

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Suuny demeanour เก็บยิ้มไว้ตลอดไป

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : New Chapter

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 24 มิ.ย. 62

    One night in the darkness, she woke up and thought to herself: "what time is it?.." 

    She turned to her bedside table, picked up her phone and murmured: "ahh.. of course it's 2 AM. Whose leg am I trying to pull? It's been like this for weeks already anyways." 

    Yes, since she moved away from home to this new country, there had not been a day when she didn't wake up in the middle of the night. But who could she to blame? She takes the sole responsibility for deciding to come here in the first place. Come to think of it, her seemingly-depends-on-her-own-decision life had changed a lot based on the decisions she made and the steps she took. For the better or for the worse? Who knows. 

    She got up from bed and walked up to her bedroom door to the turn the air-conditioning switch beside it on. Although the room was dim and dull, possibly heavily influenced by her mental status, it was small enough for her to memorise the whole room plan by the first day she moved in. The only source of lighting in the room was not of the Sun, but rather the lamp she kept it on before going to bed each night. Knowing that she would not manage to sleep through the whole night, she could not convince herself to turn off the light and worsen her conditions with Achluophobia. 

    "When will the night end?", she asked herself and glanced at the empty single bed next to hers. On that bed sat a smiley huggable sized Snorlax doll that never failed to bring a smile to her face although its owner rarely comes back. 

    This room was meant for two, but in most nights she found herself alone. Consequently, the questions that often came to her mind at night were: will this recurring thought ever end? will she ever come back? am I really the only one in this room right now, or is there someone I cannot see here too? 

    "Ha, haha. What am I thinking? There is no such thing as supernatural, right? Haha, go back to sleep already", she unintentionally spoke out loud.  

    She went back and lied on her bed, tucked herself back under the blanket and pretended to sleep. It made no sense that she still played pretend although she was the only person in the room - should be the only one, at least. But then, so what? 

    Everything has a rough beginning. All we do is pretend to be fine, and hope that patience will lead us to the right adventure that awaits. - So, it was not her fault to play along with the crowd, right?

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