

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : คำพูดสุดท้าย

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 27 ต.ค. 50

    "So who do you like??"


    I  almost die choking on my own spit when I first heard that word, but anyways I was lucky enough to manage to replied her back.

     "Come again? I did't really quiet catch that one?"

    She frowned, looking at me with some weird expression in her eyes.

    "Hey come on.. we told you our secrets and everything right?? but I havn't heard a word from you at all."
    "Isn't that what friends are for?? We share our secrets, share our feelings. That's how we become closer and closer."

    "Well, I don't have any secrets to share with you guys"
    "Don't you dare lie to me. I can see it in your eyes. You're definitely hiding something from us."

    I hestitated for a minute, don't know that to use as excuses when her words stroke right back to my heart.

    "May be you could just tell us what to improve or else just tell us about anything you don't like us to do. You're always so awefully quite. You agree on everything ...and it makes me feel uncomfortable."

    "So you're telling me to be more rebellious ?"
    "No! that's not the point"

    Smiling to cover up my emotion, I decided to cut this endless conversation down a bit.

    "OK, just ask me whatever you want to know."

    "So who do you like??"

    "Stop asking me that question will you? just anything but that god damned question!"



    "Oh, just forget it!"



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