

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Aetheria: Arcadia (Eng)

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : CHAPTER ONE Ash's Misadventure

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 13
      29 ก.ย. 66

    The story takes place in Arcadia, a vibrant city where the moon reigns supreme, putting a silver sheen over the meandering alleyways and busy streets. Narrow lanes and cobblestone streets wind around the city center. The aroma of spices and freshly made bread filled the air, blending with the sounds of horse-drawn carriages and merchants arguing over their products.

    The architecture of the city was a mix of styles, with grand Gothic cathedrals and towering stone castles sitting alongside Tudor-style homes with wooden roofs. The streets were lined with taverns and alehouses, where patrons gathered to drink and tell tales of adventure and heroism.

    Despite its beauty, the city had a dark side, with crime and poverty lurking in its shadows. Thieves and cutthroats prowled the streets, preying on the unwary, and the poor huddled in squalid tenements, struggling to survive.

    A person rushes swiftly and gracefully through the shadows, skilfully negotiating the packed lanes. The person encounters a veiled woman holding a flickering lamp in a remote lane. As she lowers the light to see the figure's face, it becomes evident that it is none other than Ash, Arcadia's thief.

    As the woman passes the message to Ash, he gives her a cheeky smirk. "Always a pleasure, messenger," he remarks. "You never fail to disappoint."

    The woman's eyes narrow and her tone is solemn. "He said this one was crucial, Ash. You can't screw it up."

    The note is unfolded by Ash. The lines are written in fine black ink and outline a theft that must be carried out tonight. The objective is an ancient book encased in dark brown leather and kept in a secure location. The signature on the cover is "Raven."

    Ash's expression darkens. "I never mess up," he says confidently. "However, I'll be extra cautious this time."

    The woman nods, her face somewhat softening. "Good luck," she adds as she walks out into the darkness. Ash pockets the message and watches her walk away before disappearing into the darkness, his mind distracted with the crime ahead.


    Ash crept along the rooftop, his eyes scanning the grounds below. He watched as the guards patrolled the perimeter of the academy, their footsteps echoing through the silent night. They wore chest and leg plates made of gleaming metal, each step producing a metallic clank that reverberated through the courtyard. The guards' dark gray robes billowed behind them as they walked, their hoods pulled up to conceal their faces. Ash knew from experience that these were no ordinary guards - they were wielders, trained in the art of combat and wielding elements. He had been hired by a wealthy collector to steal a valuable scripture from the Silvermist Academy, the most prestigious institution for wielders in all of Aetheria.

    While looking through the skylight, he realized he had miscalculated the security for what had once looked to be a straightforward job. Ash took a deep breath before getting his lockpicks and starting to work on the skylight. After many anxious minutes, the lock eventually clicked open, allowing him to stealthily raise the skylight and enter.

    Ash scowled as he softly landed on the floor and looked around the area. The scripture he was looking for was nowhere to be found among the antiquities and antiquated books that were there. He looked about the area in quest of a clue, but all he discovered were some bookcases and cupboards for potions.

    Ash walks to the center of the room, his sharp eyes scanning the shelves for any sign of the scripture. As he approaches one of the bookcases, a glint catches his eye. Peering closer, he sees a small chest nestled between the tomes. With careful fingers, he pries open the lid, revealing a worn and tattered notebook. Its pages are yellowed with age, and it looks like an ordinary journal. But as he runs his hand over the cover, a thrill of anticipation courses through him. This must be what he's been hired to steal. He carefully dusts off the cover, revealing the faint signature of "Raven'' scrawled on the first page.

    Curiosity getting the better of him, he flips to the next page, where a drawing of a strange rune catches his eye. It resembles two mountains lying on their side, and beneath it, a cryptic phrase reads: “Bar - By the power of earth, let dust form a shield to protect and spare." He remembered hearing about how wielders used intricate hand signs to cast spells, imitating the shapes of ancient runes. He couldn't recall where he had heard it before, but the knowledge made him realize the true value of the notebook in his hands. It wasn't just an old, ragged notebook, but a key, incantations, to unlocking wielding techniques. The thought sends a shiver down Ash's spine, and he can't help but wonder what lies within the pages of this unassuming notebook.

    Footsteps are approaching down the corridor. Ash's thoughts went into overdrive. He rapidly analyzed the situation, understanding how critical it was to locate an exit. He could feel adrenaline coursing through his veins, boosting his concentration as he quietly sought for a way out. He understood that his talents were his most powerful weapon, and he stayed confident in them even as the footfall became louder and closer. In a deliberate attempt to escape, he dashed towards the balcony door, his hands moving quickly to pick the latch. However, it was too late.

    The door sprang open, showing three fearsome wielders in war armor and dark gray robes. Ash was imprisoned, his pulse thumping in his chest as he tried to figure out how to get out. He'd never been apprehended before.

    Ash's muscles tightened in anticipation, preparing to either engage in combat or make a swift escape. However, he found himself at a disadvantage as the wielders encircled him, their arcane power palpable in the charged atmosphere. One of the wielders held up a candle and began murmuring incantations. The crackling of energy particles filled the air, amplifying the sense of imminent danger. As if on cue, a shower of scorching sparks began to materialize around one of the wielders, intensifying the already volatile situation.

    Ash could feel the heat building around him as the situation became increasingly tight. Sweat began to build on his brow, but he refused to succumb to terror. Faced with three experienced wielders, this was unfamiliar terrain for him, but he knew he couldn't afford to freeze up.

    Suddenly, his thoughts returned to the old book he had discovered. The image of the rune and the words that followed it flashed into his mind.

    He didn't realize their importance at first, but then a spark of inspiration struck him. He lifted his left hand without hesitation and proceeded to construct a hand sign that resembled the rune from the book.

    His voice was low and deliberate as he spoke the words he had read. "Bar - By the power of earth, let dust form a shield to protect and spare."

    Ash's senses were heightened as an unsettling sensation crept up his spine and an overpowering sense of tiredness swept over him. His eyelids drooped, and he struggled to keep them open, but his body refused to obey. Suddenly, a flame ball rushed towards him. As Ash's mind raced, understanding this may be the end, time appeared to slow to a crawl. But suddenly something grabbed his sight, and his eyes widened in surprise.

    A strange phenomenon was happening before him. Countless dust particles began swirling around him, gathering and coalescing into a large sphere that enveloped him. The fireball collided with the sphere, and for a moment, the air crackled with energy as the two opposing forces clashed. But then, the fireball dissipated, extinguished by the dust shield that had formed around Ash. Ash felt his legs give way as he lost all his strength, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

    Ash slowly opened his eyes, feeling like he had just been hit by a giant troll. He groaned and rubbed his head, trying to make sense of where he was. As he looked around, he noticed the stone ceiling, the bed he was on, and the fact that he was wearing a hospital gown. "What in the name of Aetheria happened to me? " he muttered to himself.

    Just then, the door swung open and in walked an old lady wearing a gray robe. The fabric was a thick and rough material, with intricate stitching along the edges. The robe had no hood, revealing the woman's gray hair tied back in a tight bun. Underneath the robe, she wore a white loose long sleeves gown. She wore no jewelry or adornments, but her piercing blue eyes seemed to command attention on their own. Ash's eyes widened as he scrambled off the bed, ready to defend himself. "Come closer and I'll put you down, you old witch!" he shouted, raising his fists in a defensive stance.

    The old lady just rolled her eyes and marched over to Ash. She grabbed his ear and yanked him back towards the bed. "No one at Silvermist dares to disrespect me, and neither will you, boy!" she scolded him.

    Ash winced in pain, feeling like his ear was about to come off. "Ouch, ouch! Yes, ma'am, yes, yes, ma'am!" he whimpered.

    "Now go back to bed, you need more rest," the old lady ordered him.

    As Ash lay back down, still rubbing his ear, he asked, "Where am I? "

    "You're at the academy infirmary," the old lady replied.

    "In-fir-mary? " Ash repeated, still dazed.

    "That's right, boy. Considering what you did last night, you're lucky you're not in the dungeons," the old lady scolded him.

    The old lady just shook her head and walked over to a table on the other side of the bed. She picked up a bottle and poured a weird-smelling liquid into a cup. "Here, it'll help you get back on your feet," she said, handing the cup to Ash. "And the headmistress is on her way. She'll be here any moment now."

    "The headmistress? " Ash exclaimed. "You mean the Silvermist witch?!"

    The old lady glared at him. "Watch your mouth, boy, or you'll lose that ear of yours!" she warned him.

    The door creaked open once again, and two towering wielders marched in, positioning themselves on either side of the entrance. A stunning woman followed them, tall and majestic with silver hair that cascaded behind her like a waterfall. Her attractiveness was evident, despite her fierce look. With high cheekbones, a sculpted jawline, and big lips that curled into a charming smile, her features were sharp and elegant. Her penetrating steel-gray eyes, on the other hand, possessed a violent intensity that made Ash shudder. She wore a gray robe with a muffle covering her shoulders, which contributed to her powerful appearance. She was dressed in a form-fitting, long-sleeved black gown that caressed her curves in all the right places beneath the robe. Her hands were decorated with a pair of black matching gloves, adding to the impression of authority that enveloped her.

    As she approached his bed, the old lady bowed her head respectfully. "Good morning, headmistress," she greeted with a pleasant tone.

    "Good morning, Helga," the headmistress replied, standing tall before Ash. "And how is the boy faring? "

    "He could use a little more rest, but he's able to speak now," Helga answered with a sly smirk, turning to look at Ash.

    “What were you doing in the restricted area? She demanded, her voice laced with authority and suspicion, and yet there was a certain grace to her tone that belied her power.

    Ash hesitated for a moment, but then decided to try and bluff his way out. "I'm a new student here. I got lost and wandered into the wrong room," he lied.

    The headmistress's eyes narrowed as she studied Ash. "You're lying. First day of the semester starts tomorrow.”

    Ash knew he had been caught. He dropped his act and braced himself for the worst. "Alright, you got me. I'm a thief. I was hired to steal an old notebook."

    The headmistress's expression darkened. "A thief in the Silvermist Academy? You've picked the wrong place to steal from. You'll face serious consequences for this." The headmistress turned to the wielders at the door. "Kaela, inform Lord Orion that someone is after Uncle’s notebook," she ordered.

    Kaela bowed and left the room quickly. Ash felt a pang of fear, but he knew he had to stay calm. Lord Orion was the leader of the Orion Warden, a group of elite wielders tasked with enforcing the laws of Arcadia and protecting its citizens from threats. They were a respected and feared force in the city, with a long history of protecting Arcadia from dark spells and dangerous creatures. "Wait, before you do anything rash, can we at least talk about this? " Ash said.

    The headmistress raised an eyebrow. "Talk? Yes, you better start talking. Who sent you? How many of you were here last night? " She demanded answers.

    "I was alone," Ash said, his voice shaking slightly. "I don't know who he was. The messenger never told me his name. All I knew was that he was a wealthy collector who wanted that notebook."

    The headmistress studied him for a moment, her sharp eyes piercing through him. "And how did you plan to get away with stealing from the Silvermist Academy? " she asked.

    "I... I didn't have a plan," Ash lied, "I was desperate for money, and the job seemed easy enough. But I didn't think it through."

    The headmistress sighed, her face somewhat softening. "Desperation can lead people to do foolish things," she explained. "However, you must understand the gravity of your actions." The notebook you tried to take is a precious item owned by the academy. You've put yourself in a risky situation."

    The headmistress turned to Helga and whispered, "What about the night shift guards? "

    Helga replied in a low voice, "They weren't hurt. The guards claimed that he wielded dust."

    "It was dark, they couldn't be sure of what they saw," the headmistress said, her eyes fixed on Ash.

    "But if it's true... he is the first since Lord Raven," Nurse paused and looked at Ash.

    "What is your name, boy? " the headmistress asked.

    "Ash... Ash Blackwood," Ash replied.

    "Blackwood, huh... I'm guessing you're not from around here," the headmistress said, repeating his last name.

    “You will remain inside the academy’s walls until we find out who this collector is,” The headmistress demanded with a firm voice, her imposing stature making her presence felt in the room.

    “You can’t just keep me here,” Ash protested, his voice rising in frustration.

    “Do you prefer the dungeons instead?” The headmistress countered, her tone unfaltering. She let out a heavy sigh and began to walk towards the door, her silver hair cascading behind her. Helga, the nurse, quickly bowed her head as the headmistress passed her by.

    Feeling uneasy, Ash asked in a hushed tone, “Am I a prisoner?”

    The headmistress stopped walking and turned to face him, her piercing eyes boring into his. “No, Ash Blackwood,” she said in a calm voice, “you are going to be our new student.” She then continued walking out of the infirmary, the wielder following closely behind and closing the door behind them.


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