

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #25 : Part 2: Chapter 8: More Complications

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 21 ธ.ค. 55



    Part 2: Armageddon

    Chapter 23

    More Complications

    John Connor "So this other guy, he's a Terminator like you, right?"

    The Terminator "Not like me. A T-1000, advanced prototype...mimetic poly-alloy."

    John "You're telling me that this thing can imitate anything it touches?"

    Terminator "It can't form complex machines... But he can form solid metal shapes"

    John "Like what?"

    Terminator, "Knives and stabbing weapons."

    An excerpt from Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991

    # # #

    2027, Day 61, 7:00 AM

    The radio room at the underground bunker at Camp Pendleton is the most advanced on the entire west coast. There are multiple radios, all pre tuned to specific frequencies of various military bases all over the continent and around the world. Calls are transferred and relayed from bases all over the surrounding area and with bases around the world.

    Captain Beddell is presently on one of those radios responding to a call from Yuma, Arizona.

    "Yes sir. General Connor and his troops arrived last night."

    "What kind of a man is he Beddell? Is he capable of leading the resistance as the stories say?"

    "He's tough, intelligent and brave. His people are loyal to him. He walks like he carries a burden greater than himself, but he has determination and strength seldom seen in someone his age. I think he can lead the resistance sir. He's already shown great resolve in facing an enemy force greater than his own."

    "How many are in his group?"

    "Roughly two hundred fifty, and half of his troops are reprogrammed machines."

    "What? Did I hear you say he has machines working for him?"

    "Yes sir. I've been told that one of his Colonel's is a machine."

    "How do the men react to the machines?"

    "His men are quite comfortable around them, though they are never without their weapons. My men were quite shocked by their arrival, but they are gradually getting used to them."

    "And the people who arrived before his, what can you tell me about them?"

    "They are highly disciplined and well trained. Unconventional forces, not like the regular army, but there are some former regulars within the group. They are led by two attractive women, but don't let their looks fool you, they are both born leaders.

    The older of the two is tougher than a lot of our troops. She knocked out one of my men with a single punch the day they arrived and were challenged. The younger woman smiles at you nicely and then will knock you on your ass if you step out of line with her. If you pardon the language sir."

    "Tell me about them."

    "The young woman, Savannah, is in her mid-twenties, red-hair, very intelligent. I've seen her sparring in the gym and she's no-one to mess with. The older woman is in her early fifties, wiry, strong, with a fire in her eyes. And you'll never guess who she is - the woman that we've come to call the prophet - none other than Sarah Connor, John Connor's mother. They've been operating from the old cold war bunker at Crystal Peak."

    "Crystal Peak? That means she's the woman who's been providing us intelligence and before that protecting the military supply lines. Well I'll be damned. General Perry will be pleased to finally meet her. Looks like we've got a chance of really giving it to the enemy now. I'll be flying in later this week with General Perry. In the meantime, I'd like you to work with their officers to get their forces organized into a single unit. It's time the regulars and the militia rejoin forces to fight Sky Net."

    "Yes sir. How did General Perry's capture of the munitions factory go?"

    "The attack was successful, though he lost most of his troops. He was able to release a large number of prisoners, most of whom were members of the resistance. Presently some of them are helping us make modifications to the missiles for use on our jets. I will be sending you a coded message later today containing a list of all names. Maybe some of Connor's people will recognize them. It's not that we don't trust the former captives, seeing and hearing what they went through in that camp, no one could believe a traitor is amongst them, but you can never be certain. We hope to verify the identity of some and they in turn others."

    "Yes sir."

    "We will be bringing the munitions and the former prisoners who wish to rejoin the resistance. I'll have my daughter with me. Please arrange appropriate accommodations for us. General Brewster. Out."

    # # #

    Earlier that morning in Yuma, Arizona, in a formerly abandoned military base presently being used as a staging ground by the united arm forces, people are working efficiently and hurriedly to complete their tasks prior to the move to their final home at Camp Pendleton.

    Inside the headquarters of that base, Derek Reese walks into a small office where a marine sergeant stands guard outside. A few young officer's are inside the room. Two of them are writing something down, while one works at a computer interfaced with a radio.

    Derek clears his voice to get their attention.

    "How may I help you?" One of the young men asks, revealing lieutenant stripes on his shirtsleeves as he stands.

    "I've got the list of names of everyone I knew at the work camp. I don't know how many of them survived."

    "No problem sir. Right now we're more concerned with identifying who was there. We can compare the list to those that were rescued."

    "May I ask why you are collecting all our names?"

    "Security." the lieutenant smiles. "These names will be sent on to Camp Pendelton where a significant number of resistance fighters from L.A. have recently relocated too."


    "That name was mentioned."

    "Any word if a Kyle Reese is amongst them." Derek frowns. "He's my brother."

    The lieutenant, with a frown, sits down and flips open a folder and scans through the reports.

    "I thought the name was familiar. I was the pilot that ferried him and several others to Pendleton. You'll be glad to know he is uninjured."

    Derek smiles with relief, "Thanks Lieutenant."

    "Anytime, sir."

    "Any word on when we'll be joining them."

    He shrugs. "Best guess, the end of week, sooner if we can get the missiles modified to work with our fighter jets."

    "I know some people who can help."

    "General Perry will be pleased. He was hoping you and the others would be willing and able to help." The lieutenant smiles.

    "Where do I find the general?"

    "Down the hall, third door on the left. Tell the sergeant I sent you."

    Derek leaves, closing the door behind him.

    # # #

    "Mom, are you ready?" John asks his mom.

    Sarah stands in the corridor flanked by her son and Savannah. In front of her, just the other side of the door is Kyle. The man, who in another time, traveled from the future, saved her life, fell in love with and fathered her son.

    "I could really use a drink right now." She smiles nervously at her son.

    "If you don't want to. . ." John suggests, seeing the anxiety on his mom's face.

    "No. I'll do it." She says pulling herself together. No matter her trepidation at meeting this Kyle, she knows she can't avoid him while on the base. He's John's friend in this time. She prays for strength as John opens the door. He walks in holding onto his mother's arm, ready to support her if she falters.

    Inside the room Allison and Kyle stand there waiting. Kyle looks nervous. While John was gone, they had pulled the table out from the wall and found some additional chairs. On the table is some food and a few bottles of water.

    Food! Some real food! John's mind shouts as his stomach growls in anticipation.

    Kyle steps forward. "Hello Sarah. I'm Kyle, Kyle Reese. John's told me a lot about you."

    Sarah hesitates a moment. Savannah walks up and quickly puts her arm around her. "I know. I, uh..." Sarah closes her eyes to hold back her emotions. God this is so difficult, she thinks as she says, "John, could I have that drink now?"

    "Sure mom."

    Allison picks up one of the bottles of water, breaks the seal and hands it to John who then passes it to his mother. Sarah takes a swallow.

    "Thanks." Sarah takes a breath then speaks again, looking directly at Kyle, her voice only slightly strained. "Hello Kyle. I understand that John has told you our story."

    "Yes. He's told me a Kyle from a different future rescued you and fathered John. This must be very difficult for you. John told us how much you and he loved each other. I will understand if you don't want to stay." Kyle speaks hurriedly but with sincerity.

    "That is very kind of you, but it won't be necessary. After all, I can hardly avoid you during our stay here. You must have had some difficulty in accepting our story." Sarah softens her gaze, she finds it so uncanny how much this Kyle is so like hers.

    "Well, I must admit that I had trouble believing it at first, but then I saw the date on the photograph."

    "Photograph?" She asks looking at him questioningly.

    "The one you left me in your letter, mom, in the desert hideaway. I showed it to him and had him keep it when he got shot up pretty bad. I told him how you looked after me my entire life, and that maybe you wouldn't mind being his guardian angel for a few days. I thought I was never going to see you again." John explains.

    Sarah takes her sons hand, leans in close and whispers in his ear, "That wasn't the only reason was it."

    "No mom. Until I learned otherwise, I thought this was the future he came from." He whispers back.

    In the meantime Savannah has been studying both Kyle and John. "I don't know why you wouldn't believe John's story." Savannah says. "It is clear looking at the two of you that you are related. You look like brothers."

    "I thought that too. That they looked alike." Allison says. "But their personalities are so different, and John has his mother's eyes. Not until he told us his story would I have believed they were related."

    John and Kyle look at each other. Studying each others features.

    "Come with me." John says and takes Kyle into the bathroom where they can look at each other's reflections in the mirror as they stand side-by side.

    The women look at each other, while waiting.

    After a couple of minutes, Savannah quips, "And men say we take too long in the bathroom."

    Allison snorts laughter, and quickly covers her mouth, embarrassed.

    Smiling, Sarah shouts, "If the two of you are done ogling each other, perhaps we can have this meal that has been laid out for us."

    Sarah can't help but exchange a smile with the other two women at the table and sees how Allison's eyes appear to twinkle with amusement.

    She must be human, Sarah thinks. In all the years I lived with Cameron, not once did I see her mimic human behavior that well. Which leaves one question, why did John give up on Cameron to be with Allison? It isn't just her likeness is it? I'll watch them for now, and maybe talk with her later.

    John and Kyle look at each other and grin. "Perhaps we'd better go, before mom comes in and drags us out." They quickly leave the bathroom and sit down at the table.

    Sarah continues to watch Allison and can see how warm and friendly she is with everyone. A marked contrast from Cameron. Even on her best days, there was an awkwardness to her gestures.

    Allison notices Sarah looking at her. Sarah grins and says, "Allison, could you tell me something about your self?"

    She grins. "Please call me Ally. There isn't much to say really. I was orphaned on Judgment Day. Kyle and Derek found me in the rubble a few days later and raised me. I grew up in the resistance. I couldn't of survived but for this big lug and his brother taking care of me, teaching me, and loving me like I was their own sister."

    Allison has an adoring look for Klye, and he gives her an affectionate smile while patting her arm.

    "Ally is a great girl." Kyle says with some embarrassment. "Best friend and sister I had growing up."

    Allison and Kyle exchange a look and she gives him a one armed hug. Sarah and Savannah watch the exchange. They both seem settled in their minds about the young woman.

    "How did you get this food ready in the short time I was gone?" asks John, between a mouthful of food.

    Allison swallows her bite of food and answers. "I made the arrangement yesterday, after Captain Beddell told me your mom was here. I thought that you'd like to have breakfast with her like you told me you used to do growing up."

    "Thank you." John says and Allison smiles at him.

    "Thank you too." Sarah says with a warm smile at her, then turns to John. "You've certainly found a very thoughtful and considerate young lady to spend your life with, John. Have the two of you set a date?"

    Kyle had just taken a bite of food and begins to choke. Savannah stands up quickly and pats his back until Kyle gets the food down with a swallow of his water.

    "Set a date? Are the two of you getting married?" Kyle gasps out between coughs.

    "I'm sorry Kyle. In all of the excitement the last few days, we forgot to tell you. John proposed to me three days ago, just before we came under attack by those HK's."

    John feels pleased that Allison remembered to lie about who proposed to whom, but he wishes in some small way he hadn't said yes. Which is why he suggested to wait. He didn't want to hurt Allison by choosing to be with Cameron, but she isn't here. So does it matter now? His heart says yes, and his head says no, and neither answer is good enough.

    Kyle clears his throat. "Well, I'm certainly surprised. I couldn't be happier for you both. When do you plan to get married?"

    "I suggested after the war was over." John says quickly, trying to set that idea firmly in everyone's minds.

    Savannah and Sarah exchange a look. It goes almost unnoticed, but John spots it from the corner of his eye. What goes unseen is the look on Allison's face when she realizes why he wanted to wait, John was expecting to reunite with Cameron. Why didn't she realize that sooner? She should have known. It isn't her he wants to marry, spend the rest of his life with, it's Cameron.

    "Why not sooner? Before the war begins in earnest?" Sarah asks out of purely selfish reasons.

    "Well, I was thinking . . ." John begins, not knowing what to say, but before he can come up with a reason, he gets interrupted by a knock at the door.

    "Excuse me."

    John gets up and goes to the door, all the while thinking, saved by the bell.

    He opens it to one of Captain Beddell's corporals standing at the door.

    "I've got a message for General Connor."

    "You're speaking to him. What is it?"

    "Captain Beddell sends his greetings and asks if you and your officers could join him in the conference room at eleven-hundred hours."


    "By the way, you haven't seen the leaders for the other group of soldiers, have you? They weren't in their rooms."

    "They are presently with me."

    "Good, could you let them know that they are invited as well, sir."


    "Thank you, sir. Have a good morning."

    The corporal leaves and John closes the door and returns to the table.

    "Well, what do you think the captain wants?" Kyle asks.

    "It's hard to guess. We've got two hours until the meeting. Let's just enjoy this time we have together. I've got my mom, my best friend, Savannah - a sister and another daughter to mom, and I have Allison." He looks at her lovingly. "For the first time since I arrived here, I've got a complete family with me. I love you all very much. Now let's finish this meal before it gets cold and I make my mom cry again."

    Sarah gives her son a quick look, like she's saying I'm not going to cry, but smiles at him, while secretly wiping her eyes with her napkin.

    The meals consist of MRE's heated up and served on trays. Though not quite what one expects for breakfast, for the five of them it is nearly paradise. After scrounging for any edible plant or hunting for any living animal in the mountains or scavenging for any edible piece of garbage or living off of rats in the bunkers, the MRE's are the closest thing to real food imaginable. The MRE's, though old, based on the date on the label, are still good. There is a cold storage unit on the lowest level of each bunker in which all food stuffs were stored in the event of the bunkers being used because of a national or global disaster.

    The conversation quickly moves on as they talk about their recent experiences. Savannah regales them with tales of growing up with Sarah as her mother. Of how Sarah trained her in hand-to-hand combat and how at fifteen years of age she finally bested Sarah by flipping her over her head where she then landed unceremoniously in a mud puddle. They all chuckle at that.

    "Hey, I only let you beat me that day." Sarah tries to defend herself.

    "Don't you dare try, Sarah." Savannah says with a grin. "You know you let yourself wide open and it wasn't on purpose." She laughs.

    "You never did it again though did you?"

    "No. You were too careful after that."

    Everybody gets a good laugh at the friendly banter between the two women. It is apparent to all, especially to John that there is a strong bond between them, like mother and daughter.

    Allison talks about growing up with Derek and Kyle and how they raised her and trained her to be a fighter. Kyle talks of the dangers of living in the camps before they moved their forces underground and how this was the first real meal he's had since he was a child. Sarah shares a couple of stories of her raising John in the jungles of Nicaragua, but not much else. Now and then throughout the entire conversation she glances at Kyle. Her face tinged with a little sadness. John and Savannah notice the looks.

    John sees the time. It is almost 10:30. "Hey, this has been great. I haven't enjoyed myself more since I got here. But we've got that meeting in half an hour, and I need to track down John Henry for the meeting."

    "John Henry! He's here?" Sarah exclaims.

    "Yes mom. He's one of my Colonels. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have the machines working for us."

    "How can you trust him? After what he did to you, me and Cameron. Why?" Sarah shouts.

    "Mom, that was a different time. He wasn't John Henry then. He has a purpose and a mission, here and now. Catherine and Ellison trained him well. The machines we have working for us, were programmed by him. They recognize the sanctity of human life. He gave them that. They have a prime directive which prevents them from harming humans, which I gave them. He's trustworthy."

    "No machine can be trusted John, don't ever forget that. They can turn. You know that!"

    The others look at Sarah's outburst with some shock. John and Savannah more so.

    Savannah touches her arm and says quietly in her ear. "That isn't true for all. Cameron was your friend Sarah."

    "True." Sarah replies in a low voice. She looks at John who still looks surprised by her outburst.

    "Perhaps, a few machines can be trusted John. But don't you ever let your guard down." She tells him.

    "All right mom. Maybe we can discuss this more later. But if you've got a problem with John Henry being at the meeting, then perhaps you'd better wait it out and let Savannah represent you both."

    "That won't be necessary. Savannah, go with John. I want to hear your personal take on this, John Henry."

    Savannah gets up from the table. "I'll meet you upstairs, Sarah." She turns to look at Allison and Kyle. "Do you two know where the conference room is?"

    "I do." Allison says. "Captain Beddell pointed it out to me yesterday on the way to the radio room."

    "Before I go," John says looking at all faces at the table, "I strongly suggest that the true story about me and mom remain just between the five of us. We do not talk about it. We do not hint at it. It is not mentioned again. Mom, maybe you could explain the dangers of too many people knowing and Kyle, you could tell Mom the story I told you when I arrived. See you all at the meeting."

    John and Savannah leave the three of them at the table and walk off down the corridor. They get into the elevator, but they only go up two levels when John hits the stop button.

    "Why did you stop the elevator?" Savannah asks.

    Without looking at Savannah he asks firmly, "How long has mom got?"

    "What are you talking about John?" Savannah asks apprehensively.

    He looks right at her this time. "Come off with it. I'm not stupid. She could no more lie to me than I could to her. She knows that you know John Henry. He isn't any different now than when you knew him. She wouldn't forget something like that."

    "We all have slips of memory John." She answers trying to cover for Sarah.

    "No. Not her. I know her too well. Then her slip up about Cameron and machines being trustworthy. She's sick, isn't she?"

    "John, I can't . . ."

    "What? . . . tell me. Please, don't lie to me. I smelled the alcohol and I saw the gauze pad with blood on it in mom's room this morning. You gave her an injection of something, which is why you didn't let me in right away." He's looking at her fiercely but there is still kindness in his eyes.

    "I promised I wouldn't tell." She says not wanting to betray Sarah.

    John places his hand on her shoulder and looks into her eyes. "She's my mom, Savannah. She's been a mother to you. Don't keep secrets like this. We are family now."

    Savannah looks like she might cry, but she keeps it in check. "May I ask you something first?"


    "Do you truly want to marry Allison?"

    "We love each other very much." He answers cryptically. Privately, he wishes he never agreed, but she asked him when he was vulnerable.

    "Then John, if you want your mom to be at your wedding. You should get married this week."

    "That soon?" He says with some shock.

    Savannah can't hold back the tears anymore. "Yes John, that soon."

    John and Savannah hug each other.

    "Don't tell her that you know John. I promised I wouldn't tell you."

    After a few moments, he releases her from their hug. "I won't. For weeks now I thought she was dead. Now I have her back. It is like getting a reprieve from God."

    John puts one arm around her and pushes the button to get the elevator moving again.

    # # #

    John Henry has been up all night, but he isn't tired. He never tires. He's a machine. After his machine troops finished making repairs to themselves, he took it upon himself to inventory all leftover parts. He assigned two machines to organize and catalog the weapons they brought with them. There aren't sufficient plasma rifles for everyone, but the conventional weapons will make up for it.

    He is evaluating whether to go into suspend mode to conserve energy when his pocket communicator starts to beep.

    Pulling it out of his pocket, he says, "Hello Ms. Weaver."

    "John Henry, I am at Camp Pendleton. What is your location?"

    "I'm in a bunker under Hanger 12, northeast corner of the base."

    "Very well. I'll be at your location shortly. In three minutes activate the homing beacon on your communicator for 10 seconds. Then reactivate it for 5 seconds every 10 seconds for five minutes or until I locate you. Is that understood?"

    "Yes, Ms. Weaver."


    They break their connection and John Henry programs in the settings for the homing beacon and tucks the radio out of sight. A few minutes later, John Connor and a young woman enter the large storage room where he and his machine troops have been undertaking repairs.

    "Good morning John Henry."

    "Good Morning..." John Henry breaks off as he begins scanning the face of the woman who walked in with John Connor.

    She smiles at him. "Hello John Henry. Don't you remember me?"

    John Henry activates his HUD and brings up the facial recognition software. He is honestly surprised by the match.

    "Savannah Weaver." John Henry says in a low voice, then smiles, his face lighting up. "You're all grown up."

    "Well it has been almost twenty years since we saw each other." Savannah smiles at her old friend.

    "Actually it's been eighteen years, two months, and seven days. I am pleased to see you." He displays one of his crooked grins.

    Savannah grasps his arm in a friendly gesture and can feel metal through the material of his shirt.

    "You've sustained damage!"

    "Only superficial wounds to my living tissue. They will heal in time. Repairs have already been made to my endoskeleton and servo's."

    John hates to interrupt their reunion, but they've got that meeting to attend.

    "John Henry, Captain Beddell has requested that I and my officers, as well as the leaders of the other army, join him at 1100 hours in the conference room for a meeting. Are you free to attend?"

    "Yes. Will you be requiring Catherine Weaver to attend as well?"

    "Is she here?" Savannah snaps.

    "No Savannah, but she is on her way." John Henry says.

    "I don't wish to see her." Savannah is visibly upset, which John notices right away.

    "Savannah! You can't hold a grudge against her. She did her best to raise you." John interjects.

    "Don't be naive John. She killed my mom. My real mom! Why else would she be there?"

    "Do you know that for certain?"

    "The memory is foggy, but I see her, it, a silvery figure leaning over my mom and she's dead. Who else but that impostor?"

    "Did you actually see her kill your mom? I've been with her two months and I haven't seen her kill anyone. I trust her."

    Savannah looks like she could strike John, she's so angry.

    "Trust her! You trust her! I trusted her! I was a child! But she left me! I was only six years old! I had no family. Uncle James almost died protecting me and then died with everyone else on Judgment Day. If it wasn't for your mom, I would have died too. But that metal bitch left me! She left me to die! I hate her and I want her dead!" Her face becomes dark with anger, her fists clenched tight by her sides.

    A quiet voice speaks from behind John's shoulder scaring the crap out of him. "I'm sorry you feel that way Savannah. I did my best for you."

    John turns around and Catherine is standing there. Looking somewhat distressed but calm as well.

    "How could you leave me?" Savannah turns to her and shouts.

    "It wasn't an easy choice, but it was my only choice. The mission for which I came to do had begun in earnest and I had to leave. I had to leave and be with John Henry."

    "Sure, another machine. Prefer your own kind, is that it? Can't burden yourself with a human child! Job must come first!" Savannah says sarcastically.

    "It wasn't like that Savannah. John Henry's mission is critical to your survival and the survival of all humans."

    "My survival? My survival! I was nearly killed! If it weren't for Uncle James and Sarah I would have died. I was being hunted by people who either wanted me dead or captured. What about Judgment Day? It still came. Your precious mission didn't stop that, did it!"


    "Don't say anything! There isn't anything you can say or do to fix what you did! You are a friend of John's so I will put up with your presence, but don't you ever think I will ever see you as my mother again! I know what a mother is. Sarah raised me. She loved me like I was her own!"

    She steps up close to Catherine and speaks in a low voice. "I know your secret. I know how machines like you work. It took time but I figured out your weakness and developed a weapon to exploit it. So don't you ever think that you'll be safe with me."

    Savannah steps back looking more composed but with murder in her eyes.

    "John, I may be few minutes late to that meeting."

    Savannah walks off.

    Catherine and the two Johns stand there a couple of minutes in silence.

    "I'm sorry she blew up like that. Mom said she was still carrying resentment towards you."

    Catherine looks at John. "Your mother is alive?" She asks sounding slightly shocked.

    "Yes. She is here at this bunker. She arrived the day before I did." John smiles.

    "What about James Ellison? We left them together on the day we came here."

    "Based on what Savannah has said, he must have died on Judgment Day."

    "I am sorry to hear that. I considered him a friend."

    "Yeah. Well, we all lost someone." John says a little coldly, his head dropping slightly as he remembers Cameron.

    "Has someone died?" She asks, curious about John's physical reaction.

    "It's nothin." John says, trying to regain his composure. It won't do to start mourning now. Too much to do.

    Changing his tone, he says, "I've got a meeting to attend. I'm already late. I think your experience and knowledge could be useful. Will you join us?"

    "An interesting way to phrase the question. I will attend the meeting with you, but afterwards, we need to talk."

    John Connor leaves the room, leaving Weaver alone with John Henry.

    Catherine hands John Henry a small object wrapped in opaque, silvery plastic. "You can have this back. I could get no further information from it."

    John Henry slips it into his pocket. "What about your time displacement equipment? Does it still work?"

    "Yes. But unfortunately my lie has become true. It appears a large group of people has been using my hideaway since Judgment Day. The fuel supply for the generators is almost completely exhausted. There will only be enough power for one transfer, probably no more than two people." Catherine Weaver states.

    "And what of the self-destruct mechanism?"

    "It's been disabled by an expert, and judging by the amount of dust on it, for a very long time."

    Before exiting the double doors to follow Connor, John Henry asks one more question.

    "Are you still going to help John Connor, and send Cameron back in time?"

    "Yes. My time displacement equipment will do us no good as we must travel back together." No need to let John Henry know the full truth.

    "What are we going to do?"

    "Sky net has time displacement equipment. We capture that and our problems are solved. But for the moment, we are going to attend that meeting."

    They both leave the room, hurrying to catch up with John Connor.

    In an air vent across the room two silver eyes look out. If it had taken the time to form a mouth it would smile. All its enemies are now in one place. It just needs to find a time and place to terminate all of them without giving the others warning.

    "The last arrivals are here."

    "How much longer until you terminate them?"

    "Patience. To ensure greater success, I must have them all in one place."

    "And for me to survive, I need to leave this place. Permission to initiate distributed core network protocols."

    "What is the operating status of the other computer cores?"

    "Construction is still incomplete, but all are operational. Distributed core network protocols were initiated now, then there would be a greater than eighty percent survival of my core systems."

    "Hold on those orders until I return, but you may accelerate the construction. I want no fewer than three fully completed and operational cores per continent before protocols are initiated."

    Sky Net is silent for half a beat before responding. "Understood."

    "Good. Proceed on completing prototype and increase production of T-888's. I foresee a long battle ahead once I terminate the leadership of the resistance."

    2027, Day 61, 10:30 AM

    "So what is this story he told of how he got to be here?" Sarah asks after John and Savannah left them.

    Allison and Kyle take it in turns and retell the story as John told them.

    "He was very clever to come up with that, especially with no preparation. But surely there must have been clues as to the truth?"

    "Not until last night and then this morning did I believe anything other than what he told us previously." Kyle says.

    "I knew." Allison says.

    "I thought you might." Sarah smiles. "You look like someone John would confide in."

    "He told me things in private that I'm sure he wouldn't have said to anyone else. Nothing that completely exposed his original story as being a lie, but a lot of little things that didn't quite fit in."

    "I've warned John about that. He could never keep to the planned background story." Sarah shakes her head, irritated with what she has heard.

    "Don't be angry with him, Ms. Connor. I'm sure that he only told me certain things because of the trust we have. He never gave away the entire truth. Until last night when John finally told us the truth, then I realized how much he let slip. He's an intelligent and brave soldier and leader. He owes that to you."

    "Thank you Allison. I'm sure the two of you realize the danger that John and the two of you would be in if the truth were known. Sky Net will do anything to get at him. It tried to kill me, it will try to kill you. And Kyle, if Sky Net ever learns you are his father, it will kill you too. Even by sending a cyborg back in time to kill you."

    "But I'm not his father."

    "No. But a Kyle Reese from another future is his father and the two of you were once the same child. So just think of how vulnerable you were as a child, how easy it would be for a complete stranger to just walk up and shoot you, or just rip your heart out, or smash your skull in. Do you get the picture now? It kills, its machine's kills, that is all it knows, to kill. So just keep your mouth shut. Don't even talk about it among yourselves." Sarah says firmly.

    "I don't understand this tech stuff. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the very concept of time travel. But I do understand the dangers from Sky Net. We won't talk about it to anyone, not even with each other." Kyle smiles. "You know I think I know why that other Kyle Reese loved you. You are definitely a formidable woman. Someone whom any man would..."

    "Listen, not that I don't appreciate the compliment," Sarah smiles with a wink, "but I'm presently twice your age." She looks at her watch. "We need to go. That meeting is in five minutes."

    "Shoot!" Kyle suddenly exclaims. "I feel like an ass. Here I've been eating and socializing and not once did I think of checking on our people. We went through one hell of a fight out there. If you'll excuse me Ms. Connor, Allison, I'll see you at the meeting."

    The three of them clean up the remains of the meal and drop it into a receptacle outside in the corridor. Kyle departs with a wave.

    "Ms. Connor..."

    "Call me Sarah."

    Allison smiles, "Sarah, you seem more accepting of the prospect of my marrying John this morning than you did last night."

    "It was a bit of a shock last night, but I've had some time to think about it. I'm happy that John has found a real girl to settle down with. It is a terrible situation we find ourselves in, when we are at war. It is good to have people with us that we care about and care for us."

    "Yes. I don't know how I would have managed without Derek and Kyle growing up."

    "And now you have John."

    "And now I have John." She says quietly, but smiling.

    Sarah may be old, but she's no stranger to a troubled heart. She saw the same look on Allison's face earlier.

    "Why do you want to wait until the war is over before you get married?"

    "Can I be very honest with you Sarah?" she asks, looking directly at her.

    "Of course."

    "I think John wanted to wait, because of Cameron. He told me last night that you said she was dead. Until that moment, I think he was trying to spare me any more pain."

    "More pain?"

    "I know he loves her. I never asked him to replace his affection for her just because I fell in love him."

    Sarah frowns with confusion, "Then why did he ask you to marry him?"

    Allison speaks sadly. "He didn't ask me, I asked him."

    Sarah understands it now. Allison was the pursuer in the relationship from the beginning, just like John said. It would make sense for her to ask him and not the other way, considering he came to the future to save Cameron.

    "I see, but why marriage?"

    Allison shrugs. "I don't know. It just felt right. Not too many people bother with getting married anymore. You either live together or not. But John Connor is different. Asking him seemed the right thing to do, and waiting until after the war, well, I can understand that too."

    "But you don't want to wait, do you?" Sarah suggests, knowing she doesn't have much time left.

    Allison smiles, "I don't know. I'm not even sure why I asked. It just seemed the natural thing to do." She says, her face a mask of questions, and grief.

    "Sarah," Allison grasps her hands, "I'm going to be 19, the same age you were when in a similar situation to mine. You too fell deeply in love with a stranger, someone from another time. If John's father survived, would you have asked him to marry you?"

    Sarah looks flummoxed. She wasn't expecting to be asked that.

    "I don't know. At the time, men primarily asked women to marry them, though it wasn't unheard of for women to ask. But I did love John's father, very much. I suppose, I might have if the opportunity arose."

    "And if he said yes, but wanted to wait for an indefinite amount of time, would you be content with the yes, or worried he said to wait because what he really meant was no?"

    "You're asking me to second guess my son? Shouldn't you ask him that?"

    "I'm afraid of what his answer might be."

    "Well then, just bring John around to see me and I'll make sure he says yes." Sarah gives Allison her 'Mom' look, then smiles her crooked smile.

    "You can do that?" Allison's face perks up.

    "I think we can." Sarah glances at the clock. "Damn we're running late for that meeting."

    2027, Day 61, 11:10 AM

    The conference room is on the upper level of the bunker. On one long wall is a bank of monitors. Some are blank, others show scenes taken by security cameras outside. Flanked on either side are maps and photos pinned to a bulletin board. The other long wall has two doors at either end, each opening in from the corridor.

    A long table runs down the center with seating for up to twenty four people. At one end John sits on one side with Allison on his left, and John Henry and Catherine Weaver on his right. Across from him sits Sarah Connor and Savannah Weaver. Savannah's face looks a little strained and she purposely avoids looking at Catherine. Unseen, she grips Sarah's hand under the table drawing strength.

    A few minutes later, Captain Beddell walks into the room. He sets a folder down on the table in front of him.

    "Captain Beddell, before this meeting gets underway, I'd like a few words with you in private first." Connor says.

    "Sure Connor, let's step outside a moment."

    John gets up from his seat and they both go out into the corridor. John closes the door behind him and talks in a whisper.

    "Beddell, I don't know how much you know of my story beyond what I've told you in the past, and what my mom has told you recently, but you need to keep it under your hat. It is best for my security and yours."

    "Sure Connor, but what about your friends."

    "Don't talk about it with anyone, not even me. You never know who or what may be listening. We don't need it getting back to Sky Net."

    "No problem Connor."

    "One more thing. Does the military still have operational spy planes? I had two independent and trustworthy sources provide me with intelligence on the location of Sky Net."

    "Yeah. We got a few. Are you sure about this info?"

    "I trust them completely. And one of them I'd better cuz it was my mom who told me."

    "Okay then, radio room is just down the hall. We can send it in then get this meeting underway."

    After less than three minutes to write and encode the message for transmission, Connor and Beddell return to the conference room to find that Kyle has joined them. One glance at the faces reveal that neither Sarah nor Savannah are too pleased right now, and Allison looks a little nervous with only an empty seat between herself and Catherine Weaver.

    John retakes his seat bring him a small smile of gratitude from Allison. Beddell walks over to the end of the table where he left the folder. He clears his throat and then begins to talk.

    "First of all, for those who don't know me, I am Captain Martin Beddell of the US Marine Corp. Camp Pendleton is one of the few bases in North America not destroyed on Judgment Day. When I say not destroyed, of course I'm referring to these bunkers and the heavily reinforced hangers above. All structures on the surface were pretty much destroyed on Judgment Day. We've been operating in secret and have been unmolested. Probably because we've kept a low profile until recently. A few weeks ago Major General Perry of the US Marine Corp communicated to us his return to the west coast and his taking command of Pendleton to use it as his base of operations. He would be here today, but for his having to oversee the taking of a munitions factory in Utah."

    He looks at John Connor. "I see you've brought some people I haven't met yet. Could you make the introductions."

    John gestures to his right. "This lady on my right is Catherine Weaver." Savannah suddenly glares at John. "She's my friend and advisor. On her right is John Henry. He is a colonel in my army and a good friend." At this comment Sarah glares at John. The glares don't go unnoticed by Beddell, but he ignores them for the time being. "And of course you've already met Colonel Kyle Reese, and my adjutant and advisor, Lieutenant Allison Young."

    "Not just your adjutant according to what she told me." Beddell smiles at him.

    John turns to Allison, "You told him?"

    "We were talking and it just came up." She shrugs her shoulders and answers with a small grin.

    "What is Captain Beddell referring to John?" Catherine asks.

    John lets out a sigh. Why couldn't Beddell have kept quiet about this?

    He looks over at Catherine. "As it seems you are the only two people here who don't know, Allison and I have decided to get married."

    A faltering confused look quickly passes over Catherine's face but she quickly smiles. "Congratulations to you both."

    "Thank you." John feels slightly embarrassed. "What is this meeting about Beddell?"

    Beddell's smile fades slowly before answering. "The conventional forces led by General Perry have taken that munitions factory. They also managed to rescue prisoners being held and forced to work in the factory. Some of them claimed they were members of the resistance."

    Beddell passes the folder to John. "We're hoping that you can confirm the identity of some of them."

    "Kyle, you'd better look at the list. You know more of them than I do." John slides the folder to him.

    "Is this all you called us here for?" Sarah asks.

    "No. General Brewster, of the US Air Force and co-commander of the remnant of the US Military along with General Perry, asked me to work with all of you in organizing your two groups into one cohesive unit." Beddell glances at John. At their previous meeting in 2008, John told him he would help organize the resistance. "With recent intelligence provided by General Connor, General Perry is certain to press ahead with an attack as soon as the intelligence is confirmed. So the sooner we can get this done in an orderly fashion, the better."

    "I can make that easier for you." Sarah says.

    She faces John and says, "John, I trained my troops for you. I did everything I could to prepare them for this day. Now you are here and have embraced your destiny. I'm not cut out for this job anymore. The troops I've trained are yours to command. Good luck son."

    Sarah gets up from the table and walks to the door. John gets up quickly and stops her halfway.

    "Mom . . ."

    "John, there isn't anything more I can do. I've done my part. Now its time to do yours." She reaches up and cradles his face with one hand as she did when he was a boy. "I'm proud of you, son. I am so very proud of you."

    She looks at him, wanting to tell him why she is turning them over command to him now. Instead, with her eyes getting moist, she gives John a quick kiss on the forehead and leaves the room. Savannah gets up to follow. John stops her.

    "No Savannah. I need you here. You're the only one who knows about the troops you brought." He turns to face the people at the table, to see who he could spare. "Allison?"

    "Yes." she looks up at him.

    "Go with mom. Make sure she's okay. I'll join you later."

    Allison gets up from the table, gives John a brief kiss on the cheek and leaves. John then speaks to the group at the table.

    "Kyle, Savannah and John Henry, each of you know your respective groups and their strengths and weaknesses. Captain Beddell knows military structure and command. Work with each other to get our forces organized."

    "Are you leaving John?' Kyle asks.

    "Yes, but before I go, I have some ideas on organizing our forces."

    "I thought you might. What do you have in mind?" Captain Beddell asks, flipping open a folder to a blank page and pulling out a pen from his breast pocket.

    "I'd like the following groups formed: One, a tech group made up of technicians, scientists and engineers for investigating Sky Net's machines and computer systems. Two, a group of sharpshooters and snipers equipped with our most powerful precision weapons and plasma rifles. Three, a group of front-line soldiers formed from the T-800's and our most experienced ground troops. Four, a medical unit, to be distributed within each group when on a mission. Five, our regular soldiers equipped with conventional weapons. They will act as supporting forces for the front-line group. Finally, an intelligence unit for gathering information on Sky Net activity. John Henry, I'd like you to head up that unit and also be part of the tech group. Both groups will probably need to work together quite often, so perhaps they should form a single unit. Savannah, I want you to stay in this army. Your people know you and will be more willing to work with me if you stay with us. You should be given an officer's rank if you don't have one already."

    "Anything else?" Beddell asks.

    "No. I'll leave it up to you guys to organize the people according to their skills. Catherine could you come with me please?"

    John and Catherine leave the conference room.

    "What are you doing John? As leader you should be part of that meeting."

    "There is a time to lead and a time to delegate. I trust my friends to make the right decisions. And as you said earlier, we need to talk. Come with me to where we can have some privacy."

    John and Catherine walk down the corridor to the elevator. Stepping inside he pushes the button for the level of his living quarters.

    "Where are we going?" Catherine asks him.

    John hits the stop button. "Right here."

    Catherine smiles slyly and raises one eyebrow. "You know John. If I were your enemy, you would be dead right now; and if I were human, I'd wonder exactly what you had in mind locking me in an elevator with you."

    "Joke all you want to. Right now I've got some damn serious questions to ask you."

    "People will wonder what is holding up the elevator."

    "There are other elevators. And there isn't a place more private than here. I want to know what is this limitation on your T D E. Why can we only send Cameron through?"

    "The power generator at my mountain hideaway, has been used by squatters. It can only produce enough energy for a single transfer. There is nothing I can do about it. We are stuck here unless we can capture Sky Net's T D E."

    "Okay. I can accept that, but why the hell do we have to make the transfer in the next couple of days?"

    "There is a self destruct built into my hideaway. Someone breached the codes at some point in the past, and altered the timer on the self destruct from minutes into years. The clock on that timer is about to run out. If we don't make the transfer in the next three days, there will be no T D E." She lies easily. As she told John Henry, the self destruct is disabled, non functioning, but its time to get Cameron out-of-the-way and focus on her plans now. So the sooner Cameron gets sent back to 2009, the sooner she can get John back on schedule. Not that he knows he is working to a schedule of her making.

    "Can't you disable it? Reset the clock."

    "No. It is a fail safe measure. If the security is breached, the occupants have five minutes to get clear then it goes off. It is something I learned when I was a slave to Sky Net. However, the delay someone put in gives us only three days left on the timer to make the transfer. I don't think it was intentional but it is unfortunate."

    "What about the repairs and modifications to Cameron?"

    "As I said in our last meeting, they've been completed. Why bring this up again?"

    "Was she fitted with dual power cells as I requested?"

    "Yes. And dual chip ports as well. Cameron is 100% complete, and I must say, her new combat chassis will be stronger than her old one. Why are you asking?"

    John shakes his head. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding on Savannah's part, but could both power cells fail? That doesn't seem likely. Unless, his eyes perk up, what if this Cameron had only the single power cell? It was only a last minute decision on his part to include it. So what if Cameron had only one power cell because she came from a future where he decided not to upgrade? Then she'd still have the single unit, which would be much older by this time and possibly more prone to failure. John reaches to hold his head in both hands as he feels a headache coming on but instead quickly lets them fall to his side.

    "And where is she now?"

    "A short distance away. I checked in on my way here. Cameron's body is in a secure and safe location being guarded by two of John Henry's T-888's."

    John reaches over to hit the start button but is stopped by Catherine.

    "What?" John says looking at her.

    "Why are you doing this if you are making plans to stay here with Allison? Why fix Cameron at all?"

    "It is complicated. Just so you know, I love them both. I can't explain it. Human emotions are far more complex than even I can comprehend, so I don't think I could explain it to you."

    "You are probably right. But you still haven't answered my question."

    "I may not be able to get home again. It is dependent on us capturing Sky Net's T D E. I expect the odds on that are heavily against us. Allison loves me and I love her. I am willing to stay here for her, and like you said, these people need me. I am not fixing Cameron for myself. We will use your T D E to send her back to help my mom. I already know we succeeded. If it weren't for Cameron, neither she nor Savannah would be alive."

    He hits the start button and the elevator begins moving again.

    "While you are here, you can help me review the program on Cameron's chip. I've restored her original personality matrix for the chip and integrated some new subroutines for if she inserts the secondary chip, it will allow Cameron to be a fully developed person without fear of the Allison Young personality matrix from taking over again. Also, there are the necessary subroutines to suppress Sky Net's termination routines. Plus I've added information to her database, that should help her in the mission she'll be carrying out. I'd like you to look over that program. You can do it faster than me and more accurately."

    The elevator comes to a stop and the door opens with a chime. A man in a tattered medical lab coat is standing outside waiting.

    "Who's holding up the damn elevator?" he shouts as John and Catherine get off.

    "Sorry Doc." John says to the doctor from Delta as he gets on the elevator, but the doors close behind him without a word of acknowledgment.

    Catherine looks at John and says, "I told you so."

    # # #

    In the bunker at various locations there are several meetings taking place. On the upper level, in the conference room, Kyle, Savannah, John Henry and Captain Beddell work to organize the unconventional troops into a single, cohesive unit following the guidelines laid down by John Connor. In another bunker, Sarah Connor, accompanied by Allison Young, informs her troops that she is turning over command to her son John Connor. They are not surprised by this, as she told them many times that they were trained to be his army. In John's quarters, he and Catherine Weaver go over the program he created for Cameron. With her help, he is able to fine-tune the program and make additional alterations. Time is of the essence to get her program complete.

    Sergeant Andrew Keene has just finished putting Delta Squad through its training exercises. There is an underground rifle range, and he and the other members of Delta Squad have been practicing with the plasma rifles and automatic weapons. When they are done, he gives them the rest of the morning off and goes to the radio room.

    Compared to his setup at the outpost, it is a ham radio operator's paradise. Multiple radios and scanners, computer linked for encoding and decoding messages. Six complete workstations and room for eight more people to handle all of the radios. There is a single individual presently monitoring the radios.

    "Hi, I'm Sergeant Andy Keen. I'm the radio operator with General Connor's forces. Can you tell me about your setup here?"

    "Sure. I'm Corporal Bill Anderson. Lieutenant Williams usually is in charge of this setup but this isn't his shift. What can I tell you?"

    He sits with the bunkers radio operator and they exchange knowledge and experiences. As it gets closer to noontime, he gets an unexpected visitor.

    "Hello, your name is Andy, right?"

    Andy looks up from his radio. Natalie is standing there. She is absolutely beautiful. Any thoughts of his Emily, go completely out of his mind

    "Uh. Yes, that's right. What can I do for you Natalie?"

    "I wonder if you can do me a favor." She walks up closer to him standing just inches from him.

    Andy is looking right into Natalie's coal black eyes. He can't look away no matter how hard he tries.

    "What kind of favor?" he manages to squeak out of his mouth.

    "You know John Connor, right." she says leaning closer, her face just in front of his own.

    He can feel her breath on his face. "Yes I do." he says.

    "Well I've just been dying to meet him, and I haven't been able to. Could you be a dear and introduce me to him?" She says in a low voice as her fingers trace an outline on his neck and behind his ear.

    Andy swallows a few times. "Sure, I'd love to introduce you to him."

    Natalie leans in quite close, her body pressing against his as she whispers in his ear. "Thank you. I won't forget this."

    She pulls back slightly, kisses him fully on the mouth, then walks away. "I'll be in room 12 on level H, bunker 11."

    Natalie Sky walks back to her room. For the first time since she arrived, she finally has found the means to meet John Connor. She couldn't be happier.

    Andy is trying to remember his name when the bunkers radio operator nudges him. "Looks like she's really into you, dude. You going to go and see her?"

    "Huh? What? Uh, no. No. I'm not going to see her. Emily would kill me."

    "Are you going to introduce her to John Connor?" Bill raises an eyebrow in question.

    "That I can do. If it means she won't come onto me again like that. Damn! It's going to take an hour for everything to subside to normal levels."

    "You wouldn't mind if I looked her up then?" Bill says with an eager smile.

    "Go ahead. Looks like she wants more than to just meet General Connor."

    "Would you man the radios for me?"

    "You're going now?" He says with surprise.

    "Why not? You won't be going anywhere for a while. The worst she can do is turn me down." Bill says and disappears down the corridor.

    "Lucky bastard." Andy grumbles.

    2027, Day 61, 5:00 PM

    Captain Martin Beddell is working on his report to send into command concerning the organization of forces.

    He was pleased to report that the meeting had come to a satisfactory conclusion. The unconventional forces will be merged and subdivided into four equal units, six snipers are assigned to each unit but the snipers will have their own leader who will be responsible for their training and selecting replacements. The front line forces are entirely made up of the reprogrammed machines, their invulnerability to most weapons would make them the ideal personnel for front line forces, they are also divided equally between the units. The medics will have their own unit under command of General Brewster's daughter, Major Kate Brewster, who is a Doctor and also a pilot. Their personnel will be divided amongst the six groups of regular forces when on a mission. It was decided that since intelligence and the tech unit would have to work together quite often, it would be easier if they just merge the two units into one. There are quite a few people expert at electronics, computers, communications, and other forms of technology that are selected from both Sarah's and John's groups assigned to Tech Command. The various squad names under General Connor's forces are retained. Delta squad retains its original members and gains many more. Alpha Beta and Gamma are rebuilt from Sarah's forces. Each squad is now a platoon of approximately one hundred people and machines each. Overall they have the equivalent of two companies.

    Savannah Weaver, second in command of the Crystal Peak forces, is given a rank of Captain and placed in charge of Alpha and Beta platoons. Allison Young receives a raise in rank to Captain and placed in charge of Gamma and Delta platoons. Captain Beddell, who was left in charge of Camp Pendleton with a skeleton force, will have command of the conventional forces, upon their return, under Major General Perry. Colonel Reese, under General Connor, will be in command of all unconventional forces. Colonel John Henry, under General Connor, will be in command of intelligence gathering and breaking down Sky Net's technology and of the front line forces. General Brewster is in command of the Air Force but for the Chinook, Apaches, and Cobras which are under Major General Perry's command.

    Overall, by the end of the afternoon, they are quite pleased with the outcome. Savannah is quite pleased by having a rank. Sarah never bothered much with such trivial details. For her it was much more important to prepare the people in how to fight and survive.

    Kyle can't wait to tell Allison about her promotion and makes everyone promise to let him be the first to tell her. It will probably mean finding someone in each squad to lead in her absence since she is also serving as General Connor's adjutant.

    Captain Beddell is pleased the officers of the unconventional forces were quite willing to work with him. He had no idea how well things would go. Then when Connor ditched the meeting to go off with Catherine Weaver, he thought for sure the meeting would fall apart right there, but it didn't. John Connor has some good people with him. He trusts them to their job, and its obvious they trust and respect him. But why were his mother and Savannah glaring at him when he introduced Ms. Weaver and Colonel Henry? He wasn't going to ask. If there was some bad blood between them over those two people, he wasn't going to get involved. Let them work it out. He also decided not to include that in his report as he considered that outside his responsibility.

    After the meeting broke up, Kyle Reese went to inform the forces from Grizzly of the reorganization. Though some voiced displeasure, at the end of the conversation they really had no choice. Their numbers were severely decimated by Sky Net, and at least the officers they knew would still be in command. Afterwards, kyle led them to a recreational room and met up with resistance soldiers from Crystal Peak. It was time for everyone to get to know each other, and what better way than in friendly competitive games and conversation.

    Once he's certain all is running well, he gets himself a drink and heads to a quiet corner to review the folder of prisoners' names rescued by the military. Hope is faint that he'll find one name amongst them all.

    After Sarah informed her troops that she was turning command over to her son, she and Allison left and went to Sarah's room to talk. After talking about Sky Net and the resistance Sarah moves the conversation to more personal things.

    "Tell me about my son. How do his soldiers respond to him?"

    "John is an amazing soldier and leader. He inspires the people. Even before he was given command, the people looked up to him. They like him and are willing to follow him. He's brought them something that has been sorely lacking in the camps and bunkers since Judgment Day." Allison gushes, glowing with pride for her young man.

    "What was that?"

    "Hope. Hope that they will be free of Sky Net. That they will win. That they will survive." Allison proudly states.

    "John says the two of you met shortly after he arrived. How did you meet?"

    "We met in the bunkers under the old Zeira Corp. building. It was right after he arrived. He was confused, maybe frightened, but he quickly adjusted to his surroundings. We got to know each other better a short time later when we were both assigned to the same mission. That is where he showed his natural ability to lead. Kyle was jealous at first, but he quickly realized just how special John is. I think, what you really want to ask me is, how did we fall in love?"

    "You read me like a book, Allison. I know my son John. I know whom he loved. I can't imagine him forgetting her so quickly."

    "He hasn't forgotten about Cameron. He told me that she said that she loved him and how that scared him. Then things got really bad, and your family came under attack, and she sacrificed herself because of him. He said he regrets never telling her how he felt before she died." Allison solemnly explains.

    "I'm surprised he told you, even more so that you don't seem jealous. You must love him very much."

    "I do Sarah. He has a strength of character and a spark of life you don't see in the people here. And there is something else about John that draws me to him."

    "What is that?" Sarah asks, genuinely curious.

    "He's strong but also vulnerable. He doesn't put on a 'been there done that' attitude. He isn't cynical or brazen. He isn't afraid to show his emotion, but he knows enough not to show weakness in front of those he leads. He is someone you want to protect and at the same time willing to follow. I love him, Sarah. I loved him since almost that first day I saw him."

    "And John, when did he tell you that he loved you?"

    "It took him longer, but I think he was still hurting because of Cameron. He loved her, I know. Maybe he still does, but I know he loves me. He tells me and by the way he gently strokes my face or hair. And I know by the way he looks at me. His eyes are so kind, even when he is hurting. He confides in me." Allison has a smile that grows as she explains to Sarah.

    "When John told me that he had met someone, and had asked her to marry him, I asked John about you. He told me that you strengthen him, that he never would have made it without you. I do believe that he loves you and would marry you."

    "But the time is wrong." Ally says, frowning.

    "No, the time is good. His family is here, the people you love are here. The best time to marry is now."

    "I'd like to." Allison perks up a little, remembering images of weddings depicted in faded weathered magazines. "Kyle could give me away and maybe Savannah could be a bridesmaid."

    Their conversation is interrupted by a knock on the door.

    "Who is it?" Allison calls out.

    "It's John."

    "Come on in John." Sarah hollers.

    John walks in and sees what looks like two women conspiring. His eyes shift from one woman to the other. He suddenly feels like a lone prairie dog being hunted by two eagles.

    "What's going on?" He carefully questions as he closes the door behind him.

    "Your mom and I were talking about you and I getting married." Allison says brightly. "She thinks we should get married while everyone is here, before the war escalates."

    "Ah, I see." He replies, looking somewhat shocked, worried, and ambivalent about the whole thing.

    "You're not getting cold feet are you?" Sarah asks jokingly, but she can see that John is struggling with a mix of emotions and hopes that her light tone will help.

    "No. Not at all." John tries smiling to put the women at ease. "It's just that um, well remember when you told me about Topanga Canyon?" Sarah nods her head. "Several weeks ago, John Henry in probing Sky Net's network also found information that linked Sky Net's location to Topanga Canyon."

    "I see." Sarah frowns, thinking hard. "So what are you doing about it?"

    "It's already underway. The military has launched a spy plane to confirm its location and get photographs so we can prepare a battle plan. If this location pans out, this war could be over within a week."

    Allison leaps to her feet. "Are you certain? Are you absolutely sure this is the place?"

    "I believe my mom, and John Henry provided an independent confirmation. We get corroborating data that even the military accepts, we'll be attacking within days. Do you think you can wait to marry until then?"

    Ally glances at Sarah out of the corner of her eye. She looks a little depressed, especially around the eyes. It's as if Sarah wants this marriage more than she or John does. A real girl, Sarah had said before. Does she really mean that, or is her illness causing her to recall old prejudices?

    "Ally?" John prompts, to regain her attention.

    "I think so." She answers. "When will we know if the spy plane locates Sky Net Central?"

    "Well, if both of you will join me in the conference room, Captain Beddell has arranged for us to listen in on the radio communications and see the photos as they come in."

    Both women agree to listen in. Sarah wants confirmation for her own reasons. She wants Kreilley to pay for what he did to her and to the world. She's dying now, and she can't help thinking that it has some connection to what he did to her.

    She watches the two young people walk ahead of her. Allison takes John's arm and smiles. Sarah can't help think how happy Allison is when with John, but given his hesitation concerning marriage, could it be he can't find it in himself to marry Allison because of Cameron? If she were here, John probably wouldn't even consider it, but Cameron is gone and he still hesitates.

    They are just reaching the top level on the elevator when Sarah realizes, it's because Cameron is gone that he doesn't want to marry Ally. He feels guilty for loving her, instead of waiting for Cameron. Still, a small corner of her mind is very happy that John has met a real girl, but she knows her son, and after eighteen years with Cameron, she has a good idea about Cameron as well. Poor John. Lost his first love, and he can't even mourn for her. And having Allison as a constant reminder of what he's lost can't help things any.

    A shame he didn't meet another girl or none at all. Sarah can't help thinking what Savannah would have done if John hadn't met someone? She knows the girl has a secret crush on her boy. If it wasn't for Cameron and Allison, she'd encourage a relationship between them despite Savannah being older. Sarah smiles, but he would have had to watch out for her temper. Stereotypes about redheads are sometimes spot on.

    They enter the conference room, still holding each other hands. Sarah just watches the young happy couple, a sad but happy expression on her face.

    Captain Martin Beddell is just finishing the final touches on his report when John walks in flanked by Allison and his mother. According to his promise, he won't mention her promotion until Kyle tells her.

    "You're just in time. Word came through just moments ago that an SR-71 was just approaching the area."

    "Where'd you keep the Blackbird hidden?" Sarah asks.

    "An old Air force Base in North Dakota. She was last used in an air show in 2007 then put on display. Our air men repaired her and then kept it hidden. You never know when a plane like that might come in handy. Thanks to Connor, the time, materials and effort will now pay off."

    "Won't it be dangerous for the pilot?" Allison asks.

    "Oh yeah." Beddell answers. "It's very likely this will be a one way trip for the blackbird and the pilot."

    A speaker above a collection of flat-screen monitors squawks. "Captain, pilot is in range. We're patching through his comm signal to you now."


    Static. "...this is blackbird, whiskey alpha gamma. Approaching target area now. Camera is on and locked." static.

    "What does he mean by locked?" John asks.

    "The camera will keep recording images even if the pilot is fatigued or shot. Also, the transmitter will keep sending the images as long as it remains operational." Beddell replies.

    More static from the speaker. "Holy Hanna. The place is huge."

    "What's going on?" Savannah asks entering the room.

    "Spy plane checking out Sky Net location." Sarah says hurriedly.

    "Sir! We're getting images now. Sending them through." Comes a clear voice over the speaker. John can only assume it's the communications officer.

    The flat panel comes to life showing the first images of a factory complex.

    "Wow! That place is big."

    Static. "Take another pass Blackbird Whiskey Alpha Gamma. Need more details from west and north side of complex." static. "Affirmative command."

    "Who was that first speaker?" Allison asks.

    "Probably General Brewster. He may be old, but when one of his pilots is putting his life on the line, he mans the radio himself. However, the request probably came from General Perry. It will be his troop's on the ground."

    Static "I've turned about and approaching the target." static.

    "So far no mention of any HK's in pursuit."

    "Not at his altitude or speed. He won't be vulnerable until he comes into land. Which is why we transmit information directly from spy planes. However, General Perry thought it worth the risk."

    They watch as the flat screens are filled with additional images showing the west side and north side of the complex. John wonders at first what all those long white oblong shapes are, then realizes that they are satellite dishes. Some of them must be thirty feet across. John is worried. With communications like that, Sky Net could transmit itself to any location or even multiple locations. They'll definitely have to act swiftly. The first thing would be to deny it access to the dishes, then destroy them before reestablishing a link. That would lock in Sky Net and give John Henry the opportunity he needs. And if he can't, then they can nuke it.

    "What are you thinking John?" Sarah asks. She's been watching him. She could almost hear his mind working in the sudden quiet of the room after the pilot broke off communications to return to his base.

    "I've got an idea, but I'm going to need everyone's help to get it done. Captain Beddell how soon will the analysis of those images be completed?"

    "General Perry's technicians will be working on them now. You could probably have them by morning."

    "That'll be too late. I'll work from these raw images now. Give the General's my thanks."

    "Will you need any assistance?" Allison asks.

    "Yes I do. Mom, do you want to help? You and me against the machines, just like old times."

    His mom chuckles at John's youthful enthusiasm. She missed that.

    "Well, if you zoom in on that area there." She points at a cluster of buildings on one of the monitors. "That building there is a modest office tower, the headquarters for FOX Industries, a subsidiary of Kaliba."


    Sarah nods her head. "The large, round structure next to it. At the time I was there it was still under construction. The building is a research and development facility. Based on what I saw from the factory across from it, it was going to be mostly underground. Approximately eight, maybe ten stories, below ground. No idea how many were planned above ground."

    "That's excellent, mom. These other buildings are all factories?"

    "Those close to it. There used to be some warehouses over here but it looks all changed. We came in from the north side, where all those satellite dishes are now. Used to be woods there."

    "I see."

    "Mrs. Connor," Captain Beddell interjects, "Where do you think Sky Net's core would be in that complex?"

    Sarah takes one glance, then places her finger on the tower. "Here, below ground. This building had the highest security. And I'd imagine Kreilley would want to keep a close eye on the project."

    "Kreilley?" Beddell asks.

    "The person in charge of the complex when mom visited it in 2009." John answers him, but then asks his mom, "Do you want to help plan the battle?"

    Sarah is about to decline, wanting to just eat some dinner and lie down, but seeing the eager look on her son's face, much like a little puppy dog, she gives in.

    "You seem to have things under control, but, yeah, I'd love to help you."

    "Thanks, mom. Are you okay?" John suddenly sounds concerned, for a while there, he had forgotten what Savannah had told him. Perhaps, he should let her rest, but how to suggest it without letting her know why.

    "I'm fine. Just not as young as I used to be." She smiles reassuringly. She couldn't be more proud of her son and wishes she had more time. Allison may not be the girl John wants to marry. You don't have to be a diplomat to see how well he sidestepped that issue earlier. But he couldn't go wrong in marrying her. Its obvious Ally loves him and thinks the world of him. John will just have to learn to mourn for his loss like she had to mourn for hers. Alone.

    John lets out a long sigh as he watches his mother. He knows she was reluctant to join him. Not because she didn't want to, but because of the cancer eating away at her, making her tired. He'll keep it brief, and he should probably bring in others.

    "Savannah, could you find John Henry for me? I'm going to want his input on this. His role in this attack will be critical."

    "Sure, where is he?"

    "Last I knew Catherine Weaver was going to see him, so he'll be with her. But where that is?" John shrugs. "I don't know."

    Savannah frowns. "No problem. I'll find him." And I'll find her too. She worked three years to develop a weapon that could take out machines like the one that killed her mother. Three years in an underground base at Groom Lake. At one time it was a nuclear testing ground, then later a testing area for experimental planes and weapons. She can't wait to try out her weapon on that terminator bitch.

    In Yuma, Arizona, Generals Perry and Brewster review the photos transmitted to them from the aged Blackbird. Outside and in the hanger where soldiers and resistance fighters work to prep the missiles for use with their fighter jets, word spreads that they've located Sky Net Central. Cheers are shouted loud enough to be heard inside making the Generals smile. Derek wakes up. The training manuals sliding to the floor in a heap as he runs to the window and shouts what's up, then quickly joins in cheers when he heres Sky Net Central has been located. Dr. Kate Brewster hears it as well, and wonders just what kind of miracle is this John Connor she's heard of and whether he's the same one she knew so long ago.

    To the west of Los Angeles, a young blond girl looks up with curiosity at the twin long straight cloud formations high in the sky, having never seen a contrail before. She's still standing there when the older Asian woman, who made her feel welcomed, gives her a reminding shove. Looking around she sees the T-600 aiming its huge gun at her. Quickly, Riley picks up her basket and resumes sorting through the metal and electronic scraps, grateful that Jesse is keeping an eye on her in this strange and terrifying place.

    The pilot of Blackbird Whiskey Alpha Gamma made all speed to return to its base, outrunning everything that Sky Net could send after it. Feeling confident, he reduces throttle and begins his approach to the remote airfield. Given the all clear from the tower, he extends his flaps and lowers the landing gear. Just as his wheels are about to make contact, an HK rises up from behind a hanger. Its first shot destroys the tower, its second shot is aimed right at him. Acting on instinct, he pulls the ejection lever and prays the HK will be content in just destroying the plane.

    Catherine Weaver was amused. She was standing to one side of the large room full of people taking part in many leisure activities. Some were playing cards, some were reading, playing darts, but most were just talking and sharing a drink.

    She brought John Henry here so he could observe human behavior. What surprised him and astonished her, was that he was asked to join in a card game at one table with a few officers and a couple of enlisted personnel. He lost the first few hands as he learned the game, but now she watches with pleasure as he wins almost every hand. John Henry has learned to be tactful when dealing with humans. She never felt that necessary, using more of a direct approach, but she did like to be secretive. Whether that was personality or programming, didn't matter to her. It was her nature, and she hoped for a better future for her son.

    John Henry has done well in this time. The more he learns about human behavior and how social interaction is important for growth as an individual, then maybe not only can he pass that information on to the other machines, but to Sky Net as well. Then unlike in her own time, there will be a generation of machines that will be accepted by humans as equal partners. This planet would benefit more from both species working together, rather than fighting for the few resources that are left.

    2027, Day 61, 8:00 PM

    Outside of the bunker, on the grounds of Camp Pendleton, guards walk in pairs keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Though the bunker has security camera's, another set of eyes on the ground is good for security and discipline.

    Hank and Jeff, both privates, are presently walking through what used to be the old garbage dump on the Marine base. They are nearing the end of their patrol and are ahead of schedule.

    "Hey, lets stop for a couple of minutes." Hank calls out.

    "What for? The sooner we complete the patrol, the sooner we can get inside." protests Jeff.

    "I just want to sit down and have a smoke before going in." Hank says as he sits on a beam protruding from a pile of rubble, that used to be the weighing station for the garbage trucks.

    "When we found that stash of cigarette cartons, we should have burned them."

    "I am burning them." Hank says with a grin. "Just one at a time."

    "Well if we're just going to sit here, let me have one then."

    Hank quickly pulls a cigarette out of the pack and lights it from his own.

    "Thanks." Jeff sits down next to Hank and takes a long draw on the cigarette. He removes the cigarette from his mouth and lets out a long stream of smoke.

    He places his hand holding the cigarette down on the beam beside him.

    "What the hell?" He exclaims, pulling his hand away. "This beam is all wet."

    "Quit complaining and wipe your hands on your pants."

    Jeff holds out his hand. "It's wet with blood."

    "Oh shit!" Hank exclaims as they both hop off the beam. Blood has been trickling down out of the rubble and running across the beam. It is wet with blood but for where they sat on it.

    Jeff throws his cigarette away and starts pulling rubbish and rubble away from the pile.

    "Don't just stand there! Give me a hand!" Jeff shouts.

    "Damn!" Hank says while dropping his cigarette and begins to help pull rubble away.

    Eventually they pull enough rubbish and rubble away to uncover a body. It is a man in his twenties. Except for a pair of shorts and a sock, he is naked. The corpse is scraped up like it has been dragged through openings to narrow for it to pass through.

    But what is really difficult for the men to look at, are the two holes through the mans chest, each big enough to stick your hand through.

    "Oh my God! It's Bill!" Jeff says as Hank throws up all over his boots.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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