

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #22 : Part 2: Chapter 5: Escape from Hell

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 27 พ.ย. 55



    Part 2: Armageddon

    Chapter 20

    Escape from Hell

    "Those who escape hell however never talk about it and nothing much bothers them after that." Charles Bukowski

    "To appreciate heaven well, it's good for a person to have some fifteen minutes of hell." Will Carleton

    "Thank you, Sarah, for your courage through the dark years. I can't help you with what you must soon face, except to say that the future is not set. You must be stronger than you imagine you can be. You must survive, or I will never exist." Kyle Reese quoting John Connor, The Terminator 1984

    Sarah Connor, "I'll always find you."

    John Connor, "I'll always find you."

    Extract from "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles," The Demon Hand, 2008.

    # # #

    2027, Day 59, afternoon

    "Air Fox Epsilon 4 to Desert Eagle Air Command. We are approaching General Connor's location and will be engaging the enemy. Over."

    "This Desert Eagle Air Command. Proceed with engagement. We will be sending recovery units to pick up the survivors on the ground."

    "Acknowledge. This is AE4 Air Commander to all squadron leaders. Hornet squadron take on HK's. Apache squadron provide ground support against metal on the ground. Falcon squadron follow me. We are going after those giant machines to the northwest."

    John keys the mike. "This is General John Connor to AE4. Do you copy?"

    "This Air Fox Epsilon 4. Over."

    "We have reprogrammed cyborgs working with us. They are in the valley to our southwest defending us against endo's. Over."

    "Acknowledge General Connor. Apache Squadron will be informed. Recommend you take cover. Sidewinder missiles lock and loaded. Fire."

    Just as Connor and the other troops duck down four missiles streak overhead. Three missiles find their marks and the other goes streaking past. Three HK's explode while the others bank and spin to face the oncoming enemy. HK's begin firing at the approaching F/A-18 Hornets who divide and spread out avoiding the oncoming plasma fire. They bank and turn firing three additional sidewinder missiles. Two of the missiles are shot down while the third is avoided by a rapid maneuver of the HK.

    "Hornet Squadron take evasive maneuvers, additional HK's approaching from south-southwest."

    "Mackenzie, pull up."

    "Controls are frozen!"

    "Eject! Eject!"

    One of the F/A-18's goes flying straight into an approaching HK. Both go up in a ball of flame as the missiles and fuel tanks explode on impact.

    "Everyone run!" yells John Connor. The people leap out of cover and run for their lives as the wreckage falls upon their current location.

    # # #

    "Falcon leader to Falcon squadron. Romeo take alpha group and go after that large flying HK. Beta group follow me we're going after that metal giant."

    "Affirmative Falcon Leader. Romeo out."

    "Falcon Leader to Beta group, arm Amraam missiles prepare to launch on my command."

    The giant walking machine turns it plasma cannons towards the approaching planes. It fires it weapon and the leading aircraft explodes.

    "Pedro! NO! Fire Amraams! Falcon 8. Fox-3."

    "Falcon 7. Fox-3"

    "Falcon 10. Fox-3"

    "Falcon 9. Fox-3"

    The Amraams go streaking out towards the walking giant as it fires it plasma cannon. One missile explodes in mid-flight while the others impact on the machine. The machine is knocked back but not destroyed. It regains its footing and fires its canon at the fleeing aircraft. It hits the last F-16 causing the engines to explode. The other three aircraft bank hard right, then divide taking three different courses to engage the enemy again.

    "This Falcon wing Commander. I am taking lead. Falcon 9 & 7 prepare Amraam missiles and target the machines primary weapons' system. Fire on my command."

    "Affirmative wing commander. Amraam's locked and loaded."

    The aircraft take three different routes and then turn back towards the giant machine. It fires it weapons at one of the Falcons but it banks and turns and realigns itself on its target.

    "Falcon 7 to Falcons 9 & 10, fire missiles."

    "Falcon 7, Fox-3."

    "Falcon 9, Fox-3."

    "Falcon 10, Fox-3."

    Three missiles go streaking out after the giant machine the first strikes him in the shoulder exploding and causing it to spin. The second impacts on its back, while the third strikes its head, causing it to explode.

    "Yeah, Direct hit!"

    "Hold the celebration! The head is gone but it's still standing. Prepare remaining missiles for launching."

    # # #

    "General Connor calling Colonel Henry. Do you copy?"

    Static fills the air.

    "General Connor calling Colonel Henry. Do you copy?"

    "I copy General. Endo's are being pushed back but we are losing machines fast."

    "Acknowledge. There are Apache helicopters heading your way. They know we have friendly cyborg's working with us but be alert. Some of them may get trigger happy."

    "I read you loud and clear. We will withdraw as soon as helicopters are in area. We will rejoin you at the rendezvous. Colonel Henry, over and out."

    "Allison what is the current position of those two giant machines?"

    "They are three miles distant and closing fast. Fighter jets are engaging both machines. Two aircraft are down and the walking machine is damaged. There is smoke and flames from where its head used to be, but it hasn't stopped moving. The flying HK is approaching and gaining speed. The missiles are currently having no effect on it."

    "All right everyone. The large flying HK is approaching fast. Be prepared to fire your weapons on my command. Andy! See if you can raise Kyle on the radio. We need more firepower."

    "Yes sir!" Andy immediately gets to work adjusting his radio.

    "Colonel Reese. Do you copy?" No answer, just static. He adjusts the radio again.

    "Colonel Reese. Do you copy?"

    "I copy. Who is this?"

    "This is Corporal Andy Keen. I'm with General Connor. We need additional firepower. The fighter jets missiles are having no effect on that giant flying HK. What is your eta to our position?"

    "We will be there in fifteen minutes."

    "Affirmative." Andy puts the mike down. "General Connor. Colonel Reese reports he will be with us in fifteen minutes, sir!"

    "Thank you Andy! Now put down that damn radio and pick up a weapon. That craft will be here before Kyle and we need all available weapons."

    Andy gives a big grin. "Yes sir!"

    # # #

    "Apache leader to squadron prepare to fire on endo's at my command. Stay alert. General Connor says they have friendly metal working form them."

    The apache's sweep down through the valley. Their rotor blades creating a thundering noise and fanning flames on the valley floor below.

    John Henry and the T-800's hear the approaching helicopters.

    "Drop to the ground! Maintain fire on enemy!" Shouts John Henry, as they take a more defensive position.

    The Apaches come sweeping in, their 30mm cannons opening fire on the endo's. The heavy rounds of ammunition are too much for them as many of the endo's fall. Some explode as their power cells are perforated.

    "Apache leader to squadron. Sweep back around and resume firing on any standing metal."

    The apache's sweep around again the location of friendly metal identified by the plasma fire streaking towards the bare metal endo's as they continue to march forward.

    The apache's fly up behind the endo's and hover. Their cannon's turn and point right at the groups of endo's. Before they can react the helicopter's gunners open fire and the heavy caliber bullets rip them to pieces.

    "All right boys. Our job is done here. Let's go help the others."

    The helicopters go flying off. John Henry stands and watches them fly away.

    The T-800's also stand and they go forward and finish off the damaged endo's still trying to move despite missing or damaged legs or arms.

    "Collect all weapons on the ground and machine parts suitable for repairs. Then lets get the hell out of here." Says John Henry. For the first time in his life he swears, but it goes almost unnoticed but for a small subroutine that monitors his behavioral controls. What you and I would call a conscience.

    # # #

    "Falcon Wing Commander to all Falcons. Withdraw attack on that HK and join in attack on that walking giant. It is almost down but we are running low on missiles."

    "This Romeo to Falcon Wing Commander. Our missiles are having no effect on that HK. It must be armored. Will be with you in three clicks."

    "Engage enemy as soon as sighted. Amraam's have caused significant damage but it is still standing and firing. Beta group try using your mavericks on it. We will lead the way using our guns to clear a path for you."

    "Understand Wing Commander. Romeo out."

    The F-16's sweep around and regroup. The remnant of Alpha group lead the way opening up with their 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling gun. The heavy rounds of ammo bounce off the machine but their rapid impact prevent it from aiming its plasma cannon. Alpha group pulls off as Beta group fires its mavericks. The mavericks go streaking forward impacting dead center on the machine. There is a massive explosion as the machine falls. It's internal reactor breaks open and there is another explosion as the atomic mass is ignited by the explosion.

    "John! Look!" Shouts Allison pointing to the northwest. John takes his eyes from the approaching HK to see a small mushroom cloud on the horizon.

    "One down. One to go." Shouts Andy, as the others cheer.

    # # #

    The HK's are banking swerving trying to maintain their targets on the F/A-18 Hornets as they try to maneuver to return fire on the pursuing HK's.

    "Hornet leader to Shakespeare and Pollock. Pull off and scatter, then try to come up behind those damn HK's and hit them with your SideWinders."

    "Affirmative GQ."

    Two F/A-18's pull sharply away from the group as the HK's continue to streak after them. Shakespeare and Pollock sweep around and come up behind the HK's.

    "Arming sidewinders. Fire on three."

    "Okay Pollock."

    "1 ... 2 ... 3! Fire!"

    The aircraft fire off two Sidewinders each. They go streaking toward the HK's. Two HK's maneuver out-of-the-way but the missiles continue forward striking down two that were in front. The other two missiles hit home. The HK's exploding. Burning debris rains down on the mountains below.

    Only two HK's remain. They spin and bank then fly off leaving the scene.

    "Shakespeare to Hornet leader. Do you want us to pursue?"

    "Negative. AE4 command reports that General Connor and his troops are still under threat. Regroup and return to his coordinates. Prepare to open fire at my command."

    # # #

    As the large flying HK approaches, hatches begin to open on its underside.

    "What is happening?" shouts someone in Connor's group.

    "I don't know! But those open hatches give us a chance. Fire into the openings!"

    The soldiers begin firing up into the open hatches as two large scoops emerge.

    "It's the HK that Jo told us about!" shouts Allison.

    "Just keep shooting!"

    John Connor and his group maintain firing at the open hatches while the scoops reach down towards them.

    "Scatter!" shouts John Connor as the scoops begin to approach.

    Everyone jumps up and runs each heading in a different location. John leaps up and grabs Allison's elbow and they run together away from the machine. It turns in midair its starboard scoop grabbing a few individuals as it reaches towards John and Allison with its port scoop.

    The air is filled with a thundering roar as the Apaches swoop in from the valley and open fire.

    "This is Apache leader to Squadron. Large HK on our Starboard. Prepare to open fire with Hellfire missiles at my command."

    The Apaches roar through the valley approaching the HK.

    "Apache 1 to Apache Leader. There appears to be hatches opening on the underbelly of the HK."

    "Acknowledge Apache 1. Attention all Apache gunners, aim Hellfire missiles for the open hatches. Hopefully a few will get inside and blow that motherfucker to hell."

    As the Apaches approach the scoops lower towards the troops below.

    "Arm missiles! And fire at my command"

    The aircraft begins to turn as the troops on the ground flee to avoid the scoops.


    The hellfire missiles go streaking towards the HK. Two enter the port side hatch exploding inside the HK. One impacts on the starboard scoop exploding. The scoop separates from the HK falling to the ground below. The troops inside go tumbling out onto the ground. Two more Hellfire missiles go streaking towards the HK. One enters the starboard hatch exploding inside while the other impacts on the surface doing no damage.

    Electrical sparks and smoke can be seen coming from vents and seems on the underbelly. The aircraft begins to pitch left then right. Its empty port scoop begins to withdraw. The craft tries to level off.

    "Hornet Leader to squadron. Prepare to fire sidewinder missiles at HK. Aim for the explosions."

    "Sidewinders armed and ready"


    The F/A-18 Hornets release their last remaining sidewinders at the giant HK as its port scoop begins to withdraw. The missiles impact on the hot spots created by the fires inside the craft created by the Hellfire missiles.

    There is a massive explosion in its port wing. The port wing splits, half of the wing falling to the ground below while the craft pitches and yaws trying to regain control. As it begins to spin, three more sidewinders impact on its starboard wing, where it completely separates from the craft. The main fuselage crashes to the ground below exploding. The starboard wing coasts to the ground and impacts on the side of the hill.

    "Yaaaaaayyyyy! Hurrraaaaaahhhh! Yahooooooo!" The men on the ground are cheering as they watch the aircraft explode from the missile impacts. Then crash to the ground below.

    "This is General Connor. Great Job!" John shouts into the radio.

    "Thanks General and good luck to you and your troops. This is Air Fox Epsilon 4. Returning to Yuma. Over and out."

    "Hey Andy! You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch to find them on the radio." John pounds Andy on the back.

    "Three cheers for Andy Keen!" John shouts.

    "Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray!"

    "What's your rank Andy?"


    "Not any more. From now on its Sergeant Andrew Keen and you are in charge of all radio operations and radio operators."

    "Hey John!"

    "Kyle! You missed the party!"

    "True but we sure saw the fireworks!" Kyle responds.

    "How many troops do you have with you?"

    "Let's see, most of Alpha and Beta Squads and a handful of people from Gamma and Epsilon. And you?"

    "I arrived with a mix of troops and armed civilians then Delta Squad and a group of civilians arrived with Allison. John Henry and his machines were last reported down the valley fending off attacking endo's."

    "We're going to need to take a head count to know how many people we still have."

    "Is this what it was like before I got here?" John asks Kyle.

    "Sometimes it was worse, but not often. This is just about as bad as it can get John. If more than fifty percent of us survived it's a miracle. Don't let this undermine your abilities John. Sky Net is ruthless in purging humans from our planet."

    "I know. But I've declared war on it, and it will respond. It has responded. This was probably its first salvo. How can we defeat it with losses this high?"

    "It is going to take more than people to fight it John. It is going to take ingenuity and bravery. Some of the greatest victories in our planets history have been won against overwhelming odds. This will be one of them."

    The strain of the recent events is showing in John's face. He looks grim and exhausted, but his eyes are bright.

    Andy comes running up to the two of them. "General Connor I've got Air Fox Epsilon 4 on the radio they want to talk with you. They have a message being relayed from their command post."

    "Thank you. Sergeant Lucky." John takes the radio from Andy and walks away from them.

    "Sergeant Lucky?" Kyle asks Andy as John walks away.

    "He gave me a field promotion for my finding Air Fox Epsilon 4 on the radio. He's probably calling me Lucky, because, it was only by luck that I found them."

    "Well at least now we all know what to call you."


    "Yes. From now on you are, Sergeant Lucky." Kyle grins.

    Andy walks away shaking his head as John approaches. He hands him the radio and speaks with Kyle.

    "I just spoke with Desert Eagle Air Command. They are sending a fleet of Chinook helicopters to carry us out of here to Camp Pendleton. They will be escorted by AH-1 Super Cobras. The Apaches will maintain surveillance until they arrive. They are requesting that I leave on the first helicopter that arrives so I can meet with their command officers at Camp Pendleton."

    "Are you going to go?"

    "I don't know. We need to recover weapons, locate survivors, and gather everyone together for extraction."

    "You can leave that to me and John Henry. We'll do that for you. Why don't you go and take Delta Squad with you for an escort. They are the only fully intact squad left."

    "I'll do that. I'll have the pilot fly me over the route we took to get here. The sun is still up and we should be able to spot any survivors, or at the very least dropped weapons and ammo."

    "It'll be okay John. No one is going to blame you for this attack. Sky Net has eyes and ears in the sky."

    "You mean the satellites."

    "Yes. That is why we've stayed underground all our lives. The only time we've been able to venture outside in large numbers has been at night, but that isn't a guarantee we won't be attacked then either."

    "All right. Desert Eagle Air Command says the helicopters will be here in an hour. Let's do what we can in the meantime."

    # # #

    Far away in a one time abandoned military base in Yuma, Arizona, troops on the ground are busy moving the heavy cargo of missiles and shells into storage bunkers under the tarmac from the last group of helicopters. Not long ago, they had to rush to refuel a large group sent out on a new mission known only to command.

    In a building converted into use as a hospital, some of the doctors have taken a break after performing surgery non-stop for several hours on the more severely injured.

    A middle-aged woman with striking reddish brown hair, wearing blood spattered scrubs, is walking quickly back to the surgery from getting a bite to eat, when she sees a nurse leave a private room.

    "Who is in that room? Are the wards filled already?" She asks, wondering if she was misinformed of the number of wounded requiring hospitalization.

    "The wards haven't been filled. General Perry asked that Colonel Derek Reese be given a private room."

    "General Perry has no authority in this hospital. Such a request should have gone through me." She says with some indignation. "Where is he?"

    "I understand that General Perry is with your father."

    "Damn. And both of them are busy at the moment. Listen to me, um, . . ."

    "Lieutenant Bell, ma'am."

    "Thanks Lieutenant. What is Derek's Reese medical status?"

    "Minor injuries only. Cuts, abrasions, some first degree burns, and a pulled shoulder. He's suffering more from malnutrition and exhaustion like everyone else rescued from that factory."

    "We've got a lot of severely wounded and infected patients, some of which will require isolation to prevent the spread of infection. For now, Colonel Reese may stay here, but if we need the room, move him to a ward. If he won't go I'll drag him there myself, and Perry be damned for interfering in the running of my hospital. Understand?" She says, in a tone that implies she would do it.

    "Yes Major. What do you want done with the patient in the meantime?"

    The doctor peeks through the door to see that the patient is sleeping soundly. A weather worn and scruffy face peeks out from behind the blanket. His chest gently rising and falling with each breath. She wishes she was sleeping right now. First a long flight followed by hours of surgery. The pilots in MASH never had to perform surgery after flying patients in for treatment. She would have to be skilled in the two most needed jobs in this company.

    "Follow through with required treatments for his injuries, make sure he gets plenty of rest and keep his food simple, broths and soups for twenty-four hours."

    "Major, um Doctor, when awake, he's been asking about his resistance unit and for something to read, only we haven't got anything."

    Letting out a sigh of exasperation, she answers, "You'll have to check with General Perry about his unit, and if he wants them, I've got two Black Hawk training manuals on my desk he can read. I need to return to surgery, but I want an update on Reese and all other former prisoners' health status when I'm done."

    "Yes, Doctor Brewster."

    2027, Day 59, evening

    As General Connor and the troops gather up dropped weapons, other troops are tending to wounded while yet still more are searching for survivors.

    John Henry arrives with what is left of his company of T-800's. They are carrying some damaged machines and parts from their fallen comrades and the enemy to make repairs.

    "How did you make out?" Connor asks him when he sees him.

    "We've lost fifty percent of our company. If we can make repairs, I hope to cut the losses down to forty-five percent."

    "And yourself, did you sustain any damage?"

    "I've lost one power cell and the use of three servos. I do have sufficient parts to make repairs."

    "All right John Henry. Please extend my thanks to your troops will you. They were very brave."

    "They only did what they were programmed to do. Thanks won't be necessary."

    "Then I thank you, then. And you can tell them that I thank them as well!"

    "I will." John Henry tilts his head. "There are more helicopters coming. From the south."

    John Connor turns to face south and sure enough just over the mountain tops are four large Chinook helicopters with six Cobras as escort.

    "All right. I'll be leaving on one of those helicopters. Give any aid you can to Colonel Reese. I'm leaving him in command while I go to Camp Pendleton to meet with the commanding officers of those aircraft which came to our rescue. Please see to your repairs right away and those of your troops."

    "Yes John Connor."

    John Connor walks over to where he last spoke with Kyle. As he approaches him, the first Chinook comes in to land. A Cobra remains airborne circling the area.

    A crewman jumps down out of the Chinook and runs over to Kyle and John.

    "I'm looking for General John Connor!" he shouts over the noise of the helicopters engines.

    "I'm him!" John shouts back.

    "You've got to be kidding. I was expecting someone older!"

    "So was I." John mumbles to himself.

    "What's that?" the crewman shouts.

    "I'm HIM!" shouts John Connor. "I'll be with you in five minutes."

    Turning to face Kyle and giving him a wink, he says in a command voice. "Colonel Reese, You are in command here on the ground. I'll be leaving Sergeant Keen and his radio here. Call me as soon as you have news. Colonel Henry is seeing to repairs to himself and his troops. See to it they have sufficient tools to carry out those repairs. Afterwards, they are to provide any and all aid you require."

    "Yes Sir!" Kyle snaps a smart salute, but can't help give John a grin when the crewman returns to the helicopter.

    "Good show." John says as he grins back at Kyle. "I'll take Delta Squad with me like you suggested. I'll ask the pilot to fly me over the area which we traveled. I may spot some more survivors. Even if I don't, have these pilots fly you over the area and collect all fallen weapons. Those plasma rifles cost us dear and they are the only effective weapons against the machines."

    "Will do. You'd better get going!"

    "See you at Camp Pendleton."

    John trots over to Allison. "Lieutenant Young! You and Delta Squad are coming with me. I've been asked to go to Camp Pendleton to meet with their commanding officers. I need you with me as my adjutant, and your squad as my escort. And..." he drops his voice so only she can hear him, "I can't bear leaving you behind and out of sight after all this."

    "All right John." she responds quietly giving John a small grin, then speaks loudly for her squad to hear, "Delta Squad form up! We are escorting General Connor to Camp Pendleton!"

    General John Connor climbs up into the helicopter followed by Lieutenant Allison Young and Delta Squad. John takes a seat just behind the pilot, while everyone else sits in any available space.

    Before the helicopter takes off, John leans over and speaks to the pilot. "I'd like you to fly us down the valley. Men and supplies have been left scattered for several miles. I'd like to know what happened and where everyone is."

    "I can do that General. If you would please take a seat, I'll be taking off now."

    The helicopter takes off blowing dust and dirt around. Kyle and the other troops cover their faces as it lifts off, and then it turns flying down the valley.

    John looks out the window at the ground below. There are bodies and weapons laying on the ground everywhere. There are small fires burning from the plasma fire. John wonders at first what could be burning in this devastation, when he realizes it is bodies burning. Throughout the valley there are numerous corpses and weapons scattered across the valley floor like forgotten toys after a game of soldiers.

    They are getting close to where they began running from the HK's and fighting back.

    "Pilot." John shouts over the noise. "I'd like you to land at the end of this valley before taking us to Camp Pendleton."

    "I can't do that sir. My orders are to take you and your party straight to Camp Pendleton."

    "Whose orders?"

    "The orders come from Captain..."

    "Your orders are countermanded, pilot. I am General John Connor and you will land at the end of this valley!"

    "I can't, Captains orders says I'm suppose to take you straight to base."

    John exchanges a look with Allison then pulls his handgun from its holster and shoves the end into the pilots neck. "Lieutenant Young! Take the controls."

    Allison looks at John with some surprise but gamely goes forward and gets into the copilots seat.

    "You have two choices pilot. One, you take this craft where I want to go, and you live. Two, I shoot you here and now for disobeying an order and Lieutenant Young flies this craft to where I want to go. What is your decision?"

    The pilot swallows a couple of times. "I'll take the craft to the end of the valley. The Captain won't like this."

    "I don't give a rats ass what he likes or won't like. Just do it!"

    "Yes sir!"

    The pilot turns the helicopter and flies to the end of the valley. John is watching the whole time.

    "That's the valley where we were ambushed." shouts Allison.

    "I know! There is something we need down there!" John shouts back.

    "Pilot! Land over there!" John points to a clearing just yards from where he stood less than twenty-four hours ago when the HK's first came flying over.

    The Chinook lands. "Wait here. I won't be long!" John hands his weapon to Allison and jumps out the door.

    He runs over to where he can see some dropped belongings. Along the way he sees dead bodies smoking from the fires of the plasma guns. The stench is terrible. Fighting the urge to vomit, he finds what he is looking for, the bags containing his computer and Cameron's chips and Allison's bag containing her personal effects. He runs back to the helicopter hands the bags to the troops inside then clambers in right behind.

    "All right pilot, take us to Camp Pendleton." John takes his gun back from Allison.

    Allison leaves the copilots seat and goes in back to sit with John and the other members of Delta Squad.

    "You do realize that I don't know how to fly." Allison says quietly as she sits next to John.

    John leans into her and talks in a lowered voice. "I know that, but the pilot didn't know that, and he was more likely to give in to my demands if he thought someone else could fly this bird."

    "What was so important you had to force the pilot to land?" She asks him.

    "When we ran from those HK's, we dropped everything but our guns. There were two things I knew that neither one of us wanted to part with. One was my computer and the chips I'm trying to program, and the other..." John pulls the bags over reaches inside one and pulls out the ballet slippers and hands them to Allison.

    "John! Thank you!" She hugs him and gives him a warm kiss on the lips. "Thank you John. I thought I had lost them for good."

    "When you told me you wanted to wait to marry me that maybe you didn't care about me as much as I thought you did."

    " I do care about you, it was just . . ." John shrugs, but finishes the thought in his head. I care about you more than I should, more than I wanted too. ". . . that it seemed like a good idea."

    She hugs him tightly, kissing him. The other troops look slightly embarrassed and try to look at anything other than the two of them. They take a great deal of interest in the ceiling.

    "Allison, perhaps you should stop." John says as quietly as he can over the noise of the helicopter. "It isn't exactly good for discipline for us to behave like this in front of the troops." John's face is red from Allison's public affection.

    Allison pulls back slightly and looks in his eyes. "Screw discipline!" She says and kisses him again. When he told her he wanted to wait to marry her, he thought that perhaps he stopped caring, that despite his reason for being here, he didn't love her at all, but he did this for her, recovered the most precious items she possessed and placed them in her hands.

    She kisses him, with a whispered promise of more to come, once they have some privacy.

    With the setting sun lighting up the interior of the helicopter and the surrounding landscape, that some passengers take interest in what is outside.

    As the helicopter clears the mountains and heads toward the coast to Camp Pendleton. The troops look out at the devastation below. For years they lived amongst the ruins that once was southern California and the Los Angeles area.

    John and Allison go to a window and look out below. John can just see where Los Angeles once stood on the horizon. A moonscape of rubble, blasted gray structures, and complete devastation lie where gleaming towers and homes and businesses once stood.

    "How many missiles struck Los Angeles on Judgment Day?" John asks.

    "No one knows for certain, but they think at least three, maybe five." Allison replies

    "I used to live there. It was my home." He unintentionally lets slip. The weariness of the last few days making him forget.

    "It used to be the home for a lot of people." Allison replies, placing a gentle hand on John's shoulder.

    Mom must have died, if she were still in L. A. on May eighteenth, John thinks. And if she wasn't and was sick like Cameron said, then how long did she live afterward, slowly dying of cancer.

    Turning his back on the window, John slumps down on the floor, letting the sound of the helicopter drown out his thoughts.

    Sitting beside him, Allison takes his hand.

    He's tired, she thinks. John has been through so much and has so much more to do. But there will be time to rest at Pendleton, for all of us. I hope.

    The sun is getting ever closer to the ocean's horizon as the helicopter comes in to land. Fortunately for John and the others, their angle of approach prevents them from seeing the destruction done to San Diego, a city much closer to their location.

    # # #

    "You look exhausted." the old Air force officer tells his friend.

    "Battles do that to you." General Perry taps his foot on the floor. "How much longer for your tech's to finish examining the missiles?"

    "Give them time, Justin. There is a lot for them to examine."

    "How much jet fuel do you have?"

    "I won't lie, we need more fuel and pilots. I put out a general call to all available units for assistance. Texas said they'll try. You gotta love them Texans. They can be down to their last can of mash and still give you the shirt off their backs. As far as fuel goes, I'm hoping to hear soon from our Venezuelan friends. They have two air tankers they can load with fuel, unfortunately the refining takes time."

    At that moment a young officer approaches with a clipboard in hand. "Sorry it took me so long, but I wanted to double-check some of the findings."

    "Which are?" Perry asks. He didn't lose almost a third of his men to death and injuries, just to get a load of bobbles. These missiles need to work!

    "First of all, the missiles are top of the line. Some of the best work Sky Net has made."

    "And the bad news?" General Brewster asks.

    "Sky Net has altered the mounting and release mechanism, again. In their present configuration, they will not mount to any of our jets or helicopters."

    "But you have a means to fix it?" Perry growls. "Right?"

    "Yes, I think we do, but even if all of us tech's work flat out for seventy-two hours, we won't get enough of them converted in time."

    The men stand in silence for a moment before Brewster speaks, "Converting the mounts, does it require any specialized skills?"

    "Not really, basic mechanical skills would be good. Us technicians could hand the electrical and . . . ahh! I see where you are going with this."

    "Perhaps." Brewster turns to his friend. "Your officers questioned the people you rescued. Surely there must be some technicians or mechanically skilled people amongst them that can help."

    Perry grins. "You bet your ass Bob. But it's still going to be rough outfitting every jet here, and those on there way, with enough missiles and have some in reserve."

    "We won't worry about that. I'm sure you man Beddell has been stockpiling Pendleton from the weapon cache's we left hidden in every abandoned base from Seattle to the tip of Baja California."

    "In the meantime though, we'll let the rescued captives sleep and get a good meal into them. I'll roust out some of my men and get them to help your technicians."

    2027, Day 59, 8 PM

    Kyle runs up to John Henry's position after checking on defensive positions.

    "Colonel Henry, how go the repairs to your troops?"

    "The repairs to myself have been completed. There are several T-800's which require parts we do not have. However, we have made significant enough repairs to decrease our losses from 50% to 46%. If we could send a group after more parts from the battle field, we could complete all repairs and reduce our losses even further."

    "Do so, but you remain here with me. I'd like your assistance in examining the surviving wreckage from that large HK that went after Connor and his group."

    "Very well."

    John Henry sends six machines back down the valley to collect more parts from fallen machines. He also sends an additional twelve to collect fallen weapons, specifically heavy armaments and plasma rifles. When John Henry joins Kyle Reese at the wreckage of the starboard wing he brings with him six machines. Kyle has six soldiers with him.

    The wing is huge, as long and as thick as the fuselage of a Boeing 747. The wing tapers to a knifes edge. Two massive engines are encased within the wing. One of which is still operating, generating a loud screaming whine.

    "Can you do something to shut down that engine?" Kyle shouts at John Henry to be heard above the noise.

    "It might be possible, but we'd have to get inside the wing and disable the power coupling."

    "There is probably a way in through the open hatch underneath!" Kyle shouts back.


    John Henry and the six machines walk to the end of the wing to where the open hatch is. They lift the wing enough so that John Henry can crawl underneath and into the hatch. A few minutes later the engine starts to wind down. John Henry crawls out from underneath as the engine comes to a stop.

    "Can you hear something?" Kyle asks as John Henry comes to his side.

    From inside the fuselage can be heard muffled cries.

    "There is someone inside!" John Henry says.

    "Quick! Get them out of there!" Kyle shouts.

    "Come to me now!" shouts John Henry at the machines he left to finish repairs.

    They all come running over.

    "We need to open up this wing. There is someone trapped inside."

    The machines climb up on top of the wing and begin digging their fingers into the gaps left between the sheets of armor formed by the explosions and crash. A high pitch scream of twisted metal is heard as they wrench a section of plating off the wing and throw it to the ground below.

    Kyle quickly scrambles up on top of the wing and looks inside. The wing is filled with hollow chambers. In some of those chambers are bodies of dead prisoners. The cries are louder now.

    "Can someone help me please?" Comes a voice from inside.

    "It sound like a girl!" Kyle says then jumps down inside the fuselage.

    "Can you hear me? I'm here to rescue you!" he shouts.

    "Over here! I'm over here!" Her voice cries out in the dark chambers.

    "Colonel Henry, come with me!" Kyle says then moves towards the shouts. "Where are you? Talk to me so I can find you."

    "I'm over here! My name is Natalie. I was captured by this thing and I'm trapped!"

    "I'm coming. My name is Kyle. We will get you out."

    It is completely dark inside, but for the small amount of light coming from the hole torn in the wing, and a few sparks from broken cables.

    "Someone, bring a light. It is dark down here!" Kyle shouts back to the opening behind him.

    A soldier outside pulls out his flashlight and jumps down inside the fuselage. He flips on the light and makes his way towards Kyle and John Henry. He catches up with them as they find Natalie in her cell.

    "Help me please! I'm trapped!" She yells as the light hits her.

    Her cage is situated at just the location where the wing buckled on impact, causing the cell walls to buckle and break trapping her legs under the bent bars.

    "John Henry, can you break her free?"

    "Yes. Soldier, shine the light right there." He says pointing to the buckled cage walls.

    "Kyle, pull her out as soon as I bend these bars up."

    Kyle walks over behind Natalie and bends down grabbing her under her arms. John Henry reaches down and grasps the bars pulling on them. The bars begin to slowly pull away from her legs.

    "Now!" shouts John Henry.

    Kyle quickly pulls her free and John Henry releases the bars. The bars snap back and the cell wall buckles again. Stress fractures appear and the smell of fuel fills the air.

    "We should leave this place at once!" Kyle says.

    The four of them, Kyle, Natalie, John Henry, and the soldier quickly leave the way they came in, the smell of fuel getting stronger. As they approach the opening, the gurgle of flowing liquid can be heard.

    "Quick! Give us a hand up!" shouts Kyle.

    Four machines bend down grasping their wrists and pulling them to the surface.

    "Get off this wing! There is a fuel leak inside!" John Henry shouts.

    Everyone goes scrambling off the wing and runs for the other side of the clearing when there is a sudden woomph! Followed by a huge explosion which knocks everyone down including the machines.

    The people and machines pick themselves off the ground and look at the fiery wreckage.

    "Thanks for your help John." Kyle says.

    "No problem!" John Henry says then walks off.

    Natalie stands up next to Kyle. "Is that John Connor?"

    "No, that is John Henry. He's a Triple 8 working with the resistance." Kyle turns to look at Natalie and is thunderstruck by her appearance. She is about 5 feet 6 inches in height and slender, maybe 105 pounds. Her hair is long and straight and as black a raven's wing. Her eyes are as black as her hair and slightly slanted, showing Asian ancestry, but her skin is a warm reddish brown like a Native American.

    "I'm...I'm Kyle Reese." Kyle stammers. "Do you know John Connor?"

    "No. I heard his radio address and was walking to Camp Pendleton when that machine picked me up." Natalie looked at Kyle. "My name is Natalie, Natalie Sky. My friends call me Nat."

    "I hope you'll consider me, one of your friends, Nat." Kyle says smiling at her.

    "I'm sure I could, considering it was you who rescued me, Kyle." She says with a smile.

    2027, Day 59, 9 PM

    The helicopter lands and General Connor and his party exit the aircraft and enter hanger doors built into the side of a hill. They follow a member of the ground crew who escorts them inside and through a set of doors and down a corridor. The helicopter is refueled and it takes back off again returning to the mountains to recover more of John Connor's army.

    There are numerous soldiers throughout the underground structure. All in semi-regular uniforms of mixed branches of the armed forces and various formats of camouflage. But one thing is clear, they are all well disciplined and highly armed. All carry an automatic rifle and a side arm.

    Their escort stops in the corridor outside a set of double doors. "Your men can wait here General Connor. The CO is waiting for you in his office."

    "Lieutenant Young will come with me. The others can stay here."

    "All right sir. If you would please follow me. I'll have someone take care of your men for you."

    "Who is your commanding officer?"

    "Major General Perry is, but he's presently away overseeing the taking of a munitions factory. Captain Martin Beddell is in command until he returns."

    John and Allison follow the soldier, but John hangs back to share some words in private with Allison.

    "Ally" John whispers. "This Captain Beddell might be the same Martin Beddell I met once before."

    "Are you sure it's the same person?"

    "Don't know. But it is quite possible that some things may be said which...oh the hell with it. You will hear some things, which will contradict my story of how I came to be here. When you hear anything that contradicts what I've said previously, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't react in anyway that could let Captain Beddell know that my origins are something other than what he knows."

    "Are you saying you lied about where you came from?" Allison asks, not too surprised at John's sudden frankness.

    John stops causing Allison to quickly halt herself. John reaches up and takes her shoulders in both hands. "Allison, what I told you, Derek and Kyle, about how I came to be here, was not the truth. I couldn't tell you then as the tale was too fantastic to believe. But if you go along with me now, I promise that I will tell you and Kyle the whole truth. I'm only asking you to be patient in the next few hours until I can tell you both."

    "General Connor, If you would please keep up!" Their escort shouts from down the hall.

    "Allison?" John whispers.

    "Okay John. I always thought there was more to your story than you let on. I trust you and love you."

    "Good. I trust and love you too. Come on, let's not keep our escort waiting."

    # # #

    "Captain Beddell. General Connor and Lieutenant Young to see you sir!" The soldier says after knocking on a door.

    "Send them in!"

    John and Allison walk into a dimly lit office. Except for a small desk lamp, there are no other lights in the room.

    "Captain Beddell, I'm General John Connor, and this is my Adjutant, Lieutenant Allison Young"

    "Hello, Lieutenant. Please, both of you have a seat."

    The three of them sit down in folding metal chairs. The desk is simple, a contemporary slab supported by two half height file cabinets.

    "Where are the other commanding officers I was told I would be meeting?"

    "Major General Perry of the USMC is supervising the capture of a munitions factory in northern Arizona, and Lieutenant General Robert Brewster of the USAF is tied up in Yuma. Your rescue was very timely. The aircraft which intervened on your behalf, were there to blockade any HK's sent to protect the munitions factory. General Brewster couldn't leave Yuma, as he was overseeing the air mission. He will instead arrive with General Perry after all craft return to Yuma for refueling and re-arming."

    Captain Beddell leans back in his chair. "John Connor. A general no less. It has been a long time since we spoke last."

    "So you do remember me."

    "I sure as hell do. If it wasn't for you, I would have left Presidio Alto. Instead, I was on campus studying for finals when the alert was given. After taking shelter in the bunker for a few weeks, during which our CO still insisted we take our exams, we then left for Camp Pendleton and took shelter here. So I and my classmates survived Judgment Day, which didn't happen on the day you told me."

    "I can't explain that. I wasn't there when it happened."

    "So I understand."

    "What?" John says surprise.

    "You may not believe it Connor, but I know what happened. I know why you don't look a day older than when I last saw you, and I've aged almost twenty years."

    "But how do you know this?"

    "You'll learn that soon enough. Right now I think the two of you and the troops you brought could probably use a shower, some fresh clothes and a hot meal."

    "Maybe later. Right now I'm more concerned with my men still out there in the mountains and how you know what you know."

    "All right, Connor." Beddell leans forward in his chair. "We had some company arrive yesterday. Some two hundred soldiers of various outfits and trained civilians, led by two women."

    "I thought all of those soldiers were yours."

    "I've only got about fifty people, all former fellow cadets from Presidio Alto. Everyone else presently here at Camp Pendleton, except for the ground crews and pilots, are under the command of these two women. Apparently they've been building an army since Judgment Day waiting for you to make an appearance. It's a fantastic tale and one they can tell you better than I."

    John is getting a little frustrated with Beddell's evasiveness. It almost appears Beddell is enjoying it, or is that just his own exhaustion playing tricks with his perception. Deciding to remain civil he asks, "Who are these women?"

    "There are two of them, like I said. Apparently one of them knew who I was when I mentioned my name. She explained to me about your unorthodox method of getting here by traveling through time, and that now is the time to organize the resistance to fight back."

    "But who?" He asks, this time the civility almost completely gone from his voice.

    "Wait right here, I'll see if they are available."

    Captain Beddell gets up from his chair and leaves the room.

    John and Allison sit quietly for a moment.

    He's going to tell me the truth. Allison thinks. I've waited for so long for him to trust me with the truth. I'm sure there must be lots he wants to tell me. But I dare not say anything, less I reveal what I've learned already.

    A couple of minutes go by and John can't bear Ally's silence any longer.

    "Allison, is there something you want to ask me, before he returns?"

    Trying not to show relief at John broaching the topic himself, she carefully replies. "Everything you said about how you got here was a lie?"


    "And you really got here by traveling forward through time?"


    "What year did you travel from?"

    "2009. May 13, I think. I might be wrong about the day. There was a lot happening at the time."

    "What about Catherine and John Henry?"

    John lets out a sigh. There is just so much to explain, but not right now.

    "Them as well. Um. Listen, there is a lot to explain. The truth is more complex than . . . than, I don't know. More complex than a machine's chip. I will explain everything to you. I promise." There are footsteps approaching the door. "I'll tell you and Kyle everything later. You both need to know the truth now."

    Beddell enters the office. "Good you are both still here. I'd like you to meet one of the leaders of that army." He says as a woman walks in and stops just where the light on the desk shines on her. She is a strikingly beautiful red-haired woman, in her twenties, wearing battle fatigues.

    "Hello John Connor. It's been a long time." She says, her face beaming.

    "Do I know you?" John says getting up from his chair.

    "Yes, but the last time you saw me, I was only six. It's been eighteen years since you taught me to tie my shoes."

    Realization hits John like a pail of cold water. "Savannah? Savannah Weaver!"

    "Yes, John. The squirrel runs round the tree." Savannah says with a smile. Recalling the method John used to teach her so many years ago to tie her shoes.

    "Oh my God! I can't believe it!" John and Savannah have a short embrace.

    John looks at the woman, now older than he, who was once a precocious little girl. Remembering his manners, he steps back. "Allison Young. This is Savannah Weaver. I knew her a very long time ago."

    Allison stands, but she is still in shadow so that Savannah can't see her. "I'm pleased to meet you."


    "I can't believe it." John says. "You are all grown up now. You survived Judgment Day. Other than Beddell, you are the only other person I've met that I knew before I time jumped. How did you survive?"

    "It's a long story, but I think I'll wait to tell you. There is someone else who has been waiting to meet you."

    "Who?" John asks, his mind swimming with possibilities.

    "I think it best if you just came with me." She says with a mischievous smile.

    "All right. Captain Beddell, could you please arrange for Lieutenant Young to go to your radio room so she can inform our people that we've arrived and to find out what's been happening to my men since I left."

    "No problem. You two, go on ahead."

    John and Savannah leave Beddell's office.

    "How did you and John meet?" Allison asks.

    "John Connor saved my life from a terminator. He and his uncle infiltrated Presidio Alto under assumed names and destroyed a terminator out to kill me. A big machine, possibly a T-800. They explained to me everything, or probably as much as they felt I should know at the time, I think.

    Captain Beddell leans back in his chair, reaching over to turn on the overhead light. The room lights up like a surgery in comparison to the dungeon like atmosphere it previously held.

    "Sorry, I should have turned on the overhead light when you two came in. We try to conserve as much power as possible despite having two nuclear generators and a third for backup. Have you known John very long?"

    Blinking from the change in lighting, she answers, "Since the day he arrived. We are engaged to be married."

    "Well, well, well." He grins, "He certainly didn't waste any time. I suppose he told you how he came to be here?"

    "Not in so many words. But he has said enough to me the last several weeks to make what has been said here not too surprising."

    # # #

    Savannah escorts John to an elevator and they go down several levels.

    "So who is this other person you are taking me to meet." He says with a slightly worried expression.

    "I promised not to tell. Don't worry you are perfectly safe." She says mischievously.

    John keeps running through names in his head, but he can't think of any. Exhaustion and battle fatigue are taking hold and he wishes this day would end soon. Chola? She was there in those last days. She must have known something. Why else would she help him and Cameron like she did.

    They step off the elevator onto a residential level of the military bunker. They walk down a lighted passage until she stops outside a door.

    "Before you go in, I should tell you she's been waiting for this moment a long time." Savannah knocks on the door.

    "Come in." John hears a familiar voice say from inside, tempered by time and work.

    Savannah opens the door and steps back allowing John to walk in ahead of her.

    The room is dimly lit by a single low voltage lamp on the ceiling. As John walks in he sees someone sitting on the edge of a bunk. It is a woman and she stands and steps into the light.

    John's heart nearly stops. NO. It can't be.

    "John!" The woman cries, tears instantly running down her cheeks.

    "Mom?" He asks, shocked by seeing her. "Is it really you?"

    "John." She says softly, holding out her arms to embrace him.

    "MOM!" He shouts with joy running those last three steps.

    John embraces his mother as they both cry tears of joy. For John it's been almost two months since the last time he saw his mother, but Sarah hasn't seen her son in eighteen years.

    "John. My son. My son." Sarah keeps saying over and over as she holds her son tight.

    "I missed you, Mom. I love you." He says through the tears.

    Savannah stands in the doorway crying small tears of joy at the reunion. Sarah has found her son at last!

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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