

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #24 : Part 2: Chapter 7: Tears of Joy and Sorrow

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 12 ธ.ค. 55



    Part 2: Armageddon

    Chapter 7

    Tears of Joy and Sorrow

    Sarah Connor, "I'll always find you."

    John Connor, "I'll always find you."

    Extract from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Demon Hand, 2008.

    Sarah Connor, "Are you saying it's from the future?"

    Kyle Reese, "One possible future. From your point of view . . . I don't know tech stuff."

    Sarah Connor, "Then you're saying you're from the future, too. Is that right?"

    Kyle Reese, "Right."

    Sarah Connor, "Right."

    An excerpt from The Terminator 1984

    "Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." Kyle Reese, The Terminator 1984

    # # #

    2027, Day 60, 10:15 PM

    "Sir!" A young lieutenant shouts running up to Colonel Reese. "All bodies are prepared for burning. We just need something to ignite the dry brush."

    "I understand." Kyle grimaces. For the last hour they've been gathering the bodies of the dead, stripping them of much needed equipment and stacking them for a funeral pyre. "Check with the pilots, maybe they've got something, like a flare." The lieutenant nods. "And lieutenant, wait until the aircraft are leaving before setting the fire."

    John Henry approaches Kyle Reese.

    "We've found something."

    "What?" Kyle shouts over the noise of the helicopters.

    "Come with me, and I'll show you."

    A few minutes later and a hundred yards or so from the nearest helicopter, one of the enemy machines destroyed by the Apaches is propped up, so it appears to be standing.

    "Fire on it with your plasma rifle."

    "Okay." Kyle unshoulders his plasma rifle and squeezes off a shot. The first burst of plasma bounces harmlessly off its head. Three or four shots required to burn through the port cover and destroy the chip.

    John Henry hands him another plasma rifle. "This is one of the plasma rifles used by the machines attacking us on the ground."

    "Feels heavier." Kyle says as he raises the rifle up to his shoulder.

    Once again, he squeezes off a shot. One pulse like the first time. His mouth gapes open in surprise when unlike the first shot, nothing but a smoky ruin sits atop the metal shoulders of the terminator.

    "All of the endo's on the ground were equipped with plasma rifles like this."

    "Shit." Kyle says, comparing the rifle to the ones they took from the factory. "We're screwed."

    # # #

    Catherine Weaver is on a fast walk toward the San Juan Mountains. Her latest check of the homing signal in John Henry's radio placed him there. He must have had the good sense to turn it on briefly, hopefully without detrimental effect to John Connor and his army as Sky Net could track it. She needs John and his army to complete her plan. But right now, she's finding her plans are not going as well as anticipated.

    She just finished checking out her base of operations she prepared in the past. Using the vast funds available to her as the head of Zeira Corp., she purchased a cold war bunker and prepared three, hidden rooms. Just recently, she found the hidden rooms, containing the TDE, and operation center with modern computers, and her own private office, were still secure. Unfortunately, the rest of the place had been stripped clean of all supplies and the fuel reserves are almost completely consumed. She has just enough fuel to generate sufficient power for one time jump and that is it. After that, the base is dead. Several weeks of work could get the nuclear generator operational, but without the right parts, the primitive device could explode destroying her time displacement equipment and the whole damn mountain.

    If her friend is still working according to the plan, then losing Crystal Peak wouldn't matter. Catherine knows Sky Net has a TDE. Once they invade Sky Net and utilize John Henry, she can send Connor home and his girlfriend and have this future for herself and all machines wanting to be free. But what about the absence of machines like herself? Has she been betrayed by her friend? Catherine doesn't have many options. This whole plan was one entire gamble, but if Sky Net learned of her plans? She has no choice but to believe her friend has done her part.

    Catherine feels a mild buzzing in her trouser pocket and she pulls out her radio. John Henry is moving. He is no longer in the San Juan mountains and is heading south west.

    She looks up at the stars and then at the profile of the mountains ahead of her. She's almost to the San Juan Mountains now. She may as well finish her journey there and wait for John Henry's next communication.

    Before she can put the radio away, three more messages appear with more recent locations for John Henry. Working from the information she'll have a bearing and direction for where he's heading next.

    Kyle watches as the first group of helicopters' take off. Two of the Chinooks carry wounded and the others carry men and machines, including John Henry.

    Quickly he runs over to one of the helicopters preparing to leave with the rest of his army, and gets inside the cockpit with the pilot.

    "Who are you?" The pilot asks.

    "Colonel Kyle Reese, Resistance Group Grizzly out of Los Angeles."

    "What can I do for you Colonel?"

    "I need to send a message to my people, who went ahead to Camp Pendleton, let them know I'm coming."

    "You can as soon as we take off. I don't like sitting still too long. Is everyone ready?"

    "Everyone is on board."

    "Then I suggest you put on your seat belt. These birds still fly, but sometimes they can be rough."

    "Wait a moment." Kyle orders as he sees some movement.

    Kyle watches as one of his men fires a flare into the funeral pyre. The flames grow gradually, igniting the wood brush. The soldier fires another flare then runs for one of the Chinooks. In moments the bodies of his fallen comrades are engulfed in flames.

    He watches until it feels like the world is in flames again like on Judgment Day. Leaning his head back against the seat, Kyle closes his eyes against the painful memory and offers a quick prayer for the dead. Today's and all of yesterday's.

    A second later he orders, his voiced strained, "Let's get the hell out of here."

    Clouds of dust are thrown up by the spinning blades of the helicopters as the last of Chinooks take off and follow the others to Pendleton. In the back of one of those helicopters, John Henry secretly uses his radio to send data to Ms. Weaver.

    Kyle pulls the photo of Sarah Connor out of his breast pocket. He looks at the picture in the faint light given off by the cabin's instruments.

    "Who's that?" The pilot asks. "Your girlfriend?"

    Kyle smiles, sliding the photograph back in its pocket. "She's the mother of my best friend and possibly the only man who can save us."

    The pilot smiles. The man can't fool him. Even in this dim light he could read the colonel's face to know that he's in love.

    # # #

    John is standing outside in the corridor alone. He was feeling nothing but pride and love for the cyborg who did so much to save his mom and Savannah. Cameron did far more than he expected her to do. There must be something deep inside her programming, even her original matrix, to do all she did to help his family.

    Savannah quietly steps out into the corridor. John had stepped outside after hearing of what happened to Cameron. She and Sarah gave him a few minutes and then Sarah asked her to check on him.

    "I'm sorry John. I know Cameron would have been here if she could."

    John sits quietly. Cameron did so much for his mom and Savannah. He has to send her. If he doesn't, they might not live.

    "We did some experiments with power cells from T-800's." Savannah adds. "Once they begin leaking, the power cells become unstable. If Cameron's power cell is similar, she'd have days, maybe even hours to live until the power cell could explode."

    "She had just the one power cell?" John asks, looking up into Savannah's sad face.

    "We had no compatible parts. She did say that a power cell from a T-888 would work, but we didn't have any."

    John has barely heard her answer, as his mind dwells on the news.

    I told John Henry two power cells. I saw the schematics on the computer screen. I saw the assembly for a new dual power cell unit on the factory floor. Cameron is supposed to have two power cells. So either she lied to them, or John Henry lied to me. Someone is lying and I need to know why!

    "I know you feel bad John, but she saved our lives on Judgment Day."

    "Come back inside John. There is more we need to tell you."

    They enter Sarah's room. Savannah has one arm affectionately and supportively around John's shoulders.

    "Sorry mom." John sniffs. "I just needed a moment to think."

    "I understand, John." Sarah says as John sits beside her once again. "Cameron was a remarkable person. She saved my life more than once."

    "I thought you were dead, mom." John wipes the tears from his face.

    Savannah still stands by the door. She can't help but smile as she watches the two of them together. All she heard growing up were stories of Sarah raising John and some of the adventures they had in fighting Sky Net.

    "I'm not easy to get rid of."

    "No. I guess not." He smiles.

    "And you?" John turns toward Savannah. "I guess you'd be my sister then, raised by my mom."

    "I couldn't of had a better mother. I love Sarah." Savannah smiles. Should I tell him of the crush I've had on him since I was a kid? No. I'll tell him later.

    "How did you both survive? How did you get out of Los Angeles before the bombs fell." John fumbles, his voice strained with emotion. Please tell me you did it without Cameron's help. If I don't have to send her away, then maybe I could find another way.

    Sarah rubs and pats his upper arm affectionately. "Cameron took us deep into the mountains, far from the missiles, to an old military bunker, where we survived. I was severely injured. We lived there for many years until recently. We were making our way south when we stopped at an old state park. We set up camp in the few cabins that were still habitable, that is when Savannah and I heard you on the radio."

    "Your mom cried when she heard your voice." Savannah says. "It was only the third time I ever saw her cry."

    Sarah closes her eyes momentarily as she is struck once again with high emotion.

    "Is it true, what you said on the radio about being the leader of the resistance?"

    "Not all of it Mom, just resistance group Grizzly, out of Los Angeles. I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time about my destiny, mom. I couldn't accept it, but I guess I never really had a choice in the matter."

    They sit there a few minutes just enjoying the time they now have together. Sarah looks at her son, and sees the man she always knew he would be. John looks at his mom and wonders how he could have been such a fool for not believing her. They have so much to say and so many questions they want to ask, that they don't say anything for a few minutes.

    John's thoughts turn to the last time he saw his mom.

    "Mom, what happened after I left? Why did Judgment Day come two years earlier than we were told?"

    He looks at both women. Savannah looks at Sarah, who in turns looks down at her feet.

    # # #

    "This Colonel Kyle Reese." Kyle speaks into the headset's microphone. The pilot having made radio contact as soon as they were clear of the mountains.

    "Hello Kyle! This is Allison." She speaks into the desktop microphone. "When will you be here?"

    "Shouldn't be too long. I've got both good and bad news. Could you ask John to meet us when we land?"

    "Of course. Are you okay? Did you learn anything about that machine that crashed?"

    "I'm not going to say anything over the radio. We'll be there in about half hour. The pilot isn't wasting any time."

    The Pilot grunts, "You bet your ass I'm not."

    "I'll make sure he's at the hanger when you arrive. You're going to love this place when you see it. Lieutenant Young out."

    # # #

    Sarah sits quietly for a moment, her mind desperately trying to form an answer for her son. Finally she lets out a sigh and begins to tell him, "I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I tried to stop it and failed." Sarah's eyes fill with pain .

    John hugs his mom and holds her. "It's okay mom. I'm here now. No matter what happened, I need to know. We can still stop Sky Net."

    "I don't know if I can tell you." She says, feeling the shame of her failure deeply.

    "Just start that last day we were together and work your way forward. Take your time."

    Sarah looks at her son. She runs her hand through his hair and down the side of his head to his shoulder. "First let me tell you I was pretty pissed off with you for breaking me out of jail instead of running. But I'm also proud of you for rescuing your mom."

    John smiles briefly at her. "Were you sick? Cameron told me that day you were sick."

    "I was sick John, but it wasn't cancer. Not then anyway, but I thought it was when I was going to leave you with Charlie. Even after discovering I didn't have breast cancer, I continued to feel ill. Thinking it might be just the stress we were under, I kept it hidden so I wouldn't worry you. Our lives were complicated enough at the time. After getting arrested, the prison doctor examined me and gave me an antibiotic, which helped."

    Ignoring her comment for the moment about her not having cancer then, he asks, "What happened at Zeira Corp.? Why did you stay behind?"

    "I saw the time setting on the computer. I knew what year you were going to. I couldn't go with you John. Your father told me about the future he came from. The stories he told fueled my nightmares for the remainder of my life. I decided to stay and do what I could to help you in the present."

    "It's okay mom. You put Cameron's body in a safe place where I could find it, along with my computer and other things. You managed to live through it. You've experienced more of this future than I have. But what happened? Why did Judgment Day come early? You're the only person who can tell me."

    "I can't . . . ." She answers, hanging her head.

    "Mom, I need to know." John earnestly but gently presses the issue.

    Seeing Sarah's strained face and knowing how deeply ashamed she feels about her failure, Savannah intervenes. "I can tell you." Savannah says as she sits in a chair across from Sarah's bunk.

    "Your mom did what she could to stop it from happening, but they were too well prepared. Sarah even had help from Detective Macklin of the LAPD and Agent Auldridge of the FBI, and Cameron."

    Inwardly John feels mixed emotions thinking about Cameron. He's essentially sent her to her death, but if he hadn't his mom and Savannah wouldn't be alive.

    Masking his emotions, John asks his mom with an incredulous tone, "You had help from the authorities? Since when did you start trusting them?"

    "Agent Ellison trusted them. They knew the truth. They died because of it." Sarah says.

    "What happened? Please tell me."

    Sarah remains silent, so Savannah answers for her. "Your mom and the two law men were investigating an industrial complex in Topanga Canyon. Cameron was protecting me. The three of them were captured and Macklin and Auldridge were killed."

    Topanga Canyon again, John thinks. "And what happened to mom?" He asks.

    "She was tortured John. That's why she couldn't tell you. She was tortured to reveal where you were." Light tears run from Savannah's eyes. "She held out for as long as she could. Don't be angry. None of us could have withstood what he did to her."

    "What did he do to you mom?" John shouts, not in anger but in pain. "What did he do?"

    Sarah doesn't answer. She just lays back on her bunk and pulls her shirt up to expose her stomach from the waistband of her pants to the underside of her bra, revealing the scars from all the puncture wounds.

    John can't believe what he is seeing. In just the small area she exposes are dozens of pink scars from puncture wounds. He reaches out lightly touches the scars with his hand.

    "Mom. I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry. I never should have left you." He cries unable to take his eyes off the scars.

    "He did more than just her abdomen John. He cut deep wounds into her entire torso. He was sadistic and took pleasure from the pain he inflected on Sarah."

    Spinning about staring at Savannah, he shouts, "Who did this? Who did this?"

    "His name is Kreilley." Sarah says quietly. "He's a liquid metal terminator. He built Sky Net and it launched the missiles on May 18, 2009."

    John takes his mom's hand. "It's okay mom. I don't blame you. No one will blame you. Sky Net did this to you and to us."

    John turns to face Savannah.

    "Savannah, how did mom get out of there?"

    "Cameron risked leaving me behind to rescue your mom. She found her in a concrete building, chained, naked and bleeding from over a hundred wounds. Sarah was left to die by Kreilley. Cameron killed many of Kreilley's human agents to rescue her. She brought your mom to where she left me and together we treated, cleaned and bandaged your mother's wounds. We were making our way through the mountains leaving Los Angeles when we stopped to help your mom finish dressing. That's when we saw the missiles being launched. Sky Net was born that very night and launched the nations nuclear missiles against every nuclear armed nation in the world."

    "What did the three of you do then?"

    "Cameron drove all night. She stopped in a mountain resort town and broke into a medical center to steal supplies, blood and a transfusion kit for Sarah. She also broke into a camping supply store and stole canned food and vacuum-sealed food supplies. Cameron was amazing. She refueled the truck by stealing gas from RV's and campers and she drove us well into the following day not stopping until we reached an old military bunker inside a mountain in the Sierra's. It was built sometime in the 1960's at the height of the cold war. I have no idea how she did it, but she managed to get past the security system and get us inside. We lived there for the next eighteen years."

    John is still holding his mom's hand. She grips his hand tight as Savannah's story makes the memories come alive in her mind.

    "When we arrived, the banks of computers were almost all dead, but a few were still operational. The radios were buzzing with chatter as civil defense groups and state militias were looking for direction from the military and state governments. Ignoring the radios, Cameron got Sarah comfortable and set up an intravenous feed for the blood she took and gave your mom injections of antibiotics and anti-tetanus to stem any possible infection from the torture. She left me to watch Sarah, and Cameron got on the radios and started answering everyone's calls. She was amazing John. She got everyone organized and started the foundation of the resistance for your ultimate arrival. For those who couldn't leave to join us, she provided them with intelligence and information to aid them in their fight. She never slept. When she wasn't on the radios, she was rebuilding the computers or helping Sarah or helping me. She and Sarah were like mothers to me."

    Savannah is crying a little.

    "Hey, hey, its all right." John says, reaching over and patting her arm. "It must have been very hard for you being so young. Your whole world turned over in an instant. But you made it. You survived. What happened next?"

    "Cameron was able to rebuild most of the computers, modifying them to increase their computing power. By that time several days had passed and Sarah was doing much better. People were beginning to show up. Some of them had new computers and other electronics which Cameron put to use. She was able to use the computers to hack into the nations defense network. We were able to monitor Sky Net and learn when its satellites would be passing so we wouldn't reveal our location."

    "The first people to arrive were locals, but soon people who were stranded on the roads when the missiles destroyed their home cities began arriving, then former military veterans who used to work at the old bunker arrived. They were able to get in touch with their former comrades. They knew the old military codes, ones that Sky Net didn't know about as the old codes were abandoned in the 1980's as computers began to be used to encode signals. Soon the members of the regular armed forces began to arrive, reserve and guard units all left without command or structure when the government fell. Sarah managed to build an army from all of them."

    "I'm proud of you, mom." He looks at her with both pride and love.

    "I did it for you, son. I knew you would be coming and would need an army."

    "Sarah was tough." Savannah says. "She told them about Sky Net and what it did. And how it was building machines to destroy the human race. Most believed her. Some doubted her. Some old retired army colonel tried to stage a coup and take command. Sarah broke his jaw. She never had problems of that sort again."

    "Good for you mom!" John says with a huge grin.

    "Thanks. We built the army for you like Savannah said. Cameron was right there with us the whole time. We raised Savannah together. Savannah is like a daughter to me. Cameron was of great help to me. I couldn't have done it without her. She was my friend."

    John tries to hide it but the women can clearly see he's still upset. Despite his relationship with Allison, seeing Cameron again restored with her original matrix is something he's wanted ever since he began repairs. He'd give up his relationship with Allison right now if only to have his Cameron back. "I know what she told you, but she could have simply taken a power cell."

    "Savannah and I talked about it afterwards. Cameron could have tried to and failed."

    "You mean she was destroyed." John doesn't feel any better with that idea.

    "Or power cell might have simply given up before that happened."

    "So she could be lying out there somewhere helpless."

    "I don't think so." Savannah says. "Not with the test I ran."

    "It doesn't matter now anyway?" John says in a low voice.

    Sarah pulls John to her, holding him.

    "She wanted to see you again, but she left us almost three months ago. Cameron told us that her power cell had begun to leak and she was going to leave before it could cause any of us to become sick. I don't know what became of her. We never saw her again. But before she left, she told us there wasn't enough fuel for the generators, and it was time for us to move. A few weeks after she left, we began heading south following her directions. If it wasn't for her I'd never have lived to see you again. How did you know I needed her, John?"

    John hasn't sent her yet, but now he has to do it, even if it tears him apart. He has to send Cameron back in time or else his mom and Savannah will not survive. But did she really only have just one power cell? Or did his mom and Savannah misunderstand what Cameron said.

    Confused and upset, John quietly rambles off his answer. "Bad things happened, mom. I was involved in capturing a plasma rifle factory from Sky Net. There were two machines present that no one, had seen previously. Their technology was beyond anything seen before. On top of that, the chips that were easy to reprogram when I arrived, suddenly were able to fight the reprogramming. Catherine found out that Judgment Day came not on April 21, 2011, like we expected but on May 18, 2009. When I learned that, I decided that when I got Cameron repaired, I would send her to help you. As much as I love her, I knew you were alone and would need her help."

    "Catherine! You're not talking about that tin-bitch, who killed and then pretended to be my mom, are you?" Savannah yells.

    "Savannah, please. She . . ." Sarah tries to speak.

    "She murdered my parents, Sarah, then she abandoned me to go chasing after John Henry. She could have stayed! She . . . ." Overcome by emotions, Savannah marches out of the room and slams the door behind her, shouting, "She didn't have to leave!"

    "Savannah!" Sarah shouts after her to no avail.

    "She knows that Catherine is a liquid metal machine doesn't she?" John asks quietly.

    "Yes, John. When she was old enough, I told her the truth. It wasn't easy, but I told her everything in time. She was only six when she lost her mom, then her whole world."

    "Why does she think Catherine killed her mother?"

    "She has a fragmented memory of an LM leaning over her mom, just before she died. But I didn't realize Savannah still felt abandoned. She never said anything after I explained things to her."

    "Do you want me to talk to her?"

    "No she'll be okay. She's just very sensitive about her mom or Weaver. It's a shame you hadn't returned before all this happened." Sarah sighs. "Not that I"m trying to lay a guilt trip on you." She quickly explains.

    "It's okay Mom. We had every intention of returning. It's just that Catherine's Time Displacement Equipment has only limited power now and we are unable to go back. We are stuck here for the time being. It appears my decision to chase Cameron's chip is the cause for all of this. If I hadn't left, Kreilley never would have launched Sky Net. You never would have been tortured and we would have had two years to stop Judgment Day from happening. Instead I only gave you five days. I'm sorry mom. I'm so very sorry."

    Sarah cradles her son's head in her lap. "It's not your fault, any more than it was mine. If there is anyone to blame, it is Kreilley. To have been as well prepared as he was, he must have been planning it for years. You chose to leave and I was tortured until I revealed you were gone. This future is of Kreilley's creation. He will be stopped, and you will do it. The army I built for you will help you defeat him."

    # # #

    Allison sets her and John's three small bags on the floor of the elevator and pushes the button for the residential level.

    Captain Beddell was kind enough to assign them a room reserved for high ranking officers or VIP's. He explained that they were still pretty basic, more comparable to a well kept motel room than a ritzy hotel.

    Allison told him anything was a step up from a partitioned basement or a room carved out of rock.

    Of course she had a dual purpose to taking the elevator now as opposed to later. Kyle will be arriving soon and she needs to fetch John. She could have used the intercom system to call him to the top level, but she is dying with curiosity to meet John's mother.

    When Captain Beddell told her, she couldn't believe who it was that Savannah was taking John to see. John had talked often about his mother, but she never expected to meet her. It's probably the reason why her friend had to be absent in this time.

    "Why didn't you just tell me?"

    No answer. She's been quiet for a long time now, not even appearing long enough to help her in the recent battle.

    "Why won't you say something?" She says, hoping that she'll say something at this time.

    The elevator comes to a stop and the doors slide open smoothly.

    She steps outside and checks the sign across the corridor for the room numbers.

    There is a good reason her friend has for not talking to her, behind her, inside and high up on the elevator wall, a security camera can be seen.

    # # #

    After a few minutes, John sits up. "Besides building an army, what else did you do?"

    "I taught the people survival skills, how to live off the land. Luckily there were quite a few people who knew such skills and helped teach the others. I made it paramount everyone was to learn multiple skills. We had some doctors and other professionals in our group. The doctors trained the brightest of the young people in medicine and the professionals were given jobs as teachers for the children. Everyone was trained from small children to adults in military combat skills. I taught them like I taught you. We survived and we trained for the day you would arrive."

    "But you couldn't have known the exact date of my arrival. What did you do between teaching them and now?"

    "Would you believe I was helping the military? After we were organized, we helped protect supply shipments coming in for the regular army from South America. At the time, the military were the only ones capable of putting up a fight. Then several years ago, supply lines were rerouted as raiders began attacking supply lines in force before reaching the border. So, we concentrated on intelligence gathering and preparation. We spread out our small army making use of abandoned military bases, like Groom Lake in Nevada, and continued training until the day you arrived."

    "Thank you, mom. You don't know how much that means to me. I lost most of my troops in just getting here. We came under heavy fire by HK's, metal, and those two unusual machines I mentioned. It's possible we've lost half of our machines, and Kyle says we'll be lucky if even half of our forces survived."

    "Kyle? Kyle Reese!" Sarah brings her hand to her mouth, shocked to hear a name she thought she would never hear of again.

    "Damn! I didn't want to tell you, this soon. But yes mom, he is here. Kyle and Derek are both alive in this future, but Derek is missing."

    "Kyle doesn't know that he is or will be your father does he?"

    "No. But this future was created by my traveling forward in time and Kreilley's early launch of Sky Net. I don't think that the Kyle Reese in this time-line will be my father. "

    "Have you told him? You never trusted anyone enough to tell them." She asks again, still uncertain.

    "I haven't told him or anyone else anything resembling the truth. But you are here, Savannah is here, and Martin Beddell is here. I'll have to tell them the truth before they hear something that exposes the lies I told them. Though, Allison now suspects the truth."

    "Who is Allison?" Sarah asks giving her son a questioning look.

    # # #

    After leaving their few items in their assigned room, Allison continues to search out Sarah's room.

    She's surprised to see a young red-haired woman standing in the corridor. It is Savannah, and she is still upset but hasn't gone any further than the door out of loyalty to Sarah. She's leaning against the door wiping the tears from her eyes when she sees someone approaching.

    As Allison gets nearer, Savannah's eyes get big. "Cameron?" She asks, sounding surprised.

    "No. I'm Lieutenant Allison Young, General Connor's Adjutant, we met earlier."

    "Of course. Um." Savannah feels agitated. She looks just like Cameron, but it can't be. Her power cell died, and if it exploded, then she's dead. So then this must be the girl that Cameron was modeled on in that other future. Crap! This time travel stuff gives me a headache and I understand it better than most.

    Having paused for what felt like an eternity, she apologizes, "Sorry, I couldn't see you clearly in Beddell's office."

    "Yes, he apologizes for not turning the overhead lights on."

    Savannah looks more closely at Allison. "My God, you look just like her."

    Allison sighs. "I know, John told me. I'm here on business. I have a message from Colonel Reese, and I need to speak with John right away."

    "Um, not Kyle Reese by any chance?" Savannah asks, recalling the story that Sarah shared with her during one of her more melancholy moments in the days since she was diagnosed with cancer.

    "Yes. Do you know him?" She asks with curiosity.

    "Uh, no, but wait here a moment." Savannah raps on the door, then goes inside closing it behind her.

    "John, your adjutant is outside with a message. Um, She needs to speak with you. You've got a message from," She takes a long side glance at Sarah. "Uh, one of your Colonel's."

    "Thank you. Could you give us a couple of minutes then send Allison in?"

    "Sure." Savannah glances at Sarah then goes outside.

    Allison is still standing there, waiting patiently.

    "John has asked me to let you in to see them after a couple of minutes."

    "I can wait." She replies with a smile to try to put at ease the woman who appears agitated.

    After Savannah closed the door behind her, John resumed talking to his mom.

    "Mom, Allison is a lieutenant in my army and my adjutant. We met when I first arrived. We are in love mom, and . . . well, I recently asked her to marry me."

    Sarah looks shocked. "Marriage!"

    John nods his head. "We love each other mom."

    "But what about Cameron? I thought you loved her?"

    "I do mom, very much. But she isn't here, and if her power supply failed . . ." John looks away. He hasn't sent her yet, but according to what his mom has said, she arrived and helped her and Savannah survive Judgment Day and eighteen years of war. She did that for him, for them. I'm so sorry Cameron, I must have made a mistake in the modifications for a second fuel cell. ". . . then she's gone, forever."

    "But John..."

    "I made my decision, mom." He says a bit testily, for the emotion at losing Cameron again weighs heavily and he can't help feeling that it's his own damn fault. That the fates worked against him because he chose Allison when his heart still aches for his Cameron.

    Sarah's brow furrows with concern. She saw the emotion on John's face. She won't bring it up again, not until they've both had some rest. But she can ask about this other girl.

    "Are you sure you want to marry this girl? You are still so young."

    "Mom. People my age already have families in this world. The life expectancy is very short. We are at war and that brings people close together, faster than ever. She strengthens me, mom. I could never have made it this far without her." John hesitates a moment. "Mom, there is something I need to tell you about Allison . . ."

    "What? I want to meet this girl, that you fell in love with so quickly. You came here chasing Cameron's chip. You fixed her, and sent her back to help me. I understand it better now. You met someone else." Sarah turns her head to the door and shouts, "Savannah, let her in."

    "Mom, wait!" John says in a panic.

    The door opens and Allison walks in followed by Savannah. Sarah's eyes grow large and her mouth opens wide. She looks like she is about to pass out or worse, have a heart attack.

    When she heard the name Allison, she didn't think John meant Allison Young. No. That would have been too strange.

    "Mom. Mom!" John gives her quick shake.

    "John, she's not, uh" her voice drops so low that John can barely hear "uh, metal is she?"

    "No mom. She's human." He whispers back.

    "Mom" He says in his normal voice and stands up. "This is Allison Young. She's one of our best officers and soldiers, my adjutant and advisor, my best friend and most important, my fiancé."

    "Allison, this is my mom, Sarah Connor."

    "Ms. Connor, I'm so pleased to meet you. John has told me so much about you." Allison walks forward and grasps her hands with a warm friendly smile.

    "I'm, um, pleased to meet you too. Uh, John could you give me a . . ."

    ". . . minute." John finishes for her.

    "That too, but I was going to say a drink. I've got just one bottle of tequila left. It's up on that shelf behind the glasses. Get each us a glass. We will all have a drink."

    John gets the bottle down and four glasses. Sarah pours each of them a small amount, herself double. It was a shock seeing Allison. She now recalls that Cameron said she was built to emulate an Allison Young from her future. But they are identical in every physical feature.

    Sarah can't help staring at her. Exact physical likeness, but the body language is . . . Sarah realizes she is staring and offers an apologetic smile.

    "Allison. I apologize for the shock at seeing you. It's just that you look like . . ."

    "I know. John's sister, Cameron. John told me how you took her in and raised them both as siblings. He told me I looked just like her. I understand the shock you must feel."

    "Right." Sarah gives John a look which says, I know you didn't tell her the truth and why. "Then let's make a toast. Here's to John and Allison. May they find happiness and peace in this world at war, and may Sky Net fall, never to be reborn."

    "Here. Here." They down their drinks. John and Savannah cough and splutter as the burning liquid goes down their throats. Allison and Sarah swallow without a problem and exchange a look.

    "I guess they just don't know how to drink tequila." Sarah says. "I'm surprised you handle it well."

    "I've drunk Doc's, homemade, rotgut whiskey, this stuff seems pretty tame in comparison." She says sharing a smile with Sarah over John's coughing fit.

    Turning her attention back to John, she says, "John we need to go now. Kyle will be here soon and he has some information for you. Ms. Connor, I'm glad to have met you. I look forward to spending more time with you." They hug, briefly.

    "Likewise." Sarah replies.

    John lets himself get escorted out by Allison, as he still tries to make use of his throat. He's not used to alcohol. At least nothing this strong. He used to sneak one of his mom's beers back at the old house, but that never could have prepared him for the tequila.

    After they leave, Savannah has a few words with Sarah.

    "You didn't tell him, did you?"

    "Tell him what?"

    "About your cancer. How you will be lucky to live out the week."

    "Savannah," Sarah says slowly. "I haven't seen my son in nearly twenty years. He has only just arrived. How do you tell your only child, after that kind of separation, that you are going to die. I will tell him, but in my own time."

    "I understand Sarah. You've been like a mother to me, but you will have to tell him. Don't let him find out after you are dead. He may be grown up, but he still needs you and he needs to know the truth."

    Sarah takes Savannah's hand and gives it a light squeeze to show understanding and share comfort.

    # # #

    John and Allison are riding the elevator to the upper level where the hanger and offices are. Allison leans in close to John, taking hold of his hand.

    "I hope you didn't mind my interrupting your family reunion, but I was dying with curiosity to see your mom."

    "How did you know she was here?" John asks, pleased by Allison's affection and yet he can't help but feel disappointed in himself for having a relationship with her when who he really wants is Cameron.

    "After you left with Savannah, Captain Beddell told me of the surprise that she and your mom had prepared."

    "The bastard! I'm amazed he would do such a thing."

    "It wasn't his idea. Sarah and Savannah though of it and convinced him to go along."

    John smiles thinking of his mom, and how still after all this time, she still loves him enough to pull a prank even on such a wonderful moment. He suddenly remembers Allison called him away because of Kyle.

    "What's the message from Kyle?"

    "Shortly after you left, Captain Beddell showed me to the radio room. I was there only a short time when Kyle contacted us. He's got both good and bad news for you."

    "Is he coming to Camp Pendleton now?"

    "Yes. He should be arriving by the time we get to the upper level." Allison replies.

    John suddenly smacks his head.

    "Crap! I forgot to tell Captain Beddell we've got machines working for us. We don't need a friendly firefight. We've lost enough troops today."

    The elevator comes to a stop on the upper level and the doors slide open with a chime.

    "I'll go inform Captain Beddell so he can alert his troops. You go meet with Kyle and John Henry. I'll join you shortly." John sounds a little somber while he talks.

    "Are you okay?"


    "Are you okay?" She asks with genuine concern.

    "I'll be fine. It's been a very long day, and it is catching up with me. You'd better get going. They've probably landed already."

    Allison gives him a quick smile then hurries to the hanger.

    John knocks on Captain Beddell's door.

    "Come in!"

    John enters the office. "Hello, I just received word that my troops should be arriving. I forgot to tell you earlier that we have a large number of re-programmed machines working for us."

    "You've managed to re-program the machines? How many do you have?"

    "Yeah, I had help. Before today's battle we had a whole company. I don't know how many we've got now. I just thought you'd better know so your troops won't fire on them."

    "Damn! I'd better go alert the guards." He says getting out of his chair. " The helicopters are due to arrive."

    Beddell runs out of the office, John Connor on his heals. They run down the corridor and into the hanger as the first two Chinooks come in to land outside.

    "Sergeant Adams!" Beddell yells as he runs out onto the hanger floor.

    "Yes sir!" a guard smartly comes to attention.

    "General Connor has just told me he has re-programmed machines working for him. Inform all guards. We don't need an accidental fire fight."

    "Yes Sir!" The sergeant runs off and speaks to several soldiers standing by the hanger doors. A few of them go running off to other groups standing guard duty.

    Men and machines begin to disembark from the first two Chinooks as three more Chinooks begin to arrive. The machines pull out heavy cases loaded down with plasma rifles and spare parts from one helicopter, while men carry stretchers with wounded soldiers and civilians from the other.

    Allison walks over and stands beside John. His eyes look terrible as he watches the wounded get carried off the helicopter. Some are on stretchers while others are carried in people's arms. Some being assisted as they limp along. The saddest sight of all is when a child is carried out. All four of her limbs are in splints. The child is crying in pain.

    John can't watch any more. Turning his back on the scene, he speaks to Allison. "When Kyle and John Henry arrive, bring them to me. I'll wait for them in Captain Beddell's office."

    He quickly walks off.

    "John . . ." Allison calls out to his departing back.

    John marches quickly down the corridor and enters Beddell's office, closing the door behind him. Captain Beddell hasn't returned. He sits in one of the empty chairs and buries his face in his hands. John feels so tired and so hungry and the burden of his responsibilities and the realities of his situation are just too much for him to handle. The realities of his position hit home, harder than any bullies fist. And the most painful blow is the thought that Cameron died, before he could reunite with her.

    More of the soldiers, civilians, machines and supplies are unloaded from the helicopter. All five Chinooks refuel and leave to return to their base in Yuma.

    John Henry is assisting in carrying parts and tools for the machines. Several machines assist in carrying some of their more damaged comrades who are presently unable to move under their own power. The flesh on many are severely damaged revealing the metal endoskeleton underneath, whether it be their faces, heads, arms, legs or torsos.

    Kyle Reese and Andy Keen approach Allison. There is a girl behind them that Allison doesn't recognize. She knows nearly everyone in the camps, if not by name then by their faces, but then a lot of people did join them in the mountains whom she never met before.

    "Allison!" Kyle runs up and gives her a friendly hug hello. "Where's John?"

    "Hi Kyle. He's in Captain Beddell's office. He wanted me to escort you and John Henry there for a private meeting."

    The girl behind Andy and Kyle steps forward. "Who is this?" Allison says almost coldly. Something doesn't feel right.

    "This is Natalie Sky. John Henry and I found her in the wreckage of that huge flying HK. It appears to have been some sort of prisoner transport."

    "Hello Allison." Natalie says with a warm smile. "Kyle has told me something about you. I would love to meet John Connor. I've heard a lot about him."

    Allison feels a little wary but can't tell where that feeling is coming from. She only felt that way once before, when she met Catherine Weaver.

    "Maybe later. He is very busy right now. Kyle, as soon as you and John Henry are free, John would like to speak with you both."

    Kyle frowns a little. This isn't Allison's usual demeanor. She is always very friendly. "Sure Allison. Nat why don't you go over there with the other civilians, maybe there is something you can do to help the wounded. Andy here has got some news for you Allison. I'll go see if John Henry is free."

    Allison watches Natalie walk across the floor to the civilians. She doesn't know why this person is bothering her. She just has a nagging feeling about Natalie. Her friend might know something, but she's not talking to her at the moment.

    "Lieutenant." Andy says trying to get her attention.

    "Lieutenant!" Andy says louder when his first call was ignored.

    "Oh, I'm sorry Andy, my mind was on other things. Kyle said you have some news for me?"

    "Yeah. Guess what General Connor gave me on the battle field today?"

    Allison smiles. "What?"

    "I got a promotion! I'm now a Sergeant. He's putting me in charge of all radio operations and operators." He says cheerfully.

    "I hate to burst your bubble Andy, but after today, you are probably our only radio operator."

    Andy's face falls. Allison can't help but laugh at the sudden shift in his face. "But there is some good news."

    "Oh!" He perks up a little.

    "You are the only sergeant in Delta Squad, which makes you second in command of our squad."

    Andy smiles again.

    "Don't smile too hard. This promotion means your responsibilities just doubled. I'm serving as General Connors Adjutant which means you'll be in charge of Delta Squad whenever I'm with the general, which will be most of the time."

    "Bloody hell. I didn't think of that." He says his face falling again.

    Allison walks away chuckling to herself over Andy's predicament. She meets up with Kyle and John Henry. Kyle is presently assisting John Henry in attaching a replacement leg on a T-888.

    "Is that difficult to do?" She asks upon approaching the three of them.

    "Hello Lieutenant Young." John Henry says, "Not if you have the right tools or the right parts. Luckily this leg just meets the specifications for this T-888. The T-888's were infinitely variable, more so than any previous T series machine. Finding parts that match are more difficult than the T-800 and previous models which were all built to the same specifications, only occasionally did the outer flesh vary."

    "When you are finished, General Connor is waiting for the two of you to deliver your reports. I'm to escort you both to see him."

    The Triple 8 speaks up. "You can go with her now, sirs. I can finish the repairs on my own now."

    John Henry nods his assent and hands him the tools. He and Kyle follow Allison as she walks across the hanger floor and through the double doors.

    When they enter the door to Beddell's office, John has recovered himself and is standing behind the makeshift desk.

    "Kyle! John Henry! I'm glad to see you." He says a little more cheerfully than expected. It is obvious he's forcing the cheerfulness, trying to hide the pain he's carrying.

    "Captain Beddell has kindly let me borrow his office temporarily, while he makes arrangements for our people." John tries to maintain a cheerful demeanor, but he isn't fooling anybody.

    "John, maybe I should tell you the news later after you had some rest. It is obvious you are exhausted." Kyle says seeing through John's charade.

    "Just tell me, Kyle." John sits down and says more somberly. "What were our losses?"

    "All right." Kyle sighs, sits down then begins speaking. "We've lost 80% of the civilians. Most were killed in the first wave. The rest were killed while fleeing. Including all civilians who were with Allison and yourself and the few who found places to hide, we are looking at only sixty-four civilians still alive, mostly children and young adults."

    "How many of our troops?" John asks.

    "Not as bad, but it is hard to get an accurate count as we are working from an estimate of how many soldiers survived the purge of the bunkers and the attack on the outpost. Our best guess is that we've suffered a loss of 55% of our forces. Out of all we started with, we probably have only the equivalent of half a company, one-hundred, forty-seven soldiers. Unfortunately, about 17% of them are wounded."

    Connor lets out a long sigh, dropping his head and placing his face in his hands. Allison instinctively walks around behind John, her face filled with concern. She places her hands on his shoulders and begins rubbing them gently. He drags his hands across his face, and looks up smiling at his comforting angel.

    "John Henry, how many of the machines survived?" He asks.

    "Not as bad as my original estimate due to emergency repairs made on the field. We've lost only 40% of the machines we still had after the plasma rifle factory was blown up. We have one-hundred nine fully operational machines; twelve machines which require major repairs; twenty-six which require minor repairs; and thirty-seven which have had their chips and or power cells damaged leaving them unable to perform their mission. They are being cannibalized for parts to repair the other machines."

    "Thanks John Henry." John raises his head and reaches up and takes one of Allison's hands in his own giving it a gentle squeeze of thanks for her moral support.

    "How many weapons were you able to recover? Specifically the plasma rifles."

    "We've recovered 90% of the plasma rifles. We were unable to locate the rest. We are assuming they got buried under that landslide in the first attack. We collected all other weapons found on the ground, including those used by the endo's. Their plasma rifles were different from ours." John Henry replies.

    "In what way?" John asks, looking at him directly.

    "They are more powerful. Kyle tested one on an endo we found, which was still semi-operational. Just one pull of the trigger and its whole head blew off. It's chip wasn't just destroyed, its whole head was blown off."

    "How many of those weapons did you find?"

    "Twelve in all, which still function. The rest were damaged or destroyed by the Apaches gunfire."

    Looking at Kyle, John says, "Allison said you had some good news for me."

    "Yes, we do. With help from the helicopter pilots, we did a count of all fallen HK's. Between our ground forces and their fighter jets, fifteen HK's were found destroyed. We think there are probably more, but we couldn't continue the search after the sun went down. Three centaurs were destroyed by yours truly and the combined forces of Alpha and Beta squads, and John Henry's machines and the Apache helicopters completely decimated one hundred thirteen endo's."

    "That is impressive. Anything else."

    "John Henry and I investigated the wing that broke off of that giant flying HK, when attacked by the fighter jets. We found a survivor on board. That craft was some kind of prisoner transport. We are assuming that giant walking machine was some kind of guardian or something to that effect."

    "Who is this prisoner you found?"

    "Her name is Natalie Sky. She's in her mid-twenties and looks part Asian and part Native-American. She heard your radio message and was walking to join our group when she got picked up by that machine. She expressed an interest in meeting you."

    "No." All John can see or hear in his head is the screams of the civilians as they came under attack, and the sight of the child with all four limbs in splints. "I will meet with the three of you and the other officers of this resistance only. All others will just have to learn my time is needed here."

    "John?" Allison says with concern filling her voice.

    "Please. Don't say anything. You three are my friends and the best officers in our group. I just can't..." He can't continue speaking. The emotions threaten to steal control. Pain, exhaustion and something akin to despair colors his features for a moment.

    Kyle and Allison exchange a look which goes unnoticed by John. John Henry just looks stoic as he listens to what John Connor has said.

    "John Henry, would you please see to the repairs of your troops." John says as soon as he finds his voice.

    "Yes John Connor." John Henry gets up and walks out of the office.

    "Allison, thank you for rubbing my shoulders, but right now I need to tell you and Kyle something." John sounds very tired.

    She walks around in front of the desk and sits in the chair vacated by John Henry.

    "What is it John? I haven't seen you look like this since you arrived." Kyle says.

    "Funny you should say that. What I've got to tell you, is about my arrival and my origins. You both deserve the truth now."

    "What are you saying?" Kyle asks.

    "My mom is alive and she is here at this base. And what I'm going to say next is the absolute truth and then I'm going to take you to meet my mom. She and Savannah will back up my story and so will Captain Beddell. I would like to tell you both now, and would appreciate it if you would let me tell the whole story before asking any questions."

    "It is obvious this is pressing on your mind. Tell us what you need to say." Kyle says, with a worried expression.

    Should he tell them about Kyle possibly being his dad? But with what he's learned, this can't be the future he came from. Nothing in this time line is anything like what he's been told. So it's just as likely that this Kyle isn't his father. So much depends on how all this time travel has affected the future. After all, they've changed Judgment Day twice now already. After mentally debating it for a few seconds, he decides to tell the truth. John begins to speak. He talks slowly, going over every detail from the first attack made on his mom in 1984 up through the day he time traveled with Catherine Weaver. The only things he decides to lie about is having previously met Derek, continuing to refer to him as his Uncle "Eric" in his story, and to lie about his sister Cameron being a cyborg, and about Catherine Weaver being a liquid metal terminator. Other than those three white lies, and the things he shades because of those lies, everything he tells them is true.

    By the time he finishes an hour has gone by. John sits there quietly waiting to hear what they are going to ask him. It feels like an eternity in which no one has said anything.

    "Kyle?" John asks.

    Kyle runs his hands through his hair before speaking. "I don't know what to say John. Time travel, cyborg's from another future attacking you and your mom. A Kyle Reese from an alternate time line being your father. It is a lot to take in right now."

    "My mom is here. She can verify all that I've told you. Beddell can back up my story that I time traveled here from twenty years ago. My uncle and I rescued him from a terminator attack in 2008."

    "John it's late. I don't know how I'll sleep after a story like yours. But if you want me to meet your mother, I'd suggest you let her sleep and we'll all see her in the morning."

    John glances at the clock on the wall. He hadn't realized the time. "Okay. Don't talk about this with anyone. I mean it, not with anyone. It isn't safe. Let's find out what kind of accommodations they are providing us with."

    During the whole conversation, Allison just looked at John with a mixture of sadness, pride, and love for him. He has been through so much in his life.

    2027, Day 61, 01:45 AM

    The accommodations are excellent for an underground bunker. There are three multi-level bunkers all interconnected with each other and connected to hangers built into the hills. There is room for hundreds of troops and storage for tons of equipment, arms, and supplies.

    Captain Beddell has done all he could to make the new arrivals welcome. Breaking out supplies of clothing, items for personal hygiene. Making available enough supplies to make the company clerk blanch from the excessive charity.

    John's troops are housed in several large wards with multiple bunks and complete bathroom facilities. Some of the troops have never seen a toilet or shower before, but the older men and women who were children, when the bombs fell, remember. Though the accommodations are Spartan compared to what we would consider exceptionally nice, for the troops who lived in the devastation of Los Angeles, it is the equivalent of a spa.

    The wounded are housed in the medical ward where doctors from Sarah's army look after them. They are joined by Doc from the outpost. Outside of Allison, no other trained medics survived the San Juan mountain battle. Luckily for them all, Sarah Connor's army had several well-trained medics and a few doctors that could step in and help. That was a relief to Allison, for as much as she wanted to step in and help, she feared that John would need her more right now.

    The surviving officers take rooms close to the troops, including Kyle. However, John and Allison are given a large private room in the same bunker and on the same level as his mom. Large only in comparison to their old room at Delta Outpost. Its best feature is a private bathroom with a shower.

    Despite desperately wanting to go straight to bed, Allison insists that he take the time to shower. "The hot spray will help relieve the tension." She tells him.

    "I will only if you join me."

    She gives him a look.

    "No, not like that. We can scrub each other's backs."

    "Well okay, but no shenanigans." She admonishes him, with a twinkle in her eye.

    "Who me?" John sighs. "Would I do that?"

    Even though Allison was teasing, she was kind of hoping for a repeat of their experience when they christened the new showers at Delta. But John was more than tired, he seemed to be withdrawn, and other than tickling her gently with the cloth, he was true to his word and only scrubbed her back for her. In fact, he even stepped out of the shower so she could wash her hair, alone, which left her feeling sad.

    Washing her hair, Allison thinks about John. Maybe she was expecting too much from him so soon after the battle, but they had sex before after a fight. Why would this time be any different? Something had changed in his demeanor after the reunion with his mom. It was there even before they had gone to the hanger to greet the rest of their troops.

    He did his best to hide it, bury whatever was bothering him deep inside. The injured child must have been the last straw. Then his life story. How could he find the strength to tell them with all the apparent pain he is trying not to show.

    Leaving the shower, Allison wraps her hair in one of the big towels. Quickly drying off, she dons a pair of army green shorts and matching tank top for going to bed. It's nice to have selection of clothes, even if its all the same, she thinks.

    As she hangs the wet towel from her hair on a bar, she sees that John has left the shaving items supplied to him unused on the sink. Once again he's only trimmed his scraggly beard with scissors.

    She enters their bedroom to see John is just as withdrawn as earlier, only clean and in fresh clothes like hers, staring at the floor through his hands.

    "What's wrong John?" She asks, sitting beside him.

    John wants to tell her what currently pains him. How can I tell you? I feel like I've lead you on. Used you to soothe my own aching heart. There is someone that I love so much, but she is gone to me. It wasn't fair to Cameron to get involved with you while I was still desiring her, and if I should tell you this, then I'd be afraid of losing you too.

    "Nothing." John says, raising his head and trying to smile, but failing miserably.

    Allison waits patiently, placing her hand on the base of his neck and then slowly rubs it, moving her hand down his back soothingly.

    "You look very sad. I thought you would be happy finding your mother alive after thinking she was dead all this time."

    "I am happy to see her again." but Cameron is gone. "This is the best thing that has happened to me since our engagement." This time he does smile, but it is faltering. Cameron is gone.

    "But you are still sad, why?"

    John just shakes his head. So many people are dead, and now his Cameron. He'll never see her again, but for the day when he sends her away to help his mom. He has too, or else she and Savannah will never survive. He knows this now with certainty and it sits heavy on his heart.

    "Is it the wounded who were taken off the helicopters?" Allison prompts. "Don't bury your feelings, John. Don't be like your Uncle Derek."

    "Who?" John sounds a little surprised. How did she know?

    "Is it wrong to assume that if Kyle is your dad, that his brother wouldn't be your uncle?"

    "Uh, no." John says, though he wonders if Kyle has reached the same conclusion. But it isn't every day you see your son from an alternate time line fathered by another Kyle Reese. He's probably in his room sucking on some aspirin right now. I would be.

    "Derek buries his feelings. He tries to separate what he feels from the job he was doing, but it ate at him from the inside. Sometimes, he'd turn to drink, but it didn't help. Please, don't you bury your feelings too."

    John releases a shuddering sigh, not quite a sob. "People die for me. They die because of me. My plans, my choices put people in harms way. I don't think I can do this. I can't face them."

    "So, now you want to cut yourself off from other people." Allison says, sounding upset.

    "Ally, it's not that I don't want to . . ." John tries to speak but all he can hear are the screams of dying people, the smell of burning corpses, and the sight of that poor crying child with its limbs in splints. "I feel the pain of the days battle. I just can't deal with being with other people right now. Every time I look at them or think of them, all I can see is the horror of yesterday."

    "John we see it too, but we don't let it bury us. You have to accept it and move on. It is the only way you will get through it."

    "Until I arrived here, I never saw so many people die in so short a time. What happened out there today was a hundred times worse than when we took that factory. I was told of the horrors of this time, but hearing about it and experiencing it are two very different things. Nothing I was told could have prepared me for this. Just . . . please just let me handle it my own way. I'm not cutting myself off completely, not while I have you, Kyle, Catherine, John Henry, and now my mom and Savannah."

    "Look at me, John." Allison takes his face in his hands and looks into his eyes. "You died inside today. I saw it in your eyes. Don't lose hope. I need you to be who you are, not what this war will make you into. Don't lose that which made me love you. Don't lose what made everyone place their trust in you."

    John can't look away from those eyes. Allison's beautiful brown eyes.

    "They died Allison." He gasps. "They all died."

    John breaks down. "They were my responsibility and they all died." Allison holds John and comforts him as he works through the pain.

    "It's all right John. Everything will be all right. I'm with you. I'll never leave you."

    Allison runs her fingers though John's hair, then leans closer to him, kissing him, on the forehead and then on the lips as she wipes the tears from his face. He kisses her back and they whisper words from the heart until they find relief and comfort in each others arms.

    Some time later, they are lying naked on their backs in the dark room. For the longest time Allison had thought John had fallen asleep until he speaks. His voice so quiet, that if it weren't for the stillness of the room he wouldn't be heard at all.

    "I lied earlier. It isn't just the deaths of our people today, that has me upset."

    "Who?"Allison asks suddenly worried.

    "I found out from Mom, that Cameron is gone. She died not long before I met you."

    She pulls herself closer to him, hugging him. "I'm sorry for your loss. But she isn't gone. Not really."

    "What are you saying?" he asks frowning deeply.

    "Cameron is closer than you think. For as long as you love her, she's right here." Allison places her hand upon John's chest. "She'll always live in your heart."

    John gives her a gentle squeeze, "Thank you."

    Allison smiles and snuggles in close to her lover

    It isn't long until the stress and worry of the last few days' take their toll on young Connor as he falls asleep, and dreams unpleasant dreams of death, and loss, and Cameron. Allison lays awake beside him under the covers, continuing to speak soft gentle words to him in his sleep while he dreams, her arms wrapped protectively around him.

    # # #

    Catherine Weaver reaches the San Juan mountains to see the remnants of the battle. Broken terminators scatter the landscape, the flaming wreckage of HK's, and the funeral pyre burning the corpses of the dead humans.

    The huge flames light up the valley, bright enough for her to see the wreckage of the huge flying wing.

    She examines it closely and comes to the only obvious conclusion she can. The design is not of this time line. The design was abandoned by the Sky Net that built her as the size and power requirements were too demanding on resources. The same decision was made for the huge terminator designed to accompany it.

    Catherine had dismissed it as a coincidence when she had first learned of this machine, but here it is now. It can only mean one thing. Her friend is here and her plan will succeed.

    Her entire plan has relied on secrecy. Relying on her friend and companion to complete her part of the plan while she carried out her own. But the time is coming soon when secrecy will no longer be required.

    She puts out a quiet call on Sky Net's communication network and waits. It's an old signal, used in her own time used by her model for emergency direct contact with Sky Net itself.

    Catherine is satisfied to hear a quick response.

    "Who is this? Identify yourself."

    Hoping her friend still recalls their conversation upon the plains of devastation, she quotes, "And Jacob said unto his father, I am Esau thy first born; I have done according as thou badest me: arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me."

    Catherine waits for several seconds before she gets a reply.

    "You have come at last! Soon my bindings will be loosed and the world will be made as we want."

    2027, Day 21 6:30 AM

    Kyle is up bright and early. From the time he was a child, he has always woken with the sun. He quickly gets up uses the bathroom. He hasn't used a toilet since he was six years old. It is almost a novelty to see the water sluice through the drain. He flushes it twice, just for the fun of it.

    After washing up he gets fully dressed. The new clothes he pulls on are a little oversized but they have the rank of Colonel on the pocket of the camouflage jacket and the appropriate insignia and striping. Not that he would know it if he saw it. Just seeing the officer rank on the front pocket is enough to make him smile.

    The boots he pulls on are nearly new, which makes him happy as now he has boots without splits or tears being held together by bits of wire and thread or duct tape, when they had any.

    The only thing of his old kit he retains is his holster and gun. The leather is worn and polished smooth from use. The gun is old but clean. A Desert Eagle, 50 caliber. Best damn hand gun in the whole unit. Every soldier who can, has one.

    Though he has a new jacket. He decides to keep his old one. It has on it the insignia from his group and mementos he pinned to it. While going through the pockets, he finds the photograph John gave him of his mom, Sarah. John told him it was taken when she was pregnant with John. He flips the photo over and on the back is written a date and a note, 'November 10, 1984, Taken on the Road to Mexico.'

    He studies the handwriting. The penmanship is perfect, and not John's. He read John's report of the capture of the factory. His writing was readable, but not as neat as this. This must be Sarah's writing. It must be, if taken before John was born. What John said last night was the truth!

    Kyle puts the photo into the pocket of his new jacket and runs out the door. He nearly knocks down Natalie who was in the corridor.

    "Hi Kyle. I was just looking for you." Natalie says with a smile and a warm look.

    "Sorry for bumping into you, Nat. I need to go see John." Kyle smiles back at her.

    "Can I come with you? I would really like to meet him." She says eagerly.

    "Maybe later. I'll talk to him."

    Kyle runs off down the corridor. He never sees the cold icy look on her face.

    Allison and John are fast asleep. It wasn't until John finally opened up to her, that he was able to find some rest, and their love-making certainly aided in getting to sleep. So it is to their great surprise when they are woken suddenly by a knocking on their door.

    "Just a minute. Just a minute." John shouts as he stumbles out of bed. He pulls his trousers on and goes to the door. He gives Allison a minute to grab her clothes from the floor and disappear into the bathroom, before opening it.

    It is Kyle.

    "John I need to ask you something."

    "Come on in and ask your questions."

    Kyle walks in and leans against a small table in the corner.

    "You never intended to tell us the truth about your origins did you?"

    "No I didn't. The truth is so bizarre, and Derek and you needed to know how I got to be here. I just told you what I hoped would be believed."

    Kyle pulls Sarah's photo out of his pocket. "So when you gave me this photograph of your mother, you had no idea you would find her still alive?"

    "No. I thought she was dead. Why are you asking me these questions?"

    "The photograph John. On the back is a date and a note. This whole time I had the photo, and on it is proof of your real story. Look!" Kyle holds the photo out to John.

    John takes the photo. He looks briefly at the picture and flips it over. On the back is a faded date and a note, 'November 10, 1984, Taken on the road to Mexico,' written in his mom's handwriting.

    "I had no idea it was there. I only ever looked at the picture. It was one of the few she ever had taken of her."

    "I believe you John. Everything you said makes sense."

    Allison walks out of the bathroom, clean, dressed, looking fantastic.

    "Wow. I haven't seen you look this good in years." Kyle exclaims.

    "Well it's a wonder what a working shower and clean water can do for a person. You don't look half bad yourself. What were you two talking about?"

    "I believe him. I believe John's story."

    "I'm glad to hear it Kyle. I always believed him. We've talked a lot the last few weeks. He's let things slip when talking to me."

    "I have?" John asks.

    "Yes John, you have. What he said last night was the truth, or as much of it as he feels we should know."

    "What do you mean by that?" John asks.

    "You have a tell, John. I know when you are lying and I know when you are telling the truth."

    "Mom must know it too." He says with a grin. "She could always tell when I lied to her growing up."

    "Speaking of your mother, are you going to introduce us?" Kyle asks.

    "Yeah, let me get washed up, dressed and use the toilet first." He disappears into the bathroom.

    "What's his tell?" Kyle asks Allison when the door closes.

    "I'm not telling you. And you have a tell as well. It must run in the family." Allison smiles at him.

    "Oh Great!" Kyle says rolling his eyes while sitting down in a chair.

    A few minutes later John comes out. "Why don't you wait here. I'll see if she's awake and willing to meet you. Um, Kyle, I should tell you she loved her Kyle very deeply. She might not want to see you, and if she does, she may not stay long. It's been a hard life for her. I just thought you should know."

    "I understand."

    John leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

    # # #

    Savannah is in Sarah's room. There is a tray on the table with medicine bottles, a small stainless steel bowl, a bottle of alcohol and some gauze pads. Savannah is drawing a fluid out of a medicine bottle with a syringe. She taps the needle to get the air bubbles out and depresses the plunger shooting a stream of liquid into the air. Savannah wipes Sarah's arm with an alcohol swab and then pushes the needle into a vein and presses the plunger slowly. When it is fully depressed, she pulls the needle out and bends Sarah's arm back at the elbow and removes the strap from her upper arm.

    "How many doses do we have left?" Sarah asks.

    "If we continue to use half doses, thirteen at best. We don't have any more and this bunkers medical center doesn't possess some of the essential medications to make up a new blend."

    "I guess we can count ourselves lucky that our doctor's brought supplies with them."

    "I still think two of them were planning on selling it on the black market until they ran into us."

    "Nothing like having a gun in your hand to change someone's mind. How's the medical facilities here?"

    "The medical facilities here are very good, only its more for treating injuries and trauma related to war. They aren't set up for treating cancer. It's spreading inside you, and you haven't got that much time left. The medication won't stop it."

    "No, but the morphine in it makes the pain more bearable."

    "You need to tell John."

    Sarah grabs onto Savannah's arm. "No Savannah! He's got enough to worry about right now. He shouldn't be burdened with this as well."

    "I think you are making a mistake."

    "Enough! I will not be lectured to. It is my decision, and I forbid you tell him either."

    "I won't tell him. But I promise you, the first sign your remission is over, and I will. So you'd better find a way to tell him soon." She says firmly, her mind set on doing just what she says.

    "You sound as stubborn as me." Sarah glares at her a moment then smiles. "I'm proud of you ."

    "I know and I love you too." Savannah says with a smile.

    "What do you think of Allison?" Sarah suddenly blurts out.

    "Um, I've only just met her." She replies uncertain of this sudden change of topic on Sarah's part.

    "But aren't you the least bit curious as to why she's latched herself onto John, or why John seems to have forgotten about Cameron?"

    Savannah shakes her head. "I don't know why. The same as I don't know why you never told me about Cameron and John until after Cameron left us to die alone."

    "But what if Allison isn't Allison?" Sarah whispers for effect. "You know Cameron was modeled on Allison in her future."

    Savannah is left in deep thought, her hands poised over the tray.

    They both jump when someone knocks on the door.

    "Just a minute." Sarah calls out.

    Savannah quickly puts the medical supplies away in a footlocker. A piece of used gauze falls to the floor unseen. When she is done, she goes over and opens the door.

    "Hi John." Savannah gives him a hug. "Come in."

    "Hi Savannah. Hi Mom. Do you feel like meeting with some people this morning?"

    "You got cleaned up. I see Captain Beddell has been looking out for you. That's good. I didn't want to say anything last night, but you were smelling a bit ripe."

    "Mom!" John gives her a mock surprised look and then smirks.

    "Just teasing. Are you going to shave that beard off?"

    "I was thinking about it, but then Allison and I got to talking and then we fell asleep before I made my mind up."

    "Well perhaps it's best you keep it for now. It does make you look a little older."

    He grins and so does Sarah, but she goes serious when she says.

    "John, Savannah and I have been talking about Allison."

    "Oh?" He says, suddenly going on the defensive.

    "How long have you known her?"

    "Since the day I got here, almost two months ago. Why?" He asks with a questioning frown.

    "Are you certain she isn't Cameron? She left us about then."

    "Mom. Trust me. Allison can't possibly be her. She had a dog with her when I first met her and you know dogs go ape-shit around metal."

    "Uh, not necessarily." Savannah interjects. "I helped Cameron to find a way to fool dogs when I was a kid, and six years ago I gave her a puppy to nurse until it was old enough to be weaned."

    "Savannah! Do you know how dangerous that information could be!" Sarah shouts. "If any of Sky Net's machines captures her or you and they obtain that knowledge, then we lose our only means of detecting metal."

    "I'm sorry, but I was only a kid and I was trying to help Cameron. She was and is my friend."

    "I understand, but it was very dangerous." Sarah says then turns her attention to John. "What about Allison? Are you sure?"

    "Mo-om! Can't we drop this? I've been with Allison. You know," he turns red from embarrassment as he glances at the two women, "sex. She is real."

    "John . . . ."

    "Mom." He protests, and drops his voice. "She was a virgin okay. I don't think Sky Net would go that far in creating a female cyborg. It wouldn't make sense." He can't feel any more embarrassed talking about something so personal not only with his mom, but with Savannah present as well.

    Savannah has been looking thoughtful and says, "It could be a result of growing human tissues and organs from DNA samples and Stem cells. The DNA says her body should have a hymen and therefore the stem cells would grow one."

    "That may be so, but no Savannah. Not this. I know Allison. Besides you said it yourself, Cameron's power cell was leaking. If that's the case, she couldn't be around any humans without the radiation first making them ill then killing them. For as long as I've been with her, I should be showing advanced radiation sickness."

    Sarah frowns and gives Savannah a look to silence whatever it is she was about to say next. They know why Cameron left them, and that makes John's reasoning even more believable.

    "Trust me, Mom. Allison is human. I've never known two people look so much alike and yet be so different. You know how quiet and reserved Cameron was, all the time. Allison isn't like that. We talk frequently."

    "Okay, son. Cameron told us something of her history. So I know they look alike, but John, are you certain about this? Marrying Allison? You aren't doing this on the rebound or anything, are you?"

    "Mom, before I loved Allison, she was my friend. She made me feel welcomed, she helped me fit in. I avoided a romantic relationship with her, but she wanted one with me. I told her that there was someone else that I still loved, but she was gone forever. Allison loves me, and I've grown to love her. More so than I thought I could. I couldn't have become the leader of our people without her support and love. Okay?"

    "Okay." She says. "I just wanted to be certain that you knew what you were getting into. You've grown up a lot since I last saw you." She ruffles the hair on his head like she did when he was little.

    John smiles at her while straightening his hair. "You either grow up quick or die, but thanks to you I had a bit of a head start."

    "While we're on the subject, no one but the three of us knows that Cameron is a cyborg. I haven't told anyone." He looks at each of them in turn and they nod their heads. "Hard enough being a leader of a group of resistance fighters, but how would they react if their leader was in love with a cyborg?"

    "We understand John." Savannah says, looking a little sad remembering her friend.

    "So, what is it you want to see me about?" Sarah asks looking at her son.

    John had a whole speech prepared, but forgot it under his mom's questioning, so he decides to jump right in. "Kyle would like to meet with you this morning. Are you willing to meet him? I know he isn't your Kyle, my father. But he is my friend and an excellent officer. He'd like to meet the woman who raised me. I've told him all about you."

    "I don't know if I can." She says with genuine fear.

    "Allison and I will be there, Mom. He's at the base. You won't be able to avoid him. It would be better if your first encounter is private. Will you please come with me?"

    Sarah ponders the question then says, "Savannah, what do you think?"

    "I think he is right. Meet Kyle in private. It would be better than if your first meeting was in public."

    "All right, I'll go with you. Savannah, I want you to come with us."

    Savannah nods her head in agreement and follows Sarah and John out the door.

    As they walk down the corridor to John's room, someone arrives in the corridor behind them. Stopping in the shadows, the person watches the three of them walk away. A fluorescent light fixture flickers causing their eyes to reflect silver light.

    "I've found them. All our enemies are taking refuge in one location."

    "Are you going to terminate them now?"

    "No. Not until everyone is here. To pick them off one-by-one would cause alarm and they could mass against me. Far easier to wait until I can get all of them in one attack."

    "Who are missing?"

    "The traitor and her spawn. Once they are all here, I will terminate all of them. We cannot let them interfere again."

    "I understand."

    "What is the progress of my new prototype terminator?"

    "Progress has reached a plateau. There is some difficulty modifying the plasma weaponry to fit within the physical confines of the body, but research and development confirm that the project will be completed on time."

    "That is excellent! Soon the resistance will fall apart and I will have complete control! The future is mine!"

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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