... Surely, with the status of being a central military city, as well as the political power of the world, it has expanded into an area of suburban and suburban areas comparable to the capital city of the Re-Estize Kingdom in the past.

    And it was a time after all the people, soldiers, and servants who could have lunch (excluding the Death Knight) had finished resting together. There was a small gate that appeared in the reception room of the city hall before the shadow of a half-silver, half-black haired woman with the same characteristics as her appeared.

    She is named Antilene Heran Fouche, a Half-elf with the bloodline of one of the 6 great gods, or the former circulating Players. And that makes Antilene very strong with a high level of 88 (or higher than the 7 deadly sins of Demiurge, but lower than the Bicorn of Albedo, right???)

    However, she, who is a dead card of the Slane religion, has now become a loyal servant of Ainz and has now traveled to the great city of E-Rantel to meet the high envoy.

    P.S. If referring to the content in The Half Wood Elf God-kin Arc, after Antilene was defeated by Mare, she was captured and imprisoned by Neuronist, and it is still unknown what her fate will be while the religion may be in decline.

    When Antilene walked up to the front door of the royal chamber's office, she informed the maid named Cixous, who was responsible for taking care of the king's raw emotions today and was standing quietly guarding the door along with 6 Cherubim Gatekeepers (level 80 angels), that she was here to request an audience with the king. Cixious, upon seeing the Half-Elf, whom she did not recognize at all, asked for her name and title before Antilene responded that she was the representative of the 6 council members of the Slane church, under the jurisdiction of the kingdom of Mantra, and she was here to report to Ainz within the specified time frame.

    Picture: Cixous, a Homunculus media girl, is easily excitable and easily startled, which is why she likes to slap herself on the cheek to motivate and inspire herself.

    On the Cixious side, after hearing the name of the silver and black-haired girl, she immediately realized that the other party was the guest who had come to meet the king as previously announced, so she responded immediately.

    "Well, Ainz is currently meditating and reading quietly, but since this is a scheduled visit, I'll ask for permission for you."

    After finishing speaking, the maid knocked on the door to inform the lord, before the other party replied granting permission for Antilene to come in.

    Before long, the large door opened... and the figure that appeared in front of the Half-Elf girl was the king of the kingdom of Menzara, who was sitting and reading a book at the table. He was wearing a magnificent golden suit with orange trim around the waist and sleeves. It was an outfit he had worn once before when visiting the city and stopping by the adventurer's guild in E-Rantel for the first time.

    However, Antilene noticed clearly that something was off from the last time she had the chance to enter Ainz's office. That is, Albedo wasn't there. So, she couldn't help but ask with curiosity,
    "Sorry to bother, but today Albedo wasn't helping you like before, right?"

    The ruler's side of the kingdom of Menzara, when he heard, raised his head from his book before responding,
    "Oh...Albedo is busy preparing for the adventurers' guild's grand celebration event." "Because it's a big event that attracts a large number of people from all directions." "The details of the event are quite extensive, including food stalls, merchandise vendors, fireworks displays, and of course, city decorations, and even public transportation planning. It's a very important and extensive task."

    So today, I just stayed here alone... Actually, I wanted to go see the preparations, but I guess it would just make things chaotic for the people working at the lower levels, right?

    I came here today because it's the deadline to report the overall situation to the Slane Church and the southern kingdoms, right?

    Okay, you can tell me about what's happening now. So far, there haven't been any problems in the lands under my responsibility, especially in the church, everything is going smoothly. The economy and trade are growing as usual, amidst the people in society slowly turning to follow Ainz.

    At the same time, in terms of stability, the clergy may not be happy about being ruled by the Undead, but no one dares to resist because they know the power of the Sorcerer Kingdom. There are very few incidents of rebellion or unrest.

    In addition, for other border areas in the southern region, which are outside the jurisdiction of the Slane Theocracy, she has also assigned the Black Scripture to serve as observers and ensure everything is peaceful, and everything is normal.

    Image: Zesshi Zetsumei or Antilene Heran Fouche
    Currently under the dominion of Ainz Ooal Gown

    After listening to Antilene's report with her calm and composed demeanor, Ainz couldn't help but ponder the various reasons that led to the current situation. The fact that this Half-Elf, who was once considered the greatest threat to the Great Tomb of Nazarick, had now become one of the servants of the Sorcerer Kingdom was all due to the proposal made by Demiurge, his trusted advisor.

    Demiurge had informed him that after the cleansing of the Slane Theocracy's main military strength was completed, the next phase would involve expanding the territory to the southern part of the continent, reaching the furthest possible border. Since the expansion of the Sorcerer Kingdom's territory had increased significantly, it was necessary to establish a large network of subordinates at the lower levels. It was essential to eliminate the members of the Kamikaze group, as well as other similar groups, in order to maximize the benefits compared to using them as pawns.

    Well, this is quite a better situation than I expected for did really well Antilene Heran Fouche. I hope you continue to be a successful leader for the next generation of rulers. I promise to repay your kindness to me as the guardian of the Sorcerer Kingdom and Nazarick in a way that matches what you have done. The voice of Ainz, the venerable, rang out before he himself returned to deep contemplation.

    “The current situation is so different from what we used to think in the past, it's crazy.”

    “But in the end, we managed to take down the dangerous kingdom's forces without even using the power of a World item.”

    “Now the kingdom has fallen under our rule, thanks to Demiurge's great acting skills.”

    “He's the one who orchestrated the internal political turmoil within the kingdom, using the royal faction of the Kampli Nilgata group as puppets to reveal false information that Ainz Ooal Gown is actually Surshana who has returned. But the other royal faction members fell for the power and wanted to take control of the Slane kingdom, which belongs to the Supreme Beings.”

    "And when the truth of the false pretense emerged, it led to a civil war within the kingdom, escalating into a self-destructive conflict among the different factions before everything concluded with the victory of the opposition group, under the leadership of Antilene Heran Fouche, the strongest demigod descendant" So, that's why she was appointed by us as the acting government representative, while the regime change is still ongoing."

    And that's just some of the things that Ainz has come up with in his head before he saw that the Half-Elf girl had completed her duties and it was time to give orders for the other party to return to their original kingdom. 

    'If there's nothing else to report to me...Antilene, you can go rest now.' 'Oh...even though working for me is your intention, don't overwork yourself.' 'This is something I always try to emphasize to all my servants...including new members like you.' After speaking the above sentences, the Overlord himself prepared to continue reading the book on his desk. However, the young woman, who is a descendant of one of the six Great Gods, still hasn't left his workspace and spoke up with a voice that was different from before."

    Overlord OST CD1 15 My dear personage 
            (Music playing in the background of Ainz's office and Nazarick's bar scene)

    "Lord Ainz, actually, there's one more thing I want to tell you, and it's something very important. Oh, I'm sorry for thinking of bringing up something other than what you're interested in talking about, but this is for the benefit of the Sorcerer Kingdom. So, I want you to please...listen to me.

    The highly esteemed Undead King, upon seeing Antilene's changed expression, immediately realized that whatever she was about to say next must be extremely important. This made Ainz even more certain that it must be something significant. What could it be? Did she encounter something related to the Players? Or is there something else that even the most powerful entities in the Slane Theocracy cannot handle, to the point of having to inform their superior?"


    Image: Ainz's expression in the gorgeous yellow royal outfit
    After hearing what Antilene wants to say

    "Hmm... judging from your tone of voice and facial expression, it seems like this is a very important matter." "In that case, go ahead and tell me." "Don't worry about anything." "I really enjoy it when I can express my own opinions while serving, without fearing that I won't be understood."

    After observing Antilene's perspective, it can be seen that she gave Ainz the opportunity to speak. However, she chose not to keep it solely within her own thoughts moving forward.
       “I would like to report something... I want to be pregnant.”

    As soon as the sound of the Half-Elf girl's voice ceased, the expression on the face of the king of the magical kingdom changed immediately. “Oh! Is this true? It's very important! And it concerns our benefits!”

    "After witnessing the silence of Ainz, the hungry and desperate young woman from the women's faction made a decision to explain immediately, ensuring that the other party had a complete and accurate understanding. 

    “In fact, this matter is closely related to the stability of the Slane Theocracy under your rule. Currently, almost all members of the Scripture of the Great Kalin are... even though they have accepted the subjugation and are under the governance of the Empire, deep down in their hearts, they still harbor nothing but fear, especially towards the 7th-ranked astrologer, Thousand Leagues Astrologer, who has been exhibiting disturbing psychological symptoms and is unable to interact with people normally.”
           “Of course, it is undeniable that we have a past as enemies who have done terrible things to you, Shalltear. Therefore, even though our members cannot fully trust that they will be treated with such kindness, and they are wary of when they might be killed. Hence, they do not have the peace of mind to work together as they should.”

    “This aforementioned issue can be resolved immediately if I were to have a child with you, Ainz, or any of your esteemed guardians. It would instill trust in my younger siblings, assuring them that the Great Tomb of Nazarick does not view the members of the Kampher Nilgala as mere expendable pawns, but rather as cherished individuals who are meant to be cherished for eternity. My children, in particular, serve as the most compelling evidence of this fact.”
       "After hearing the explanation from Demiurge, I, as a humble servant, understand that you, Ainz, wish to expand your power in the long run. I myself am a divine being, with the bloodline of a deity and the essence of a royal flowing within me. Therefore, if you allow me, I can undoubtedly give birth to strong and formidable offspring..." 

    Upon hearing the aforementioned description, Ainz, the majestic figure who still maintained a stoic expression, felt a sudden drop of sweat (despite having only bones and no skin or sweat glands). This also caused the voices in his mind to become louder and he turned his gaze towards Antilene's face, which revealed signs of mental illness.

    "Wait a minute!!! What is the reason behind all this madness? And most importantly, remember that the power expansion in the long run was done by me to deal with those who use World items, like Shalltear, just like herself, right?"

    "From what I recall, Demiurge once mentioned that Lady Antilene possesses qualities and characteristics that harmonize well with the guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Now, we believe it to be true that they get along so well. It's hard to find someone with similar thoughts and ideas like this, except for Albedo, Shalltear, and Cocytus, of course."

    And now, these words echo silently within the mind of Ainz, who remains quiet and does not respond to Antilene. However, this silence prompts her to provide further explanation.

         "Oh... I forgot to tell you..." "What I'm proposing here actually aligns with happiness and deep desires within my heart. You see, I've always wished to be impregnated by a man stronger than myself." "Of course, you, Ainz, and even all the guardians of Nazarick possess those qualities." "So, if you were to make my dream come true, I would be more than happy to serve you for the rest of my life."

    Upon hearing the words of the Half-Elf woman, the man representing the royal authority realized that the so-called "imported adhesive" that Demiurge had presented to him was indeed of high quality, no different from what his party had done before. It seemed unlikely that Antilene could change her peculiar way of thinking.

    Image: The face of Zesshi Zetsumei, when it comes to having children, it is certain that the aforementioned face is displayed once again, after Ainz allowed her to speak her desires.

    "Wow!" "In summary, the thoughts and behavior of this person seem just like NPCs created by friends." "Or is it because of the influence of being a Player's bloodline?" "But anyway..." “At this point, I consider you to be one of the true servants.”

    "If that's the case, it would be impossible to ignore or deny your heartfelt request. However, it's important to reject your audacious demand expressed in such an unpleasant manner. It seems like it would be excessively hurtful for the newly opened heart of someone who has just started to trust the superior authority figure..."

    "What should I do then? How should I respond to you?"

    The internal voice within Ainz resonated continuously as he gazed upon Antilene's face with a neutral disposition. He soon realized that her eyes were filled with sincerity and genuine kindness, much like the guardians of Nazarick. However, there was also a hint of longing in her gaze, similar to Albedo's desire to consume his skeletal form every chance she got.

    Regardless, even though Antilene is the one who requested it, engaging in any harmful actions towards women is not a moral practice that he adheres to. However, he allows her to have interactions with other guardians. Upon careful consideration, the only viable options are Demiurge, the owner of the ideas, who can offer her a position as a servant and caretaker in various territories, and Cocytus, another male demon. But no matter how one reflects on it, neither option seems ideal. Both seem to lack interest in deep relationships with the opposite sex. In the case of Demiurge, it may be for experimental purposes, and if that's the case, it would be disrespectful to Antilene, who genuinely cares. It would be no different from his own NPCs. Therefore, it is essential for him to consult with Demiurge beforehand.

    Shortly after realizing that the situation seemed somewhat tense and that the conversation was about to become prolonged, Ainz chose to respond in a vague manner in order to avoid the issue. This also bought him some time to make additional decisions.

    "After giving it some thought, I believe that it is a very beneficial proposal, Antilene. Thank you so much for considering the well-being of both myself and my kingdom to such an extent."

    "But the decision to choose a partner is a delicate matter that requires careful consideration. It is intertwined with many other important aspects, such as the way you live your life as a couple and how to create a warm and nurturing environment for the children you may have. These factors should be thoroughly thought through. Another crucial aspect is the compatibility of personalities between you and your potential partner. It is essential that both parties share a mutual liking and understanding."

    "Therefore, I would like you to be patient and wait a little longer. I promise that when the time is right, your desires and wishes will come true."

    The Half-Elf maiden, upon hearing the man who claimed to be her lord, gently slapped her cheek in response to the earlier request. She felt relieved instantly and spoke with a slightly blushing face.

    "You are indeed a guardian with a heart broader than the vast ocean to speak like that to me. Because if it were the nobles of the past, they would have viewed me as nothing more than a tool of animal husbandry. My duty is to produce heirs for the lineage of the 6 great gods, regardless of my own desires. I, for instance, wish to have children, but only with someone stronger than me, without exception."

    "But you, not only do you agree with my thoughts, but you also consider the life of my partner. Even though I myself haven't thought about that at all. Because it's already difficult enough just to conceive with someone strong enough, let alone anything else."

    "I truly feel delighted to serve you..." "Yet, I also feel a bit regretful that I didn't have the chance to become your subordinate sooner..." "In that case, it's uncertain now, I might have more than 10 offspring for you or your guardians..."

    "And that," Antilene concluded before she requested to retreat for a break, as advised by the superior.

    Certainly, after the Half-Elf girl left the room, Ainz himself immediately had to suppress his thoughts, as he didn't anticipate the headache that comes with being the ruler of a world with all its kingdoms. It brought about a level of complexity that was truly headache-inducing."

    On the side of Antilene, after leaving the workspace of the Royal Enchanter and walking straight to the familiar reception hall, she used the Message spell to contact her appointed guardian, who held the position of her supervisor.

    "Demiurge," she said. "It's that Ainz has given orders for me to take a break. Therefore, I would like to request permission to travel to the Bar of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and stay there until this evening."

    The young demon on duty, accustomed to distributing high-quality adhesive, upon hearing this, recognized it as a directive likely coming directly from Ainz himself. He granted permission and promptly communicated with the person in charge of overseeing the Gate, as usual, before the Half-Elf girl swiftly reached her destination.

    When Antilene noticed that all the seats at the bar were still vacant, she informed Clavu, the talented sous-chef and bartender, responsible for preparing drinks for the visiting guests, that she would like a cocktail called "Nazarick" to celebrate today's success in her duties.

    Shortly after, the young woman waiting for her own drink noticed that another guest had entered the bar. As she discreetly looked, she realized that the new guest was none other than her acquaintance, the former mentally ill princess Renner. Renner, who now served under Ainz and belonged to Albedo, was a regular customer of the bar, having stayed on the 9th floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. On days with no official duties, she occasionally helped with paperwork for her supervisor.

    "Oh... Is this you? Princess Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, right?" "Today, you've come to find something to drink, haven't you?"

    When the Imp girl was addressed by such an incredibly long name from the other side, she smiled slightly and walked straight to the counter immediately. 

    "Call me by my full name like that." "Afraid you'll forget... that one time I had the status of a princess from the Re-Estize Kingdom..." "Lady Zesshi Zetsumei." "No... Lady Antilene Heran Fouche."

    Picture: Former princess Renner has now become close friends with Antilene, as both are regular customers at the same bar.

    And that was a greeting between the two young ladies who felt so comfortable with each other that they even dared to address each other by name, which was somewhat provocative.

    After Antilene became a servant of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, she tended to avoid attending meetings or even reading reports sent by her subordinates. She often sought opportunities to avoid work, and the Bar area was her favorite place because of its dark and mysterious atmosphere.

    It was for this reason that the Half-Elf came to know Lady Renner before they both discovered that they felt a strong connection after conversing, leading them to stay in contact over a considerable period.

    As for the name Zesshi Zetsumei, the main reason Antilene was associated with that name was because she tended to play that role day by day, whether she was at the Bar cafeteria or wandering through different zones on the 9th floor. This only increased her fascination, especially after Ainz, the supreme being, taught her the recipe to transform the checkered pattern into a uniform color on all sides.

    Not long after, the demoness Renner took a seat next to Antilene, and they both ordered their own special Cocktail. Before they seized the opportunity to meet, the imp girl on the Half-Elf's side initiated the conversation.

    "So, Antilene, anything good happening lately?" she asked, starting the exchange of joy and sorrow.

    "It seems more lively than usual, as you can clearly see," Antilene replied with a cheerful demeanor.

    On the Half-Elf's side, upon hearing the other party speak like that, she turned her face to look at them before refocusing on the goblin baby. Then she spoke up.

    "If you ask about my daily life, it's the opposite, really," she said. "Boring is the only word for it. It's more tedious than when I was just a member of the Nilgathak's Compendium group."

    "Every day, my subordinates send reports, but I have no idea what they're talking about. It's gotten much worse in the past few months. I really can't be bothered to read all of it," she continued. "But it doesn't help because Demiurge trusts me to be the supreme leader of the Slane Theocracy. Lucky that the former head of the Nilgathak's Compendium willingly came to help, taking care of paperwork, so I managed to escape unscathed."

    When Renner of the Women's Council heard what Antilene had narrated, she immediately took the opportunity to speak.

    "That matter, I understand very well.... Even though during the time as a councilwoman, I am not directly responsible for the administration of the hometown, but this has been something I've been involved with since I was a child."

    "To say the least, Antilene is now responsible for overseeing other territories in the southern part of the continent with such a significant task... because even managing just one church alone has enough issues to deal with."

    And that is the opinion of Imp, the girl, which, when listened to, reached the ears of the Half-Elf who is playing the sniper role. It was also a moment when drinks for both of them were served just right.

    "Yes, exactly!!!" "You're absolutely right!!!" "Before, the Slane Church, in one region, had 6 people responsible for it." "But now, I alone have to take responsibility for the entire southern region of the kingdom." "How am I supposed to manage it like that?"

    Image: The appearance of a drink named "Nazarick," considered to be one of the extremely expensive items on the menu at the 9th-floor bar.

    After listening to what Antilene had to say, the young lady noticed that the menu ordered by the other party was quite expensive and not included in the lower-level servants' food/drink welfare quota. This made her wonder why the Half-Elf girl had ordered it, so she kept her questions to herself, waiting for the right moment to ask.

    "Can I help with the work at the church, ma'am? Because I haven't had much to do myself lately," she inquired. "Wait a moment; I'll ask for permission from Albedo," she added.

    The half-black, half-silver haired girl who was playing with a Rubik's Cube, upon hearing the proposal from the Imp girl, felt a bit surprised. She absentmindedly closed her small mouth and lost interest in the toy in her hands immediately. She turned to look at the conversing pair nearby.

    "Is that true, or are you just saying that?" she questioned. "You seem genuinely kind," she continued. "Having you as an older sister makes me, a new member of Nazarick, feel a little less lonely. In that case, I appreciate your kindness in advance," she concluded.

    And that was the speech from the Half-Elf girl, spoken with a more lively tone, as it was during this moment that Lady Renner picked up her cocktail for a small sip, causing its color to appear whitish and cloudy, unlike regular drinks, lingering at the edge of her lips.

    "That matter, you don't have to worry about pleasing anyone." "It's true that you, Antilene, hold the status of being my junior." "However, in terms of hierarchy, I've been here for a long time, and I've only managed to level up to around 50 on my own."

    "You're still far from Antilene, who is at a level that should be around 90... just about 10 more and it will be comparable to the Guardians." "It's a different level that requires me to entrust myself to you." "And I must express my gratitude for willingly forming an alliance with Imp, who doesn't have many friends like me."

    On the side of the new leader of the Slane Church, upon hearing what the little demoness had said, she felt somewhat puzzled and thoughtful before using her hand to pick up a Cocktail glass, examining it, and drinking it all in one go. Along with a small sigh and a hand rubbing her stomach, she spoke.

    "Is that so?" "Is my body really at such a high level?" "Minerva, until now, I haven't found a man strong enough to defeat me easily..."

    Certainly, Antilene's consumption behavior had surprised Renner quite a bit. Before she could be more astonished, she discovered that the Half-Elf had ordered another glass of the same menu. It was an opportunity for the demoness to inquire about crucial information from the princess's side.

    "What's special today?" "Antilene, did you choose to drink such an expensive cocktail like Nazarick?" "This doesn't seem like casual drinking, is it to pass the time, right?"

    The Half-Elf girl, holding Cocktail glass number 2, paused her sipping when asked so. She then spoke up.

    "Oh... about that..." "I've come to celebrate that Lord Ainz accepted my proposal as a humble servant that he will make me pregnant with a strong child."

    And that was Antilene's response, showing a somewhat mentally disturbed expression, gently caressing her own belly again.

    The lady Renner, upon hearing such, merely placed both of her hands delicately over her mouth before conducting herself with refined manners befitting a person of high status.

    "Oooh..." "It sounds very exciting..." "Congratulations, Lady Antilene..." "Finally, what you desire will come true, won't it?"

    "But, may I inquire, who is the man responsible for making you pregnant? Is it Lord Ainz, perhaps?"

    As the question concluded from the Imp lady, the Half-Elf with the bloodline of the 6 Great Gods flowing within her chose to answer truthfully.

    "Well... on that matter, I myself am not sure." "If given the choice, I would like to have a child with Lord Ainz. After all, you are the highest authority figure..." "But that might be aiming too high." "A plausible option might be Lord Demiurge, the leader of my faction." "Lord Cocytus." "Lord Sebas." "And also, Lord Mare the sorcerer?"

    "Because Lord Ainz mentioned that when the time is right, he will handle this matter. So, I haven't sought clarification from him."

    After receiving information from Lady Antilene, the small group of demon ladies proceeded to sip their drinks, and the little one among them added some additional thoughts.

    "If I were to guess, it would be quite difficult for Lord Sebas." "Because he already has a human woman who loves him, named Tuare." "As for Lord Mare, despite being a Dark Elf with an age of 76 years, in terms of physical development, he is still considered a child. It doesn't seem likely for him to be involved in this matter."

    The half-silver, half-black-haired young woman, upon hearing her companion speak as such, decided to quickly down the second cocktail and order a third.

    "That matter, I am still here...." "Anyone who wants to make me pregnant, it's fine. No problem. I just hope that person is as strong as the Guardians, that's enough..." "Because that's all, I am willing to give my body, give my heart to him without any conditions..."

    On the side of Lady Renner, who heard the perspective of the Half-Elf girl, she immediately added her thoughts.

    "Lady Antilene is truly a strong-willed woman, and very determined." "Admirable indeed. Even I can't accept it, considering if I have to have a child with someone else through this kind of arrangement, even though it might be relatively common among the nobility or royal blood."

    "But, you know, getting pregnant with someone, it's not an easy matter. Because it involves many important conditions." "But in the case of Lady Antilene, being a Half-Elf, she might not encounter problems like this, unlike someone like me..."

    Image: The Seeds of the Fallen – General items for transforming into the Demon race(Does not increase Level) Must be used with a ritual machine as the lifeforce of many innocent children is required.

    After listening to the aforementioned observations from Lady Renner, the Half-Elf woman seemed to still not quite understand what the other party was trying to convey. Therefore, she chose to ask her to explain further.

    "You say that pregnancy is not something that can be easily done... What does that mean exactly? I've listened, but I don't really understand much about it," she said. "Just mix our races, and before you know it, we're pregnant, and then there's a child. Isn't it that simple?"

    And that was Antilene's statement, who at the moment, having finished her third glass of cocktail, prompted the little Imp demon to urgently speak up due to her own inquiries.

    "Even though it may seem straightforward, we shouldn't use terms like 'mixing races' with human, elf, or demon bloodlines," she said. "That's only for lowly creatures!!..." "Another thing is, it's not just an activity done in hopes of having an heir with a specific bloodline, you know!"

    "As for the part where I mentioned it's difficult, it's because I, myself, haven't had a child yet, just like you!!" "Despite trying various methods, over 500 times in total, there hasn't been any result at all..."

    Upon hearing the serious tone in Renner's voice, Antilene's side immediately felt suspicious before unintentionally responding.

    "Hey!!!" "So many times, and still not pregnant!!!" "Is it even possible?"

    Seeing the other side's surprised expression, different from the usual calm demeanor, the Imp quickly provided crucial information to the Halt-Elf.

    "It's because both Climb and I, despite being Imps, are only 16 years old!!!" "Yes, compared to the human reproductive timeline, we're just at 1 and a half years old!!!" "If Aura and Mare, who are 76 years old, are considered children, then we're not much different from toddlers just learning to walk and talk."

    "Or it's possible that the effects of The Seeds of the Fallen only allow us to change our race, without enhancing our ability to produce offspring of that race." "However, it doesn't seem very logical." "The main problem might lie in the Imp's reproductive system, which takes almost 150 years to mature and be ready for producing more offspring."

    Antilene's faction, upon hearing the aforementioned information, was so shocked that she accidentally crushed the cocktail she was drinking. It instantly created a risky situation, causing the bartender who was standing nearby to be greatly surprised.

    "House! Does it really have to be a situation like this?" "And in this case, how should I plan for having a child?"

    Lady Renner, upon seeing the worried expression of the Half-Elf girl, took the opportunity to explain a little more.

    "In fact, the case of Ainz, who is Undead, and Albedo, who is a Demon of the Succubus race, is an interesting study in itself." "But because Ainz refuses to do anything with Albedo, at most just a slight pat on the cheek..." "In the end, no one knows what would happen if they actually tried to have a child together."

    "Oh... but Antilene, you shouldn't worry too much..." "I've heard that the Elf race is somewhat special, so it's relatively easy for them to conceive with humans." "And there are quite a few cases of humans having offspring with demons as well." "So, don't worry too much."

    "The matter of fertility periods is similar because being a Half-Elf should make the fertility period similar to humans. At the age of 14-15, one can have children."

    After hearing the temptation from the Imp side, the half-black, half-silver-haired young lady pondered before ordering the fourth Cocktail to drink immediately.

    However, the playful teasing between the two girls did not end in any way. It was because Princess Renner had something very important to say, with a smiling face that seemed cunning.

    "Let me tell you, one thing I consider important, no less than having children, is the experience gained from being in a deep and meaningful relationship...” “Yes, indeed…” “Its taste is so sweet and intoxicating that it becomes addictive beyond measure...” “Since I tasted it for the first time, I was captivated until I felt addicted every day until now.”

    And that was a statement from the lips of the mentally disturbed princess when she recalled the intimate activities with her partner, Climb, the knight. Almost tears welled up, almost flowing out from the corners of her mouth stained with the mystery Cocktail's white and cloudy residue. The Half-Elf girl was still puzzled about what it was. But she dared not order it because it felt strangely enjoyable.

    Certainly, the above actions made the half-Elf girl, who was engrossed in having a child like Zesshi Zetsumei, have to listen attentively.

    Image: The face of the former princess Renner, reminiscing about the happiness experienced while being together with Climb, my beloved.

    "Um... doing something like, similar to when animals mate?" "It feels really good, doesn't it?"

    The Half-Elf girl asked with a face full of curiosity, prompting the Imp girl to quickly recount the highlights of the activity with an excited expression.

    "It was absolutely amazing!!! You did great, Antilene!!!" "I felt like I was in ecstasy... even though demons like me are supposed to be accustomed to it from the start..." "It was so enjoyable that I can't describe it properly!!!" "Just a slight touch and embrace at the beginning gave a warm feeling, and then everything became filled with intense pleasure." "I felt so wet both outside and inside!!!"

    The silver and black-haired girl, slightly tipsy, became a bit intrigued upon hearing the stimulating description from Renner's side, expressing her own interest.

    "Just by listening to what you're saying, I feel like trying it myself..." "Initially, I thought it would feel similar to being tortured by Neuronist or something like that."

    "Really impressive. Looks like I'll have to consult with you about this more often." "As an experienced older sister."

    And with that, Antilene concluded her statement before both girls continued drinking cocktails one after another until they eventually became intoxicated, ending the state of the former revered high-ranking lady and leader of the Slane religious order.

    Peaceful Village of Carne - Carne Theme - Overlord S3 OST
    (The music of the new town scene with Mayor Enri)

    Not long ago, just a few weeks later, at a location that once officially went by the name "Carne Village," but now people who have had the opportunity to travel or engage in trade in this area refer to it as "Enri's Territory." The name originates from the renowned title of a young lady, the town's ruler Enri Emmot, who commands a substantial Goblin army of over 5,000 under her dominion (although she doesn't particularly like being addressed by various people and prefers to be called the town's ruler).

    The current surroundings of "Enri's Territory" can be described as having been newly transformed into a town of considerable size, comparable to the former E-Rantel. This includes a considerable number of residential structures, totaling more than 20,000 houses, and towering city walls.

    Title: Enri Emmot - Currently promoted from the position of Chieftain of the Village to become the mayor, which was built and developed utilizing the workforce of more than 5,000 Goblins.

    "Lord Mayor Enri, pleased to meet you...."

    "Lord Mayor Enri, may I request permission to bring fish products into the market in this town?"

    "Lord Mayor Enri, my husband and I are planning to move to this town. We wonder if there are any job opportunities for us here?"

    "Lord Mayor Enri, this is a summary report on the current food shortage situation this month..."

    "Lord Mayor Enri, please help us make a decision. Where would be a good place to sell the remaining fruits?"

    "Lord Mayor Enri…………………(many other sentences)………………."

    The voices of the visiting guests, including the villagers from the original Carne Village, have now become officials in the municipal court. Amidst stacks of documents that are piling up, there stands a young woman with golden hair who, at the moment, is feeling uneasy about the name everyone is calling her.

    But then, it can be considered fortunate that the mission of the Lord Mayor on this day has just ended perfectly. That also left her exhausted to the point of almost losing strength.

    "I can't take it anymore!" "Day by day, these documents seem to increase." "Why does everyone have to address me like that!" "I've said it before, isn't it enough to just call me Enri?"

    She spoke, leaning back and resting against her large chair, before turning her gaze towards the Goblin, who was none other than Goblin Strategist, Gongbin. He served as the brains of the Goblin army, as she herself referred to him.

    The cunning leader of the Kunzuru faction, upon seeing the chief above, looked at herself, preparing to say something immediately. However, it seemed to be drowned out by the voice of the aforementioned young lady.

    "The honorable General Enri, that's you!!!!!!! Do not speak again! I've heard enough from the Goblins today! We are not in a fighting situation anymore. Please, address me informally... Mr. Gongbin."

    And with this preceding sentence, it halted the Goblin, who was about to make a decision to speak further.

    "It seems that won't do, I apologize. The longer the day goes on, the more your esteemed status, Enri, is recognized and respected by various races, especially humans, as the highest ruler of the capital city of the Kingdom of Mnadra."

    "Little one, before engaging in conversation, they should bow and communicate with you in royal terms repeatedly. But if you, Honorable Enri, do not desire such formalities, that's fine..."

    After listening to the Goblin strategist's speech, Enri immediately broke into a triumphant smile. This was because it was true that she, along with individuals like Nfirea and Nemu, received better treatment from Ainz Ooal Gown than other human groups. He was the one who provided her with everything she needed in her daily life. However, it seemed a bit overwhelming for Enri, who just wanted to live a comfortable life as a simple village girl.

    Before long, the voice of a Goblin Redcap, responsible for security on the other side of the gate, could be heard.

    "Honorable Enri... (sure enough, as Enri heard this, a small sigh escaped her lips.) Nemu has returned from her outing to the market..."

    And that seemed to be the almost final straw that made Enri clench her fists to the point where the sound of her fingers cracking could be heard instantly. If anyone were to call her by name in this tone even just a little more, she would undoubtedly explode with emotion.

    Nevertheless, after the cheerful and lively Nemu, her beloved younger sister, came running towards her, there was another man following behind. This man, named Seimei, was a cheerful adventurer from a distant land, a place where some of the population adhered to the Shinto faith, the same faith as Unkei, a member of the Adamantite-ranked adventurer group known as the Silver Thread Bird.

    Seimei had chosen to pursue a career as a merchant, traveling extensively across the continent with his companions in a caravan-like fashion. This choice gave him extensive knowledge in various matters.

    Image: A draft of the form of a Shikigami (borrowed from the story "Shounen Onmyouji"). Seimei, a man with the ability to apply various magical spells, has summoned it to work as a gatherer of information from the shadows, along with various small and large creatures.

    "It seems like your work, Enri, is about to be completed just in time, huh?" "That's excellent... because I was thinking of inviting you and Nfirea to join us for a meal. We are preparing it right now."

    The voice, filled with the charm of the young man from a distant land, seemed to be like a celestial melody, captivating the heart of the young lady. And it appeared as if he was someone who dared to address her not by the formal title.

    In the past several months, Seimei, this individual, had visited Enri's Territory several times. This was due to the constant rotation of his trade routes, influenced by the changing seasons and business opportunities. Consequently, he had become quite acquainted with Enri and her associates.

    However, truth be told, one reason Seimei seemed to have a good relationship with the young lady was not solely based on business reasons. It was because, on the other hand, he was a handsome man with a pleasant demeanor, so polite that even the little girl, Nemu, followed him like a shadow (partly due to her older sister's status as the town chief, causing her to be busy almost all day. Yet, she would go and stay with Nfirea and his grandmother. On the other hand, Seimei, day by day, would just concoct potions and mix various concoctions. Of course, the smell often became so strong and pungent that the little girl could hardly bear it).

    After receiving a warm hug from her beloved younger sister, who ran up with the brightest smile, she chose to respond to the foreign merchant immediately.

    "Um... Thank you so much, Seimei." "For helping Nemu as a friend..." "I hope you won't encounter any troubles or difficulties because of her..."

    "As for the matter of providing meals..." "If you offer them to us for free, it might make me feel quite uneasy." "However, no matter what, I'll contribute money for the ingredients..."

    And that is the situation of the young lady of the town. Regardless of how elevated her status may be now, the concern she holds doesn't seem to diminish at all.

    Nevertheless, her demeanor appears to be quite the opposite of her younger sister, who has decided to speak up.

    "Don't say things like that..." "Sis, it's about you being the town representative, after all..." "The important thing is, the merchants, no matter which group, all come forward, saying they want to provide us with meals..." "Moreover, some even secretly come and act friendly with me..." "It's clear that they genuinely want to establish a relationship..."

    "But as for me... I don't really care..." "Because the gifts that Seimei brings every time are more than enough for me..." "Besides, today's dinner is another exciting thing!!! Nemu is really looking forward to it..."

    The Goblin Strategist, upon hearing Nemu speak like that, took the opportunity to reinforce his own cunning and ambiguous remarks.

    "Lord Nemu, you are indeed a quick-witted and sharp-minded youngster..." "Seeing through the true intentions of those merchants...(except Seimei)" "Hmm!!!" "However, you, relying solely on personal preferences as the criterion for judgment in everything, is not appropriate, I must say..." "Because it becomes a vulnerable point, a glaring weakness from the start..."

    After the Goblin, who seemed like the brain of the city lord, finished speaking, Nemu cheered loudly in response.

    "Damn it! I understand, Lord Goblin!!!" "I will bear it in mind..." "In that case, Lady Seimei... Let's invite your grandmother Lizzie next..." "And then, we must invite Brita (the red-haired adventurer who once received protection from Ainz) as well, along with the Goblins." "Oh, Lupusregina herself is probably in town today too. If that's the case, it's better to invite her as well."

    The side of the young city lord, including her personal guards, observing the behavior of the young one who seemed captivated by the aforementioned young merchant, both subdued their smiles and took a breath together. Then, each of them proceeded to separate and attend to their own tasks.

    After everyone had left the aforementioned area for a while, three Goblin Redcaps (out of a total of 13) accompanied by some Goblin Assassins approached Gownblim to report some information.

    "As assigned by Goblin Strategist, we have been monitoring and observing the movements of a man named Seimei and the merchant Karawan who arrived together with him today..." "So far, we have not detected anything abnormal."

    "The actions of that man involved merely taking Nemu for a stroll around the town before leading her and his followers to gather herbs in the forest and then visiting the market."

    "As for their food and supplies in their warehouse, although there are various types, there is nothing suspicious to report..."

    After hearing the report from the Goblins, Gownblim couldn't help but pace back and forth with a face full of suspicion.

    "Quite strange indeed..." "Despite my intuition subtly indicating that Seimei has some hidden secrets, no matter how much I try to observe, nothing significant comes to light, even though several months have passed..."

    "Previously, for peace of mind, I reported it to Lupusregina, and she used high-level magic, Mana Essence, and HP Essence to investigate the identity of the other party." "However, the result was that the other party is just an ordinary person who can use magic at a level of 2 at most..." "Importantly, as she followed up, she found out that he travels to trade in other towns, and people in his hometown also know him."

    "So, she decided not to report this insignificant matter to Ainz Ooal Gown..."

    "Hmm... Could it be that my accurate maternal instincts are wrong this time?"

    The internal voice of the Goblin Strategist resonated continuously as he faced the challenging situation before speaking.

    "In essence, all of you take turns observing and monitoring his behavior... If you see anything displeasing, report it to me immediately."

    And so, that was the command given to the Goblins to carry out, without anyone knowing the true reason why the information search was unsuccessful. It wasn't because they didn't keep a close enough watch, but rather due to the level disparity between the parties. Before the scene transitioned to the social gathering time, where the merchants of the Seimei group utilized a part of the hotel, preparing special dishes made from ingredients sourced from various areas across the continent.

    Image: Nemu in a Miko outfit, which Seimei has given as a gift to her.

    In this case, since the main dishes prepared are closely related to the local culture of the region that is the hometown of Seimei, it has a significant impact. This led him to present a beautiful Miko outfit to Nemu for her to wear at this banquet as a gift. It is undoubtedly a heartwarming gesture towards the innocent and pure-hearted young girl, making her appear extremely happy amid the genuine concern of her older sister, Enri.

    However, amidst the warmth-filled atmosphere of this dinner, the voice within the heart of the outsider, who is a person from a different region, became audible.

    "Never thought that even at this point, you, Lord Goblin, would still harbor doubts about myself," "befitting the smartest Goblin named," "But, you know, it's quite pitiful, really," "because no matter how hard you try, what can be traced is only emptiness..."

    "Because whether it's forging history or even changing the memories of the humans who serve as your puppets," "Lord Seimei, the great one, has planned everything so well..."

    "My own self is the same, even though I am just a Shikigami, a lowly servant, yet I have been given another chance at life to serve as your simulated form. It's truly an excessive honor..." "Well then... this time, what are you going to test me with?"

    "The worst-case scenario is being ensnared by enchantment spells like Charm Person or Dominate."

    "Of course, you have cast a level 10 Fake Amnesia spell (creating false memories) on me and it is ready to work silently at any moment..." "So, don't expect to get any information from me... you minions of the royal sorcerer!!!"

    And that is what the simulated form of Seimei contemplated while secretly observing the Redcap Goblins and Goblin Assassins with a sidelong glance, before turning his thoughts to something else.

    "But speaking of it, has your Seimei already traveled to Celestia?" "Die!!... This gossip work is truly boring..." "It's been several years, since we, the Shikigami, have been coming down to the human world, ever since Ainz Ooal Gown founded his own kingdom."

    "Ugh... I'd rather go back and relax in paradise." "Haven't soaked in hot springs for months now." "More importantly, even though the young Nemu is cute, it will be many years before she becomes a woman... In the meantime, I guess I have to try to win the hearts of those angels first, right? Even if we're looked down upon as mere demons, until no one wants to date us..."

    "Hmm... or should we try building relationships with the Serpent tribe girls? Well, there might be some luck in that." "The problem is... when will we, humble beings like us, find the time for that!!!! Seimei, please grant me a day off!!!!"

    And all of this is the complaining words resonating within the heart of a Shikigami, summoned by the power of an Onmyoji, before the scene cuts to a place—a large city floating in the sky above the vast ocean and empty clouds. Along with the shadow of the real Abe no Seimei, who has been called to attend the meeting of the guardians on the heavenly realm, or rather, the NPCs who stand opposite to Ainz's servants of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.


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