

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Dayz in Portugal

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : 2 weeks...

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 21 ก.ย. 49

    Ok at first I have to sorry to someone who cannot read or don't like English... Because Now I'm staying in Portugal that have not a Thai key. So I'll not angry with someone who come in and don't read. But I'll hate that people 555+... I'm kidding

    Let's start now

    I have left from Thailand for 2 weeks.
    I stay in Portugal with host family
    This family have 4 person.<Mom, Dad, 2 sisters>
    I have to share room with sister who 13 years old.
    I like her she's a lovely girl<I think>
    And one sister that 8 years old...
    Now I try to don't think about her bad habit...<I don't like kid>
    When she don't get anything that she want she'll make a loud noise<I hate that>
    Oh... Mom and Dad let's me call thier name.
    It's not a problem for me.
    But this week I have to go to school!!!
    School and school
    First day I don't understand teacher say in PORTUGUESE.
    I try to understand them but it's not work.
    So I have to ask from class mate.
    I forgot 1 thing... sister<13> her name is In๊s and one is Breatriz
    I have lunch at school. It's Ok not bad.
    I try and try... Now I try for remember Portugueses.
    Math teacher come in room and she teach and teach that I don't understand.
    Biology teacher is good. I like her style teach.
    She tell me she cannot teach in English and comment to see English teacher for translate thing that she teach.
    All of subject that I haved study I understand only subject...English.
    Portuguese teacher try to help me. That's ok. But I don't like her style teach.
    With class mate...
    Many people try to talk with me. And make me laught.
    Now... I think, I have only problem... when I'll can speak Portuguese?

    Thank you... Good luck for you. Adeus!


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