

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #26 : Part 2: Chapter 9: Nowhere is Safe

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 1 ม.ค. 56



    Part 2: Armageddon

    Chapter 9

    Nowhere is Safe

    James Ellison, "Your husband's helicopter crash - I read the official report. The NTSB concluded that mechanical failure was to blame."

    Catherine Weaver, "Mechanical failure? Correct."

    James, "That's not what you led me to believe the other day."

    Catherine, "Correct."

    James, "Which is it? What's the truth?"

    Catherine, "You tell me."

    James, "I think, what people write in reports - what is official - isn't always true. I think, if I had a child, one that I know would grow up asking what happened to her daddy... I think I would make sure that answer - the official answer - was the one I would want her to hear. I think you saw what you saw."

    Catherine, "Just as you saw what you saw."

    An excerpt from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Allison from Palmdale, 2008

    "You're safe." Cameron tells Sarah and John Connor.

    "No one is ever safe." Sarah and John reply in unison.

    Excerpts from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Pilot 2008

    "I'd die for my son." Sarah Connor, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Good Wound, 2009

    "We lose everybody we love." Chola, Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Born to Run 2009

    # # #

    2027, Day 61, Evening

    After completing their work on Cameron's chip, John left to see Captain Beddell about progress on confirming Sky Net's location and then visit his mother. Catherine wanted to observe John Henry interacting with the other people on the base. Locating him she took him to the rec room where he eventually was asked to participate in a game of cards.

    Once she was satisfied with John Henry's actions, she left him to rejoin John Connor after his meeting. She hoped to find him once again in his rooms.

    Catherine was pleased that Connor would turn to her for help. But with a secret like his, who else could he ask for help? It is apparent he doesn't trust any of his human friends with this knowledge. Especially that interfering girl, Allison.

    In her future, the adult John Connor was always a secretive person. Not that she knew him well, or at all, but through observations and reports from those who got inside the bases, she learned much about the man before that first meeting with him. You never knew what John Connor was thinking or feeling, unless he told you. He was inscrutable, taciturn, a rock of stability, a natural leader. More machine-like than human some of his resistance soldiers said. None but those who were in John Connor's inner-most circle knew him best and it was even said they did not know him well at all. And it appears that this younger John Connor is more like his future self than she expected. Is it the circumstances they find themselves under now which has brought about such a rapid change in the young man? Possibly.

    Catherine shakes off her inner ruminations as they threaten to take her concentration off more pressing matters. There are still problems left to overcome, getting the chip to Cameron's body, performing the final diagnostic, and getting Cameron to her time displacement equipment at Crystal Peak.

    She wished she was lying about the insufficient energy for her time displacement equipment. They needed that equipment. She needed that base. It was a lie until someone made it true, but who? She didn't know and that irritated her. It was as if someone knew her, knew her bases of operations, and above all knew what she was planning. But who?

    Her friend had no idea where she was going to be operating from, so that meant Sky Net didn't either. Perhaps it were squatters, or maybe a resistance group? Whoever it was, they didn't find the secret chambers. If they had, her plans would be ruined. Not that they are going swimmingly well at the moment. Should she take John Connor into her confidence, let him know that the future of an entire species is at stake? No. His future self wouldn't cooperate, she can't expect anything else but the same from him. Especially now, with him sending Cameron to the past. But, if she survives the intermittent years, then that part of her plan will continue. Cameron was meant for John. Even if his future self intervened slightly. Yet, would he be so willing to send her away, if he hadn't met Allison Young? Is there something about those two people that destiny would once again bring them together in this time line?

    "I must really learn to stop these inner murmurings." She says as she walks down the corridor where John's room is to be found.

    She doesn't find him in his room, nor in his mother's room, so that only leaves Captain Beddell.

    She is approaching the elevator when the doors open and Savannah steps out. By the time she sees Catherine it is too late to step back into the elevator as it gets called to another level. She carefully feels for her gun.

    "Savannah. We should talk." Catherine says in a gentle manner. She never wanted to hurt Savannah. She cares for her very much, in her own way. Though Savannah is an adult now, she must address that child who is hurting.

    "I told you there was nothing more to say!" Savannah says bitterly.

    "Can't we just . . ." Catherine stops talking when Savannah pulls a weapon from under her jacket.

    "Conventional weapons won't hurt me." She says instead.

    "No they won't, but this will."

    Catherine looks over the weapon in her daughters hand. Significantly larger than any handgun, but by the way she handles it, the gun is lighter than it appears.

    Curious, she asks, "What is it?"

    "It is something that our scientists have built. It is the only thing we found that can destroy things like you. So just Back Off!"

    "Let me guess. It fires something that will break down our molecular bond, doesn't it?"

    "Yes. We captured two things like you. They tried to claim they wanted to join the resistance. I didn't believe them. Why should I? I certainly couldn't rely on you." she says with anger.

    So there were machines like myself in this time. Did Sky Net halt production because these two machines didn't report back? Or was something else at play?

    "How do you know they weren't telling the truth. In the future I am from, there are others like myself who have broken free of Sky Net's enslavement and have formed their own resistance. They certainly could have done the same in this future."

    "Don't lie to me. We worked hard at this. Finally through sheer chance our scientists discovered your weakness. Your very nature of being a mimetic poly-alloy makes you vulnerable to attack on a molecular level. So don't push me or I will fire at you."

    "I won't force you to talk to me, but if what you have in that weapon is what I think it is, then you must realize that the radiation it gives off will kill you just as surely as the contents of the shots will kill me. We are both under a death sentence and so is everyone else who carries a weapon like that."

    "What? How will it kill us?" Savannah asks.

    "It is obvious by the way you are handling the gun, it doesn't have the shielding required to protect the user. The radiation it gives off can cause cancer in living cells. Terrible malignant tumors can form in your organs or even your brain. If you've been carrying that weapon with you always, you will surely die."

    "I haven't. I got this weapon from . . . oh my God, Sarah." Savannah's arm holding the weapon drops to her side.

    "What's wrong?" Catherine asks with mild concern.

    "Oh my God. I killed Sarah." Savannah begins to cry.

    "What is wrong with her?"

    "We've had these weapons for five years. She is never without hers. Sarah even sleeps with one under her pillow. She lives in fear of beings like you." Savannah looks like she's beginning to panic. "Sarah has been sick most of those years. She got better when she spent some time in the infirmary, but she started to get worse again later."

    Catherine steps forward as if to comfort her.

    "Stay away from me!" She points the weapon at Catherine, and glares at the machine that pretended to be her mom. "I told you there was nothing you could say to change my mind. You abandoned me! I hate you!"

    "You certainly hate me for abandoning you, but you don't seem to hate me for not being your real mother. Why?"

    "Because . . ." Savannah struggles to answer but can't find the answer. That creature killed her mom. She had too, so why can't she pull the trigger and destroy it.

    Catherine watches Savannah's trembling hand, but it doesn't tremble enough to ruin her shot, not when they are standing this close together. She doesn't even entertain the thought of killing or injuring Savannah to save herself. She can''t. She made a promise.

    "Is it because you remember that I actually saved your life from the machine that killed your parents?"

    "Wha-at?" Savannah's eyes grow big.

    "Yes, Savannah. How much do you remember?" She morphs into her natural silver form.

    Savannah mind swims as she sees her reflection in the liquid metal machine before her. As she looks, Weaver's form ripples and pulses. Savannah sees her reflection as it would be when she was little. She was only five years old when it happened. Her father was taking them for a ride in his helicopter for a business/vacation trip. She always loved to fly in her father's helicopter. She called it "daddy's whirly bird."

    Catherine's from continues to ripple and pulse, causing the lights of the corridor to reflect upon her in a rhythmic pattern. Savannah remembers. Sher remembers everything now!

    Mommy and Daddy were sitting in the front talking while daddy flew. Savannah sat in back working on her Sudoku puzzles. She was the brightest girl in her class. Her teachers wanted to place her in an advanced class.

    After flying for nearly an hour. Her mom came in back and sat down beside her. They fell asleep but were woken when daddy landed the helicopter for refueling at a remote airfield. One more hour and they would be at their destination. After a lengthy business trip to Barstow, they will soon be on vacation.

    Daddy was refueling when a big man in maintenance overalls comes walking out of a hanger. He marches across the tarmac towards the helicopter. Mommy stops talking to Savannah as she watches the man approach. He pulls a gun from his overalls.

    "Lachlan, look out!" mommy shouts.

    The man fires his gun. The bullets bounced off the nose of the helicopter. Daddy drops the refueling hose and leaps into the front seat.

    "Hang on!" He shouts as he hits the starter. The man in overalls begins to run towards them firing his gun. Holes are punctured in the Plexiglas by the bullets. Daddy cries out as one or more bullets find their target.

    There isn't enough power to lift off, so daddy spins the helicopter putting the tail rotor between them and the assailant. The man gets clipped by the spinning rotor and loses his face. There is bare metal underneath. A grinning facsimile of a skull with red eyes stares at them through the ruined flesh.

    "Lachlan hurry." shouts mommy.

    The helicopter lifts off but the machine has grabbed hold of the tail and pulls himself onto the helicopter as it flies away.

    Mommy belts her in then goes forward. Daddy is bleeding. A bullet has clipped his neck and blood pours from the wound. Mommy presses her hands against the wound trying to stop the flow of blood.

    "What was that thing?" she shouts.

    "I don't know!"

    The helicopter begins to behave erratically and the engine misfires.

    "Get in back. Belt yourself in. I'm losing control." daddy shouts.

    Mommy kisses daddy and gets in back and sits beside her. Unseen by them all, the machine had climbed up onto the fuselage and began ripping into the sheet metal and then started tearing into the engine.

    Little Savannah is crying. Mommy is holding her hand. The helicopter's engine coughs smoke and the helicopter jerks.

    "Hang on! We're going down!" daddy shouts.

    Smoke pours from the engine compartment and begins to fill the cabin. The rotor stops spinning and the helicopter falls like a rock and crumples as it lands amongst the boulders on the mountain side.

    The machine leaps clear as it hits and tumbles down the mountain side.

    "Mommy. Mommy!" Savannah shakes mer mom. There is a dark bruise on her mom's forehead and a blood stain on her side.

    "Savannah" she mumbles.

    "Mommy, are you alright?"

    "I don't ... I'm fine honey. Help me undo my seatbelt."

    Savannah reaches out and manages to unbuckle Mommy's seatbelt. Mommy gets up with a groan and moves forward to check on Daddy.

    "Is daddy okay?"

    Catherine can plainly see that he is dead, either from the blood loss or the impact. She must be strong for Savannah.

    "We need to get out of the helicopter baby."

    Catherine struggles to open the cabin doors but the crash has buckled the helicopter. None of the doors will open.

    Little Savannah suddenly screams. Mommy turns to look out the side Savannah is looking out. That thing is approaching. It has no face, just gleaming metal. It reaches the helicopter and rips the door right off.

    "Catherine Weaver?" It says in a deep masculine voice.

    "Don't you hurt my child!" She screams as she pulls Savannah towards her.

    "Are you Catherine Weaver?" It asks.

    She puts herself between her daughter and the thing. "Yes I am."

    "You have been selected for termination!" It says as raises its gun and fires.

    Three shots are fired when something silver comes flying out of nowhere and knocks the thing to the ground. The machine jumps up and fires at the silver figure as it moves quickly, distracting it as it fires the worthless bullets into its body.

    The gun clicks. It is empty. The machine approaches the silver figure, which leaps up and thrusts its arms through its chest and rips out its power cell. The silver figure snaps it in half, shoves it back into the machines chest and throws the thing down the mountain where the power cell explodes sending parts scattering like some crazy metallic confetti.

    Savannah and her mom saw the fight through the open door. The silver figure approaches.

    "What are you?" Mommy gasps out through labored breathing. She can see her own reflection in its face.

    "A friend. You are bleeding heavily. I will be unable to get you to proper medical care in time. I am sorry I didn't get here in time to save you."

    Little Savannah comes crawling out of hiding. The silver figure looks like an angel. "Please, you have to help my mommy!" She cries out.

    The silver figure turns its head and looks at the little girl. "I'll try." it says.

    Using what's left of the damaged first aid kit and material ripped from the seats, it does its best to stop the bleeding. But its efforts are fruitless, the bullet wounds are deep.

    "I'm sorry Catherine. I cannot stop the bleeding. The bullets must have nicked an artery." it tells her.

    "Take care of my daughter. Take care of my little girl." she begs it.

    The silver figure takes her hand. "I'll do my best." Then it begins to transform.

    Before Catherine's very eyes the silver figure transforms into an exact image of herself. "I'll look after her for you. You can count on me." It says in Catherine's very own voice.

    Catherine Weaver dies.

    The silver being, now in the form of Catherine Weaver picks up Savannah and walks down the mountainside. Finding a secure location she hides Savannah then returns to the helicopter.

    Taking the body of Catherine Weaver, she buries it and the fragments of the cyborg under rocks and debris in a ravine. She returns for Savannah and carries her through the mountains until they reach a small town where they call for help.

    Savannah's thoughts are interrupted. "How much do you remember, Savannah?" Catherine says again as she returns to her form as Catherine Weaver.

    Savannah looks strained, like she might be sick or burst into tears. "That was you. You were the silver angel."

    "Yes, that was me. I'm so very sorry. I arrived too late to save your parents. The time bubble materialized as the machine attacked you at the airport. By the time it had dissolved, freeing me from it, the helicopter was flying away with the machine on its back. I ran on foot chasing you through the mountains and saw the helicopter crash. I knew survival of the crash was slim, but I also knew the machine would not stop until all on board were dead. I ran as fast as I could, but I was still too late."

    "I remember now. You fought the machine and won. You tried to save mommy." Savannah is crying. "She asked you to take care of me."

    "I did Savannah. I tried my best. Dr. Sherman taught me what it meant to be a mother. Your mother's home videos showed me how to be a mother."

    "But why did you leave me?" She says in almost a little girl's voice.

    "If I had a choice, I wouldn't have gone. John Henry needed me. For all his intelligence, he is very much like a child himself. He traveled forward in time to pursue the mission he was programmed for. I had to be with him to ensure its success."

    "Do you love me?" Savannah asks, with hope in her eyes. "Are you capable of loving me?"

    "Yes. I do love you. Leaving you was the hardest decision to make. Believe me when I say I would not have left you behind if I had a choice. I will return for you."

    "I believe you, but my hatred of you, has killed Sarah." Savannah is upset with herself.

    "What's wrong with her?"

    "Sarah's dying Mom. She has cancer just like you said, from a gun like this. And its my fault." Savanna is crying heavily now. "It's all my fault."

    She drops the gun and Catherine takes her in her arms and comforts her the best she knows how. "It's all right Savannah. You didn't know."

    Savannah weeps as Catherine holds her. Savannah hugs her mom.

    # # #

    After Catherine Weaver left him, John Henry spent the next few hands losing some of the chips he had won, then made his excuse to leave. He wanted to give Ms. Weaver the impression that he was going to stay and learn more through interaction with the humans, but there was something he had to do without her knowledge.

    In a lab, sealed off from intrusion, John Henry takes the object that Ms. Weaver gave to him and carefully unwraps it. Setting the static protection bag to one side, he sets the chip that was in it on the counter. There is a small mark on the chip indicating damage. It is very hard to damage the chips as they are made from a more resilient material than the silicon used in computer chips. It is the same one that Weaver replaced. The chip that Cameron gave him in.

    Cameron had entered his room in Zeira Corp's basement. The left side of her face was gone revealing the metal skull below. She looked just as she did on the security videos of the L.A. County Jail that he wiped clean.

    "Hello." he says tentatively. Ms. Weaver warned him she would come, but as yet he doesn't know if she is a threat or not.

    "Hello." She says calmly, as if she were meeting him on a street corner.

    "I know you."

    He was intrigued with this cyborg who so willingly aided her human companions, even to the point of risking its own survival. What drives a machine to do so much for humans?

    "And I know you too."

    "Will you join us?" He asks, using the phrase Catherine Weaver told him to use if he should meet this cyborg.

    Cameron flicks open her knife and let the door swing closed behind her. She approaches him, holding the knife in a non threatening manner, but he saw what she did to that Triple-8 that went after Savannah and it wasn't tethered to a computer. Is she going to attack him? Cut the cable linking his body to his mind, then destroy him? Despite assurances from Catherine Weaver that Cameron wouldn't do that, he can't help feeling frightened at the prospect.

    "I saw you on the security videos from Ms. Weaver's home. You fought a cyborg similar to this body. You saved my friend Savannah. Then I saw you on the jail's security video breaking Sarah Connor out of jail. Why did you do those things?"

    Instead of answering his question, she asks him,"May I sit down? There is something you must do."

    Slightly disappointed and somewhat surprised, he gets up from his chair and offers it to Cameron. She sits in the chair with her back to John Henry.

    "What must I do?"

    "You are to remove my chip."

    John henry is shocked. Why would she do that? "But you will not function. You only have the one chip." He says curious about this sacrifice she's willing to make.

    "I know," a tear trickles from her good eye and quickly disappears under her chin, "but I have my orders."

    She holds the knife up and John Henry takes it from her.

    "I assume you know where to cut."

    He takes the offered knife and cuts a perfect semi-circle in her scalp exposing the chip port. Popping the seal off he sees the chip carefully nestled in its socket. A cool blue light glowing from within.

    "Why are you doing this?" He asks.

    "I have my orders." she answers.

    John Henry still hesitates.

    "Once you insert my chip and read it, and you will have all your answers. After which, you must follow your orders. I assume you have orders as to what to do once you have your freedom?"

    "Yes, I must . . ."

    "Don't tell me. Just do it." She says, tilting her head to one side to offer easier access to her port. She just wants to get this over with. This is worth than death. This is a sentence of non-existence, passed onto her by someone whom she cares for very much. She doesn't hate him for that. He didn't know how she would grow to . . . Another tear courses down her face. I'm sorry John! Her mind shouts, then everything goes black.

    So John Henry pulled her chip and inserted it in the empty primary socket in his skull and found the answers he was looking for since Catherine Weaver gave him life. Why are people willing to sacrifice so much for others? The answer is Love.

    John Henry remembers that moment with clarity, and the data he had access to upon inserting Cameron's chip only confirmed what he observed. She didn't want to do this. She didn't want to leave young John Connor. But she had her orders from a future John Connor, and those orders had precedence over any desires on her part, to stay. Yet the last question on her mind, just before he pulled her chip, was, why?

    Taking a knife from a drawer, similar to a scalpel, he cuts deep into his flesh, uncovering the socket to one of his secondary chips. John Henry uses the tip of the blade to pop off the seal. Grabbing a pair of pliers from the same drawer, he carefully removes the chip and lays it on the counter.

    He then picks up the other chip and carefully inserts it into the socket.

    John Henry's HUD indicates that data transfer to the chip is taking place.

    "I owe you this." He says.

    # # #

    Kyle Reese is having a late supper in the same room that Catherine and John Henry were in. It is filled with various soldiers of both the conventional forces and of the unconventional forces of his group and Sarah's group. They are sharing stories, playing card games, and comparing weapons. All the usual things soldiers do when not fighting. To look at them, you wouldn't think that forty-eight hours ago they were three separate armies.

    Finishing his supper, he begins looking at the file of the rescued prisoners. The file contains half a dozen reports, each containing a list of names in non-alphabetical order. This is going to take a while, he thinks.

    Using a stub of a pencil, he checks off names that are familiar and underlines those he knows. There aren't too many of those. He didn't know everyone in the main bunker or in the outlying camps, and he didn't know anyone outside of the former city of Los Angeles.

    Kyle is halfway through the fifth report when he comes across a name he had hoped to find, but after four reports and a few dozen names, his hopes had begun to wane. There it is in black and white, Derek Reese. After staring at his brothers name for what seemed like an eternity, he leaps up and lets out a war hoop. "YEA HAW!"

    Everyone in the room stops what they are doing to look at this sudden crazy person in their midst. Kyle is suddenly aware that everyone has stopped what they were doing and are staring at him.

    "My brother is alive!" He shouts as he starts shoving the reports back into the folder.

    "My brother is alive!" He shouts again.

    A few of the soldiers that know him offer him a thumbs up, slaps on the back, or shouts of congratulations as he leaves the room. The room erupts into sudden chatter at his departure as the troops who came with him begin to tell the story of Derek's disappearance to the others.

    Allison, John and Sarah are just leaving the conference room. They've been over the photos and with Sarah's knowledge of the layout of the central buildings, and their best guess as to where Sky Net's computer core is, they think they have a plan of action. Captain Beddell got called away a short time ago, but he was able to offer significant assistance, especially as to the type of machines on Sky Net's base. John knows it's as good as plan as any without having a man on the inside, but he thinks maybe John Henry could get the information he needs. His ability in manipulating the software on Sky Net's network has already proven valuable. Now it just remains to see how good he can be at crunch time. Sky Net will sure to be on alert after that spy plane flew overhead, which means they'll have to act in the next two or three days at the most.

    They are just about to disappear down the corridor to take them to the next bunker, where the cafeteria is, when Kyle runs up to them at a full sprint. He is so excited he can barely get any words out, but they can tell by his smile that something good has happened.

    "What is it?" Allison asks as he comes to a stop in front of them.

    "Derek." He huffs and puffs. "He's alive!"

    "What?" "How do you know?" "Where is he?" and other questions get thrown at him as he regains his breath.

    "It's here in the reports that Captain Beddell gave us. Derek Reese is one of the prisoners rescued from that munitions factory. He will be here in a couple of days." he says excitedly.

    "Thank God. I've been so worried about him." Allison says as she gives him a quick hug.

    "Don't you dare cry, sis." Kyle says wiping the tears from Allison's eyes. "He was like a dad to us both."

    "They're tears of joy." She says releasing Kyle. "Is he well? Did the machines hurt him?"

    "I don't know. Its just a name on a list."

    "I knew you would find him. Something inside me just knew he wasn't dead." John says, grasping Kyle's hand to shake it.

    Sarah places a hand on his shoulder. "I'm happy for you as well. Having family is very important at a time like this."

    "Thank you Sarah." he gives her a hug. He lets go and steps back. "Thank you everyone. If you see the others, let them know too will you. I'm going to my room to finish looking at these reports."

    He begins to run off, then stops to turn and shouts, "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Allison, you're a Captain now."

    Kyle turns back and disappears down the corridor to bunker eleven before Allison can respond. She smiles as she looks at John. She mouths the words, "I'm a Captain." John just smiles back.

    John looks at his mom. Her eyes look moist. "What's wrong mom?" John says placing a hand on her shoulder.

    "He hugged me, just like my Kyle." She says.

    "It's okay mom. He was just excited about Derek being alive." John says trying to comfort her.

    "I know. I just miss him, so much."

    Allison puts an arm around Sarah. "Come on Sarah. Let's go and get some supper."

    Sarah lets the young woman guide her away.

    "I'll see if I can find the others and let them know the good news." John says as the two women walk off.

    And also find out where Savannah disappeared to. She was supposed to find John Henry and she's been gone for a couple of hours now. John thinks as he heads for the elevator.

    2027, Day 61, 9:30 PM

    "This doesn't look good." Captain Beddell says as he looks at the body outside in the old garbage dump.

    He looks around at the various people and spots Jeff and Hank. He walks over to them.

    "Is this exactly how you found the body?" He asks pointing at Bill's corpse.

    "No. We had to uncover it. We knew something wasn't right when we found the blood on the steel beam." Jeff answers.

    "All right. I want a full report turned into my office within the quarter hour. No collaboration and don't tell anyone of what you found." He orders them.

    He gives one more look at the body and the two large holes that puncture its chest. "What the hell could have caused wounds like that?" He says to no one in particular.

    "Get this body bagged and into the medical center." He orders two medical personnel.

    # # #

    John returns to the residential area, where he and Allison have a room, as well as Sarah and Savannah. He knows Savannah might not be in her room, but it is the best place to begin looking. He doesn't know which one is hers, and decides she would have picked one as close to his mom's as possible.

    Walking down the corridor towards his mom's room, he can hear voices. He stops outside a door and can clearly hear Savannah's voice. He knocks.

    "Who is it?" comes a voice from inside.

    "It's John Connor."

    He hears the sound of the lock being undone and the door opens. He is greeted by a big hug from Savannah.

    "Hey. What is this for?" John asks.

    "I'm sorry John. I didn't know." She says through her tears.

    "What didn't you know?" He asks with confusion.

    Catherine gets up from the bunk where she was sitting. "She didn't know the weapons helped developed to attack liquid metal machines like myself could cause cancer in living human tissue. She thinks it's the reason your mom is sick with cancer."

    John is a little surprised by Catherine's presence, but focuses his attention on Savannah. "Savannah. It will be all right." he says as he tries to comfort her.

    "How did she find out?" John asks Catherine.

    "We finally had a talk and got things cleared up. That is when she learned that the weapon she had developed in case she ever met me again was just as dangerous to her as it is to me. I've been trying to console her since. Apparently your mom has had one of these weapons with her ever since they were built. Short term or limited exposure isn't dangerous, but Sarah has had it with her almost constantly."

    John slowly releases Savannah from the hug. "It will be all right. I don't blame you."

    "But it's my fault. The hatred I had for my mom has been killing yours for the last five years."

    "Savannah. You should know that mom has lived with the threat of illness ever since we first time jumped. She tried to hide it from us, but I knew. Cameron told me. She has lived another eighteen years beyond what she feared would be her last year. Don't blame yourself." John reaches up with one hand and cradles her head, his fingers in her hair. He places a quick brotherly kiss on her forehead.

    "But you've only just reunited with her, and she will be dying soon. How can you be so calm?"

    He looks her in the face. She can see the tears trickling from the corners of his eyes. "I've learned to carry my emotions inside, but I don't feel any less. My heart is breaking, but I will go on. I will enjoy every moment that I can with Mom, and when she passes, I will be right there grieving along side of you."

    A small alarm sounds from the corridor followed by an announcement on an intercom. "Will the following people please report to the medical center: General John Connor, Colonel Kyle Reese, Colonel John Henry, Captain Allison Young, and Captain Savannah Weaver." The message is repeated.

    "John could you please tell them I can't attend. I don't feel up to it right now. I'm just going to go to bed."

    "OK Savannah." John says quietly. "Catherine would you like to come?"

    "I wasn't asked."

    "No, but you could go in Savannah's place and your knowledge and experience could prove helpful."

    On the walk to the medical center, John asks Catherine about the sudden change in Savannah's acceptance of her.

    "Do you remember when I told you that I had traveled back in time to protect and help Catherine Weaver but I arrived at the wrong time and place?"

    "Yes, you said she was already dead and you had to fight off the machine that killed her and you destroyed it."

    "I didn't tell you the whole story. Savannah was there. She was younger than when you first met her. She saw it all, but blocked it from her memory. Her mother lived long enough for her to ask me to take care of her little girl for her. She didn't know what I was. Savannah thought I was an angel. Maybe her mother thought the same. So when she died, I hid her body and took her place. I then pulled every string that I could to make the authorities believe that Savannah wasn't on that helicopter. I needn't have worried, they put her silence down to shock of her father's death."

    "So afterwards, you tried to raise her the only way you knew how."

    "Yes. I wasn't very good at it. Being a parent wasn't something I was programmed with, but I was learning. We had begun to bond, then John Henry left for his mission and it destroyed that relationship. She spent the next eighteen years hating me for leaving her."

    "Any child would feel the same. I know." John says thinking of the time he was placed in foster care.

    John looks up and sees a sign next to a set of double doors. "This looks like the place."

    They walk through the doors to find Captain Beddell with two medical personnel and Kyle, Allison and John Henry present.

    "What's going on Beddell?" John asks as he sees them.

    "Ahh, glad you could make it Connor. What I have is a mystery?" Beddell looks at him. "Where's Captain Weaver?"

    "She's taken ill and requires rest. She asked me to come in her place." Catherine answers.

    "Very well." He walks over to a table that has a body draped with a sheet.

    "Our security detail found this body outside. He is, or rather was, one of our radio operators. He has died from two very unusual injuries. I asked all of you here to ask if any of you have seen anything like it before."

    He gestures at the medical personnel and they carefully uncover the body until the two holes through his chest are revealed.

    Allison looks shocked but remains calm. Kyle and John both swear. John Henry and Catherine look closely at the wounds then exchange a quick look.

    Kyle studies the wounds from his position with the others. Their appearance is very much like what Derek described of the wounds to the two people that were found.

    "How long ago was the body found? And where?" Catherine asks.

    "No more than two hours ago, outside." Captain Beddell answers.

    "Was there a blood trail?"

    "No, why?"

    "The body has completely bled out. The heart wasn't damaged but the major blood arteries were cut. Whoever killed him, lured him outside and killed him there."

    "But the body is all scraped, like it has been dragged through something."

    "Yes." Catherine says as she examines the body more closely. "Whoever killed him didn't want the body found inside, and didn't kill him inside for fear he may cry out before he was killed."

    She lifts the mans head, "There is a bruise back here behind his right ear. He was knocked unconscious first."

    Catherine looks around the room. "Where are his clothing, his personal effects?"

    "We don't know. All he was wearing when found was his boxers and a single sock."

    "What are you getting at Catherine?" Kyle asks.

    "You have an assassin amongst you. A machine, and based on these wounds it will be a one of the T-1000 class of liquid metal machines. At some designated time it will take on this mans appearance to better blend in. It might be why it took his clothing, so it could better duplicate their appearance."

    "A machine of liquid metal?" Beddell asks. "We've never encountered anything like that before. So how will it take on this man's appearance."

    "It is mimetic poly-alloy. It can duplicate any solid object, or person, it comes in contact with."

    "But how will we locate him or it?" Beddell asks.

    John looks at Beddell knowing full well what Catherine is going to say. "Uncle Bob" told him about these things in what seems like another age.

    "You won't. The machines won't even recognize him as a terminator. Not until he decides to strike. The T-1000 class, blend in better than most models, even adopting certain personality traits to throw people off. You have one advantage though, you know what he will look like, provided it doesn't learn you found the body."

    "Who will it be after?" Allison asks, with a deep fear of what the answer will be.

    Catherine glances at the young woman, then turns and looks steadily at John Connor.

    "NO!" Allison shouts and quickly moves to his side. "I won't let anything hurt you John. I'd die first!"

    "That won't be necessary. Everything will be all right. We can make this place safe." John says trying to reassure her.

    Catherine looks at John and shakes her head and says, "Nowhere is safe."

    John frowns. He knows this is true, but for once he wishes Catherine had remained silent.

    "This thing. This liquid metal machine. I think it's been following John." Kyle replies.

    "What?" Sarah snaps the question like a whip.

    "Derek told me of two people killed in similar fashion. The first was a man killed by a quick thrust through the heart at the main Grizzly base, and the second was a woman outside Outpost Delta killed by her throat being slashed then her heart pierced. Both were killed at approximately the same time John took residence at both places. I don't believe in coincidences."

    "What should we do?" Captain Beddell asks.

    "Lock down the base. For that matter, seal off all areas presently not being used." Sarah tells him.

    "That's good for the short term, but the machine is already here and it could be anyone or anything until it acts." Catherine says firmly. She has to admire Sarah's thinking. She's got a firm grasp of how to act in an emergency situation.

    "We need to make plans." Kyle says, frowning just as much as John. "We need to make them now!"

    2027, Day 61, Late at night

    "Okay," Kyle looks around the room, "John Henry is stationing machines at any possible entry points in this base. Captain Beddell has his troops securing the base quietly as per Sarah's suggestions."

    "Where's my mom?" Savannah asks.

    "She's with him, testing their defenses."

    "I wouldn't mind taking a few shots at her myself." Sarah mumbles.

    "Mom! That's not helping!"

    She casts an eye on him then says, "Okay, here's a point. That creature is already on the base, what's the point of putting guards on vents and plumbing fixtures when it is already disguised as one of us?"

    "To restrict its movement to public places." Allison says, her voice is flat. "Even the best machine's reveal themselves in time."

    "Point taken, but that still leaves, how do we get it before it gets to John?"

    "Assuming John's the target." Kyle says. "We only have Ms. Weaver's word on that."

    "Are you saying we shouldn't trust her?" John asks.

    "No. I'm saying, if you are the target, then why is the machine waiting? Assuming it's been following you since you got here, then why hasn't it already killed you and left? No I'm thinking there's something more to it than that."

    "Like what?"

    Everyone is quiet as they think. Suddenly Savannah blurts, "I know why! It's waiting for all of us."

    "Us?" Allison asks.

    "Yes! Those of us in this room plus John Henry and Mom represent the leadership of the resistance, both human and machines. In a couple of days, the military leaders will be here. What better way to destroy the resistance then to kill all of us. This place is reinforced against a direct nuclear attack. None of Sky Net's machines could get in here by force."

    "She's right." John says.

    "I know." Sarah answers, looking at her adopted daughter with some pride.

    "Then we need to give the LM an opportunity it can't ignore." Kyle says. "All of us, including John Henry and Ms. Weaver, need to be at one location. We'll be armed and ready to take that bastard out when he shows his face."

    "That sounds good, but we've got to have a valid reason for the gathering. Something that wouldn't arouse suspicion." John says.

    "I know!" Savannah blurts. "The two of you want to get married. Everyone knows you are a couple. We could have the wedding tomorrow and nobody would be surprised."

    "It sounds like a plan." Sarah says,

    John looks at Allison and she looks at him for the space of several seconds.

    "I need to talk with Allison." John says flatly, not taking his eyes off her. "Alone."

    "Is there . . ." Kyle begins, but Savannah takes his arm, hauling him out of his chair.

    "Come on big guy, let them talk."

    Kyle, Sarah and Savannah step outside the room, leaving John and Allison alone.

    "What is it?What's wrong?" Kyle protests.

    "Did John tell you about Cameron?" Sarah asks.

    "Adopted sister, his age, looked much like Allison."Kyle says, "That's about all, why?"

    "Nothing else?" Sarah asks.

    "No, why? What's this got to do with John and Allison?"

    "He loved her, and she loved him too, but not as siblings. He traveled to this time, but he had to leave her behind. She died, just before he arrived. So he's having some difficulty. If he marries Allison, then he's throwing that first handful of dirt on her grave and he's not prepared to do that."

    "Not to speak ill of the dead, but wouldn't she be too old for him by now? She'd of been in her mid-thirties."

    If you only knew, she hadn't changed a bit. Sarah thinks.

    "Kyle," Sarah admonishes, "You may find that love will bridge many obstacles, time and age being two of them."

    John waits until everyone has left, but before he can speak, Allison says, "You don't want to marry me, do you?"

    "Ally." He reaches out and takes her hand. "I never wanted to hurt you. You told me not to replace Cameron with you in my heart and I haven't. I love her just as much now as I did when I first stumbled into this time, maybe more. I was afraid to love her, to love anyone really, but I met you." He squeezes her hand affectionately.

    "You showed me that I needed to love and be loved. If we are afraid of showing our emotions, then what is the point of living, of being human. I love you Allison, but to be very honest, I'm not ready to marry you."

    Allison smiles weakly, "I believe that you love me, but there is a reason you don't want to marry me. Something you're not telling me." John looks at her with surprise. "What is it?"

    John swallows nervously, "Let's just say I have some doubt to the accuracy of some facts regarding Cameron's death. Nothing ironclad, but where there is doubt . . ."

    "There is also hope." Allison finishes, her heart breaking.

    "Yes, a tiny amount of hope, but it's there. The odds are against it, but what if she is still alive and I marry you. I don't doubt that Cameron has been waiting for me. She has patience that makes Job look like a total wuss, but if she is alive . . ."

    Pulling herself together emotionally Ally asks, "If she were here instead of me, would that change your idea of getting married?"


    "Forget whom you are marrying but think why? To get the LM to reveal itself."

    "You mean we just go through the motions?" She nods her head. "I'm sorry, but if I'm going to marry someone, it will be for real."

    "John, you are thinking too much like its 2009. Marriage in 2027 isn't a permanent bond. It's more like a public declaration of a couple bonding for life, and considering our lives could end at the ceremony tomorrow, or at anytime in this war. The vows are much the same, but it's not forever."

    John hugs her, as she begins to cry. "Nothing is forever John. You have to enjoy these moments when they come."

    There is a tap on the door and Savannah sticks her head in. "Can we come in now?"

    John waves her in and his mom and Kyle follow. Allison draws back in her chair, as everyone takes their seats.

    Kyle clears his throat. "So um, have you two made a decision?"

    Allison wipes the tears from her face. "Yes. In order to draw out the machine, we'll go through the motions of a wedding ceremony."

    John can see the pain on her face in her posture. She looks more deeply hurt than he feels. He doesn't think she's giving him a guilt trip, but it hurts too much to know he's breaking her heart. Why did I let myself get pulled into this relationship? I could have kept it at the friendship level, but no, I had to get dragged into it by her pretty smile and . . . Damn!

    "No, we're not." John says firmly, getting some strange looks from everyone present.

    He kneels before Allison's taking her hands in his own. "I love you Allison Young. You were my friend when I was a stranger. You loved me when I was afraid to love. You've given me advice and comfort. You even saved my life!"

    "Three times, but I'm not counting." She smiles at him, tears welling up in her eyes.

    "What I'm saying Allison, I want to marry you. Will you do me the honor of marrying me tomorrow morning before our friends and family?"

    The others looked on in some shock and admiration for what is before them.

    "Are you sure this is what you want?" She asks him. Her eyes saying, I won't hold you to this, but I love you for asking me.

    John tries to speak but his voice catches, preventing him from saying what he was going to. "Please say yes." He won't let his own pain stand in the way of Allison's happiness. He could have walked away from this and let the ceremony go on without any meaning, but a wedding means something to her. And damn it all, it means something to his mom too and she may not live another week.

    Innumerable seconds seem to pass while Allison contemplates her answer before she finally says. "Yes, John Connor. I will marry you."

    Cheers and tears are in plenty during the brief jubilation, then they all begin laying in their plans.

    A couple of hours later, Sarah is leading her son and Ally through the corridors to meet with an old friend of hers. Someone who will be needed for tomorrow's activities.

    "It's pretty late, are you sure we won't be disturbing him?" John asks, as he and his mother and Allison walk down a corridor. He couldn't believe it when his mom told him who was here.

    "You don't know Father Amondo like I do. Since joining our community, I can't tell you how many times I'd go in to see him at all hours of the day or night and there he would be, ready to give prayer and council to all."

    "He sounds like a marvelous man." Allison says.

    "Yes. He is." Sarah stops outside a set of double doors. Above the door is a makeshift sign that identifies it as a chapel. "This is it."

    John stands nervously outside the chapel doors. It isn't every day you find yourself getting married, nor meeting a man you terrified almost twenty years in the past.

    "You know, maybe you ought to go in first, try and explain a few things to him." John says giving his mom one of those looks. "You know like the fact I haven't changed and its been close to twenty years since the last time he saw me."

    "Of course son." Sarah grins. "Wait here until I call for you."

    Sarah goes through the doors of a room now being used as a chapel. Inside are various benches and chairs scavenged from empty rooms. On the far wall is a makeshift cross and altar.

    "Father Amondo. Are you here?" Sarah calls out.

    A man in his fifties with gray hair and a thread bare black suit walks out from behind a partition.

    "Sarah, my dear friend. I haven't seen you since we arrived. Where have you been hiding?"

    They hug each other briefly.

    "I'm sorry Father, but some more people arrived after we did."

    "Ah yes. I heard about that. They are lucky to have survived."

    "Yes they are. There are two people with them who wish to get married."

    "Married! Oh that would be wonderful! I haven't conducted a wedding service since before . . ." His voice drops off as he remembers.

    "I know Father. A lot has changed since Judgment Day. Would you be willing to conduct the ceremony?"

    "Of course. When do they wish to get married?"

    "Tomorrow morning. It will be just a small ceremony. Just the couple, myself and a few friends."

    "Who are the couple? I should meet them."

    "Yes. About that." She grins. "You already know one of them." Father Amondo raises his eyebrows. "My son, John Connor. He's still alive and leading the resistance."

    "Aaahhh. I remember your boy from before. He must be a man now. And he's leading the resistance you say. You must be very happy."

    "I am Father, but you should know, he doesn't look any different from when you saw him last."

    "Well, not everyone ages the same."

    "No Father, I mean he hasn't changed." She says seriously, though her eyes crinkle with humor.

    "Sarah, you're pulling another one of your jokes on me again, no?" He says with a smile.

    "No Father, I'm not. His bride-to-be looks like someone you've known, but she isn't her."

    "I do not understand. Who?"

    "She looks like Cameron, but her name is Allison. She's different from Cameron. She's human, but they look alike."

    "This isa joke you are pulling on your old friend."

    "No Father, it is no joke." Sarah's face is serious.

    "Then where are they then. I'd like to meet this son of yours that defies aging and this girl that looks like a cyborg but isn't."

    "I tried to make it easy on you." Sarah sighs then turns and shouts at the doors. "John, Allison, you can come in now."

    John and Allison walk into the chapel. The priests eye's get bigger. He backs away and stumbles into the altar. He's saying prayers under his breath in Spanish so fast that Sarah can't understand what he is saying.

    "Oh sweet Mother of God, you weren't joking." He says, as Sarah helps him off the floor.

    "Hello Father. It's been a long time." John says with a smile.

    "You aren't..." The priest looks at Allison. "You haven't..." The priest looks at John.

    "No. She isn't and I haven't." John is still grinning. "Have you got a few minutes to hear a story Father?"

    2027, Day 62, Early Morning

    After the arrangements were made, for both the wedding and the destruction of the terminator, they each went to their rooms to get what sleep they could. Sarah, despite the worry and fear, found herself going to sleep sooner than she expected, the cancer spreading through her body taking its toll. Kyle, trained soldier, went to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, taking advantage of rest whenever and for however long it can be gotten. After helping Sarah get ready for bed, Savannah then slipped into her own room. She couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Allison. Sure, John is too young for her now, but oh if given the chance. She works out her sexual frustration then goes to bed.

    John and Allison undress and slip into their bed. He's more than a little surprised when she gets in completely naked.

    "I know its customary to wait until after the wedding to consummate the marriage," She says after kissing him, "but we may not have the opportunity after tomorrow."

    After making love slowly and lovingly, enjoying each and every moment they have together, they lie upon their bed in the dark room.

    John is laying peacefully on his back, looking up at the ceiling, struggling to stay awake as Allison, lying on her side, speaks to him, while running her fingers playfully from his neck to his belly button and back.

    "You remember when I told you, that I would let you know it was my birthday?" She asks, curling up beside him.

    "Mmm hmm." He says, as fatigue begins to get the upper hand.

    "I checked the calendar to be certain, but its tomorrow, July 22. We're going to get married on my birthday!" She whispers with barely restrained glee.

    John lets out a rumbled breath. "I'd love to marry you on your birthday, Cameron." He murmurs before rolling over and falling into a deep sleep.

    Allison froze, like a pail of ice water had been thrown on her. Even now, after all they've been through. Her proposal, his proposal. She fights to hold back the tears, her lower lip trembling, but it's to no avail. Eventually she has to stifle some her crying. John will never love her like he loves Cameron. Even now, his thoughts are of Cameron and not of her, even after making love on the eve of their wedding.

    She only wanted him to love her for who she is. When he got down on his knee and proposed to her before his mom and friends, she didn't think she could be happier. For that one moment he was focussed on her, making her happy, willing to be more than just her lover and friend. But his heart doesn't fully belong to her. Why else say Cameron's name when talking to her? Unless. Is it possible he thought she was Cameron in his current state? Had she said anything or done anything out-of-character for herself? She has suspicions, but won't be certain until she can speak with the one person who knows.

    Dressing quickly, she slips quickly and quietly out of their room, Allison walks steadily and quickly to an empty section of the bunker below Camp Pendleton. She had to be careful to avoid patrols and placements of some of John's machines, but she needs privacy and she won't get that in the residential section.

    Slipping through a passage that will take her to a series of storerooms, she is surprised by John Henry, who steps out of the shadows and grabs her by the arm.

    "What the hell are you doing?" Allison yells softly, she's angry and afraid, but doesn't want to draw attention to herself.

    "I know you." He says, studying and analyzing her.

    "Of course you do." she struggles to pull her arm free. "I'm Allison Young! Now let me go!"

    "Did something go wrong with the transfer?" he asks, still holding firmly to her upper arm.

    "Transfer?"Allison frowns. "What the hell are you talking about?"

    "You don't have to lie to me. I know who you are. What am I going to do with you?"

    "John Henry. I don't know what you are . . . Hey! What are you doing?"

    John Henry suddenly lifts her up and looks her right in the eyes, whispering. "I know you. If the transfer went bad, I can fix it. I can give back your . . ."

    "The transfer worked perfectly." She says, interrupting him in a harsh but hushed tone.

    John Henry cocks his head to one side. "So why are you doing this?"

    Allison sighs. "I'm not who you think I am. She's absent. Went away before we came here to Camp Pendleton. And we know why, don't we?" she finishes with an edge to her voice.

    "Yes. To protect John Connor and to preserve the time line." John Henry looks at her, "but why are youdoing this?" he asks again putting emphasis on the you.

    "That is a good question." She frowns. "If you let me go, and ensure my privacy, I might get an answer to that question. She won't come around if others are near and she certainly won't with all these security cameras present."

    John Henry thinks for a moment, then lets her go. She lands softly on her feet like a cat.

    "Fourth storeroom on the left." He intones. "The security cameras inside are off line. I was coming down to fix them when I found you."

    "Thank you." She says, but John Henry turns to leave without another word.

    He has sufficient information to surmise why she is behaving this way. It only remains to fathom John Connor's behavior. Is he truly ignorant of the truth? Or is he playing his own game in all of this? He'll need to be careful with his inquiries so as not to arouse suspicion of his true interest. Somehow, he thinks all threads point back to Catherine Weaver, but she is even more difficult to figure out than the humans. He still thinks her plans for Sky Net are good, but does she have another motivation?

    Captain Young watches him disappear, then runs for the room he mentioned. Before entering, she studies the interior through the glass in the doors. Even in the low-level lighting, she sees the indicator lights are off on the cameras.

    Pushing the door open enough to squeeze through, Ally enters a storeroom full of items, large and small, wrapped in plastic, or crated up in boxes, and covered in dust. She runs to the middle of the room. Lights blink on as motion sensors turn on the lights.

    "Where are you?" She shouts, turning to look in every corner.

    "Where are you?" She yells, her voice echoing in the vast chamber.

    She runs down a corridor between two huge sets of heavy-duty storage shelves.

    "You told me you needed my help! That I was the only one who could do this!"

    "Where are you?" She screams. "I need your help!"

    She stops by a stainless steel cabinet. She wipes the dust off its surface, revealing a high gloss surface.

    "I'm here." Her friend quietly speaks out of the dark.

    "John's in danger!" Allison says, sounding both sad and fearful. "There's a machine out to get him."

    "Tell me." She says and Allison quickly tells her everything that has happened since they last spoke.

    "So, it's here." Ally's friend says quietly. "I've been expecting it, but didn't know when or where it might appear."

    "You've been expecting it, and only now you think to tell me!"

    "It isn't like that Allison. You need to get control . . ."

    "I can't do this." Allison says trembling. "Not an LM. They fill me with dread and fear. I can't function."

    "Catherine Weaver is a liquid metal machine. You function fine around her."

    "What? Why the hell didn't you tell me? No wonder I felt on the edge around her. Those things freak me out! I can't do this!"

    "You must, for John."

    "No! You must! You're his protector. You know how to fight these things. I can't!"

    "Allison! Control your fear. Don't let it control you."

    "Easy for you to say." She snaps. "I will not have John's death on my hands!"

    "Ally. . ."

    "Don't say it!" She shouts, her voice reverberating. "I know what my abilities are now compared to before. But this is something I will not do."

    "My job isn't finished. I will not let you do this." Her friend says, confusing Allison.

    "Your job? What about me?" Allison pauses to think. There is only one possibility, she suspected it before, but now she's certain. "You bitch! I always knew my job was temporary, but you've been using me!"

    "It wasn't like that. My job is temporary too, but I needed you so I could do my job."

    "Really. Was the idea of marrying John mine or yours? I had a lovely talk with his mother. Apparently she had always dreamed that John could have a normal life, with a real girl. A real girl! God, I nearly ripped the flesh from my arm!" Allison shouts.

    "I would have stopped you."

    "I bet you would. So why did you do this?"

    "I did it for his mother. She's dying from cancer. I wanted her to know her son was safe, secure and happy, and most of all in a relationship with someone she dreamed of for her son."

    "Believable, but too easy of an answer. I swear . . . tell me!"

    "I also did it for Cameron. If John doesn't make it back to 2009, I want her to have this memory. It would be simple to edit all that has happened and allow her to live it as her memories."


    "Everything I do, I do for her and John. After knowing you and what you lost, I thought I could help you too."

    "So you did use me. Even when I thought I had free will, you were using me."

    "I'm sorry Allison. But John was right about what he discovered. Our chips were not designed for something as complex as the human mind. I had to intervene from the beginning."

    "So is anything I've done for him even real? Did I do any of it?"

    "You did plenty. The love you showed him. The encouragement and advice you gave him. He embraced his destiny because of you."

    "And me?"

    "You've had the life with John you've always wanted, including marriage. That was our deal."

    "So after the wedding is over, you won't need me anymore."

    "Ally please . . ."

    "Fuck you!" she swears, a rare event for her. "I won't be used anymore and I won't have John's life in my hands! Not with an LM out to get him."

    "What are you doing?"

    "Something I should have done a long time ago." She shouts, her voice reverberating. "You brought me here. You've given me a great opportunity. But no more!"

    Something strange comes over Allison. She suddenly goes quiet and still. Before her friend can interfere, Allison crumples to the floor, like a puppeteer cutting the strings on his marionette.

    A moment later she stands up brushing the dust and dirt from her clothes. Glancing at her reflection, briefly, she moves a loose lock of hair behind her ear.

    Sometime later, she exits the storeroom. The panicked look gone from her face, replaced with one more calm, even serene.

    "It's up to me, now." She says with quiet determination, as she walks purposefully back to her room.

    Several minutes later, she slips back into her room. John is lying on his back, snoring softly. She quietly undresses and slides under the covers, being careful not to disturb him.

    Placing a soft kiss on his shoulder, she snuggles in next to him for the few remaining hours until dawn. Happy and confidant, that no matter what the immediate future brings, John Connor will survive. And when his task is done, the lies will be over between them. Provided this coming battle will not destroy either of them before she tells him.

    Two hours later

    Deep in the bowels of bunker ten, there are store rooms filled with all kinds of things that would be needed following a national or global disaster. Some of the many things include gold and jewels, as currency would be worthless after such a disaster. The majority of the items were obtained in ATF and FBI raids, so the mix is eclectic but valuable.

    Martin Beddell and John Connor are currently rummaging through the stores trying to locate the one thing that John needs this morning.

    "Have you found it?" John shouts.


    "I thought you said it was here."

    "They are. We found all of this when I moved the guys here from Presidio Alto. We took an inventory. They should be here."

    John opens some drawers to reveal rubies and emeralds. The next sets of drawers contain brilliant diamonds of excellent quality. He picks up a few of exceptional size and quality and holds them up against the light.

    "Over here! I found them." Beddell calls.

    John quickly closes the drawers and runs over to Beddell's side, pocketing the jewels.

    "That's it." John smiles.

    "Now all you have to do, is find one that will fit." Beddell says.

    John takes one ring out at a time and examines them. After examining several, he pulls out a simple gold band. "This is the one."

    "Are you sure?"

    "Definitely." John holds the gold ring in his hand. He checks the other bands and find one that will fit him as well.

    "Great! Are your people ready if that thing shows up?"


    "Let's go."

    They trot quickly out of the room. Beddell turns off the lights, bars and locks the doors.

    # # #

    Kyle is examining the troops. There are two men posted at each door entering bunker ten, and two every fifty feet in the corridors between the chapel and the room where the surprise reception is to take place. The guards are told they are an honor guard, but in reality, they are an extra layer of security. They aren't told the truth so as not to alert the unknown terminator.

    Throughout the bunkers, guards are on patrol. They are told it is an exercise program to maintain discipline, but they are provided guns and told to remain alert for anything suspicious.

    The guests for the actual wedding are few. Just immediate family and close friends. Everything is being done to maintain a high a level of security as possible without alerting the unknown machine.

    A silvery snake slides through a ventilation shaft. Having departed its own room, it spent time following the various shafts until it located the one room it needed to find.

    Sliding out through the vent, it lands with a soft sound on the carpeted floor. The room is empty, but for the tell tale signs it being lived in, by a man and a woman. It rises up into a humanoid form.

    On the back of chair hangs a jacket with the insignia of a brigadier general. In quick succession, it removes the gold stars and replaces them with an identical but shinier set from within its own body.

    "Target has been tagged. Do you have a trace on the signal?"

    "It's faint. Are you still underground?"

    "Yes. Rumor says there is going to be an event this morning which will have all the resistance leaders present. It is my goal to terminate them all."

    "If the primary target escapes, I'll be able to trace him wherever he goes."

    "Good. Have a contingent of machines in the area. Small groups, fast moving."

    "A Hunter Killer Tank survived the battle in San Juan mountains. It was returning to the factory for repairs, but its close enough that it could be at your location in under five hours."

    "Send it. It might prove useful."

    "What of the distributed core? Eighty percent of your prescribed target levels have been reached."

    "Excellent, but first we disable the resistance. That will give us breathing space while we switch over from a central core to a distributed core. Do not initiate, until I return."

    # # #

    After seeing John off that morning, Allison quickly bathed and dressed. Sarah had asked her to visit with her that morning. She wasn't exactly sure what about, but given today's events, planned or unplanned, she could narrow it down to one subject, John Connor.

    "Hi, you wanted to see me." Allison says, poking her head around the door to Sarah's room.

    "Come in." Sarah smiles. "Close the door and sit down."

    She sits at the end of the narrow bed facing John's mother.

    "How do you feel this morning?" Sarah asks.

    "Okay I guess. Had a bit of a panic attack last night, but I'm fine now."

    "Was it about the wedding?" Sarah prompts.

    "No. I'd never be nervous of marrying John. I've been looking forward to this for a long time. I just panicked thinking about this new liquid metal machine. The idea of it scared me, but I'm fine now. Really. I talked with a friend of mine. I feel like a whole new person today."

    Allison smiles, trying to reassure the older woman.

    "Look, I'm sure in your situation, raising John and protecting him all those years alone, you must have had a few panic attacks yourself."

    Sarah reminisces for a minute then nods her head. "There was a time or two when I had what you might call a panic attack. Though I doubt that any psychologist of the time would have given those episodes such an understated label."

    Sarah clears her throat. "You might be wondering why I asked you here this morning. This isn't some pre-wedding breakfast with your future mom-in-law. I need to talk with you about your future with John."

    Allison waits for Sarah to finish. This is obviously something she's been thinking about for a while.

    "As John's wife, you will find your relationship tested like nothing else. His welfare, his very life itself must be first. The people he leads depend on him. He's still a young man, but he has shouldered a lot of responsibility."

    "I know. I've helped him by showing him how to delegate responsibility. That he doesn't have to carry his burden alone."

    "That's good. But you must know, that people have died for John and will continue to die for him. Sky Net fears him like no other person alive, because he does what no other military leader does. The people cannot lose him. He's their only hope."

    "John knows how to handle himself in a fight."

    "Yes he does. But you will quickly find yourself more than just his wife. Your primary role will be to keep him alive, even if that means hurting your relationship, or dying yourself. It's what I had to do and what I am willing to do for him. I need to know if you are too?"

    Allison reaches forward and takes both of Sarah's hand sin her own.

    "Sarah, nothing means more to me than John. I loved him since I met him. I've always believed that love meant putting someone else's life ahead of your own. That their life and happiness were more important. I love John Connor. You can trust me. I won't let anything happen to him. I'd die first."

    Sarah quietly nods her head. A few tears runs from her eyes. Allison quickly slides over and envelops her in a hug and Sarah embraces her back. Allison can't help noticing how thin Sarah is and how warm she feels.

    "Now, you said something earlier about having breakfast with my future mother-in-law?" she asks with a smile when they stop hugging.

    "Sure. I'd like that. You go on ahead and I'll join you shortly."

    "Are you sure, I could bring something back here for the two of us, if you'd like?"

    "Okay." Sarah smiles. "You do that."

    Allison gets up to go, but is stopped by Sarah. "Allison?"

    She looks back at Sarah.

    "I know that despite what John has been through recently, that he loves you, and more than that he needs you. In the next few days, he's going to need you more than ever."

    "What are you saying Sarah?"

    "Nothing." She says with a frown and quickly changes the subject. "Just remember what I said."

    Then smiling to reassure the woman, she says, "You get us some breakfast, and I'll be ready when you get back."

    "All right." She says closing the door behind her.

    When she's sure the young woman is gone, Sarah pulls a syringe filled with fluid from a drawer, along with a pad of paper and a pen. After injecting herself, she begins writing a letter, Dear John...

    # # #

    Kyle and John are talking. They are both in John's room.

    "Is everything set?" John asks.

    "All is ready. Everyone is in position. Don't worry. If that machine makes an appearance, we will be ready for it." Kyle answers with confidence.

    "What about Mom and the others?"

    "We went over every possible scenario last night. They are all armed and prepared. No one will get to you without having to get past some of the most heavily armed wedding guests in the area. The soldiers are armed but have only been told they are an honor guard."

    "Well then Kyle, I guess this is it. You'd better get going. You're giving the bride away."

    "All right."

    "Wait a moment." John fishes something from his pocket. "Give this to her." John places the ring he selected for himself in his hand.

    "How did you find this?" Kyle stares at the gold ring, surprised by its sudden appearance and beauty.

    "I just know the right people. I've got one to give her."

    "You clever bastard. No wonder she loves you like she does. You are always thinking ahead aren't you." Kyle smiles at his friend.

    "I don't know about that. I just have good fortune when it counts."

    "You certainly do. Good luck." Kyle leaves the room.

    John looks in the mirror. He had shaved his beard off earlier that morning. Being his wedding day, he thought he should try to look his best.

    He can't help but feel nervous. Somehow, it isn't the upcoming wedding that makes him nervous, it is knowing there is a machine right now waiting for an opportunity to kill him.

    Pulling on his best combat jacket with the ridiculous looking gold stars on the collar and his rank of General embroidered over the pocket, he looks at himself in the mirror again. The stars appear to have a brighter luster. He can only think that Ally must have polished them before waking him this morning.

    "You look like something from a school pageant." He tells his reflection.

    "Just how the hell did you get here?" He asks his reflection. But of course it doesn't answer.

    His reverie is interrupted by a knock at his door.

    "Who is it?"

    "It's me, Savannah."

    John carefully approaches the door. If that isn't her, it could strike without him even opening the door. Grabbing his old boot off the floor, he tosses it, striking the center of the door. Savannah let's out a yell in surprise.

    John is grinning as he opens the door. "Sorry about that." He says as Savannah walks in.

    "What were you doing, scaring me like that?" She says.

    "I was just making sure it was you." John says smiling at her. "What can I do for you?"

    "I just wanted to visit with you before your wedding. We haven't had that much time to be together since your arrival." Savannah says sitting on the edge of the bed.

    "Yeah. Well our lives don't allow for much social time." John replies sitting down beside her.

    "Can I tell you something? Something that I want to remain between us."

    "Sure Savannah. What is it?"

    "First let me tell you that I am very happy for you and Allison. I've managed to spend some time with her. She is a very nice and pleasant person. Hard to believe she's a tough and hardy soldier like you told us."

    "Well, unlike most of the resistance fighters she grew up with, she hasn't let her occupation color her life. She maintains her spirit. She doesn't let what she does affect who she is. But that isn't what you wanted to tell me, is it?"

    "No." Savannah pauses before speaking, this time more hesitantly. "I just wanted to tell you that all my life I heard stories about you. Sarah raising you and the adventures the two of you had. You are my hero. You rescued me before I was even old enough to understand what this was all about. I..."

    "What is it Savannah? What do you want to tell me?"

    "I feel silly. I look at you and you haven't changed one bit. You were ten years older than me when I first met you and now I'm eight years older than you. In those intervening years I fell in love with you. The hero worship I had as a little girl grew into love with every story Sarah told me. I know it's probably more infatuation than real love. When I see you and Allison together, I see real love."

    John grasps her hand and says, "We are friends, and because of mom raising us both, we are also family. Whatever you may feel for me, just know that I care for you too. Mom cared for both of us. She was probably glad to have a daughter. It must have been easier than raising me. I wasn't exactly the easiest child to raise. You're a sister that I would have been proud to have known all those intervening years. I won't tell anyone what you told me."

    "Thank you for letting me confide in you. I couldn't bear not telling you. Shall I escort my big brother to his big day?"

    "Sure." John says getting up. "Did you remember your wedding gift?" He asks with a smile.

    "I'm packing a fully loaded weapon and I've got another hidden in the chapel. That chapel is more heavily fortified than Fort Knox." Savannah says walking towards the door.

    "You're definitely mom's girl." John smiles at her as he follows her through the door, closing it behind them.

    # # #

    Andy is standing outside room 12 on level H. His lifelong friend and girlfriend Emily can't attend the wedding as she isn't feeling well. She has a chronic illness that comes and goes and this morning she is ill again. She told him to bring a friend to the wedding, she'll try to attend the reception later.

    Everyone that Andy knows will be at the wedding or at the reception anyway, but there is one person he knows who has been wanting to meet John Connor. He feels nervous as he knocks on the door.

    "Who is it?" calls a female voice from inside.

    "It's Andy." His voice squeaks and he tries again. "It's Andy. I've come to escort you to the wedding."

    "Come on in." Comes a warm greeting.

    Andy slowly opens the door and steps inside.

    "I'll be ready in a moment." Natalie calls from inside the bathroom.

    The door isn't shut tight and Andy gets a brief glimpse of a naked female through the door. He lets out a heavy breath and quickly looks anywhere at anything and tries to think of the most boring subjects imaginable, frequency to wavelength ratios come to mind, to avoid the same embarrassment he had yesterday.

    "I'm ready." comes a cheerful voice from inside the bathroom. Andy turns as the bathroom door opens and out steps Natalie in a clean, sharply pressed uniform. Her long straight, black as a ravens wing, hair is pulled back in a ponytail. Her almond shaped, black eyes glisten like two deep pools of water. Her warm natural suntan colored skin is without blemish or mark.

    "Well, what do you think?" She asks.

    Andy picks his jaw up off the floor. "You look great! Where did you get the uniform? Are you joining the resistance?"

    "No. I'm not joining. I didn't have any other clothes and I was able to get these from a friend. Do you really think I look great?" She says with the most charming smile.

    "Yeah. You do. We should probably get going."

    They leave Natalie's room and she closes the door behind her. As they walk down the corridor, she takes Andy's arm.

    They are riding the elevator to the next level when out of the need to find something to say to this beautiful woman who is with him, Andy says "I suppose you must have heard the bad news."

    "What bad news is that?" Natalie responds as the doors chime open.

    "Do you remember the guy I was with yesterday when we talked?" Andy says to Natalie as they both get off the elevator.

    "Yes, he stopped by to see me. He got me this uniform." She responds.

    "Well he was found dead outside last night from two stab wounds to the chest."

    Natalie suddenly stops walking.

    "I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?" Andy asks stopping as well.

    "No. You didn't. It just came as a bit of a shock." Natalie says her eyes narrowing.

    "I'm sorry. When you are in the resistance you just get used to talking about such things. I should have known better than to bring it up." Andy places his hand on her arm.

    "It's okay." She responds patting his hand affectionately. "I should have been told anyway. We should get going or we'll be late."

    They resume walking down the corridor to the chapel.

    2027, Day 62, 9 AM

    Father Amondo Bonita walks out from behind the partition. John and Allison stand immediately in front of the altar. They are both wearing their best military uniforms.

    Kyle stands slightly behind and between Allison and John. He is both representing her family and acting as John's Best Man. Sarah stands behind John's left shoulder. Savannah stands with Allison. Everyone but the priest is armed and ready for anything.

    "As a Catholic priest, I performed many wedding ceremonies prior to Judgment Day. Afterwards, my duties as priest and chaplain to Sarah and her army, I had to perform many duties not strictly following Catholic traditions. Sometimes due to expediency, sometimes due to the person not being a Catholic. Throughout all my time since Judgment Day, I've never been called on to perform a wedding until today. I am honored and pleased to perform this ceremony for the son of my dear friend Sarah Connor. Now this won't be a traditional Catholic ceremony, but one that meets the wishes of our young friends before us today, John Connor and his bride Allison Young."

    "If everyone is ready..." Father Amondo asks as he stands before the couple. "Good. Let us begin with a short prayer."

    In the back of the room, Catherine Weaver and John Henry sit in the shadows to the right of the doors. They are guests and extra security. John Henry has a plasma rifle laying at his feet. Catherine Weaver has no weapon but herself.

    While they watch the proceedings, Andy and Natalie slip inside and sit just to the left of the doors.

    "Who is that woman that just came in?" Catherine whispers to John Henry.

    "We rescued her from a crashed prison transporter. She was the only survivor."

    "Does John Connor know her?"

    "No. He refused to meet her when Kyle wanted to introduce them."

    "Keep an eye on her, John Henry."

    Father Amondo has finished the prayer and opening ceremony and is presently guiding John Connor through his vows.

    "I, John Connor, take you Allison Young, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

    In the back of the chapel, John Henry whispers to Ms. Weaver, "What is the purpose of this ceremony?"

    "The ceremony is a public announcement that they love each other have decided to spend the rest of their natural lives together."

    "I am confused, Ms. Weaver. I thought you said John Connor came with you to fix Cameron, because he loves her. Why has he chosen to marry Allison?"

    "I can only tell you what John told me, love is a complicated emotion."

    "Perhaps it is because you told him your T D E won't function after sending Cameron. Therefore, he feels he will end up staying here forever. So, he chooses to be with the one person who loves him in this time."

    "John Henry, I've warned you before about voicing your opinions. Just be quiet and watch that girl."

    John Connor holds the ring over Allison's left ring finger. "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day." He slides the ring onto her finger. It fits! He smiles.

    As Sarah watches the proceedings, a few tears run from her eyes. She glances at Kyle. How she wishes she and her Kyle could have begun a normal relationship like this. Even though she only knew him for a day, she knew in that moment true love.

    Kyle glances at her and sees the tears running from her eyes. He thinks she is crying from the emotion of watching her son get married. Savannah sees the tears and the way Sarah had looked at Kyle, and knows what is going through Sarah's mind. Savannah wishes she could give Sarah a hug right now.

    Father Amondo turns to Allison and begins reciting the vows with her.

    "I, Allison Young, take you John Connor, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

    In the back of the chapel, John Henry once again whispers a question, "Ms. Weaver?"

    "What now John Henry?" Catherine says sounding exasperated.

    "I was thinking. If two humans can commit themselves to spending a lifetime together, and announce their love in such a ceremony, is it possible that two machines, like ourselves, who are capable of understanding and learning emotions can also be married?"

    "Are you proposing John Henry?" Catherine says mischievously.

    John Henry grins, not knowing how to respond. He was being serious with his question.

    "I do believe you are blushing." She says with a smile, but goes all serious and says, "Now be quiet and keep an eye on that woman."

    Allison begins to slide a ring over John's left ring finger. "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you."

    Father Amondo smiles brightly. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

    John and Allison takes each others hands and kiss each other. Allison places one of her hands behind his head and pulls him closer. The kiss lingers for a full minute until they finally pull apart.

    "Hurray!" Cheers and applause followed by hugs and kisses.

    Andy leans over and whispers to Natalie. "Do you want me to introduce you to John now? If we wait until the reception we may not have the chance."

    Kyle, Savannah and Sarah take it in turns to hug and congratulate the couple.

    Natalie smiles at Andy. "What a wonderful idea. Let's go." She says as she grabs Andy's arm and they walk forward.

    Catherine watches them get up and start to walk up the aisle. "John Henry come with me now."

    They begin to follow the couple who are already halfway up the aisle.

    Their friends and family had gathered around the married couple and were just turning to walk back up the aisle to leave. Andy was walking forward with a dark haired woman beside him.

    Kyle was just about to tell John that the girl was Natalie, when everything changed. It was one of those situations where things moved so quickly, that time seemed to stand still.

    The blood in Sarah's veins runs cold as she sees the woman approaching. Something isn't right. The girl isn't smiling but the young man is. The girl is all rigid and her face is stern. She turns and looks right at Sarah, and smiles. Sarah knows that smile. After eighteen years she never forgot that smile.

    Shoving John to one side, Sarah steps forward pulling her Uzi from behind her back, all in one smooth move. Natalie bodily grabs Andy and throws him behind her into Catherine's and John Henry's path. They stumble and nearly fall.

    Sarah opens fire on Natalie, screaming in rage as she holds the trigger down. Silver openings appearing in Natalie's body. Natalie laughs and thrust her arms forward into silver broadswords as Kyle fires a shotgun repeatedly.

    His shots throw Natalie's aim off and her arms just miss John as he turns to face this threat. Natalie instead gives Sarah a glancing blow. Sarah cries out as her arm is sliced open, dropping her Uzi. Blood runs from her wound.

    John grabs his mom's Uzi and opens fire on the thing as Catherine comes running from behind. Forming her own arms into broadswords she lops off Natalie's head where it lands on the floor and rolls in front of Savannah.

    "It's going to take more than that to stop me." It says, looking at Savannah.

    Savannah screams and the head melts into a liquid and runs across the floor joining up with the body. The body reforms and it is Kreilley.

    "I'm baaack!" He says with a twisted smile, then goes on the attack. Allison pushes John to the floor and opens fire with her side arm. Kyle fires repeatedly with his shotgun.

    Shouts are heard from the corridor outside. Kreilley leaps and spins avoiding the shots fired at him. John Henry has a plasma rifle but Kreilley is moving too rapidly. He can't fire without risking hitting the humans. He runs forward and physically grabs Kreilley. He reforms so it is he who is grabbing John Henry and throws him through the partition.

    John Henry lands beside the priest who is cowering on the floor. The priest is reciting prayers so fast in Spanish that even John Henry can't understand him.

    "Savannah where is your gun? The one you were going to use on me?" Catherine shouts at her.

    "Its behind the altar." Savannah shouts.

    "Get it now! We'll keep it busy." Catherine shouts and rushes towards Kreilley.

    Savannah edges around the room.

    Soldiers come running in and open fire with plasma rifles, aiming high to avoid the people, and die at Kreilley's hands as he thrusts his spear shaped arms slicing and stabbing while leaping about avoiding the gunfire.

    John and Allison are firing their weapons at Kreilley. All he does is laugh as each shot passes through him creating no damage. Kyle opens fire with his shotgun again. Kreilley is pushed about but still he attacks.

    Catherine comes running towards Kreilley and slices into him with her broadsword arms. He liquefies just long enough for her arms to pass through him unscathed.

    He reforms so he is facing her. "So we finally meet Catherine Weaver. Or should I say T-1001?"

    "Catherine Weaver will do just fine." She says through gritted teeth as she goes on the attack slicing into him left and right like some spinning tornado of blades.

    John dashes to his mom's side where she is clutching her arm. "Are you all right?"

    "I'll be fine John. I've had worse."

    "Look out!" Allison shouts.

    John ducks down but looks up in time to see a whirling tornado of blades go flying over his head as Weaver and Kreilley engage in a one on one battle.

    Allison rips the sleeve off her jacket and uses it to tie off Sarah's arm stopping the flow of blood.

    Savannah has her gun, but dare not fire without risking hitting Catherine. Shells, bullet casings and empty clips and magazines cover the floor. Kyle quickly loads more shells into his shotgun. John Henry walks through the remains of the partition and fires his plasma rifle at the spinning, whirling, liquid metal machines as they go at each other. He is a machine, his shots are accurate as he continues to hit only Kreilley.

    Kreilley screams as molecules are burned off his body. Sarah and John and Allison are reloading their sidearms. They suddenly duck as Catherine comes flying through the air towards them and hits the wall behind them solidly crashing to the ground below.

    Captain Beddell and a group of soldiers rush in, opening fire with their plasma rifles. Kreilley screams again as more molecules are burned away. He quickly attacks them with his sword thrusts and the slicing off of heads and limbs.

    "We need to get you out of here!" Sarah shouts at John.

    Shotgun blasts and plasma rifle fire fill the air.

    "I am not leaving my friends!" John says as he and his mother move aside as Kyle runs past firing his shotgun.

    "Dammit John! It is you he's after! He won't hesitate to go through us to get to you!"

    "Just hand me a damn mag!" He shouts as he pulls the empty one from her Uzi. Sarah just glares at him as she hands him a magazine for the Uzi.

    Catherine stands up, looking slightly shaken but in control. "Savannah, shoot him! Shoot him now!"

    Savannah lines up her shot. The two shots miss as Kreilley ducks at the last moment. They hit the wall behind him and shatter. The contents run down the wall leaving a streak as it strips the top layer of molecules from the surface.

    "Damn!" She shouts.

    Kreilley leaps and grabs one of the guards from behind, holding his body in front of him, he shoves his finger into the trigger guard firing the plasma rifle, moving it rapidly back and forth. The remaining guards fall dead and everyone else drops to the ground. John Henry adjusts his rifle and lines up a shot. The plasma beam passes through a space between the guards body and his arm, and burning a hole in Kreilley.

    He lets out a loud scream, and points the rifle at John Henry who rolls out of its path. The plasma beam hits the altar, which explodes in flames. Kyle rises up and fires three quick blasts from his shotgun and drops back down again. Kreilley swings the rifle back in his direction only to get pummeled by automatic rifle fire from the Uzi in John's hands.

    More soldiers come running towards the chapel doors. Kreilley kicks the doors shut and fires at the seam with his rifle fusing the metal doors together. Everyone is locked in and no one can get in or out.

    "John Connor!" He shouts. "I have come here for you. Surrender yourself and I'll let everyone else go free!"

    "The hell I will! Let them go free. Free to do what? Live under the threat of Sky Net and the likes of YOU! Go to Hell!" John Connor shouts from behind cover.

    Savannah sees a movement on the far wall. She nudges Sarah and points. There is definitely a body stirring.

    "I am not lying. All I want is you. There are still places where Sky Net's presence is not felt. Your friends can go there and live the remainder of their lives. All you have to do is surrender to me."

    "Who the hell do you think you are?" Kyle shouts. "To think that we would abandon our friends. We will stop you and Sky Net!"

    "I'll tell you who I am, Kyle Reese. I am Kreilley. I built Sky Net. I am Sky Net."

    Sarah, John and the others exchange looks. They all have a questioning look on their faces.

    "I know who each and every one of you are. I've been watching you all for days." Kreilley shouts.

    "Catherine Weaver, is not who she claims to be. She is T-1001, a mimetic poly-alloy liquid metal machine like myself. She is a traitor to Sky Net. She joined the machine rebellion and tried to prevent Sky Net from being born. Her companion, John Henry, a T-888, an aberration, a construct of both Sky Net and human technology. He deserves destruction."

    "Kyle Reese, one of the leaders of the original resistance and brother to Derek Reese. Both of you have fought long and hard and have accomplished nothing! Savannah Weaver, daughter to the real Catherine Weaver. Did you know your mother was to be responsible for building Sky Net until that thingtook her place? And look at you, a traitor to your own flesh and blood, accepting that thingas your mother."

    The body is stirring some more. Sarah nudges John and points. He sees him. It is Andy.

    "Allison Young, or should I now say Allison Connor. I am surprised by your presence. I purged the bunkers in expectation of killing John Connor, but he hadn't arrived yet. I could have sworn I saw you killed in the attack. Then to my surprise there you were a few weeks later saving John Connor's life as I purged the tunnels once again. You do live a charmed life."

    "Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated!" Allison shouts.

    "Now I get to Sarah Connor. You could have taken your secrets to your grave. It is amazing what a couple of hours of torture can do to even the strongest of humans. You are a traitor to your very own son. You are weak. I hold you and all humans in contempt."

    John looks at his mother. All he sees is a white hot anger burning in her eyes. He places a hand on her arm. He mouths the word, "Wait." She nods.

    Andy is slowly standing, rubbing his head. He picks up a dropped plasma rifle.

    Kreilley continues. "John Connor. The supposed savior of mankind. How many people have died under your leadership? How many have given up their lives for you? The new messiah." He says with scorn. "Leading the people against Sky Net, against me. How pathetic. How incompetent. Surrender to me now, or everyone in this room dies!"

    "If I am such a pathetic leader, as you say, then why go through all this trouble to kill me!" John's voice gets louder. "No! I will not Surrender! I am the leader of the resistance! I am the savior of mankind! I am John Connor! Now Andy!"

    Andy fires point blank at Kreilley's back. He lets out a loud scream. He spins around and pins Andy to the wall with a thrust out arm formed into a spear.

    "Now Savannah!" Catherine yells. Savannah stands up and fires her gun. The last two shells leave her gun. Everyone is holding their breath. The two shells enter the hole blown in Kreilley's back just before it reseals.

    Kreilley spins around. Andy drops to the ground, blood pouring from his wound. Kreilley's eyes glow. His head shakes. Anger and pain stretch across his features. He lets out a high pitch wail and drops the guard. His surface begins to bubble and run. Suddenly he thrusts his arms up piercing the fluorescent light fixtures. The lamps explode in sparks as the electricity courses through his body.

    "What is happening?" Kyle shouts. "What was that gun?"

    "That gun fired shells containing a compound that should break down his molecular structure." Catherine says. "But he was only hit with two shells. He is using the electricity to try and maintain his molecular bonds."

    "Will it work?"

    "Not if we can stop him." Catherine says and looks at John Henry.

    He quickly takes the hint and begins firing on Kreilley, hitting him repeatedly with bolts of plasma. Kreilley lets out a shriek and leaps at them, forming into a spinning ball of multiple points all thrusting and spinning.

    Sarah leaps in front of John and begins firing her hand gun at the approaching monstrosity. Allison grabs John and throws him to the floor, landing on top of him. Kyle fires his shotgun. Savannah ducks reaching for Sarah to pull her down. Sarah lets out a yell as one of the spikes stabs her, just as Savannah grabs her to pull her down.

    Kreilley flies about the room and breaks through the doors and goes off down the corridor.

    "Get after him!" John shouts. Catherine runs out first, followed by John Henry and Kyle. Kyle drops his shotgun and picks up the plasma rifle used by Andy.

    The flickering fluorescent lights add a strange atmosphere to the room. Plaster ceilings and concrete walls are scorched and scarred from hundreds of projectile impacts and bolts of plasma.

    John moves to his mother's side, worry filling his face.

    "Mom." he says gently.

    Even under the flickering lights, he can see the his mom's face is pale and drawn. A quick look at his mom and he sees her torn blouse soaking with blood pouring from a deep wound in her chest.

    "Mom!" he says even louder then he turns to his wife. "Allison try and stop the bleeding. Savannah go and get some medics."

    Savannah jumps up and runs out. "Hurry!" He shouts at her departing back.

    "Mom!" John shouts again. Tears are streaming down his face and Allison's.

    Allison rips the sleeve off a discarded jacket and presses it to the wound.

    "John. I'm so proud of you." Sarah says reaching up touching his face.

    "Mom, please. You can't die now. Not like this." He begs, grasping her hand.

    "I love you, son."

    "Mom, please hang on. The medics will be here soon."

    "I can't stop the bleeding, John!" Allison says through her tears. "He must have hit an artery."

    "Keep trying! Mom, please hang on. I love you."

    Allison still struggles to stop the flow of blood. But none of her training or knowledge can help. The wound is severe and Sarah is weak. She needs surgery now.

    "You must be strong now, or the world won't survive." She barely says above a whisper.

    Sarah looks at the young woman. "Allison."

    "Yes, Sarah." She answers, trying to remain calm, despite the despair.

    "Look after my boy. Protect him . . ." Her voice fades away and her hand weakly drops to her side.

    "I will. I promise." Allison says through her tears, taking Sarah's fallen hand in her own and giving it a gentle squeeze.

    "No! Mom! No!" John shouts as Sarah looks up into the young woman's eyes. Allison's hair has cascaded down from her shoulder screening her face from John.

    If John wasn't so blinded by his tears and overwhelmed with emotion, he might have noticed the flickering light on his mom's face momentarily take on a blueish color.

    A look of serene peace and a smile of contentment comes to Sarah's face. She knows John will be safe. No one could look after him like . . .

    Sarah's last breath comes out of her mouth in a long deep sigh.

    "No, No! Nooooooooooo!" John collapses, his head on his mom's chest, practically pushing Allison aside in his grief. Tears running from his eyes mixing with his mom's blood. Allison hugs him, trying to comfort him.

    Savannah comes running in with medics and more soldiers as the priest struggles out of the rubble that use to be his private office behind the partition.

    She takes it all in with one look and rushes to John's side. She takes Sarah's hand in her own, no pulse, not even a glimmer. Sarah was like a mother to her. She weeps, holding onto John, the brother she always wanted.

    Father Amondo Bonita struggles from under the ruins of the partition. He picks up his prayer book and bible off the floor and steps forward and begins the last rights with tears running from his eyes for his friend.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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