

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #6 : Part 1: Chapter 4: The Tin Man

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 2 ก.ค. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Chapter 4

    The Tin Man

    Cameron, "His chip is intact. We're programmed to repair ourselves. We're programmed to blend in. He might still need coltan for a missing piece. A leg, an arm. He'll rebuild and continue his mission to hunt and kill." Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, S01 E04, Heavy Metal, 04-Feb-2008

    Reese (slow, but intense), "Listen. Understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with . . . doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear . . . and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead." The Terminator, 1984

    # # #

    2027, Day 13

    Derek is in his office, looking over the latest intelligence from the various outposts. The enemy activity to the north and west appears to be holding steady. He makes a note to send scouts to LAX and the old industrial centers of Los Angeles once things quiet down some. It would be too risky to send anyone out there right now.

    However, what has his interest at the moment is a report on a gradual increase of activity to the south that came in just moments ago. Nothing significant, just enough activity to make him wonder what's going on. Derek's still trying to come up with a reason why when there is a knock on his door.

    "What is it?" He shouts, laying the report's face down on his desk.

    A guard opens the door and announces, "One of Sergeant Reese's soldiers to see you sir."

    "Send him in." Derek says. His heart beat increases in expectation of bad news.

    The young man enters and salutes. "Private Johnson, with a message from Sergeant Reese."

    Derek inwardly sighs with relief. Thank God it's just a message. "What is it Johnson?"

    "The team was unable to find transportation on the outskirts. Connor made the suggestion of possibly finding transport at the rest stop on the highway heading south into the desert. Sergeant Reese has agreed to the plan."

    Derek sits up straight, highway heading south.

    "Show me on the map!" Derek says getting up from behind his desk, hurriedly, almost sending his chair crashing to the floor.

    Johnson walks over to the map and points out the road that Kyle showed him. Derek's face goes ashen as he realizes that is in the same general area where the reports indicated fresh activity.

    "Sir?" Johnson asks with some concern, seeing his CO's composure shaken.

    "You're dismissed, Private." Derek says firmly, trying to hide the anxiety deep inside.

    "Yes sir." Private Johnson replies and leaves quickly.

    After Johnson leaves, Derek reads the report again hoping that maybe he read it wrong.

    "Damn," he swears. It is the same general location and there isn't a man to spare, and no means to alert his brother. The only thing he can do is to try and get word out to the various outposts to keep an eye out for Kyle, Allison and the rest of the team.

    He tries to put it out of his head, as he concentrates on the other matters of running the base, but all he can think of is Kyle and Allison. Both had to grow up so fast in this world. Allison somehow still managing to hold onto all that is precious about life despite all the hardship she's faced. Kyle who never stopped revering him, but wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind. He could be stubborn, unwilling to change his mind unless the burden of proof was against him.

    Derek feels sick. He's just sent them on what could be a fool's errand right into Sky Net's open arms and there isn't a damn thing he can do about it. He can only pray that they don't forget their training, because right now, that's the only thing standing between them and certain death.

    # # #

    After leaving the city, the progress of Kyle's squad was much faster as the roads were free and clear, but for the occasional burnt out remains of a vehicle either in the road or on the side of the road. No one bothered to check the vehicles for any survivors. The skeletal remains inside were proof they had died a long time ago.

    The sun beats down on the seven hot and tired resistance soldiers, walking at a steady pace on the desert highway. Because of the detour from the original route, Kyle Reese decided that they would travel during the day and night for one day to make up for any lost time. The march has exacted its toll on nearly everyone.

    Behind John are the two recruits, plodding along in the intense desert heat.

    "What are your names?" John asks over his shoulder.

    After they take a few breaths one says, "I'm Billy, this my brother Jimmy."

    "I'm John."

    That's as far as their conversation went as they used what energy they had to walk.

    The sun begins to set, turning their small shadows into equally weary patches of darkness walking along with them on the hot pavement. The two recruits are tired and weary and falling further behind. John Connor isn't doing much better than them, but he is determined not to be the last in line on this long march. Mike and Lewis are doing better than he is, but it is obvious to John that Allison and Kyle are used to such long marches as they kept pace and were yards ahead of them.

    Kyle pauses to look behind and shouts, "Close up ranks back there you two. You as well Connor!"

    Finding a little extra energy in their tired bodies, they jog to catch up with the rest.

    The sun had been set nearly an hour, when Allison, who has been walking beside Kyle, speaks to him. "We're getting low on water. It shouldn't be much further to the rest stop."

    Kyle stops quickly. Being tired and locked into the steady rhythm of marching, his squad barely avoids piling into him from the rear

    "All right everyone, we'll rest here for now." Kyle orders. "I want to wait until it is completely dark before approaching the rest stop."

    John is just taking a much desired sip of water from his canteen when Kyle calls him, Mike and Lewis to join him.

    After telling Allison to keep watch, Kyle asks John, "Do you know this rest stop that we are going to?"

    "Yeah." He replies, calling up the information in his head. "It has its own well out back. It has a service station, and a combination general store and diner. Out front, there's a couple of old gas pumps."

    Deep down, John was hoping the well was still functioning after all these years.

    Kyle hands Connor a stick and turns his flashlight on, pointing it at the ground. "Sketch it out so everyone will know what we'll be facing."

    John sketches out the rest area, the way he remembered it, in the dirt. Praying that his information was still good. According to the calendar, it had been over twenty-eight years since he was last there, but for John it had been only six. A lot could have happened in that time.

    Kyle takes one look at the map he drew and swears. "Damn that is a big place. If there is water there like you say Connor, it would be a resource that would attract bandits, grays, or worse the metal."

    He swears again. "Mike, take one man with you and go forward and scout the area. If there are any hostiles, do not take offensive action. One of you stay and keeps watch. The other is to come back here and inform the rest of us. Then we will form some plan of attack. If there are no hostiles, secure the well, then one of you come and fetch the rest of us."

    Connor is feeling anxious. His information is putting these people at risk, and frankly he's getting tired of just walking, watching, and waiting. Dammit, he's supposed to be John Connor.

    "Kyle, I know the area, I should be one of those who goes." He says.

    "Sorry Connor, but you are the only one who knows where the weapons cache is. Your life isn't expendable." He doesn't suggest the weapons aren't likely to be there. He hasn't got the energy to spare.

    Mike taps one of the recruits on the shoulder who quickly follows him.

    It is all John can do not to argue with Kyle. It sounds too much like what his mom had been telling him all his life. Swallowing his pride, John nods his assent and goes back to the group to wait. Lewis takes Allison's place at keeping watch, staying with Kyle to keep an eye out for Mike's return.

    The lone recruit and Allison find a hollow beside the road to lie down in. John notices that Allison keeps her boots on. Either she fears the scorpions or she didn't want her feet to swell. He looks about and finds a spot to lie down close to the others. He sets his pack on the ground near them and uses it to rest his head on, when he lies down. The sand still feels warm from the day's sun.

    John grunts his displeasure at not going as he lays down. Allison, not being far away, hears him. Turning over to face him, she speaks to John in a low voice. "Kyle is right John. Your knowledge makes you too valuable to risk your life on a scouting mission."

    "I suppose you're right. But what I know is putting those two at risk and it doesn't feel right that they should bear that risk alone. I should be with them." He replies sounding exasperated.

    "You sound like a leader, not a soldier." She says, curious as to his response.

    "I'm not either one." He says testily. "I'm just a guy in the wrong place in the wrong time."

    "I don't think so. I think you are here for a reason." Allison responds with confidence.

    "What makes you think that?" John asks, wondering if he had let anything slip.

    She raises herself on one elbow and smiles at him. "I don't know. I just do. You should get some sleep John. We may have to wait a while. A good soldier sleeps at each opportunity and will eat whenever food is offered because he will not know when he will have time for either again."

    "Sounds like something my mom would say." John answers.

    Allison lays back down, a small smile on her face.

    After a minute, John says, his good humor returning. "I know of something else a soldier should take when it's offered."

    "What?" Allison asks from beside him.

    "Ammunition. Lots of ammunition." He says with a chuckle.

    He hears a tiny laugh from Allison's direction and smiles. Score one for me, he thinks and falls asleep.

    # # #

    It took time to get to the bunker with more human patrols in the area, but Catherine Weaver was clever. Shifting form quickly and effortlessly, she used whichever form would gain her the most distance for the given terrain and number of patrols. Sometimes she was a silvery eel, slithering between the piles of rubble, other times she chose to be a dog, running across wide open areas, and sometimes she used the form of the female resistance fighter, who's life she took when released from her underwater prison.

    She'd been watching the patrols enter and leave the bunker. To one side she can see the crumpled remains of the stylized letter Z that once graced the entrance to her company. Seeing a new group of human resistance fighters approaching, she takes the form of a dog and follows along with them.

    "Hey there, fellah." One of the soldiers responds as a dog comes up alongside him. "Where'd you come from?"

    He kneels down to pet the dog which laps his face and hands while wagging its tale.

    "Just put him in the kennel with the others." The sergeant orders. "We can always use another dog."

    The patrol enters and the soldier who found the dog takes it to the kennels. The other dogs begin yapping and barking as the soldier leads the dog to an empty cage.

    "Here you go, boy." He opens the cage and leads the dog inside. He fills a bowl with water and sets it on the floor.

    "I'll see if there's something for you to eat. All right, boy?"

    The dog just wags his tail excitedly.

    The soldier turns to leave. The dog changes to a semi-solid silvery liquid rising up into a humanoid form. The other dogs begin yelping and barking with a frenzy. The soldier is confused for a moment. They all seemed focused on him, then he realizes it's not him, but something behind him.

    The soldier turns and faces a silvery humanoid form. The shock barely registers, when a silver blade slices through his neck silencing his voice forever. He falls to the floor, blood gushing from his neck as Catherine Weaver walks away. Her form shimmering and reforming into the soldier she just killed.

    2027, Day 14, Early Morning

    John feels someone shakes his shoulder. He mumbles something incoherent.

    The last thing he remembered was looking the stars. They were like old friends to him. As a child growing up in Central America, he was taught how to navigate by the stars. The guerrilla soldiers of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the other countries of Central America were like Uncles and Grandfathers, teaching and spoiling John. One of his last thoughts before falling asleep was how some of the smugglers didn't like the idea of the American woman and her boy traveling with them. He remembered his mom as a tough soldier. One afternoon, she broke the jaw of one man who had been hurling insults and rubbish at John with equal vehemence when he was a child. No one bothered them again after that. He fell asleep thinking of his mom and how she always looked out for him.

    Once again, someone shakes his shoulder. This time he opens his eyes to see Kyle hovering over him.

    "Mike's back." He whispers. "He's alone and he doesn't have good news."

    Kyle then shakes Allison and the other recruit awake, telling them the same thing. In seconds, they are up and listening as Mike tells them of what they saw.

    "We found the rest stop exactly where John said it was. The buildings are dilapidated, due to neglect, but they aren't empty." Mike explains. "A group of armed Grays is holding the fort there."

    "Are they using it as a base?" Kyle asks.

    "I don't think so. It looks like they are just sheltering there for the night, or else guarding the well."

    "What are grays?" John ventures a question. Derek used the term before in referring to people who worked for the machines, but he didn't have much more information.

    Kyle rolls his eyes and explains, "Grays are humans who work for the machines. We consider them traitors. The machines use Grays on their outer lines or to guard minor posts, but you can count on each unit to have one or two machines with them."

    Mike curses the Grays. "Fuckin' traitors. But hell, with so few resources available, most only join out of desperation for food, shelter, clothing - the basics."

    "What happens to them when they do switch sides?" John asks.

    "In time they are completely brainwashed into helping the machines, they can't help it." Kyle. "We tried to un-brainwash a few Grays we've captured in the past, but they all turned on us. We had no choice but to kill them."

    Mike begins cursing again.

    Kyle interrupts him. "OK Mike that is enough! Mike has made a sketch of the rest stop. There are three, maybe five Grays in the store. There are three Grays outside guarding the area, one at each entrance from the highway here and here, and the third in back near the well."

    Mike recovers quickly and says, "The well is functional. While Jimmy and I were observing, we saw one of them come out and fill a bucket. Also, the three men on guard duty are on a staggered three-hour watch. Every hour one of the guards is replaced by another Gray from inside."

    "Does the replacement come out and swap places or does the guard go in and then someone else comes out?" John asks.

    "Only one time, did we observe a replacement come out first, all other times the guard went in and a few minutes later someone else came out." Mike replies.

    "We've got surprise on our side. We can take them." Lewis adds. "All we need is a plan."

    John thinks for a moment. This situation sounds a lot like some of the scenarios Derek would teach him before he moved out of the house. He speaks up. "I've got an idea."

    Kyle gives him a sharp glance. Once again, the kid has an idea. I wonder what it is this time.

    Sensing his mood, John adds quickly, "If you're interested."

    # # #

    At a resistance outpost protecting the supply lines coming through the mountains, the commander's sleep is interrupted.

    "Sir! Sir." A female soldier shakes her commander's arm.

    "What is it corporal?" The commander grumbles, while turning over.

    "We're getting another one of those transmissions, sir. You wanted to know."

    "I'm right with you." He says, leaping out from under the sheet and pulling his pants on in one smooth motion.

    They dash next door to the radio room in time to hear the end of the transmission. The voice sounds a bit like Donald Duck as it comes in on a sideband frequency.

    "...hope. It's on the horizon if not already with you. The time is coming..." static "...we will win. Don't give up. Stand strong." Static again.

    "The signal is weak." Says the Commander.

    "I think it's being relayed, that tends to weaken a signal, bounced off the ionosphere, or perhaps it's on a sub-harmonic." The radio operator explains as he adjusts a knob to try and clear the static.

    "Hope. The fight will go on." static "...n't give up. Hope is wit... you now. Don't give up. Never give up. While there is life, there is still hope."

    "She sounds tired."

    "She? I thought it was a guy."

    "Who can tell? He sounds like Donald Duck with a head cold."

    "Shhh!" The CO hushes his subordinates.

    The people listen intently as the signal briefly gets stronger.

    "I've been talking to you for many years. Encouraging you, advising you, praying with you, and yes, even crying with you. But things are going to change soon. I have been the voice crying out in the wilderness. Preparing the way..." Static once again interrupts the signal, and then it disappears.

    "What's going on?" The commander asks rather harshly.

    "There's another transmission coming through sir."

    "Try and get it back."

    "I can't. The new signal is stronger."


    "Grizzly base to all outposts. Grizzly base to all outposts. Coded message to follow."

    "Do you want me to rebroadcast the other message, sir?" the radio operator asks.

    "Why bother, when we didn't get the last of it? Just wait and decode the message from Grizzly. I'm getting some coffee."

    # # #

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    I shared my plan with Kyle and the others. For a moment, I thought Kyle was going to say no, then he agreed. He organized who was to be positioned where, maintaining a pairing of less and more experienced persons. An hour later and we were all in our assigned positions. I don't know if it is because Kyle doesn't trust me or something, but he paired us together. We were waiting for the opportunity to engage the attack. I was scared, not only from the coming fight, but this was the first time I was putting my training to use in coming up with a plan of attack. Like any plan, there are always the unknown elements that test the outcome. This was to be no different.

    John and Kyle are just out of arms reach of the other, behind brush on the opposite side of the road from the rest stop. They each have an eye on one of the grays standing guard outside the store. They don't talk. They don't move. They are waiting for one of the guards to go inside after completing his shift. As soon as he steps inside, he is to be shot. The idea being to confuse the Grays inside and outside.

    Kyle waits patiently, not even moving just waiting for his guy to move. John glances over his way and then back to the gray he is watching. The M-16 starting to feel heavy in his arms as he waits for his gray to do the same as Kyle's.

    Mike is in back of the store, watching from just behind some brush, as the guard out back paces back and forth between the well and the service station. He so hopes the gray he has targeted will be the first to go inside. Damn traitors. The son-of-a-bitches deserve death, he thinks

    Allison and Jimmy are in a position to lie down covering fire on the store from the side facing the desert. The service station is too close to the other side of the store, for effective cover. When they hear the others fire, they are to fire through the thin walls and the windows, creating as much confusion inside as possible. They are to stop firing when Kyle, Mike and John storm the building, to avoid friendly fire.

    Lewis and Billy are taking observation points. Lewis remained where they had rested and Billy had walked on past the rest stop to take up position there. If they see anything moving, they are to run back to the rest stop and warn the rest. When they hear the gunfire stop, they are to go to the rest stop. If they are dead than Lewis and Billy are to report back to Derek that they had failed. If they survived, then they would resume their positions as lookouts.

    That's the plan, and John is nervous. He glances at the sky and it seems just a bit lighter in the east. John decides it is two hours maybe less before dawn. A trickle of sweat runs down his back, and his throat feels dry. John is just reaching for his canteen when shots ring out from the far side of the store.

    Mike had been watching the guard at the well. He would pace back and forth pausing now and then to scan the desert around him. Every time he passed the well, he would pause and take a drink of water from the pail resting on the edge. Mike licked his parched lips, his rifle never wavering from its objective, as he wondered when the filthy Gray would go inside.

    "Come on, come on, you mother fucker. Go inside." Mike swears in a whisper.

    After what seemed like hours as Mike waited, the Gray's head never leaving the cross-hair on his scope, he suddenly turns to go inside. Keeping calm, Mike waits until he just enters the door before squeezing the trigger. The man's head explodes as the high velocity bullets enters the back of his head.

    Instantly Kyle and John fire at the men in front of the rest stop. Allison and Jimmy open fire on the store. Shouts come from inside, the men inside try to get up, only to be struck by splinters and bullets as Allison and Jimmy fire on the outside wall. Some of the Grays begin to return fire, even with bullets whizzing past them.

    Kyle and John have the longest approach to the store from the opposite side of the road. As they run forward, they can hear the men shout and see the tracers as Allison and Jimmy fire from their location. Mike being closest to the building, fires through the open back door as he runs in from the back. He just reaches the door when something strikes him in the forehead and he falls back, stunned.

    That was the first thing that went wrong, the second was just as Mike was taken out of the fight, Allison had to reload her rifle with a fresh magazine, that promptly jammed. Two positions stopped firing, giving the grays in the store a chance to fire back. And they fired back in earnest.

    Not knowing that Mike is out of the fight, and not seeing that Kyle and John are too far away to do anything at the moment, Jimmy jumps up to provide covering fire for Allison. She clears her rifle and replaces the magazine.

    "Jimmy! Get Down!" She yells just as he gets struck in the chest.

    "Jimmy!" Allison yells. Beside her, Jimmy is clutching his chest, his breath getting more ragged, blood beginning to froth at his lips.

    She quickly pulls some cotton batting from her bag, while more bullets fly past. "Hold this to the wound. Don't move!" She orders him and retakes her position firing rapidly on the enemy's position, leaving Jimmy holding the bandage to his side. Allison wishes she could do more for Jimmy, but with a wound like that out here, he wouldn't have much of a chance, and the people she cares for most in the world are about to enter the store.

    When the firing from Allison's position stopped, a Gray took the opportunity to dash out the front door, brandishing a weapon. Kyle raises his rifle and squeezes off three quick shots taking the Gray down. A few more shots come from inside the store, causing John to duck down. Allison opens fire on the store again.

    Mike gets to his feet, wiping the blood from his forehead. Grabbing his rifle, he steps forward, ready to fire. When John and Kyle resume approaching the store, Allison ceases fire to avoid hitting them. No more than a few seconds had passed since Jimmy was shot, but when she bends down to finish tending to his wound, he has already died. She quickly ducks down as more bullets fly overhead.

    John sees a movement through a window and fires his weapon, shattering the last two squares of glass. The sound of someone grunting in pain utters forth. Mike enters the rear of the building, firing into the backs of the traitorous bastard's presently firing at Allison's position. He hates the grays with a passion.

    Kyle runs up the porch steps and through the front doors firing quick and accurate shots, shooting any gray still moving. John hadn't even made it through the doors when the firing had stopped. Mike walks forward, blood running from a wound on his temple. Kyle turns on his flashlight exposing the carnage. Six corpses lie on the floor in a puddle of their own blood. John feels sick.

    "How many out front?" Mike asks

    "We got three of them outside." Kyle says. "Connor and I each took out a guard, then I shot a Gray that made an unsuccessful dash for freedom."

    "What happened to you?" Kyle asks gesturing at the blood on Mike's temple.

    "The door jamb was sagging. I didn't see it in the dark. Ran right into it. Stunned me."

    They just begin to chuckle over Mike's accident, when John hears a sound behind him. They turn to see Allison walking in the doors. There is blood on her hands and she looks shocked. But inside she feels relief that both Kyle and John are alive and unhurt.

    "Are you okay?" Kyle asks, sounding concerned, seeing the blood on her hands.

    "Jimmy is dead." She says, her voice sounding strained.

    Her shocking news quickly subdues any attempt to find any further humor with Mike's accident.

    Kyle gives her a hug, and then Mike shows her the well where she can wash the blood from her hands. After which he fetches Jimmy's body. A clean shot through the chest, piercing both heart and lung. He died almost instantly.

    John and Allison throw some pails of water on the floor, to wash away the blood, while Mike and Kyle drag the corpses outside. John and Mike are busy dragging the dead grays outside around back with the others, when Lewis and Billy arrive.

    "Where's Jimmy?" Billy asks, looking at everyone. "Where's my brother?"

    With a trembling lip, Allison takes him to where they laid his body.

    "I'm sorry." She says, placing a hand on his shoulder.

    She walks away. Everyone gives him time to grieve in privacy.

    "Come on guys." Kyle says with some weariness. "Let's get these bodies stripped of gear and weapons, then bury them."

    "We don't have a shovel." Lewis replies.

    "Shit." Kyle swears. "Okay. Lewis you're out front, and Billy can stay out here for now, on guard. Mike and Allison search the service station. John you're with me."

    John and Kyle search the combination store and diner for something to use as a shovel but come up empty. They are just walking back out into the diner section when they hear a loud cheer from the service station.

    Without hesitation they run outside and towards the open bay doors on the further end. They reach it and find Allison and Mike with big smiles. They are each holding a shovel, but that isn't what is making them smile.

    "I suggested to Mike that since we were checking out the garage for shovels, we might as well check for transportation." Allison says with a smile.

    Kyle just looks stunned and John is grinning. Finding transport at the rest stop was a long shot, but it paid off.

    "Good Job." Kyle says to them all. "Good job everyone." He says again patting John on his shoulder, but still with a stern and tired look.

    "Everyone, get some rest, then we'll see if we can get the old van running."

    Allison looks at John with some pride, but he misses it as he watches Kyle walk away. He has finally gotten some approval from the man who will one day be his father, but still he can tell there is a bit of chip on his shoulder.

    Kyle walks away, thinking of what they will do next. There were too many grays here without a machine to supervise them. Were they renegade's? Did they just ambush people who could have been their allies?

    Kyle scans the desert. No there are machine's out there, somewhere. I know it.

    But in the back of his head is a voice saying, Allison is falling for John. She likes him. Why doesn't she look at me that way? Maybe, she isn't the one meant for me. I've always been a brother to her. But I like her. I need to face it, she's going to love someone of her choosing. Doesn't mean I'm going to have to like it, or him. The bastard is showing me up in front of Allison, with his plans and ideas, and dammit all, why do they have to be good ideas too. Kyle clenches his fist in anger.

    # # #

    Back at the main bunker Derek has been sending as many alerts out as possible by radio, to keep an eye out for Kyle and his squad. It's taken a while, due to each station maintaining radio silence but for scheduled contacts.

    "That's it, sir." The radio operator says. "Last radio message."

    "But there are other outposts with radios." Derek says sternly.

    "I know sir, but they aren't due to come on for several hours yet."

    Damn the security procedures. "We need them to get messages to the outer camps, especially to our south." Derek slams his fist down on the table in frustration, cursing.

    "Is there something wrong?" A resistance fighter asks from the door to the room.

    Derek glares at the young man a moment. Tall, slender, athletic looking, like a marathon runner. A Runner!

    "Can you run?" He asks the man.

    "What?" he asks with some confusion.

    "I said, can you run?" Derek nearly shouts.

    "Of course I can run." he answers, still confused.

    "Good! Come with me." Derek orders. He has an idea.

    Derek drags the soldier along with him to his office explaining the situation with Kyle Reese and John Connor going off to get weapons and how Sky Net has just increased activity in that area.

    Pointing to the map on his office wall, Derek explains. "I want you to take the message I gave you to those three outposts, Lima, Golf, and Epsilon. They have radios and can send runners to the other outposts, but these here," Derek points to a few camps. "Don't have radios yet. All of them need to be alerted."

    "Do you want them to send out search parties?"

    "Hell no, it's too risky, just tell them to be on alert. Kyle and the others may get through okay, but then again, probably not. If any survive, I expect there to be heavy casualty's."

    "Very well sir. I should probably leave right away."

    "Yes, and watch yourself out there. The machines may ignore a lone human, but they may just kill you for the hell of it."

    The soldier nods his head and leaves. He walks quickly through the bunker and to the entrance he came in earlier.

    He continues walking until he is some distance from the entrance. Stepping into the shadows of a semi-collapsed building, his form shimmers and changes into Catherine Weaver.

    She smiles. Getting information on John Connors whereabouts proved easier than expected. Very typical of John Connor, no matter what his age is, she thinks. Leaping into a dangerous situation without much thought. However, she can't help but be pleased. If he survives this little adventure, then her plans for John will be even closer to completion.

    2027, Day 14, Sunrise

    Allison walks into the store to find John snoring lightly in one of the old diner booths. Billy is laying on the counter, sleeping as well.

    She shakes Billy awake and hands him his canteen, that she filled with water from the well.

    "Thanks Corporal." He says and takes a sip from his canteen.

    "Kyle wants a word with you. He's out back standing guard."

    "Thanks. I'll see him, right after I take a whiz."

    Billy walks out without saying anything more to Allison. He's not looking forward to the talk with the sergeant. Hopefully he won't share too many words of condolences before giving him some fresh orders for the day.

    Allison walks over to where John is resting in the old diner booth. A light snore escapes his lips.

    She studies him a moment, a light smile playing across her face. John looks so young when sleeping, like a child free from the worries of the real world. But when he is awake, he tackles the problems of the world like man born to face them. She feels different inside when looking at him. She always thought she'd fall for someone older than her.

    Allison plays with her hair with one hand, wondering what it would be like to kiss John Connor.

    "Are you just going to stand there and stare at me?" John asks with a crooked grin.

    Allison hadn't seen John's eyes opening up as she stood and daydreamed about kissing him.

    "What?" Allison blushes. "Sorry. I, um, filled your canteen with well water." She hands him his canteen then walks off to a different part of the store to avoid looking at him.

    Oh God, I hope he didn't notice how I was looking at him. She thinks.

    "Thanks." John says, before taking a long drink from his canteen. That and the couple of hours rest was almost more than he could wish for. He wonders what's up with Allison. She walked away very quickly after he opened his eyes and caught her looking at him.

    "It will be dawn soon." Allison says over her shoulder as John finishes drinking. She is still a bit flustered over being caught staring at him.

    "Where is everyone?" He asks as he puts his canteen away.

    "Kyle is out back standing watch. Billy's just gone to join him. Lewis is out front and Mike's in the garage checking over the van."

    "Has Kyle gotten any rest?"

    "No." Allison says as John approaches her. "He wouldn't let anyone relieve him. I think he's worried or thinking about something."

    "Anything springs to mind?" John asks wondering about Kyle's attitude when they found the truck. Some pride yes, but there was something else there as well. He just senses this edge of anger or mistrust from Kyle and he doesn't know why.

    Allison doesn't answer back. Kyle has some issues with John, but she knows there is something else bothering him.

    "I'm going to help Mike. Working on vehicles is something that I know how to do." John says, heading out the front door. "See you later?"

    "Yeah." She replies. "I'll be outside on watch."

    # # #

    Catherine Weaver couldn't be more pleased with the progress she's made in contacting the other bases. The leader of Grizzly Base choosing her, to contact these other groups, was a stroke of luck. Not only has she found out where Connor is, approximately, but her orders gives her access to multiple bases. An opportunity to gather intelligence.

    The most disappointing thing about this future is how disorganized everyone is. Taking Connor into the future had a greater impact on the time line than anticipated. It doesn't matter. She can make that work to her advantage, provided John survives this mission he's on.

    Catherine walks up through a crevice between two buildings that collapsed into two hills of broken concrete and brick. Her eyes fall upon her last destination. The leader, at the last base she contacted, suggested she should go there as well. A new outpost. So new, it hasn't even been assigned a leader yet, but it has its own doctor, and if Reese's party has any wounded, that's where they'll go.

    She has to smile at that. These human males are so ready to trust and give up information to a willing attractive female. Her form melts into a silvery humanoid shape and reforms into the female resistance fighter she killed in her own time.

    The old bus terminal isn't much to look at, but the real base is underground. She approaches the terminal and finds the entrance. She taps on the bunkers entrance with her foot. Leaning over she shouts the code into the ventilation tube she was given at Epsilon base.

    The hatch opens revealing two men with M-16's pointed at her. With a suggestive smile she greets them, "Hello boys. Is this Outpost Delta?"

    # # #

    John and Mike have spent the better part of an hour checking the van over. They've replaced a few hoses, added some fluids, and checked the air in the tires. The gas in that tank was still good, but when they went to start the truck, they found the battery was dead.

    John slammed his hand against the side of the van in frustration, making it sting. He shakes his hand and seeing his fingers flip back and forth like a propeller reminded him of the blades on the windmill. The windmill! John quickly goes over to the storage shelves and begins digging through it.

    Mike looks at him like he is crazy. "What are you looking for?" He yells at him.

    "I'll know it when I find it." The words barely escaped John's mouth when he finds it, an alternator and some fan belts. But he is missing one thing to make it work.

    He turns to Mike, "Are there any wires, cables or extension cords over there?"

    "Uuhh, let me look." Letting his M16 hang by its strap from his shoulder, Mike began digging through the various items hanging on the far wall.

    "What about this?" Mike holds out a twelve foot extension cord.

    "Too short!" John yells over to him as he begins looking in the other garage bays.

    "Hey, Look at this!" Mike shouts with excitement, while holding three loops of heavy duty extension cords approximately 100 ft. long each.

    "Perfect," John shouts with a grin.

    He quickly walks over to Mike, picking up a couple more items.

    "What are you going to do with all this?"

    "Out back is an old windmill that was used at one time to pump water from the well. I'm going to convert it into a wind-powered generator."

    "Will it provide enough power to recharge the battery?"

    "I don't know. It will only need to charge the battery with just enough power to start the truck. The engine will finish recharging the battery."

    "It sounds like a good idea." Mike agrees.

    They both dash out the back door, nearly running into Allison.

    "Any luck with the truck guys?" She asks as they run past.

    "You'll know in a moment." John says cheekily.

    Leaving two coils of the extension cord on the ground, Mike and John scramble up the tower.

    Allison watches as Mike and John swing the windmill out of the wind. The fan blades stopped turning almost instantly.

    "Hold it in place while I scrambled on top." John tells him.

    John gets on top of the tower and has a good view for miles around, but he focuses his attention on the job at hand. He pulls the alternator from inside his jacket and straps it in place with some wire from a spool. He then takes a fan belt, cuts it in half, loops it around the axle of the fan blades and the wheel of the alternator. Mike watches as he cuts it to length and then use a couple of heavy wire staples to link the cut ends together.

    "Hand me the extension cord, Mike." John asks.

    John cuts the socket off the end of the cable and strips the wires with his knife. He then attaches the wires to the screw terminals on the alternator.

    "Here, take this." John says and feeds the cable down through the tail of the windmill. Mike grabs it, and guides it through, letting the end drop to the ground.

    Before climbing down, John takes some more wire from the spool and ties the cable in place to keep it from shifting.

    Getting down to Mikes level, he asks. "Will you be okay here, while I go and hook the other end of the cable to the battery?"

    Mike looks nervously at the ground below them and then at John. He was okay while they were occupied, but up this high and nothing to do? With a nervous laugh he answers, "Yeah."

    "When I give you a shout, turn the windmill back into the wind." John says as he scrambles back down the tower.

    They were so busy, they hadn't realized they had gained an audience. Everyone but Lewis, who was out front as lookout, had come around to see what they were up to.

    Kyle gives John a questioning look as he plugs an extension cord into the one from the windmill. He and Allison follow John into the service station as he unrolls the cable.

    "What are you doing?" Kyle finally asks, his curiosity finally getting the better of him.

    "I'm building a wind generator to recharge the battery." John replies.

    "How long will it take if it works?" He asks sounding very serious.

    "Hopefully no more than hour. It depends on so many variables, will the battery take the charge, are the cables still good, does that alternator work, and how long will the wind continue to blow."

    "I get it." He replies, looking kind of grim.

    "Is there something wrong?" John asks him.

    "Yeah." Kyle answers frowning. "There are too many Grays with no metal. It's been worrying the hell out of me. There are at least two with a group of Grays this large. If they are out there, I'm now worried that your little stunt out there could draw them in."

    He was looking stressed. "You've got one more hour with that van. If it isn't running by then, we are leaving."

    Kyle marches out of the garage.

    "Well, I guess we know what's been eating him, huh?" John says to Allison. "I'd better get cracking."

    John finishes stripping the end of the wires. He wraps the exposed copper wire of the black wire around the negative post and does the same with the white wire.

    He comes out from under the hood to see Allison still standing there, watching him.

    "Allison, would you ask Mike to turn the windmill back into the wind. I'm sure he would like to get down off that tower now."

    "I would think so. He doesn't care much for heights." She says with a smile and leaves.

    John finds himself alone for a few minutes to think. Kyle was concerned about the absence of metal in the vicinity. That means they could be laying in an ambush someplace or else could be planning on attacking them here, much like they did to the Grays. If they were out here, did that mean they knew about the weapons cache? Or was it just a coincidence? He didn't know. But these Grays had to be out here for a reason.

    He begins to wonder about the way Allison looked at him this morning when he woke, but doesn't get very far in his musings when Mike and Allison walk inside.

    Mike was taking a swig of water from his canteen. Allison hands John his canteen refilled with water from the well. He has to grin. John didn't even see her take it.

    "Thanks." John says, then takes a drink. "God that tasted good."

    Miked asks, "Is it working?"

    "Let's find out." John replies picking up a short length of copper wire. He briefly touches it to both battery terminals and there are a few sparks.

    The three of them cheer. John and Mike pat each other on the backs.

    Allison gives Mike a brief hug, brushing her lips against his cheek. "Good Job."

    Seeing the kiss, though it was a friendly kiss and not a lover's kiss, caused John to feel something inside. He'd been so preoccupied with this mission, John had forgotten about Cameron, and at that moment, he wishes she were here. He knows she would be pleased for him. She was never an outgoing person, but Cameron always seemed to know the right thing to say or do. It will be our secret.

    Mike ran out saying, "Thanks Allison. I'll go tell Kyle the generator is working!"

    Allison turns to congratulate John on building the generator. He seems rather sad, at a moment when he should be happy. John's thinking about his family again, maybe even the girl I remind him of, she thinks.

    Allison walks over to John.

    "Are you okay?" She asks, looking into his eyes.

    John looks back at her with a longing expression, unable to tear his eyes away from her. Without a second thought, she embraces John and holds him for a moment. John is sad, when he should be happy. I want John to be happy.

    Oh God. John thinks. Why couldn't she be Cameron?

    She pulls away, pausing, her hands still resting on his upper arms. Being this close and seeing John's face, the hurt but trusting face, causes Allison to want to reach out to him. There is something about John Connor. They look into each others eyes. John's only thought is for his Cameron, looking into Allison's eyes.

    The tiniest smile plays across Allison's mouth.

    His heart is beating rapidly and his mind is swimming. It didn't seem hardly any time had passed since he was in a similar position with Cameron. This isn't Cameron. She is Allison Young, and she is flesh and blood. An imperceptible blush creeps across her cheeks as John gazes steadfastly into her eyes.

    Without a further hesitation Allison kisses John and is a little surprised at how quickly he responds. He knows this is Allison, but he kisses her the way he wished he had kissed Cameron in that motel room. For weeks he had all that unrequited desire inside him. He missed that opportunity to kiss Cameron and he isn't going to hesitate again. He knows this isn't Cameron, and if that makes him a heel, then he doesn't care.

    Allison kisses John with a desire she's been holding onto for a while now and was surprised by the passionate kiss she got in return from him. She matches his every action with her own.

    Forgetting where they are or who he is with, John pushes Allison against the van, feeling her soft female curves press against him. She goes willingly, her back pressed against the warm metal, his body pressing against her. She feels him stiffen against her as his kisses began leaving a trail down her neck. Allison gently, but firmly pushes him back until he sits heavily on a crate. She sits on his lap, her legs straddling his. She begins kissing him, while running her hands under his shirt.

    "Ha hemmm."

    They are suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. John and Allison both look to see who is there. Just inside the door stand Kyle and Mike. Kyle looks like a stern father or, even worse, a grumpy sergeant major with a bad tooth. Mike has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. Without letting Kyle see what he is doing, he gives John a wink and a thumbs up.

    Allison looking a little flushed, backs away from John, smoothing her ruffled clothes. "I'd better go relieve Lewis at his post." she says quickly and leaves.

    "Mike tells me the generator is working." Kyle manages to say while still looking grim. "Keep me informed." And with that statement he walks out.

    Kyle knew this might happen. Just from the way John and Allison looked at each other that brief moment when they found him naked in the tunnels. There was some kind of spark of recognition or familiarity between the two of them. You hear of such things and even read such things in romance novels, but its bull. And dammit why does John have to be so damn good at things, planning, tactics, even technical and mechanical things. Shit! Is it any wonder Allison is going for the new guy? Dammit!

    Kyle is still in a slow burn as he storms off.

    Mike stays behind. He was still looking at John with a big grin on his face when he says, "So you were the one to do it?"

    "Do what?" John asks.

    "Break through the shell of the ice princess." Mike takes a sip of water. "Everyone's tried to. None of the guys have gotten anywhere with her. Some of us thought she was holding out for one of the Reese boys. Others thought she didn't like men. But when you showed up, I could see her begin to thaw."

    "What are you talking about?" John asks concerned. Damn, he hopes he hasn't been unintentionally leading her on, but he can't help it if she reminds him so much of Cameron.

    "Well she was always someone of good spirits, but after you showed up. She was seen smiling for no reason when she was alone. She likes you, John. Allison really likes you."

    "Is that why Kyle was looking so stern?" John asks, suddenly realizing why Kyle's been so distant even distrustful of him.

    "Yeah, he's always had a bit of a thing for Allison, but she's never seen Kyle, or Derek for that matter, as anything other than surrogate older brothers." Mike grins. "I can't wait to tell the others when I get back." Mike sounds quite pleased with himself.

    "Why?" John asks feeling somewhat embarrassed.

    "Because it means that I won the pool. We all had stakes as to who would break through her shell, and I chose you. You are a charmer, aren't you?" He winks at John and leaves the garage laughing.

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    I didn't know how I felt being the source of amusement for Mike or others. It felt good to hear some laughter for the first time since I got here. On the other hand, it appeared that Allison did like me and that made me feel terrible that I was thinking of Cameron while Allison kissed me.

    But that kiss. She wasn't holding back when she kissed me and I didn't hold back when I kissed her, but I should have. Not even Riley, who I thought had loved me, had ever kissed me like Allison did. I'll have to be careful not to hurt Allison's feelings since she genuinely likes me. I never should have kissed her back like I did, but I wasn't thinking of Allison. That makes me feel worse because I am here for Cameron.

    Her chip is here somewhere. In the possession of John Henry. How do I find him? Where is he? Where the hell is Catherine Weaver? Without Catherine Weaver, I'll never find him or get Cameron's chip back. Damn! Damn! Damn! When I find her, Weaver will have to answer a lot of questions.

    The futility of my coming into the future was hitting me hard again. My frustration was boiling up inside me and I grabbed the first thing my hand fell on and I threw it as hard as I could against the far wall. The object bounced off the wooden wall and smacked into a windshield propped against a box, cracking it. I must admit that I felt better doing that, but I wished I had smashed that windshield.

    Grabbing one of the shovels, John rushes at the wind shield and begins hitting it. Striking it again and again and again with the shovel, yelling incoherently with frustration and anger.

    Allison comes to the back door and watches John and isn't sure what she should say to him or do to help him. He's got an awful lot of emotion buried deep inside of him for someone who is so quiet. She decides it's just best to leave him alone for now and resumes her position standing watch. She is worried about him and wonders if she went too far in showing her interest in him.

    # # #

    Derek walks into the radio room, looking kind of haggard.

    "Any word on my brother and his squad?" He asks the radio operator presently on duty.

    "No sir." The woman at the radio responds. "A few outposts have reported back, none of their patrols have seen anything."

    She looks up at her leader and sees the strain on his face. "Sir perhaps you should get some rest."

    "No thank you corporal. Any other reports come in?"

    "Just a comment from the outpost on our supply line. It seems they've picked up another transmission from The Prophet."

    "The Prophet? Is that what they're calling it now?" Derek frowns.

    "Apparently. The radio operator over there has been analyzing the transmissions and thinks why they've been getting it and no one else has, is because they use military frequencies. The mountains deflect the signal and alters it so it comes in on a sub-harmonic, hence they get it and the rest of us on the west coast don't."

    Derek grimaces while tapping his hand impatiently. "Tell them to quit wasting time. We've got more important things to do than to listen to the ramblings of some crazy person."

    "Her words give me encouragement and they must do the same for others." She protests.

    "Listen." Derek says, looming over her menacingly. "The only encouragement I need, to blow the metal to hell, is a damn good rifle, not some crazy person. So you tell them what I said, you understand me?"

    "Yes sir." She says, disappointed.

    "And erase all recordings!" Derek shouts as he leaves. "We don't need them using up valuable space on the computer."

    The occasional transmission of The Prophet has been what's given her hope, the courage to continue against overwhelming adversity. She reaches over to the laptop computer next to the radio and brings up the latest recording of the Prophet and plays it. It's distorted as all the others, but the conviction in her voice still comes through.

    "We fight the good fight. To preserve all that we love and care for in this world. Don't give up. Never give up. This is our fate now. Sky Net and its machines may have strength and power on its side, but we've got something it will never have. The human spirit. That is our greatest strength and that is something Sky Net will never have or be able to defeat. We will win. Hope is coming."

    # # #

    An hour had gone by without incident, no metal attacking, no further contact between John and Allison. They are getting ready to leave. Lewis was filling up the last of the canteens. Allison had gathered up all the Gray's guns and equipment and had separated out those items we could use and had put them in the truck. Meanwhile, Mike and Billy are on the lookout while Kyle paces back and forth.

    Kyle walks in the garage bay, "It's time to start the truck."

    The tension is high. All their plans rest on starting the truck. John leaves the generator attached to the battery to ensure a full current. Trying to maintain the appearance of calmness, though inside he feels as nervous as hell, John climbs into the cab and turns the key. The only sound to hear is a clicking sound. The starter motor was definitely trying to start.

    "Try it again." Allison calls out from the back of the garage, looking both hopeful and fearful as she walks closer.

    John tries it again and the same thing happens. Dammit! There has to be an answer. All the gauges are active, the light is on under the hood. I've missed something when checking the cables, but what?

    "It's been a complete waste of time, Connor!" Kyle turns away and shouts. "Grab your gear people we are heading back to base!"

    "No wait! I think I know what's wrong." John yells, jumping out of the cab.

    Kyle spins around and grabs John by his collar and shoves him forcefully against the van. "What's wrong is being sent out here on some wild goose chase after weapons only you know about! Who the hell are you!"

    John doesn't know what to say and no one else seems to know what to say either. Kyle has taken everyone by surprise. John tries to struggle, but Kyle pushes him back against the van grabbing his throat.

    "You come out of nowhere! Tell my brother some fantastic tale! And the next thing I know I am out here in this god-forsaken desert, babysitting a bunch of new recruits." Kyle is screaming. "And the only thing you've accomplished besides getting us deep into the middle of nowhere is to make out with Allison!"

    John is struggling to come up with something to say, anything, the right thing, even another damn lie just to get Kyle's hand off his throat. It is obvious to him that Kyle is upset about something, but if he'd just let go of his throat so he could speak.

    "Kyle! Stop! You're choking him!" Allison yells.

    "Shut up Allison!" Kyle snaps at her. "Who the fuck are you Connor?"

    "Kyle! Please stop." Allison pleads. She was afraid this might happen. If she were closer, she would have tried to intervene before it came to this.

    John's face is turning scarlet. If Kyle doesn't stop soon, I'll have to do something, Allison thinks. She looks at Kyle, her face saying, Don't do this. Let him go. I don't want to hurt you.

    Kyle is looking at her with tired and sad eyes, his grip still tight on John's throat. Why, Allison? Why him? His look seems to say to her.

    Lewis sees the strained look on Allison's face. He walks up and calmly grabs Kyle's arm.

    "This isn't the way Sarge." Lewis says, giving him a look.

    Kyle's hand falls from John's throat, who immediately begins gasping for breath.

    John remains quiet, waiting to see what will happen next. Kyle just turns his back on him, on everyone, and walks away to stand in the garage bay door opening.

    Lewis then speaks to John in a hushed voice. "Hey Connor, it's not good outshining the boss, dude."

    John replies in the same low voice, barely suppressing his anger and frustration. "I'm not trying to outshine him. I just know how to do things. I grew up learning how to be a soldier, how to build and rebuild mechanical and electrical devices. This stuff just comes naturally to me."

    "Well just try not to do it so well around Kyle. He's spent his whole life in his brother's shadow and his light has seldom shined. Now here you are with your weapon's cache, your plan on how to get there, how to storm the building, and how to fix the vehicle." He drops his voice to a hoarse whisper, "And now you've managed to take the one thing he has always desired." Lewis looks over John's shoulder.

    He turns to look and sees Allison quietly standing there. She averts her eyes when they meet John's. She had witnessed their conversation and had never said a word.

    "I'm sorry. I'm sorry okay." John says in a slightly louder than normal voice.

    John storms out of the garage, brushing past Allison, to go out the back door. He keeps walking until he gets to the well, where he sinks down and sits with his back to the well, the buildings, and the people inside.

    Oh God. He thinks, why am I here? I need Kyle on my side and the only thing I've managed to do is alienate him. Will he ever trust me? All my life all I heard was how someday I was going to be a great leader, and now here I was making the very man who was or will be my father my enemy.

    John didn't see or hear Allison follow him, but she comes up behind him. Placing her hand on his shoulder, she says, "He's calmed down now. I think he might be willing to listen to your idea."

    "Is it true?" John asks, not knowing what else to say to her.

    "Is what true?"

    "That Kyle has feelings for you."

    "I guess so, but he has never said anything to me. Besides, he's been more like an older brother to me. We are only a few years apart in age. Derek looked after both of us. He's something like a father to me, to both of us really, since Judgment-Day."

    "Then, in the garage, earlier, when we kissed. What or why . . . ." John begins to ask but is interrupted.

    "I choose who I want, not anyone else." She looks at him squarely in the eye. "You're different from anyone else I've met since J-Day. There is a strength and a confidence in you that I haven't seen in anyone else before."

    John stands up, brushing the sand off his pants. Allison continues speaking.

    "Derek and Kyle have been good leaders. They have kept us alive. Derek said when he first saw you that you were going to be famous. I know why. He is a very good judge of character. He sized you up immediately. He's got something planned for you John. Remember, back on the edge of the city when you wanted to know why I had come along."

    "Yeah, you turned the question back to me, asking me why each of the other members were in the unit. But you never answered my question."

    "Well I'm telling you now. Derek sent me to keep an eye on you. To give him a report about how you handled yourself and what you contributed to the mission. He wanted to know more about you, so he threw you into this mission without any preparation. It's how he does things with new recruits. 'Sink or swim' as he calls it."

    "Is that the only reason you came?"

    "No, I had another reason." She pauses and looks at John so adoringly that he almost wishes that he could have the same feelings for her.

    "I wanted to see what kind of person you are for myself. I like you John. More than any other man I've known. There is something about you. You're different from the others. I think I love you."

    She embraces him for the second time that day and he awkwardly hugs her back. Why does she love me? Why am I in this situation? Why didn't I just stay home? Should I tell her that I am here because of a girl that is really a machine, that for all purposes can be considered dead until I get her chip back.

    John has to tell her something, if only it is part of the truth. Pushing her gently back, he says, "Allison, I need to tell you that there was someone special in my life that I've lost quite recently. For all I know she is probably dead. I don't know if I can love you in the way you love me, or in the way you want me to love you."

    Allison begins to say something, but John stops her. "No wait. Let me finish."

    He looks down at his feet, ashamed of what he's about to confess. "You remind me very much of her. You are more outgoing than she is, or was. But when I kissed you . . . I was thinking of Cameron, not you. That was wrong. I shouldn't have done that. You need someone who can love you for who you are. I don't know if I can do that, because every time I look at you I see her. I love her, and it's just not fair to you. I don't think I can do this. I don't want to hurt you."

    John said all that while looking down at the ground, unable to face her during his confession, but when he finishes speaking, he looks at Allison. A tear trickles from her eye, but she is looking at him with such warmth and compassion, that he feels even more confused.

    "That's okay John. I understand how you feel. Many have lost people in this war and haven't stopped loving them despite moving on with their lives. I really shouldn't tell you this, but Derek lost someone a few weeks ago. He won't talk about it, nor acknowledge it, so don't mention it to him. She was supposed to have been delivering weapons. We can only assume that she and her companions are dead. The shipment didn't arrive, which is why we've been rationing the weapons and ammo we have. He hopes your weapons will make up for the loss."

    More of the picture of why Derek is taking a risk on this mission falls in place for John.

    "Has he found someone else?"

    "Not yet, but if I know Derek, when he does, he won't forget his first love. No one ever does." Allison goes quiet and looks away for a moment.


    "We can take things slow John. But understand, in this place at this time, relationships are just as important as food and rest. When the opportunity comes along, you take it, as you may not have another chance. I'm giving you that chance."

    "I understand and I do like you, a lot. You've been a great friend, but right now . . . it wouldn't be right."

    "What wouldn't be right is to try and hold onto something that isn't there, John. I am here. You don't have to be alone anymore. I'm not asking you to forget her. Carry her in a special place in your heart and don't ever forget her. I don't wish to replace her in your affections. I only ask that you make a little room for me too and give us a chance. Please?" She finishes with a pleading look on her face. She isn't sure if she can make him understand how different this world is and how important relationships are. She knows John needs to move on with his life. It is never wise to go it alone.

    "I . . . I suppose I can try." John says trying to match her look of warmth with one of his own.

    Allison hugs John again, but he still feels torn up inside. Is this fair? Is this right? But she likes me, maybe even loves me. I have felt so isolated and so alone since coming to this time, and Allison has made me feel more welcomed than any other person here. Oh Cameron, why did you do it? Why did you give up your chip? I could have fixed you and I wouldn't be here right now facing this dilemma.

    Allison is still hugging John when Lewis approaches them from the service station.

    "Okay lovebirds. Kyle has simmered down. I think you two better get inside before he blows his stack for you being late."

    On the way back inside, Allison and John exchange a quick smile.

    "We'll talk some more later." She says, just before they go inside.

    John just nods his head, but he is troubled for the new feelings that have been woken inside of him. Forgive me Cameron. If I ever get you fixed and when I tell you of what happened, I hope you will forgive me. Because I think I'm falling in love with your twin, and I hate myself for it. I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry.

    # # #

    On the southern most perimeter of Los Angeles, located between the rubble of the fallen city and the scrub of the empty wasteland, there is a rough looking observation post. Outside, there is nothing for the naked eye to observe but scrub, dilapidated and fallen buildings. Underground, hidden by the piles of broken concrete and bent steel, it is one of the best kept secrets of the Resistance. Inside the post, carved out of the rubble, is some of the best high tech equipment used for monitoring Sky Net's communications.

    "Ma'am." the technician calls out.

    "What is it Roger?" She asks coming to the technicians position.

    A trickle of dust falls from a crack in the concrete ceiling, coating the monitor.

    "I'm picking up a signal . . . from a machine." He pauses. "If I didn't know better, I'd swear it was a distress signal."

    The CO leans over his shoulder looking at the sine waves on the monitor. "It is. I hadn't seen one of them put out a distress call in a long time. What is its location?"

    "I'm sorry, ma'am, but the signal cut out before the transmission got that far." A new signal appears on his screen. "Uh, oh."

    "What now?"

    "Looks like Sky Net is responding. Activity has definitely increased across its bandwidth. So much so I can't discern an individual signal."

    "Do what you can to clean it up. And send what information we have to Grizzly base, ASAP."

    More dust trickles down from the ceiling.

    "But we're not due to make radio contact for several hours yet." He protests.

    "Just do it. Our orders are to report any unusual activity and that is definitely unusual activity."

    More dust trickles from the ceiling above as the technician turns on the transmitter. The CO looks up at the ceiling above her wondering once again, after taking command of this station, how much longer that roof will stay up. The technician finishes coding the message for transmitting just as a piece of concrete falls, smashing a computer. Sparks fly and the lights blink.

    The people inside, look up, shielding their eyes from the dust, to see the cold grinning metal death mask of a machine and its glowing red eyes looking through a hole. With a shout for the technician to transmit, the CO pulls her handgun from its holster and empties the clip in the ugly visage before her.

    With a loud crash more of the roof falls in, followed my several machines, opening fire with weapons. They march coldly forward, killing everyone and destroying all the equipment. Without feeling, without emotion, they carry out their orders. Terminate all humans.

    # # #

    "Lewis. When I give you the signal, turn the key." John says from underneath the van.

    He had cleaned the electrical contacts to the starter motor, and replaced the lead from the positive terminal on the battery to the motor. John had just begun a final check of the connections when there is a rattle of gunfire from the western entrance to the rest stop.

    Lewis leaps out of the cab, grabbing his rifle. He flies out the front of the garage to join the others.

    John scrambles out from under the van as quickly as he can. He barely gets outside, with his rifle in hand, when more rifle shots sound from the east. Shit! That was where Billy was stationed. He hears more shots and a yell of rage from that direction. Then, three quick shots, POP! . . . POP! . . . POP! John knows that Billy is dead, just like his brother.

    Mike, Allison and Kyle came running up to him from the other side of the store. Mike's right arm is bleeding and Kyle is struggling to un-jam his gun.

    "We've got two terminators approaching." Kyle shouts. "One from the east and one from the west. Lewis is going to lay down some covering fire so we can get out of here."

    Facing John, he asks, "Will that truck start now?"

    "Yes!" John says, with more confidence than he feels.

    John dashes back inside, Allison follows. She climbs up into the cab and sits in the passenger seat. John jumps in and turns the key. The engine coughs.

    "Oh God, please start!" John prays and turns the key again. The engine roars to life nearly drowning the sound of gunfire.

    "Come on! Everyone get in." Kyle yells.

    John leaps out of the cab to strip the wires coming from the generator to the battery. He barely gets out of the cab when there are several bursts of automatic gunfire. The thought on everyone's mind, it got Lewis. Then there is another burst of gunfire and Mike falls back from the door with a scream and dies before hitting the ground. Blood spouting from holes in his chest like some kind of grotesque fountain.

    Kyle shouts at John, "Get Allison out of here in the truck. I'll provide cover!"

    He slams the hood down and John is about to leap into the cab when a Terminator walks through the open door.

    They are so much scarier without flesh. His metal endoskeleton just glimmers in the bright sunlight. Because his rifle is jammed, Kyle pulls his gun from its holster and fires rapidly at the machine to no effect. With the machine occupied with Kyle, John leaps forward and jams the wires he is still holding into the machine.

    It turns its head and faces John. He begins question the wisdom of what he just did, then the machine begins to twitch and spasm. Its finger closes down on the trigger of its gun and it begins to shoot wildly. The passenger side windshield of the van shatters. Allison screams. Kyle grunts and falls to the ground, hit by a few stray rounds. John is thinking he is going to die when the machine suddenly stops twitching and collapses.

    Allison leaps from the van to check on Kyle.

    John quickly pulls out his knife and pops the seal off the chip. Thanking good fortune that it's a triple-8. Grabbing the pliers he used to change out the cable on the starter motor, he grips the chip, gives it a twist and yanks it out.

    Allison shouts, "Quick, I need help with Kyle."

    John slips the chip into his pocket and runs to the other side of the van.

    "Just leave me! Get Allison out of here John!" Kyle falls back with a groan.

    Kyle had taken three bullets, one in his left leg, one in his right hip, and the other in his right arm. John and Allison pick him up and half drag, half carry him around to the back of the van.

    "Dammit! I told you to leave me!" Kyle yells. "That's an order!"

    John grabs Kyle by his collar with both hands. "Court martial me when we get back to base if you want, but I am not leaving you behind!" He shouts in his face, shoving him into the van far more aggressively than he should given Kyle's injuries.

    John jumps into the driver's seat while Allison sees to Kyle's injuries. Blood is soaking his clothes where he got shot. Allison begins tearing open his clothes to get to the wounds.

    "I'm going to try and stop his bleeding." She shouts. "Can you get us out of here?"

    For an answer, John puts the van in gear, and floors the accelerator. The van leaps from the garage bay, and goes tearing down the dirt road to the two-lane highway. John reaches the road and makes a hard turn east towards the weapons cache.

    "No! No, we need to go back! Back to the base." Kyle shouts through gritted teeth, while Allison does her best to hold him steady in the rocking van. "Dammit! Listen to me! Aaaggghh." Kyle groans, his head falling back.

    "No, you listen!" John shouts. "We've got one more of those things out there and it's after us. You and I both know that our guns have no effect on those machines. Our only hope is to get to the weapon's cache. There we have weapons capable of taking that machine out. And once we do, we can get you back to base for some proper medical care!" John shouts over the roar of the engine.

    Allison says in a low voice, just barely heard over the noise, "Listen to him Kyle. He knows what he's doing. Don't let your pride be your downfall. What good is pride anyway?"

    Whether Kyle said anything in response, John didn't know. All he heard was a few groans of pain while Allison saw to his wounds.

    Quite suddenly, a terminator steps out into the road and it begins firing at the approaching van. The rest of the windshield explodes sending glass fragments flying at the three people inside. Allison throws herself over Kyle to protect him from the flying glass. John ducks down, hits the gas, swerves to the left, like he is trying to avoid the machine. At just the right moment, he turns the wheel hard to the right, giving the machine a hard glancing blow. The van rocks violently, almost tipping after hitting it.

    The machine goes spinning off onto the shoulder. John turns the wheel, righting the van before it tips. He breaths deeply and shouts. "Is everyone all right!"

    "We're fine John." Allison says. "Is it far to the weapon's cache?"

    "No, it's not far." John replies, glancing in the driver's side mirror.

    He can see the terminator standing up in the middle of the road watching them drive away. A chill runs down John's spine. He has no doubt it is going to follow them. They always follow.

    John knows that they only have one chance, to get to the hideaway in time to lay down a trap for it.

    As the van disappears down the desert highway, the machine begins to follow.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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