

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    [ENG] The Exiled : Dark Stars

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : Past Tension

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 25 เม.ย. 59


    The Exiled: Dark Stars

    Past Tension


    The bottom end of the staff slammed into my stomach. Blood gushed up my throat as I flew back at least ten feet. My visions got hazy, but the figure of Zyen…his black eyes, his golden hair, his fair skin, his tall stature…I could still see all of it. The Zyen in hooded cloak and Wolf’s mask was not Zyen, but some alien stranger I did not know.

    I remembered his gentle hand stroking my hair, and his slender fingers that wiped my tears. I refused to believe what I saw. This is a nightmare. Yes, when I wake up we would be on the run from some anonymous Wolves again.

    But the pain in my stomach kept dragging me back to reality. I looked at the others. Raleigh and Ignatius were desperately trying to dodge the hail of Wolves’ attacks. I stood up, ignoring the pain that shot up in my stomach and grabbed Elliah. My feet tapped the ground, and we launched into the air. Gusts of strong wind sent us flying away, escaping. Zyen diverted his attention to me, enough time for Raleigh to send a punch right into his stomach, grab Ig, and ran.

    We regrouped an hour later in front of a hospital. We were all exhausted from the run, but the Wolves gave up for the day. Elliah ran back to her big brother with teary eyes. I and Raleigh exchanged an awkward ‘congratulations on staying alive’ glance.

    “I’m sorry for earlier. I never thought…”

    “Is your stomach alright, Des?” Ig cut me off before I could finish my sentence. I rubbed my belly. It hurts really badly.

    “I need to sit down.” I said wearily.

    We sat down in front of a shrine. Ignatius couldn’t control his mouth tonight.

    “Why do you think the Wolves are chasing us? Trying to kill us? I mean, we’re Exiles. We committed great sins and nobody gives a damn about us, right? So…why? And that guy, Zyen Helsinski was it? You two knew each other?” Streams of questions flooded from his mouth. My mind was too numb to answer all that. I groaned.

    “Ig, leave me alone. Please.”

    The raspy frog sound that was my voice escaped my mouth.

    Eyes closed, I recall the time when I was part of the Seccharine Wolves.

    We were a tribe of elite Wolves who worked for the glory of Paradise. I, who was born with special power, was considered a sinner reborn. The tribe decided to spare me because they thought I would make a good Wolf. They sent me to a boarding school, and there, was when I met him for the first time.

    I was a young girl, and I was scared. He was a young man, two grades above. He showed me around and talked to me when I was alone. That simple act of kindness alone made a frightened girl’s heart flutters. One day my parents came by, saw me talking to Zyen, and decided that they liked him. He would become a Wolf, the most glorious position anyone in Paradise could ever have next to the White Pigeons.

    As he trained, we grew closer. I realized what this fluttering feeling was, and we started going out. Up to that point, my life was perfect. Paradise. And then I made an unforgivable mistake. He was gone from my life. Forever.

    Tears streamed down my cheeks, but the one who wiped them out wasn’t Zyen. It was Raleigh.

    I looked at his glittering eyes. He remained silent.

    “What should we do?” I asked him, who seems to be the most level-headed person around. My voice must had been desperate, because a look of pity formed in his eyes.

    “Destiny. Never thought you would make such a careless escape.”

    I jolted up, dragging El and Ig along. We sprang away from Zyen, who was alone and outnumbered by us.

    “Why did you come back?” I asked through gritted teeth.

    “To kill you. It’s that simple.” He shrugged. Then, his body became a black shadow that dash straight into Raleigh. He gagged, and Zyen gave him a punch that sent him crashing into the hospital’s fence. Blood splashed out of Raleigh’s nose. Blood loss is a grave danger to him. I stood, wide-eyed, too scared to move.

    “Why you!?” Ig heard the noise and lunged at him. The Wolf dodged easily and hit Ig in the back of the neck, sending him unconscious. I sprang towards him, but he grabbed my wrist, still aching from Raleigh’s feeding earlier.

    “Never knew you were that close with that sorry excuse of a vampire.” He said coldly, squeezing my wrist so much I thought it was going to break.

    “I hate you!” I hate you, but I love you. That’s why it hurts so much. “You betrayed me! Zyen Helsinski!”

    A look of hesitation flashed in his eyes. With my other good hand, I slapped the mask away from his face and ducked down. Elliah knew her cue. She tore the bandage from her head, revealing her two bright red eyes.

    Zyen screamed. People flooded out of the hospital building, and I had to grab my friends and ran once more. Well, that soap opera line was pretty effective.

    Before I knew it, we were back at the abandoned building. Raleigh was trying to stop his nosebleed, and Ignatius was sound asleep in his sister’s lap. 

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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