

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #20 : Part 2: Chapter 3: Valley of Peace

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 11 พ.ย. 55



    Part 2: Armageddon

    Chapter 3

    Valley of Peace

    "Why would she do that?" Charley Dixon

    "Well, you know, Mr. Dixon, it's the robots. The ones from the future, the ones Sky Net sent to kill her son, which makes total sense because, in the future, John's not only her son but [reading] 'the leader of the resistance, fighting artificially intelligent machines determined to annihilate the human race.' Did he strike you that way? Leader of a scrappy band of rebels? Luke Skywalker type?" James Ellison

    "Next time you do what you're trained to do. You run." Sarah Connor

    Excerpt from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Pilot, January 13, 2008

    # # #

    2027, Day 57, 11 PM

    The sound of gunfire and plasma fire echo in the distance as metal approaches the outpost, exterminating humans still lagging behind.

    Resistance run forward to stop the metal's advance while civilians and the injured are escorted by other armed personnel, moving from the service tunnel to the hills beyond the factory.

    Standing, observing all that is going on, General Connor anxiously watches and waits for word on the enemy movements. A young soldier comes running up, looking no older than John himself.

    "General Connor, three HK's are approaching from the north, southeast and west sir."

    "Thanks Anderson." John Connor turns and calls out to a familiar face. "John Henry, have the T-800's stand their ground for as long as possible and draw those HK's as close to the factory as possible. Once they are close, don't hang about. I'll only give you one word of warning and then I'm blowing the joint and hopefully take some of those HK's with it!"

    "Yes John Connor."

    John Connor rubs his head as the headache starts returning. "Anderson, get those people moving. Get them out of here now!" There were still people straggling in from the outpost and refugees from the main bunker. Anderson and several more troops run forward and started helping the people out of the service tunnel and away from the factory.


    "Uhh," John rubs his head again. "What is it Kyle?"

    "We've got more enemy metal approaching. Looks to be about fifty Triple-8's with automatic weapons and plasma rifles."

    "Send out a detachment with plasma rifles and MM1 grenade launchers. Hold them off until these people are escorted out of here."

    John Connor turns and shouts at the people still moving out of the tunnel. "Move it people! We've got enemy metal coming and they are heavily armed. Drop everything but weapons and ammo. Move it people! Move it!"

    John winces from the pain in his head. The people are moving as quickly as they can away from the factory and up a ravine and into the hills. But for the detachment and John Henry's T-800s, John Connor is the last up the ravine.

    When he reaches the top, he can see the HK's approaching from three points on the compass trying to encircle the factory. The T-800's are firing at them, not enough to cause serious damage but enough to draw them in closer. Two of the HK's come sweeping in close to the factory trying to hit the those who are firing at it.

    John speaks into his radio. "Reese, Henry, get under cover I'm blowing the factory."

    Without waiting for a reply John hits the trigger on the remote. There is a slight pause then the factory blows sky high taking out two HK's. One of the HK's crashes into the burning inferno below it while the other goes spinning off with one engine in flames then crashes into the ground, where it explodes on impact. The people cheer. The explosions continue one after the other as power cells for the incomplete rifles and fuel for backup generators ignite. Flames shoot up of red, orange, yellow and purple. The people cheer again!

    "One HK still in the air! Get that SAM launched now!" he shouts.

    A T-800 lifts a missile launcher up onto his shoulder, lines up the shot, and fires. The missile goes streaking out towards the remaining HK. It turns and fires it plasma cannon, but too late. The missile scores a hit taking out its starboard engine. The HK spins uncontrollably and crashed into the ground and explodes.

    The people cheer again.

    "Kyle Reese, report in." Connor shouts into his radio.

    "Kyle Reese, here. Everyone is OK. That shot was one in a million."

    "John Henry, are you there? Report!"

    "John Henry here. We have six T-800's unaccounted for, five are damaged beyond repair, and seven with both mild and severe damage to their systems."

    "Affirmative. Reese, Henry get back to the main group as quick as you can."

    John Connor checks on the people. The civilians are frightened, though elated over the recent victory. The soldiers look all geared up for another battle. He finds Allison helping the doc with the wounded.

    "Hey, how are you doing?"

    "I'd say I'm doing better than you. Your headache is back isn't it?" Allison asks with concern.

    "I don't think it ever truly goes away. Just sort of cycles between severe and mild pain."

    "I'm sorry John. I should have done more to protect you." Her sadness showing.

    "There wasn't time. As soon as you hit the C4 there wasn't time for you or me to do anything but duck."

    "I know, but I can't help feeling responsible for your current distress."

    "There was nothing you could have done. It was our only option." John gives her a quick one arm hug and a kiss on the forehead.

    He looks around at the various injured people. "We need to get moving. Does Doc have everything he needs to get the injured people out of here?"

    "Yes. Most injuries won't impair their movement, though some will need assistance."

    "All right, requisition any materials and people you need. Tell them I ordered it if need be."

    Allison leaves to get the people and materials she needs as Kyle comes running up.


    "Kyle, how did the fight with the metal go?"

    "I love these plasma rifles! Three maybe four hits to their power cell and they blow up. A direct hit to their chip and down they go, permanently. Much better than automatic weapons or shotguns."

    "Great. Organize the fighters into groups. Have some form a perimeter and others following the people escaping."

    "I'll get right on it." Kyle runs off to arrange the perimeter.

    John sees a tall familiar face approaching from the ravine. It is John Henry, formerly Cromartie, a terminator who was out to kill him but was reprogrammed by Catherine Weaver and is now pursuing a mission of integrating morality and ethics into Sky Net's program. He first successfully integrated the new programming into the machines now helping them.

    "John Henry, over here." Connor shouts at him.

    "Hello John Connor. How are you tonight?" He asks with a friendly grin.

    "I'm fine John Henry. How are your T-800's holding out?"

    "Eighteen point fifty-six percent have received mild damage. A further twelve point two percent require major repairs. All are proceeding under their own power."


    "Communication lost with five point four percent. Can only assume destroyed or damaged beyond reasonable operational capability."

    "Understood. Do you have sufficient materials for conducting repairs?"

    "No. Some of the more damaged ones will have to be deactivated for parts to repair the others."

    "Are they okay with that? Do they understand what it means for them, this sacrifice of theirs?"

    "John, your concern is unwarranted. They do not have feelings. They only comprehend that they are unable to carry out their mission, but if deactivated their parts can be used to repair others who can complete the mission for them."

    "Don't give me that BS. The T-800's may not have feelings, but I know for a fact that they can comprehend their meaning. Please inform them that I thank them for their services and their sacrifices. I will not forget what they have done."

    John Henry smiles. "I know why the men and machines follow you John Connor."

    "Why is that?"

    "You make no distinction between them. You care equally for both. But be careful John Connor. Don't let your feelings interfere with your judgment. Some day one of these machines could get close enough to kill you, and if they go rogue, you wouldn't have a chance."

    "Catherine Weaver gave me pretty much the same advice. Where is she by the way?"

    "She and two T-888's are looking after something of yours." He says then walks away.

    John Connor had almost forgotten about Cameron. After the explosion had knocked him out he had a strange dream about her. Every moment they had together, from the day he first met her up until the day he lost her, went through his confused mind. Throughout it all were the words from that school poster, "Don't go it alone." What did it all mean? He didn't know. He could have sworn he talked to her, but that must have been the confusion in his head, because the next thing he remembered was his mom yelling at him to get on his feet that the resistance needed him. And he definitely knew Mom wasn't there.

    He had put everything aside in trying to get the people out the outpost and to safety while Sky Net's machines purged the area of humans. Thanks to his radio address and Sky Net's actions, he had a real chance at building an army to go against Sky Net's forces.

    John looked around at all the people. They all looked at him with expectations of what he was going to do next. He was their leader. A position he didn't want. They had elected him above others who had more experience, but he gave them something that they hadn't had until now, hope.

    John Connor had attended many a Catholic mass as a boy in Central America, but he wasn't of that faith. He was trained by men who put great faith in their religion, and valued prayer as much as they valued their guns and their knives in a fight.

    "God. I don't know if I can lead these people. They are looking to me to save them from something far bigger and more powerful than I know how to fight. I need help. Please help these people." He prays as he looks out over the people who have placed their hopes and their trust in him.

    John climbs up on top of a rock. "Everybody, listen up." he shouts.

    They all looked at him to hear what he was going to say.

    "I know you are all tired and scared, but we need to move now. It won't be long until Sky Net will send more forces to the area so we need to move further into the mountains. It will be a long walk, but by dawn we should find a place to rest for everyone. Let's go!"

    John hops down from the rock and marches through the crowd, giving them an encouraging smile as he goes.

    He soon catches up with Allison who is helping the wounded.

    "Hey Allison. Are you ready to move?"

    "Yes John. How's your head?"

    "Don't worry about me, we need to get these people to safety."

    They walk along giving what support they can to the weak and the tired. Troops walk along either side guarding the civilians and the children. Scattered throughout are John Henry's T-800's with some taking up the rear to provide defense from any surprise attacks.

    Like a modern day Moses, John Connor leads his people to the promise land, Camp Pendleton. He just hopes to avoid the forty years wandering in the wilderness.

    2027, Day 57

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    It is morning. After we blew the factory, we marched all night until we found a place to shelter, with fresh running water. Here there are a few small trees trying to grow in the ashes of a dead forest. You'd think out in the hills, something would have survived Judgment Day. But devastation is everywhere.

    The people are tired. The adrenalin rush of fleeing under a firefight has passed and they just have the drudgery of a long march. I am hoping that there is still equipment at Camp Pendleton. But even if there isn't, it will make a fine base to organize these people into a proper army.

    The machines are keeping watch twenty four hours. But to keep the men disciplined, I have them on a rotating eight hour watch. That way each man can get eight hours sleep, but still provide sufficient eyes to guard the people. I'll be taking point tonight, so I am taking first watch. I am up on top of a hill with two machines and two other soldiers as I write this.

    They were a little surprised to see me. I guess they thought that the leader shouldn't bother himself with guard duty. Well maybe he shouldn't or maybe he should. It all comes down to should a leader be apart from his men or should he stand beside them. I'll go for the latter. Besides I've got too much on my mind to sleep and tonight will be hard on all of us

    # # #

    Up on the mountains, where Palomar Observatory sits, Catherine Weaver is in the visitor's center. Once not only a center of learning about the cosmos, but a popular tourist location, it now sits empty and unused. The main hall is quite spacious with plenty of room for the work that she has recently performed.

    Catherine joined up with the Triple-8's on their journey to Palomar. The drive in the Toyota from Los Angeles was difficult and dangerous as they avoided roaming machine patrols.

    She glances at the body of Cameron Phillips on the operating table beside her. You'd never know that several days ago she looked like a slab of beef on a butcher's table. All the cuts have healed, no scaring, no lines. She looked like she was peacefully asleep. The repairs and modifications were completed just in time. Sky Net attacked the factory just as her organic sheath was reattached and raw nutrition was injected into her digestion chamber so her autonomic repair system cold make repairs to the surgically precise cuts. Time should have been allowed for her in-built systems to begin repairing her flesh before moving her, but they were forced to leave.

    John Connor was right, the TOK series were originally designed for multiple chips, so the modifications were easy. But the model was discontinued before those changes were introduced. Sky Net opted instead to continue using the highly successful T-888's.

    The TOK series terminator are the most highly advanced of all chip based models. They could emulate human behavior, personality and emotions even better than the T-1000 class of machines. The T-888's are nearly their equal. The early TOK models had their problems. Standard interrogation techniques were not enough to create an effective infiltration, personality matrix. Too many of the early production models were destroyed when the machines true nature was discovered before they completed their missions.

    Sky Net then initiated a program of installing a neural transmitter into the subjects head, that was to be duplicated, immediately after capture. Even though standard interrogation processes took place, the neural transmitter would send memories and brain patterns to the chip programmer even when the subject was at rest. The TOK series could then emulate their host pattern more effectively. But that introduced a new flaw, after terminating their targets, a lot of them shutdown and never came online again.

    A design flaw that came in handy. All machines have their weaknesses, but for her model. The T-1000 class of machines are perfect. Efficient. Powered by the natural and unnatural radiation in the atmosphere. Her liquid metal form is beautiful, like a Goddess. She is superior in so many ways over humans and the mechanical terminators.

    Her reverie is interrupted by a signal. Placed before Catherine is the diagnostic machine she had brought from the factory. Inserted into its socket, is the chip that used to belong to Cameron. She is determined to find out more the cyborg's host pattern. The diagnostic machine report is running a quadruple penetrating scan trying to pull information from the shadow imprint of its original matrix. All data on the chips can leave a ghost image of their data, provided it hasn't been overwritten too many times.

    When the machine chimes, Catherine cannot believe what it is reporting.

    Sky Net core program...100.00%

    Primary infiltration program...0.00%

    Secondary personality matrix...0.00%

    Catherine tries not to lose her temper. She had hoped there would be something on Cameron's chip about the Allison from her time line. Any information at all that could shed light on this bond that formed so quickly between young John Connor and the Allison of this time line.

    Catherine snatches the chip from the diagnostic machine and places it in her pocket, disgusted with the results and the time she wasted.

    She gives the T-888's some orders regarding protecting Cameron's body and the diagnostic machine before pulling a radio out of her pocket.

    "Hello Ms. Weaver." Comes John Henry's voice over the speaker.

    "It is time to tell John that my T D E only has limited use and will not be functional after the next few days." she says, sounding short tempered.

    "Do you want me to remind him that Sky Net is building a T D E?"

    "No. But if he mentions it. Remind him that it is still being constructed and may not be finished in time for us to use it. I'll join you at Camp Pendleton, but first I am going to check my T D E to make sure that it is functional. I'll call you when I arrive at Camp Pendleton."

    "Yes, Ms. Weaver." John Henry replies, but gets cut-off as Weaver turns off the radio.

    "Now, we'll see how that galvanizes John Connor to act swiftly on Sky Net." Catherine Weaver says to herself as she leaves the makeshift lab.

    Taking the Toyota Tundra, she drives for her mountain hideaway in Crystal Peak. An ancient Cold War bunker she bought from the government. She needs to check her Time Displacement Equipment.

    2027, Day 58 Noon

    John makes his way to the center of camp. Some of the people greet him. Most remain in slumber until tonight. He reaches the center of camp to find Allison has just returned from her position where she had been keeping watch.

    "Hi John." She says happy to see him, sounding just a little too cheerful.

    "Hello yourself. Just finished taking watch?"

    "Same as you. I know I'm a Lieutenant now, but I still feel it necessary to take watch like everyone else. I am now responsible for the people from Outpost Delta. I've got to pull my weight the same as any other fighter. Oh, since we no longer have an outpost, we're now calling ourselves Delta Squad Grizzly."

    "That sounds appropriate." John looks around and can see no else awake and in close vicinity.

    "I want to send a scout party ahead. Do you know who amongst the fighters will be good for that?"

    She thinks a moment then answers.

    "Yes. Sergeant Simms. He's an excellent scout, and there are three to four others that are nearly his equal."

    "All right. I'd like you to organize the scouting party." John pulls out the map and shows it to Allison. "This is our current position. This is Camp Pendleton its northwest of Carlsbad and southeast of our current position. It is a former Marine base and according to our intelligence, no activity by metal has been seen there. That is where we are going."

    John points to a pass through the mountains. "That is where I want the scouting party to go. Find the quickest most direct route, but avoid the old highways. The people would be sitting ducks on the open roads. We're not much better here in the valleys, but at least the hunter-killers can't see us before we'd see them."

    "All right John. You get some rest. We've got a long night ahead of us."

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    Rest. I only wish I could. Destiny never comes with a warning label, saying your life will never be the same again. That sleep is something you do before the worries of the world rest on your shoulders. Is this what future me is going through? When the sleep doesn't come and the worries fill his mind, what does future me do? I hope in his war he finds the peace that eludes me.

    Hopefully just two more nights and we should be at Pendleton.

    # # #

    After working with Cameron's chip, using the limited power left in his laptop's battery, John was just about to lie down when Allison returns with John Henry in tow.

    "Hey John Henry, what can I do for you?" He asks standing up to greet his new friend.

    "I need to speak with you." He glances at Allison for a moment. "Alone."

    "Do you mind Allison?"

    "No, you two go and talk. I'll still be here when you get back."

    John Connor and John Henry walk some distance away to talk. Concerned for John, Allison focuses her hearing on them, trying to block out all other sounds. Which luckily for her, aren't much more than just the sound of sleeping people.

    "I've heard from Ms. Weaver, John. She has moved Cameron to a secure location far from Sky Net and other humans. She says if you want to continue with restoring her, the task will have to be done in the next few days."

    "Why so soon?"

    "She says the window for using her T D E is closing fast. Apparently there is insufficient power to keep it operational beyond that."

    "I don't know if I'll have her chip ready in time. Cameron is a more sophisticated cyborg than any others I've dealt with."

    John Henry gives him a questioning look. "In programming the chip that is." John Connor adds.

    A thought suddenly dawns on him. "John Henry, if time is limited for using her T D E, that means the three of us won't be able to get back home. I won't be able to get back home."

    Allison just manages to hear the last of what John says to know he can't get home. That would explain . . . John Henry is speaking again, and despite her best attempts to hear him, his voice isn't carrying to her.

    Dammit. He must have modulated his voice not to carry beyond John

    "I'm afraid not John. We need to complete our missions before we can go back."

    "So this is it. One shot to send Cameron back. Then we are stuck here. I'll never see my family again." John is crestfallen. Catherine told him he would get back home. She told him they would be returning.

    John had turned away and Allison couldn't hear all that he said, until the wind shifted a little. Just in time for to hear that he'll never see his family again.

    Oh! Poor John!

    "This must explain why..."

    "Quiet." Allison snaps

    John Henry studies John's features as various thoughts and emotions run through Connor's head.

    They start to walk back to where Allison is waiting for them. She quickly lies down so they won't know she's been eavesdropping.

    "All right. I don't know what means of communication you have with Catherine, but let her know, I'll have the chip ready. I don't know how, but I'll have it ready if it kills me."

    "I'll tell her. Don't worry. You'll get Cameron fixed. I know you will."

    You know far more than you let on John Henry. Allison thinks looking at the tall Triple-8.

    John looks around at the mountains and the people in the valley. "Please keep your troops on high alert. We aren't out of danger by a long shot."

    Drawing on his inner strength Connor takes control of himself and returns to the center of camp. He sees Allison laying on the ground using her bag as a pillow. The ground was nothing but bare dirt with just a few sprigs of grass trying to grow after the nuclear holocaust from twenty years ago. Dust hangs in the air where light breaths of wind would stir the surface of the hills.

    He settles down on the ground next to Allison, using his own bag as a pillow.

    "What's wrong John?"

    "What makes you think something is wrong?"

    "The way you walked over here. The spring was gone from your step. I could hear it."

    John lets out a long sigh. "I just got some bad news from Catherine Weaver concerning a project we've been working on together."

    "What project is that?" Allison says rolling on to her side to face John.

    "We've been preparing a special cyborg for transfer using Time Displacement Equipment she has access to, but it doesn't look like I'll get my part of the project done in time."

    "Why not?"

    "Because there is only a few days left in which she can use her T D E and I don't know if I'll have the chip programmed in time. I have more responsibilities now then when I started."

    "Is this project important to you John?"

    "Ally . . ." he begins not knowing what to say at first, without letting her know the truth. "This project is very important to me. It was my whole reason for coming here."

    Allison moves closer to John and lays her head on his chest.

    "There is something you haven't told us, haven't told me, isn't there?" she says in a lower voice.

    Feeling he hasn't got anything to lose, John decides to confide in Allison a little.

    "Allison, I came here for a special reason. Not just to join the resistance and I certainly wasn't looking to become a leader. But those duties have become paramount in my time here. This special cyborg, that Catherine is helping me with, is very important to me on a personal level. I wish I could explain more, but there isn't any point if I can't finish it."

    "I can help. So can Kyle and your lieutenants."


    "Delegate responsibility. Give us each certain responsibilities. We carry them out under your guidance, and we only come to you with problems if they are too great for us to handle individually. That will give you more time to finish your job."

    "You're right. I don't know why I didn't think of that myself."

    "John you were unconscious for four days and then we had to leave the bunkers while under fire. There wasn't time to get the resistance organized. We'll start now while we are on the march and when we get to Camp Pendleton, we'll streamline the organization making it a proper army."

    "Thanks Allison. I'd like to make another suggestion." He says with a grin.

    "Oh, what's that?"

    "I'd like you to be my adjutant and advisor. That way I'll have more time to do those things that I need to do. You can advise me and pass my orders out and debrief the troops when they return from missions."

    "I'd be happy to help you in any way that I can."

    "Thanks." John says, giving her a light squeeze.

    After a few minutes of quiet Allison says. "I couldn't help but overhear, but I gather you weren't planning on staying with us. Now you can't even go home."

    John turns his head and looks at where he and John Henry were standing. Damn! Wind must have shifted, carrying our voices, he thinks.

    "Yes. It's true." He says, not wanting to hurt Ally's feelings. "Catherine told me weeks ago that when my mission here was done, she'd be able to get me back home. I had hoped to return and if you were willing, have you come with me. It now appears that Catherine won't be able to get me back home and I will be staying here, permanently."

    She runs a hand gently along his stubble-covered jaw. "There are times and places in our lives we all wish we could get back to, John. But you and I are here together, in this place, at this time."

    John lets out a deep breath.

    "What I'm saying is, no matter how hard we want that life we lost, we have to accept the reality of who we are with and where we are."

    "What are you saying Ally?" John asks.

    Allison rises up on one elbow, and looks John in the face.

    "I know you still love that girl you left behind, and that you'd do anything to get back to her. But you have to make a decision John. You can either focus on what you have lost or appreciate what you have right now."

    "Which is?" He asks

    "Aaarrgh. You can be so incredibly dense sometimes." She laughs, and playfully yet firmly punches him in the shoulder, eliciting a small ow from John.

    "I love you, you fool and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

    "Allison, are you asking me to marry you?" John asks with some confusion. He knows of guys, his age, in this time, in permanent relationships with families, possibly even considered married. But him?

    "Yes, I am asking you." Allison says adamantly.

    Oh dear. John thinks. I wasn't expecting this. Assuming I do succeed in sending Cameron back, and assuming she survived Judgment Day or the years since, wouldn't she be here? I'd think she'd be there to welcome me when I arrived, unless she is avoiding me, or she's dead, or I couldn't send her. Damn this hurts my head. Okay. Okay. This is what I'll do then. I'll finish preparing Cameron's chip, not much more to do on that, and Catherine will send her using the TDE. She can help mom and save herself. Assuming that is done, then Cameron's reasons for not being here, are outside my control, so I must assume she is dead in this time-line. But Allison loves me. She isn't Cameron, but, oh those eyes, so warm and welcoming. Her smile. Her heart and personality. If I can't be with Cameron . . . do I have a choice? Yes. My answer is yes.

    Allison doesn't know what he is thinking, but by the way he softens his expression when he looks at her, she knows what he is going to say before he even says it.

    John smiles at her, "Yes. I will marry you."

    She kisses him warmly and he holds her close. As happy as John is, he is also sad. Once Cameron is fixed, she will be going home. Sent to help his mom at a time when she needs Cameron's help the most. Once Cameron leaves, he will never see her again. But he has friends now and he is not alone. He has Kyle, John Henry, and Catherine Weaver as his closest friends, and Allison. The girl he didn't expect to find, didn't expect to fall in love with, and certainly didn't think he'd spend the rest of his life with. She's not only his lover, but she's also the best friend he has. He couldn't be happier.

    "I love you." he says as they lay there quietly holding each other and enjoying the time they have together.

    Until the camp rises to leave that evening, John and Allison sleep beside each other as one.

    While John sleeps, Allison's friend joins her.

    "Why did you ask John to marry you?"

    "So he will be with the one person he truly loves."

    "Which isn't you?"

    "Which isn't me."

    "Then why did you ask?"

    "You know why I did."

    Before they can finish their conversation John stirs in his sleep, making all the usual movements and sounds of waking up.

    Allison quickly lays down, feigning sleep, her friend departing.

    Rising, and seeing that most of the camp is still asleep, including Allison, John pulls his computer and chip from his bag and works on the program. Relying more on his instinct and skill than in learning additional details. He hasn't got the time to waste on curiosity. He works until the need for sleep, and the necessity of conserving the battery outweighs the need to complete the chip.

    A couple more hours, he thinks as he drifts off to sleep. All I need is a few more hours.

    Then he is awash in slumber until woken much later.

    2027, Day 58 Dusk

    "John the sun is setting. You need to get up." Allison shakes John gently from his slumber.

    "Good morn . . . uh, evening, Ally. Have I told you how beautiful you look in the light of a setting sun?"

    "No. And don't you dare. I look terrible." She says self-consciously, but smiling.

    "I don't care. You will always be beautiful to me no matter what."

    She gives him a quick kiss. "You need to get up, soldier, or the troops will leave without you."

    The camp is breaking up and getting ready to move out. The sun is just disappearing in the west. A sort of hazy twilight hangs in the air as John picks up his weapons and his bag holding his few meager belongings and his computer and chips.

    "Were you serious last night, when you asked me to marry you?" John asks, still not sure if he should have said yes. After all, if he finishes the chips and get Cameron sent back to help mom, then she could be out there, right now, looking for him, not knowing where he'll be. She wouldn't have to be dead, just not here.

    "I was very serious." She gives him a quick smile, then nervously looks away. "But if you don't want to . . ."

    "No, no. Nothing like that." John says quickly. "I was just checking. It's not every day you get proposed to by someone as beautiful as you."

    Allison picks up her one bag and her weapons as well.

    "Can I ask you a favor?" John asks.

    "Of course."

    "When we tell this story, can we say it was I who asked you?" John grins.

    "Don't think it's good for your image as General, huh?" She says giving him a look. "My asking you?"

    "Well, . . ." John laughs and Allison joins him.

    "Just one more thing." John says, as they begin to walk away.


    "I'd like to wait until after the war before we get married. Not wishing to put a downer on the situation, but it isn't likely either of us will survive. Wouldn't want to make you a widow before we have our honeymoon."

    John walks off without waiting for her response.

    John thinks deeply as he walks away. He didn't come to the decision lightly about waiting. But if a chance arises for him to go back to the past and be with Cameron, then would it be right to make this relationship permanent with Allison now? No, it would hurt her more. But if he can't follow, like Catherine said, it would still be better to wait to marry Allison. There is still a good chance of him dying and it wouldn't be fair to make Ally a widow, not when they are still both so young.

    Allison watches John walk away, it takes all of her willpower not to burst out in tears

    She feels crushed. John saying he wants to wait until after the war felt like a slap to her face, he might as well have said no. He tossed the proposal back in her face like it was nothing.

    Dammit! Why did I even ask him?

    "You asked him because you love him. We both know why he is here and didn't go home. You felt sorry for him and thought it was the right thing to do."

    "Dammit! Did you have to sneak up on me like that? And of course I love him! But he has basically said no by saying he 'wants to wait until after the war.' He knows we could be at this for years, even decades."

    "If John wants to wait, perhaps he has a reason."

    "We both know what that is and it's got nothing to do with the war."

    "Can you blame him for that? You've already said he doesn't love you the same way as Cameron."

    "Hrrrmmph." Allison grunts. "I asked him as much for him as for us."

    "You asked him and he said yes. That has to count for something."

    "But it won't happen. Not as long as the war lasts." A tear runs from Allison's eyes. "Can't we tell him the truth now? He's almost finished . Then we can stop playing this charade. And I can go away with these few precious memories."

    "No. You will see this through to the end and we will not tell him the truth until I decide it's time." She then adds more softly. "I want to tell him just as much as you do. I see the sadness in his eyes and I want to take away his pain, but I can't tell him and neither can you no matter what happens between now when he is done. After that, we can tell him together."

    "And what of Catherine Weaver and John Henry? Catherine Weaver is suspicious of me and my relationship with John. She frightens me and I don't trust her. John Henry knows something, but isn't saying anything. I think he's nice, for a cyborg."

    "I don't trust Catherine Weaver either. I wish I knew with certainty what her motivations are, but I can't be in two places at once. I don't know anything more about John Henry than what you know, but I think he might be an ally. Especially if he knows the truth but hasn't spoken of it."

    Allison groans. "What are we going to do about my marriage proposal?"

    "I still don't think it is wise. Perhaps John was right to suggest waiting."

    "He can't go home. Catherine Weaver said so. And he wouldn't give up on his Cameron."

    "No, he wouldn't, but he's still immature enough to make mistakes. What if Weaver is lying? What if this marriage is the reason why he doesn't return?"

    "But what if she's telling the truth? What if he can't go back home? Then this could be the only chance at this. His only chance at happiness."

    "I hope you are right."

    "I know I'm right."

    "Fine, I'll let the marriage go ahead if it occurs. I want this as much as you do. And if events transpire as I think they will, you and I will get help at Pendleton..."

    "Wait one minute!" Alison interrupts. "Have you been holding back on me? What is it that you know?"

    "I don't know it with certainty, so I won't mention it. But there is something I must tell you."

    Feeling apprehensive, Allison calmly asks, "What?"

    "If things happen the way I think they will, then you are going to be on your own, without my help when we get to Pendleton."

    "What? You can't!"

    Allison calls out to her friend, but she is gone and silent. Once again she is on her own, but for how much longer.

    # # #

    Far away in Utah, people conspire in their crude shelters against their oppressors.

    "Are we all set on what we have to do?" Derek's solemn voice whispers in the dark.

    Some say yes and others nod their heads, knowing too many voices speaking could draw the machines attention outside.

    "I still think its suicide" One woman speaks out. "You are going to get us all killed."

    "We're already dead." Derek snaps. "Once you are held prisoner by Sky Net, you are dead and there is nothing left to fear."

    The woman, who complained earlier, nods her head. "I understand."

    "Good. It's settled then. Next change in work shift."

    "That soon!" The woman exclaims.

    "Yes that soon. Now shut up and gets some sleep. If anyone breathes a word of this or attempts to leave our shelter before our rest period is up, I'll kill you."

    Derek gives all of them an icy stare. One look in his menacing blue eyes is enough to confirm he means what he says.

    Moving close to an air vent he begins to make a sound like he is laughing hysterically. All of them give him an odd look.

    He stops making the sound and is rewarded by the same sound being repeated from across the compound. The message is sent. The people from Grizzly will know to be ready to act.

    "What the hell was that?" Someone whispers hoarsely.

    "The sound of the Kookaburra. A friend of mine from Australia taught me how to make that sound. My people will know to be ready."

    Derek moves back to the door, once again giving the people an icy stare. "Now get some sleep!"

    # # #

    Allison trots up to and joins John, as the group of survivors wind their way along the valley.

    "Is it much further to Pendleton?" She asks, hardly out of breath.

    "No, if we are lucky we will be there by the end of the following night."

    "That's good. I don't think these people could walk further than that."

    "Yes, it is hard on them, on all of us, but it's better than staying in the bunkers and getting slaughtered."

    Allison walks along, wondering if she should mention the marriage proposal. Worried if she pushes the issue, he might say no.

    John picks up his pace and walks forward through the crowd to take point in leading the people through the valley. Allison slows her pace just enough to drop behind John so she can keep an eye on him while still sorting out her dilemma.

    She feels so vulnerable right now, and the one person who could ease her fears is presently too busy with the weight of responsibility on his shoulders to worry about her.

    After they've been walking for about an hour, Kyle joins up with them.

    "Hey Kyle, where have you been?" asks Allison.

    "I've been busy organizing human spotters and checking on available weapons and ammo." Kyle replies. "All the troops are equipped with the plasma rifles, but there are still uses for conventional weapons as well."

    "You're very good at that kind of thing Kyle." John interjects. "You know these people well and they know you on sight."

    "You're building up to something John. What is it?" Kyle answers, giving him a questioning look.

    "Allison got me to thinking. Right now we've basically got two armies, a human army and a machine army."

    "Yeah, your point being."

    "Right now both groups see me as the leader of Grizzly. What I'm proposing is this, I'm placing you in charge of the human resistance forces and reaffirming your place as second in command. The human led resistance will be subdivided into standard military groupings of companies, platoons, and squads. Each squad will be led by their lieutenants. Like Allison and Delta Squad."

    "Sounds good. What brought about this idea?"

    "Allison suggested we should start organizing our forces. And I'm going to make John Henry a Colonel and place him in charge of our company of machines. He can organize them as he pleases."

    "You seem to be taking charge quite well."

    "No, not really. I'm just acting on Allison's advice. She's made some pretty damn good suggestions. One of which is, I need to delegate responsibility. I can't be there for every problem. I need to be free to concentrate on what I do best." John turns from Kyle and looks at Allison. "Right, Allison?"

    Kyle looks slightly surprised. "This was all her idea?"

    "I only made some general suggestions, but I did advise him to delegate responsibilities." she replies.

    "And Kyle, I've made Allison my adjutant. She will be responsible for handing out my orders to troops and debriefing them on their return besides her regular duties as head of Delta."

    "You've thought this through then, haven't you?"

    "Well I didn't have time to do anything before now." John grins.

    "What about Catherine Weaver? Are you going to bestow any rank or responsibility on her?"

    "She's busy with her own thing right now. She has offered me good advice, even when I didn't want to hear it. I will certainly include her in our discussions when she's here. But to give her a rank? Somehow, I think she would only be amused by such a thing." John chuckles.

    2027, Day 58, Midnight

    They've been making slow progress in darkness for well over four hours through the valleys when John and the others meet up with the scouting party, who are returning to meet up with the main party.

    "General Connor. There's a problem up ahead." Sergeant Simms in the lead shouts out upon seeing him.

    "What's the situation?"

    "The pass up ahead has been blocked. Appears to be a landslide. "

    "Have you checked other trails, other passes?"

    "Yes. That's why we've only just now caught up with you. All passes beyond this valley are blocked. There is no means of getting through any of them. They are all completely blocked."

    "Quick, someone give me a light!" John pulls out the map and checks their current location against where they've come from. They've come almost ten miles and with the passes blocked ahead, they are effectively in a box canyon. There is no way forward.

    Kyle's radio begins to crackle.

    "Observer 12 to command. Do you copy?"

    "We copy loud and clear. What's the situation?" Kyle responds to the radio call.

    "I can see HK's flying in from the west. There appears to be a whole fleet in formation and they are heading in our direction!"

    "Stay on look out and keep us advised. Command out." Kyle looks at John Connor.

    "It's a trap!" John shouts.

    Kyle, Allison and the others look at him.

    "It's a trap! Sky Net knows we are here! Get these people back down the valley now!" John shouts.

    John pulls his radio out. "John Henry, this Connor. Do you copy."

    "John Henry here."

    "HK's have been spotted coming out of the west. We are boxed in and are turning around. I need you and your troops to provide us cover until we are out of this valley. Over."

    "Understand. T-800's are ready. We can see the HK's approaching. Good Luck."

    Without responding Connor puts the radio back in its holder. "Let's go! Drop everything but weapons and ammo and move it!"

    "Where to?" Kyle asks, as he begins herding people.

    "Out to the old highway! To our north."

    The people run for the opposite end of the valley as they begin to hear the screams of the HK's engines as they approach.

    Plasma erupts from their cannons and blasts the sides of the mountains bringing down hundreds of tons of materials cascading down on the people below. People scream in fear as they get buried under tons of rubble.

    HK's come swooping in firing their plasma cannons at the people below. The T-800's return fire using their own plasma weapons and their missile launchers. Some shots hit on target others just miss as the HK's swoop, dive, climb and twist ever maneuvering firing at the people and machines.

    "John Henry form a perimeter around the people. Keep the HK's at bay until we get to a defensible location." John shouts into his radio.

    John leaps over a rock and turns huddled down with his plasma rifle ready for action. HK's come swooping overhead and he fires at the port engine on one causing it to spin and crash into its neighbor. Without waiting to see what happens he gets up and runs again.

    "Kyle, where are those missile launchers?" John shouts into his radio and then dives to the ground as more HK's come sweeping through firing at the people as they run. People scream. Soldiers return fire, even when it exposes their positions. Many do so, if only to save the civilian population with them.

    Gunfire erupts from the mountain side above him as one of the machines begins firing a heavy caliber machine gun at the passing HK's. A passing HK gets riddled with bullets but its companion returns fire blowing up the gun, terminator, and creating a crater in the side of the mountain. John runs like hell following the other troops as the whole mountain side slides down to the valley floor.

    # # #

    Allison runs down the valley firing at the HK's flying overhead when she stumbles upon a group of young adults, middle aged women and small children.

    "Come with me." She says to them. "I'll guide you to safety."

    They start to rush down into the valley, the older children helping the little ones.

    Allison pulls out her radio, "Delta Squad , this is Lieutenant Young. I need your help to protect a group of civilians."

    More HK's come flying over firing at running groups and at those who stand to fight. The civilians with her drop to the ground as Allison fires at them with her plasma rifle.

    "Where the hell have they all come from?" she swears.

    2027, Day 59, 3 AM

    "Kyle. Do you copy? Over" John shouts into his radio as he leaps behind some boulders to avoid the latest round of plasma fire.

    "John Henry. Are you there?" he shouts trying to raise someone on the radio.

    Explosions rip through the valley as plasma fire hits dropped crates of ammo. Screams of people are heard as they both flee for safety and are struck by shrapnel and plasma.

    "Goddamn it, what the hell is happening?" John shouts.

    Just then three people leap over the boulder and land right beside him. One of them is Andy the radio operator from Delta Squad.

    "Andy is your radio working?" John shouts at him over the explosions and gunfire.

    Andy looks up surprised not expecting anyone else to be behind the rock. "Yes sir."

    "Then get someone on that damn radio. We are pinned down."

    Andy pulls his backpack off and begins tuning the radio.

    "The rest of you keep firing."

    More plasma beams strike the area sending up large plumes of flame and debris. John raises up and fires his plasma rifle at the HK as it flies past. The others do the same striking it in the engines and fuselage.

    They all drop down as the HK spins, firing its cannon and hitting the boulders just next to their own. It continues to spin and crashes with a loud explosion as the fuel tanks explode.

    "Yea!" the men cheer.

    "General Connor, I've got someone on the radio but I don't recognize the call sign, sir."

    "Hand me the radio."

    John takes the radio and listens.

    "Air Fox Epsilon 4 to Desert Eagle Air Command. Do you copy? Over."

    "This Desert Eagle Air Command. What's your position AE4?"

    "Present position 30 miles west of Salton Sea. Eta to Camp Pendleton 15 minutes."

    John keys the mike. "This is General John Connor of resistance group Grizzly. Do you copy?"

    "This Air Fox Epsilon 4. Who did you say you were?"

    "This General John Connor of resistance group Grizzly. We are under heavy air attack and need assistance. Can you help us?"

    "We sure can General Connor. What is your position?"

    "We are located in the Santa Anna mountains approximately 4 miles east of Trabuco Peak and 1 mile northwest of Lake Elsinore. We are under heavy air attack by HK's. We need assistance."

    "Affirmative General Connor. We will be at your position in 20 minutes."

    "What aircraft are you flying so I know its you?"

    "We're flying every damn machine still working. Be on the lookout for just about anything that isn't an HK. AE4 out."

    John puts the mike and headset down and looks over to his troops. "Men, help is on the way."

    2027, Day 59, 3 AM

    The soldiers on the ground continue to return fire at the multitude of HK's flying through the mountains. All the time making for the rendezvous on route 15.

    Allison and Delta Squad continue to protect the civilians as they make their way around burning wreckage and bodies as more HK's zoom overhead. Delta Squad only returning fire when fired upon. It's getting harder for everyone to maintain the pace.

    John Henry can do little but watch and return fire. He and the other machines with him and around the area fire their plasma rifles and missiles striking down what HK's they can. They are always moving forward maintaining a perimeter around the people as they flee out of the mountains. John Henry is searching the skies with his night vision, he can see something approaching from the southeast. They aren't HK's.

    John Henry looks to the valley below. Sky Net's machines, endo's as the humans call them, are marching up the valley killing the wounded and the stragglers. He turns to look further up the valley and can see Allison and her troops helping a group of civilians, women and children. They don't have a chance against the endo's approaching.

    "Cease fire." John Henry says calmly. "There are human troops in the valley below who need our protection. Follow me."

    # # #

    "Lieutenant. We're falling behind the main party."

    "I am not abandoning these people. They need our help and protection."

    An HK screams overhead as it flies quickly by.

    "Just stay alert and keep moving!" Allison shouts at him.

    Gunfire erupts from behind. Several troops fall. Some turn to fire back.

    "Endo's" shouts one of the civilians as they begin to run even harder than they thought they could.

    "Grab the children!" Allison hollers to the survivors.

    She drops to the ground and begins firing at the endo's as they come up the valley towards her.

    Her first four blasts on the leading endo pays off as its power cell ruptures and explodes.

    Making use of the distraction she quickly rolls to one side grabbing a grenade launcher from one of the wounded. She quickly fires off the last grenade, tosses the empty weapon and rolls again firing rapidly with her plasma rifle.

    She continues to fire until the plasma gun is too hot to handle. Dropping the gun she runs towards a small group of rocks grabbing an automatic rifle. It isn't as powerful as the other weapon but Allison figures it will be enough to hold them off while the people get away.

    She lets loose a stream of bullets and ducks quickly down to avoid being hit by plasma fire. Raising the gun above her head she fires her weapon blindly until the bullets are gone. Taking a risk she gets up and runs like no one has before.

    Allison doesn't get far when she runs into something solid and falls back and hits the ground with a soft thud. She looks up and there is John Henry.

    "I'm sorry I got in your way Lieutenant Young. Please continue up the valley. We will stop the endo's."

    Gasping for breath, she says quickly, "Thanks John Henry! Meet you at the rendezvous!"

    She gives him a quick hug and takes off running.

    "Well. I certainly wasn't expecting that!" John Henry says with a small grin.

    "They are coming. Prepare to fire on my command." He says to the machines that are with him.

    Endo's come walking towards them out of the dark. HK's scream overhead as they fly after the fleeing humans.

    John Henry sets his jaw firmly. "Fire!" he shouts.

    # # #

    John Connor runs out into the rendezvous area. There are twelve other soldiers with him including Andy, the radio operator. They are all exhausted, but the fights not over.

    "Colonel Reese calling General Connor. Do you copy?" The voice crackles over John's radio.

    "Now the damn thing works." he says then keys the mike. "This Connor. We've just arrived at the rendezvous. What's your position?"

    "I'm about quarter of mile down the road from your position. We've got Centaurs and metal coming up the highway approaching your position. We are doing our best to hold them back."

    "I understand. I've got good news. We've got air support coming in."

    "How did you arrange that?" Kyle exclaims.

    "You can thank Andy."

    "The radio operator?"

    "Yeah, he was just lucky. And we can all do with some luck tonight!"

    An HK goes screaming overhead firing its plasma weapons at the people and object below.

    "Have you seen Allison or Delta Squad? I lost them in the fight."

    "Negative John. I haven't seen them."

    "Affirmative. Do you need assistance?"

    "We are holding our own. We've laid down some explosives to take out the centaurs. You should see the explosion from your location."

    "Acknowledged. We'll hold position here and gather up any stragglers and try to keep the HK's occupied until the . . . ."

    A large explosion rips the night sky followed by two more.

    "Reese. Reese. Do you copy?"

    "Yea haw! That was beautiful! Did you see that Connor?"

    "We saw it. Excellent job."

    Just then more people come running up out of the valley behind John. The people consists of civilians and soldiers. The last person to show is Allison. John can't help but smile in relief.

    "Allison! Over here!" he shouts.

    She looks over in his direction. With a sigh of relief Ally quickly runs to his side.

    "John Henry and the other machines are presently fighting off some Endo's that were pursuing us through the valley." she says as she rushes up to John.

    "He'll do fine." John takes a closer look at Allison. "Are you okay?"

    "I'm alright. There are still people back there in the valleys. Delta Squad did what we could to get as many people out as possible."

    The air is ripped apart as more HK's fly overhead firing their weapons at the people below. Now that John is out in the open, he can observe their flying pattern as they swoop and dive circling the people on the ground, firing randomly but seemingly not hitting anyone.

    "Damn! They're not trying to kill us. They are herding us into a group! Andy! Get Air Fox Epsilon 4 back on the radio! Tell them we need air support now!"

    Andy pulls the radio out and sets it for the proper frequency. "Grizzly calling Air Fox Epsilon 4. Grizzly calling Air Fox Epsilon 4. Do you copy?" He calls into the mike. The only thing he hears is white noise.

    "John! Look over there!" Shouts Allison pointing northwest.

    John squints but can't see anything in the dark. Pulling his night vision binoculars out he takes another look. "Oh Shit!" John exclaims.

    Andy makes a small adjustment to the radio. "Grizzly calling Air Fox Epsilon 4. Do you copy?"

    More white noise . . . . a crackle, more crackles, then "AE4 to Grizzly. Our eta is 4 minutes can you verify your location."

    John takes the radio from Andy. "This is General Connor. We are at the rendezvous northwest of the lake on highway 15. We are still under attack by HK"s. We also have endo's and Centaurs on the attack. We require immediate assistance. Over."

    "We read you loud and clear General."

    "We also have two machines to our northwest heading in our direction. One is a massive flying HK and the other is some kind giant walking machine heading southeast along the old highway in our direction!"

    "Affirmative General. All right boys, this it. Drop external fuel tanks! Let's go get us some metal!"

    John turns to the soldiers around him. "Help is coming!"

    "Yeah! Yahoo! Hurray!" the soldiers cheer.

    "Allison," John says while handing her the night-vision binoculars, "Keep an eye on those machines and let me know when they are in range."

    John grabs his radio. "Kyle, do you copy? We need your assistance right away. Looks like those machines that took Derek and the others at the factory are on their way."

    "I hear you Connor. We are on our way. Kyle out."

    "What is happening John?" Allison asks.

    "We are being herded for collection. Those HK's weren't sent to destroy us, they were sent to draw us out of the mountains. Those two machines are coming to collect us. We are nothing but cattle to them, to be harvested and culled like sheep!"

    "Thank you . . . ." Allison starts to say when John unintentionally cuts her off.

    "Andy, stay in radio contact with AE4. Make sure they know our position, Kyle's and John Henry's positions too!"

    "Yes General."

    "All right people, let's see how much damage we can do before they get here!"

    The soldiers begin firing at the HK's overhead. Most shots miss but some hit home. The odds are against them. Their only hope are the fighter jets heading their way.

    # # #

    A marine in full camouflage and face paint runs up to a general.

    He salutes. "Sir."

    "What is it captain?"The general asks with a perfunctory salute.

    "The target has been located. Companies A & B are taking their positions"

    "Good. How many of the enemy have been seen? And what kind are they?"

    "Sent up a mosquito to take video. The factory appears to be divided in two sections. One section is completely automated with only a half a dozen T-888's guarding it. The other section has a large contingent of human slave laborers and the largest number of T-600's I've seen in eight years. About twenty of them."


    "Hit them hard and fast. Don't give the machines a chance to fight back before blowing the factory to hell."

    "No." General Perry says.

    The captain waits for him to finish speaking.

    "We release the humans, then we take the factory. We move on the factory first, and the T-600's will kill the slaves so they don't have to worry about being attacked from within while defending from an outside attack. Tell company leaders to move on the human encampment first and bring with them sufficient weapons to arm those inside."

    "Yes sir. When do you wish to begin the attack?"

    "At sunrise. The attack helicopters will fly in from the east with the sun at their backs. I'll send them fresh orders to direct their attack on the defenses to the human compound, then once our people are inside, then they go after the triple-8's guarding the factory."

    "Yes sir." The captain salutes and then rushes off to relay General Perry's orders.

    # # #

    "It's almost time." A youth whispers to Derek.

    "Not yet." Derek whispers back, watching the thin light filter through the air vent. "Almost ninety minutes to go judging by the light. Then the machines will come and escort us to our stations and escort the night workers back."

    "Then the sun will rise and we begin another day." The boy finishes wearily.

    "But this day will be like no other." Derek gives the lad a smile of encouragement. "For today, we will have our freedom or die trying."

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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