

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #17 : Part 1: Chapter 15: APOCALYPSE

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 4 ธ.ค. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Chapter 15


    REVELATION 6:1-4 "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."

    # # #

    2009, Day 5 morning

    Out in the hills of California, east of Los Angeles, there is a motel built to serve the tourists who come out to hike the hills and take their mountain bikes down twisting paths. It has been there for a generation, once forgotten when the interstate highway was built, revitalized when people left the highways and went back to nature.

    The manager was very happy today. It was the off season and the previous night he had two rooms filled. One by two business men on a sales tour, and a second by a woman with two children, a teenage daughter and little girl with the prettiest eyes and shiny red hair. She takes after her father, the woman said.

    Down at the end of the motel in one of those two rooms, three of those people are huddled together at a table reviewing information pulled up on Auldridge's laptop.

    "I'm not happy about this." Macklin says.

    "What's the problem now?" Sarah snaps at him.

    "This, it's just too big for us to handle. Let us call in some favors, between Auldridge and I, I bet we could get twelve guys down here to help, not to mention SWAT."

    "Can''t. You've already said someone at your precinct took you off the case, and Auldridge's boss appears to be working for Sky Net. If either of you talk to anyone outside this room about what we know, we are all as good as dead, and I'm not about to put John's . . ." Sarah pauses a moment to regain her composure, "our mission at risk. Because right now, it's only the four of us and one little girl."

    Auldridge glances at Macklin who continues to put his case on the table. "Okay, but if we go in there to nose around, we've got to have a reason. Auldridge and I may be able to bluff our way in, but what then? We have no cause to be there officially."

    "We don't go in officially." Sarah growls, losing patience with the cop. "We go in tonight under cover of dark. Find out how bad things are and stop them!"

    "We can't do that!" Macklin protests.

    "Dammit stop thinking like a cop!" Sarah stands up, slamming her hand down on the table. "This is not some crack house your busting! This organization is out to create Sky Net, which will destroy the world in two years time. Put your damn badge away and start thinking like a human being for a change!"

    Sarah walks off muttering, "Goddamn cops."

    She suddenly spins on her heal and shouts. "You listen to me! This can't be solved with a badge and a gun. For tonight, we do this my way and my way only. You want to help stop Sky Net, then for once listen to someone who has been fighting it far longer than you have!"

    Auldridge leans over and whispers to Macklin, "Just trust her Macklin. We may be in law enforcement but she's been a soldier on the front lines of a war we've only just been made aware of."

    Macklin glares at him for a moment, then resigns himself to the situation. "All right. You made your point, Sarah. As of now, I'm not a cop. I'm just a grunt in your war."

    "Good. Now Auldridge, how detailed are these satellite photos you found?"

    "Actually, they are the best we can obtain. I've hacked into a defense network satellite. See, look at this right here." He points to a clock in the bottom corner of the video. "We have almost real time feed. The resolution is high enough we can read the labels on that crate on that fork lift." Here he zooms in to show how good the resolution is. The label shows the contents of the crate as being coltan.

    "Good job. We need maps of all the roads going in and out of that place, and I do mean all roads. The locations of all gates and positions of any security guards. We also need some idea of the rotation schedule of the security guards, and if you can find a route that will take us as close as we can get without being observed, that would be great."

    "It will take some time."

    "You've got all morning. I'm going to check to see what weapons we have. Cameron stocked the truck so I have no idea what we have with us. If you need me I'll be right outside." Sarah walks out letting the screen door bang shut behind her.

    "Damn. She's got a temper, hasn't she." Macklin whispers to Auldridge.

    "After what happened in the mini-golf you thought she was going to play nice?" Auldridge exclaims. "I saw her gun, the safety was off. She wasn't kidding. If she had any inkling we weren't on the up-and-up, you and me pal would have been a new hazard at the twelfth tee."

    "Yeah, you're right. She is as hard as nails, but who is that girl that's helping her? She scares the crap out of me."

    "I think I know. Sarah has been reported to have a daughter using the same alias as hers."

    "But she doesn't look anything like Sarah nor her son John."

    "I know, but you read the reports about Sarah's escape from the county lock-up."

    "Yeah, all the security videos wiped, no computer logs."


    "Witnesses said some girl came marching in and shot the place to hell. No one was killed, some light injuries. She walked right in under a hail of gun fire and walked out again with Sarah Connor. As bold as brass."

    "That's her, the girl."

    "How do you figure?"

    "Who else? She sticks to Sarah like some guardian angel. Don't let her appearance fool you. She's tough. I thought she was going to break my neck when she took our guns."

    "Which we haven't gotten back yet."

    "Well look at it from Sarah's perspective for a moment. Right now, you and I represent the very organizations that made her life hell by putting her in a mental institution for two years, which based on the facts we now have, she never should have gone to in the first place. She is angry, Macklin. She has been channeling that anger for years to fight Sky Net and to protect her son. And now her son is gone. You know what Ellison told us. Right now she is alone and she has nothing right now to channel that anger into. So be patient. We may have to endure being her whipping boys for a while, but if we can stop this thing from happening, then I'll endure it so long as it never does."

    # # #

    A young man, scared as hell and wearing a bright orange jumpsuit, is sitting on his bunk in solitary confinement, in San Quentin Prison. His hands are folded , pressed between his knees to keep them from shaking. He's been here for months, and in all this time he still hasn't gotten used to being here.

    He didn't do what they have accused him of. He didn't create those back doors into military computers. He's just a seismologist and doesn't have the computer skills, but that didn't matter. They had security logs that showed it was him who entered the building

    It was that old man. It must have been him. That woman Jesse and that man, Dick, uh, Dirk, um, no, Derek. That's it. Jesse Flores and Derek Reese. They know the truth. They could have saved him. If they just came forward.

    He glances at his hand. The nails grew back, but he won't forget the pain. They would have killed him if they could, but no, they shot the old man instead.

    Could that really have been me? How could I have become so twisted and cruel?

    "Fischer, Charles." A gruff voice says from outside the bars.

    He looks up to see a guard outside his cell.


    "Warden wants to see you."

    A few minutes later, Charles Fischer is sitting in an interrogation cell, his hands and ankles shackled. A short time later three men in suits enter the room. The first being the warden whom he only saw once before. The two men behind him are big, wearing dark, crisp suits without a wrinkle and sunglasses.

    "I've got good news for you Mr. Fischer." The Warden says. "You'll be leaving us. These two men are from Homeland Security. They'll be escorting you to a new facility for domestic terrorist."

    "I'm not a terrorist! I'm not guilty!"

    "Of course you're not son." The Warden says unimpressed. He's heard the same claims thousands of times before, from serial killers, rapists, murders, thieves. They all say the same thing. I'm not guilty.

    Twenty minutes later, young Charles Fischer finds himself being escorted outside and into a plain gray van, clutching the bag containing his personal effects. One of the men in a black suit gets in and sits next to him, while the other gets behind the wheel.

    The van tears away from the prison, pausing at the gate on the way out.

    They travel quickly down the road, kicking up dry dust from the pavement.

    As the van pulls onto a major highway, Charles asks, "Where's this prison you are taking me?"

    The man turns his face toward him, his expression obscured by dark glasses, while taking a small syringe from his outside pocket. Moving quickly, he plunges the syringe into Fischer's neck and presses the plunger home. Without a sound, he passes out. The drug acting quickly on his nervous system.

    "Call the boss. Tell him we've got his man." The man in the back seat says to the other.

    The driver nods his head and lifts a cell phone from holder on the dash.

    # # #

    In one of many military computer centers around America, teams of people are working feverishly trying to lock down the military defense network from a back door intruder.

    "Colonel Lee, what progress are your people having?"

    "Morning General. We still haven't been able to close the back door. The intruder is laying in programming code at a fantastic rate. We have had no luck in stopping it sir."

    "What kind of code is it implanting?"

    "We can't decode it sir. It is utilizing an encryption well beyond anything we have developed sir."

    "What systems are being effected?"

    "Virtually all systems are being infected. Communications, civil and military defense networks, research centers, manufacturing . . ."

    "It hasn't gotten into missile defense network?"

    "Not yet General Williams, but the team feels it's only a matter of time."

    "How much time?"

    "Last estimate placed it at eighteen hours, sir. If I may make a recommendation sir."

    "What is it?"

    "That until we can stop this intruder, we take the missile defense network offline."

    "Can't do that. Already suggested it to the SecDef He was very clear that under no condition are we to take missile defense network offline. It is our only means of defense right now. It's up to you and your teams of people to stop this thing."

    # # #

    Sarah walks out to the truck to check on what weapons Cameron had managed to squeeze into the various storage compartments and nooks and crannies in the truck.

    There were some automatic hand guns, AMT Hardballer .45 Longslide, Desert Eagle, Smith and Wesson; there were two Heckler and Koch MP5K with extra magazines; two Remington 870 shotguns with Extended Magazine and a Folding Stock and boxes of shells loaded with depleted uranium; and three M16 rifles with scopes and extra magazines. Inside the cab in the storage compartments she finds extra magazines and ammo for the guns, as well as a complete first aid kit that included everything you'd need except for major surgery.

    Opening up a sealed bottle of pills from the first aid kit, she takes out two pills and swallows them. Sarah hopes they will continue to work on the mysterious pain she has inside. The prison doctor said she had nothing to worry about, but she fears it could be cancer. She leans against the truck, taking a swallow of water from a bottle to wash away the bitter taste of the pills.

    Time will tell, it always does, but will she live long enough to stop Sky Net? Can she make the world safer? How much physical pain and heartache can a mother bear before it takes its toll on the human body?

    Putting aside her own worries and fears, Sarah grabs two automatic .50 caliber handguns and four sets of loaded clips for them both and walks back in to the motel room.

    "Here, you'll need these for tonight." She lays the weapons down on the table in front of Macklin and Auldridge.

    "Damn! Those are some cannons you've got there, Sarah." Macklin exclaims with a mix of fear and appreciation.

    "Thanks," She says with one arched eyebrow, "but do you know how to use these? Where we're going tonight, those little pea shooters you usually carry won't be any good to you."

    "No problem. I train with automatic weapons every chance I get. What about you Auldridge?"

    Auldridge licks his lips and looks at Sarah. "You think it's going to be bad enough to need these?"

    "Like I said Auldridge, this isn't some tin-penny mob we're taking down. These people are out to destroy the world. So if you have any qualms, now is not the time."

    "I can handle the weapons. I just want to be certain, that is all." Auldridge picks up the gun, checks the chamber and pulls the clip, inspects and reinserts it. "Nice weight, .50 caliber?"

    "Yes, you need some practice with it?"

    "Nope, just like the feel of it. I got some maps printed out. A couple more hours and I'll have a map of the entire complex, once we stick all of these together."

    "Good. I'm going to check on Savannah. Cameron isn't exactly the best baby sitter."

    "Can I ask you something first?" Macklin asks.


    "The girl, Cameron, who the hell is she?"

    Sarah grins, her crooked smile. "Just finish getting the maps. The less you know about her the better you both will be." Sarah leaves and goes next door to the room she shares with Cameron and Savannah.

    "Just what did she mean by that?" Macklin asks Auldridge.

    "It means we shouldn't get nosy about the girl. Frankly, I think we are safer not knowing. Let's finish getting information for tonight. We've got a lot of work ahead of us."

    # # #

    Across the country in a defense contractor manufacturing plant, the IT department is fighting an intruder on its network. A situation that is being repeated around the nation and soon the globe.

    "The manufacturing robots have been taken off-line but we can't regain control of the computers that operate them."

    "What is it? Some kind of virus?"

    "If it is, it's not like any virus I've seen before. The intruder is making changes to our database, making fundamental changes to our designs. The programs it's installing will soon take total control of our infrastructure. It's not trying to disable us, its trying to taking control."

    "Then shutdown power to all systems and do a cold reboot."

    "Already tried that sir. The intruder resumed taking control. In fact I think it got a firmer grip on our systems."

    "How much longer until we lose complete control?"

    "We've already lost control! In twenty-four hours this intruder will have complete control of all output of this plant!"

    # # #

    Sarah walks into her room. Cameron is standing there, watching, looking out the window. Savannah is wearing some of her new clothes and is seated on the bed watching TV. An occasional flicker runs across the screen.

    "I'm worried about the girl." Cameron says as Sarah comes through the door.

    "Why? She looks fine." Sarah asks, glancing at Svannah.

    "About tonight. We can't leave her here, but it is too dangerous to bring her with us."

    "Yes. I wanted to talk with you about that. Let's step outside a moment."

    Cameron follows Sarah outside. They stand by the truck where they can see both the rooms and the approaches.

    "Cameron, I want you to stay here with the girl while the rest of us go to Topanga Canyon."

    "I can't do that. My mission is to protect you. I can't allow you to walk into danger."

    "Aren't you programmed to take my orders or something?"

    "No. My mission parameters regarding you are very clear. I am to protect you from harm and provide you any aid necessary in your fight against Sky Net."

    "Then help me by protecting Savannah, then."

    "My mission . . ."

    "Your mission also includes providing me the aid I need. Well right now I need you to protect Savannah." She says firmly, making clear by her tone she won't accept any other option.

    "On one condition." Cameron responds.


    "We must travel with you, but we will wait with the vehicles while the three of you go in."

    Sarah pauses to think about Cameron's answer before saying, "I suppose that is the best compromise I'm going to get out of you."

    "It is." Cameron says with a slight smile.

    Sarah looks thoughtful for a moment. "Cameron, when you last saw John, did he tell you anything I should know about tonight?"

    "Just one thing Sarah. He gave me a message to tell you." Cameron's eyes look big and kind of sad as she begins speaking using John's voice "Tell Mom to be careful and that I love her."

    "Thank you." Sarah, chokes back some tears and walks away. Cameron watches her depart. Her eyes still filled with the grief of what she saw in John's own eyes when he told her the message.

    Sarah walks into the motel room. Savannah still sits there watching the television.

    "Hey Savannah. What are you watching?"

    "Hi, it's just some cartoon. Do you know what happened with Uncle James?"

    "Yes dear, your Uncle James is in the hospital. He is doing well. The doctors expect him to be fine."

    "Can we go and see him?" She says excitedly.

    The TV screen starts breaking up and getting snowy. Savannah turns it off.

    Sarah sighs and sits down next to Savannah. "Savannah, we can't right now. But I promise you, if that is what you want, then after tonight, I'll see what we can do about having you visit your Uncle James."

    She pulls her close and gives her a hug. "Now, we haven't had any breakfast. Is there anything you want this morning?"

    "Waffles and orange juice."

    "Anything else? Syrup or jam for the waffles?"

    "I'll have strawberry jam on my waffles please." She says brightly.

    "Okay." She gives Savannah a light squeeze then gets up.

    "Ms. Connor?" Savannah calls after her.

    "Yes dear." Sarah looks back at the young girl.

    "Where's John? Uncle James said he went with my mommy to fight these bad machines. Do you know where they went?" She says sadly.

    Sarah struggles to maintain composure. "I wish I knew, sweetheart. I truly wish I did."

    Sarah goes to Savannah and kneels down to hug her. The little girl wraps her arms around Sarah's neck and hugs her back giving her a kiss on the cheek.

    "Cameron looks sad." Savannah says looking outside.

    "Well then, I'll go out speak with her. And you may call me Sarah."

    She smiles at the girl and walks outside. Cameron is still there by the truck, where she left her.

    "Cameron, are you okay?"

    "I'm fine Sarah."

    "You don't look fine. If I didn't know better, I'd say you looked apprehensive or scared."

    "Sarah, can you promise me something? Promise John something?"

    "What is it? You know something don't know you?"

    "I don't know exactly what is going to happen, John wouldn't tell me. Something about time being in flux. I need to ask you to promise me, to promise John, that if you run into any trouble, you won't make some heroic last stand, that you will leave. Leave as soon as you realize you can't handle what you find."

    Cameron looks at her earnestly, showing subtle concern about Sarah's well being.

    "Is this what John wants me to do, or you?" Sarah asks, wondering just how different this cyborg is.

    "Both of us Sarah." Cameron looks at her with an almost pleading look.

    Sarah weighs what she has heard against what she knows and suspects. John sent Cameron to help her. Based on the feelings she suspects he has for the cyborg, she knows he wouldn't have done that unless he felt Sarah needed her more than he did. Yet she seems genuinely concerned for her. Sarah muses.

    "Okay, Cameron. I promise. I promise you, and I promise John." Sarah says. "If things get to difficult we'll leave."

    Sarah looks at Cameron's expression and body posture. "If you were a child and not who you are, I'd swear you could use hug as much as Savannah needed one." Sarah says with a light smile.

    Cameron looks at her. She changes her body posture and expression all in one smooth move. Once again she has a blank expressionless face and stands upright at attention.

    "That's better." Sarah says with a big smile. "I'm going on a food run. I know you don't eat much when you do, but do you want anything?"

    "I'm fine. You should ask Macklin and Auldridge, if they want something."

    The two of them just wanted coffee and bagels. Typical cops, Sarah thought, as she walked down the road to the diner that served the motel guests and other tourists that came to the area.

    # # #

    In a major telecommunications' company there is an emergency meeting of all technical heads in the conference room.

    "Mark, exactly what is happening? We are getting complaints from all over the country of dropped calls, lost e-mails, misdirected faxes, and significant slow downs to our new broadband internet service."

    "Our network is experiencing heavier than typical traffic. There are connections being made which are pushing out all other communications. We have managed to isolate a few of these communications, but they make no sense. Something is sending heavy streams of data to multiple computer networks all over the continent and are even starting to spread over the globe."

    "Is this some kind of virus? Or possibly some kind of terrorist activity?"

    "I've spoken with people at Home Land Security. They don't know what it is, but it is affecting systems all over the country including the military."

    "What about our satellite TV service? Or our Cell phone network?"

    "Satellite TV has just begun to have problems as the data streams get replaced by other forms of digital communication. Cell phone transmission towers are still operational, but they are not transmitting cell phone communications. "

    The lights blink, blink again, then go out. Suddenly the emergency lighting comes on.

    The CEO says "And apparently its affecting the power industry too. All right, this is what I want done. Send out teams to every computer and communications node, and do what you can to regain control. Equip them with radios, since the cell phone system is down."

    # # #

    Sarah experiences a bit of nostalgia as she walks into the diner. Wherever she went no matter what identity she used, she always worked as a waitress. It was the only normal job she knew how to do.

    She walks up to the counter and gives her order. She has her own breakfast while she waits. A glass of orange juice and some fruit. She always eats light before a mission, and on top of that she has some anxiety after talking with Cameron. Cameron knows something about tonight, but she can't tell me. Whatever it is, it must be bad. She could of just told me, or she could have lied completely. I guess this is her way of just warning me, she thinks.

    Sarah's order is ready. She pays the cashier in cash and walks back to the hotel room.

    They sit down to breakfast and go over the maps and other information Auldridge was able to pull off the internet.

    "I'm impressed." Sarah says, taking a sip of tea.

    In a couple of hours Auldridge has not only produced a complete map of the industrial complex but has labeled all of the buildings, the roads, and the location of fences and gates.

    "This is fantastic, Auldridge." Sarah says as she examines the map more closely.

    "I'm a very meticulous guy." He says with some pride.

    The map was very detailed. Created from satellite images, Auldridge had printed out images of the entire complex and the surrounding area. He printed off a smaller map showing all roads leading in and out of Warner City and Fox Industries, right down to dirt tracks and trails that the forestry department built in Topanga Canyon.

    "I've traced out a possible route we could take. It is rather long to avoid major highways and will take a few hours to navigate, but it avoids us going through the town, or pass the complex. If we follow this road, here, it will take us to the north side of the complex. It is wooded and we would be less likely to be seen approaching the complex." Auldridge tells Sarah.

    "It will take us some time to get to that location." Says Macklin. "If we are to get there by dusk we should leave no later than noon."

    "I've rethought our mission tonight." Sarah says glancing at Cameron through the window. "We will investigate only. Based on what we know we will only look for evidence to confirm Sky Net activity. We will go in under cover of dark like we planned, and when I give the word we leave."

    Macklin sighs. "What changed your mind?"

    "Let's just say someone is looking out for me. Get your stuff together. We're leaving now."

    Their plans are made. They pay their bill and head off down the highway. They have a long ways to go.

    # # #

    "Mr. President, the Cabinet, the Joint Chiefs and the SecDef are in the conference room and waiting for you sir."

    "Very well, James. What are the latest reports?" The president gets up from his desk and walks along side his secretary as they make their way to the conference room.

    "It's not good. Current estimates are that civil computer networks and communications will be under control of this anonymous threat in under seven hours. Manufacturing and power plants will be lost to this intruder in fifteen hours, and we are looking at total loss of all military systems in eighteen hours. And that is being optimistic. The stronger this intruder gets, the more quickly it gains control."

    "What about the Russians and European Union?"

    "They are experiencing the same thing sir, so are China and Australia, but presently they are not as severely effected. Whatever is doing this, attacked us first, but is quickly spreading globally. We are potentially looking at a worldwide loss of all computer controlled systems to this intruder within forty-eight hours. If this is some kind of attack, they aren't picky about who they are going after."

    They are now standing outside the conference room doors.

    "Do you have a family James?"

    "Yes sir I have a wife, Amy, and a baby girl, Heather."

    "Go home James. Spend the rest of the day with your family."

    "Thanks Mr. President."

    "No, thank you."

    The president shakes his hand then walks through the doors into the conference room. The secretary walks away not realizing the gravity of the situation and why he was allowed to go home.

    2009, Day 5 Late evening, just before dusk.

    Agent Auldridge and Detective Macklin are traveling down the cracked asphalt of the two-lane highway keeping no more than five miles over the posted speed limit.

    Macklin is bored and tries the car radio but there is nothing but static on all frequencies.

    "What's up with the radio?" Macklin asks.

    "Don't know. Maybe it's sunspot activity."

    Behind them Sarah and Cameron are traveling in their pickup. Savannah is in the backseat clutching her doll. She is frightened, but she finds the presence of these two women strengthening. Despite her fear, she knows that they will look after her. Uncle James wouldn't let her go with them otherwise. Sarah reminds her of her mother, strong, but attentive. Cameron reminds her of her friend John Henry, only she's a girl.

    The women in the front seat have been talking for a while. That plus the endless drive lulls the girl to sleep.

    "Cameron, you told me out there in the desert, that we had to be careful of what we did because John isn't here. Right now, at this very moment, are we doing the right thing?"

    "Time will tell Sarah. This organization is out to build Sky Net now. We need to know how far along they are."

    "But what if we can't stop them, what if they succeed?" Sarah asks with a hint of urgency in her voice.

    "Every decision and every action we make will affect the future John is in. It would be dangerous for us to do the wrong thing or even nothing. But these people need to be stopped from developing Sky Net at a time when John isn't here to become the leader. It could have unforeseen complications for him."

    "So right now we just investigate and find out how far along they are?"

    "With only the four of us, that is the most prudent thing to do."

    "I wish that Derek and John were still here. Then we could go in and do something to stop them."

    "Maybe, but John is going after them with a full army and even he has doubts. It's going to take more than numbers to defeat Sky Net, but the conviction that what we do is right."

    "Who said that, Sun Tzu?" Sarah says.

    Cameron displays one of her tiny grins. "No, John Connor."

    They drive down seldom use roads avoiding the major routes to get to their destination. They turn off the main road and drive on the seldom used roads and forestry paths until they arrive in the woods on the north side of the vast the industrial complex and park in the wooded area beyond it.

    Auldridge and Macklin get out and walk over to Sarah's truck. Sarah and Cameron get out.

    "It's still too light out. We will wait until one hour after sunset then go in." Sarah tells them.

    After waiting for the sun to set Sarah pulls out a Remington 870 with an Extended Magazine and a Folding Stock to add to her own arsenal. She decides to bring just one heavy piece of weaponry.

    Auldridge and Macklin give her a look. "What about us? Do we get to carry an artillery piece as well?"

    "You just settle for the automatics I gave you. We may need to move fast. I know how to handle this weapon and I know where to aim if any of those metal beasts are in there. Are you two set on what we are going to do?"

    "Yes." they chorus like a double act.

    "All right, then lets go."

    They start to walk toward the fence, but Sarah turns back and says, "Cameron, give us no more than two hours to get back here. If we aren't back by then, take the girl and go."

    "But . . ."

    "No buts, and if you see John again, tell him . . . just tell him that I love him." Sarah turns and follows the two men.

    Sarah, Macklin and Auldridge make their way through the trees to the fence surrounding the complex. Sarah pulls out a pair of cutters from her back pocket and cuts the links. She makes it a little bigger than necessary, because if they have to run back to their vehicles they won't have time to step through it carefully.

    They make their way through the complex. It is dark and quiet. Noises from within the various factories can be heard. The factories sound like they are working at high capacity. They first walk past some warehouses and then into a wide open area.

    Auldridge has been saying something under his breath that has begun to get on Sarah's nerve. "What are you mumbling about Auldridge?" Sarah asks low but harshly.

    "I was reciting the twenty-third Psalm." Auldridge replies. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death . . ."

    "I've got that feeling too." Macklin interrupts. "Like something dark and foreboding is hanging over us."

    "Gee guys. The two of you really know how to show a girl a good time." Sarah says sarcastically, though she has that same feeling. Sarah wishes John were here. Though her instincts always said to protect him, when a time for action came, it seems he knew what to do. Like when he saved Martin Beddell's life. Derek told her what he had done to lure the machine away. Foolish, but brave.

    They get to the first huge factory. Sarah points out a fire escape. They sneak up it and go through the door at the top.

    From the top, they have clear view of the office tower on the west side. At its base is a large circular foundation, almost 300 meters across. It is difficult to see how deep it goes, but there is a sign out front saying "Future Home of FOX Industries Research and Development. Where we Build the Technology of the Future, Today!" Sarah shivers as she reads that line.

    Inside they find their way down a corridor to an observation window looking out over the factory floor below. There are people below. Sarah looks at them and can see prison codes branded on their forearms just like Derek and Kyle had.

    Sarah gets the guys attention and points to the forearm of one of the people below. "See the bar code on their forearms. That indicates these people are Sky Net prisoners. This place is a work camp."

    The people are working at an assembly line manufacturing a precursor to the futuristic Terminators. Tractor propelled robots, eight feet tall with built in heavy caliber armaments and a head with multiple visual sensors and laser and radar targeting system.

    Auldridge whispers to Sarah, "I've seen videos of similar machines being promoted as replacement field troops on the battle field and for use in crowd control."

    They make their way through to another part of the factory. On the way they pass a warehouse door, inside are hundreds of the machines. Some are tagged for shipping to various locations.

    They go down quiet corridors and across open catwalks to reach another part of the factory where they find workers assembling HK flying machines. Hanging in cradles from the ceiling are dozens of the HK's in the middle of the ceiling is a hatch, twice as large as the HK's.

    "That is something like what I saw fly into Zeira Corp." Whispers Sarah to the two men.

    From their over head observation point they can see into a room where their targeting and weapons systems are being tested.

    The HK's are equipped with 20mm cannons with a laser targeting system and standard missiles found on any modern day jet fighter.

    They leave the factory and make their way into the neighboring building that contains a foundry where parts are being forged and pieces shaped and molded for the machines. They climb up to an overhead catwalk and make their way through the foundry, it is nearly all automatic. They see few people in it.

    They get to the far side and climb back down to the main level. The three of them walk through some double doors into a large room and find what looks like a corpse sitting in a chair with it's back to them. As they walk around it, Macklin recognizes it.

    "Sarah, that's the machine that Ellison showed us in his basement." Macklin says.

    "But what is it doing here?" asks Auldridge.

    "I'll tell you what its doing here." Sarah says. "They are going to try and reproduce it. Advance Sky Net's machines beyond those we've already seen them constructing."

    The two men look at the machine contemplating what Sarah has just said.

    "I think we've seen enough, and we don't have the means to stop them right now." says Auldridge.

    "Let's go." Sarah says, "Before we get spotted."

    They make their out of the room and slip out a side entrance.

    In another room, in another building, security guards have been watching Sarah and her two companions sneak through the complex. As they are seen leaving the room, one of the security guards picks up a phone from the terminal in front of him.

    "They are leaving now sir." He says, and hangs up.

    Outside they begin making their way as quickly and as stealthily as they can back to where they came into the complex.

    "This is a bit strange." Auldridge says. "I would have expected more guards, tighter security. You'd think they wanted us to come . . . here."

    Sarah and Auldridge make eye contact. Both of them coming to the same conclusion.

    Macklin looks at them both, "What?"

    "Nothing." Sarah snaps. "Just keep moving, and quickly!"

    Picking up the pace, they run down the lane between factories until they reach the wide open area between the factories and the warehouses near the fence where they came in.

    "What do you think?" Auldridge asks looking around for any security forces, or worse any of those machines.

    "I think we go for it. Flat out run for the gap between those two warehouses over there."

    Running as fast as they can, Sarah and the two lawmen run across pavement. Halfway across, they are suddenly blinded when bright lights come on lighting up the entire area they are in and a couple of hundred feet in all directions.

    "Run!" Sarah yells, pushing Macklin and Auldridge.

    They take off running but automatic gunfire is heard and the asphalt in front of them shatters. They pull up short. Macklin and Auldridge draw their weapons, while Sarah chambers a shell in her shoutgun.

    "Well, well, well. So look who I find snooping around my factories. None other than Sarah Connor herself." A masculine voice says from the shadows.

    "Who are you?" Sarah calls out.

    "The name is Kreilley." A well dressed man walks out into the light, oblivious to the fact that they have weapons and he doesn't. "I own this place. I have been looking for you for quite sometime Sarah Connor."

    "Looks like you've found me. What do you want?"

    "I want to know where John Connor is."

    "I'll never tell you." She says with cold determination.

    "And I want to know where Savannah Weaver is."

    "Who?" Sarah feigns ignorance. "Do you mean Catherine Weaver's daughter? What do you want with her?"

    "You think your son is the only person Sky Net is interested in? You humans really are self-centered, aren't you? So focused on protecting John Connor, you never think that there are other people just as important as he is to the human resistance. But now I've got you, and before I kill you, you are going to tell me what I want to know." he says coldly.

    "I don't know what kind a game you think your playing. But you've just broken enough laws with that statement to get you thrown behind bars for a long time." Macklin shouts at him.

    "Ah yes," Kreilley turns his attention to the two men with Sarah, "I see you've brought some friends Sarah. This is an unusual turn of events. Relying on the police and FBI. You are certainly full of surprise's Sarah."

    Kreilley turns and faces the two law men. "Good evening Mr. Auldridge, Mr. Macklin. My apologies to you both for not making introductions. But then we have met before."

    They look at each other and then at him. "Do we know you?" they chorus.

    "In a manner of speaking, though I doubt if you recognize the face I'm wearing now."

    With that statement Kreilley's face quickly morphs through both the appearance of Detective Wicker and the FBI Director and then back to his original self.

    "I've had many faces." He says wickedly.

    Sarah looks shocked but lifts her shotgun and fires repeatedly into the liquid metal terminator.

    Kreilley laughs as each shot hits home, his body jerking a little with each impact.

    At the sound of the gunfire, armed men in gray uniforms come running quickly out of every nook and cranny and form a circle around the group.

    He just laughs at her. "Oh, Sarah. It will take far more than a mere shotgun to damage me."

    His face twists into a cruel snarl as he stretches out his arm knocking the gun out of her hands.

    "That was very naughty of you Sarah Connor," he wags his finger at her, "For that you will pay."

    He suddenly morphs his arms out and picks up both Macklin and Auldridge by the throat high into the air and slams them both together hard, and drops them. They are either dead or unconscious, Sarah can't tell which.

    He looks at Sarah. "Now it's your turn." He says with a cold snarl.

    Sarah tries to avoid it, but the liquid metal terminator hits her hard, knocking her out cold.

    # # #

    Charles Fischer wakes, with a major headache. Opening his eyes slowly, he sees that he is no longer wearing the prison uniform, but wearing the clothes he had on when arrested. Seeing a pitcher of water and a glass beside it sitting on a table in front of him, he reaches for it.

    After drinking a couple of glasses of water, he feels better. The headache abating.

    His thirst quenched, young Charles Fischer looks around the room. His first thought is, the cell back at San Quentin was a lot nicer. The room appears to have been hewn out of solid rock with one wall of solid concrete with a steel door in it.

    As his eyes fall on the door, it opens and a man in a silvery gray suit enters the room. He's followed by a scrawny middle aged woman in a basic overalls, pushing a trolley with a TV on it. After plugging it in and connecting the cable to an antenna jack on the wall, she leaves quickly, closing the door behind her.

    "W . . . where am I? And who are you?" Fischer stammers.

    "You are safe, for the moment, from the carnage that will soon befall all your race. Do what I ask of you, and not only will you live, but you will be rewarded."

    "This isn't a prison, is it?" Fischer asks, looking around.

    "Not for criminals, but it is a prison of sorts. What is your answer Mr. Fischer?"

    "What . . . what is it you want me to do?" He asks licking his lips nervously.

    Smiling evilly, the man sits down across from Fischer.

    "I was trained in the art of extracting information from humans by a man not unlike yourself. He taught myself and other like me the keys of unlocking the human psyche. Of finding the weak points in their mental and psychological defenses and breaking through to extract the information you desire. I will teach you what he taught me."

    "And then?"

    "Then you get to live, so long as you continue to serve me, to serve Sky Net, your new master."

    Fischer feels nervous, scared, and ready to crap his shorts.

    "I see you are hesitating to answer." The man stands up and turns on the TV in one smooth move. "Watch this TV. In a few minutes when the light comes on you will see and hear the ways I extract information from a prisoner. I can teach you so many methods and in time you will learn even more."

    Fischer twitches nervously. "What are you going to do?"

    Kreilley smiles, "Watch carefully. The woman I'm about to interrogate has a strong will. I'm about to show her just how weak and insignificant she is, then she'll tell me everything I need to know. So watch the TV Mr. Fischer, and learn. Do what I tell you, listen to what I teach you, and you'll have a nice long life. Disappoint me, and you'll die, very, very slowly."

    The door closes behind him with an ominous click. Minutes later Fischer watches a video that makes him nauseous. The only way he can stomach it, is to imagine it is that Jesse woman or that man Derek being tortured in her place. As sick as this makes him feel, he can't wait to pay back the people who put him in prison. Maybe this guy, whoever he is, can help.

    # # #

    Sarah comes to sometime later. It could be minutes or it could be hours later. She isn't sure which it is.

    Opening her eyes, she finds herself in a dark room, she can't see where she is. Coming to, she feels pain in her arms and shoulders and realizes her hands are tied and she is hanging from her wrists. She can feel a chain around her naked waist and as she tries to move her body. It feels like it is connected to a wall or something behind her, restricting her movements. In moving her body she realizes her feet aren't touching the ground but are shackled, her legs spread. She can't swing her legs or touch anything with her feet.

    She calls out, "Hello, is there anyone there?"

    "Oh yes, Sarah. I'm here. I've just been waiting for you to wake up." Kreilley answers.

    "Where am I?"

    "You're in a concrete shed on the edge of the property. You can scream and shout all you want. No one will hear you."

    "What do you want, you sick, metal bastard?"


    "I won't tell you anything." She screeches at him.

    "Oh I think you will, in time." Kreilley responds very calmly.

    A light suddenly comes on blinding Sarah. It's shining directly at her, she can't turn her head away and closing her eyes isn't enough to shield her from the bright light. The voice she's been talking to manifests itself in front of her barely shading her eyes from the light.

    Kreilley looks over Sarah's naked form, but gets no pleasure from the sight. He's far more interested in confirming her identity.

    "So many scars. Just like Winston told me." He runs his hand along her left leg until it comes to the scar formed from Winston's gun shot. He squeezes it hard, making her wince, but she doesn't cry out.

    "Yes. So tough, but I bet you screamed when they cut you open to give birth to your son."

    He runs his hand across her lower abdomen, making Sarah jump. The tips of his fingers just brushing along the jagged pink scar at the top of her pubic hair.

    "So rough and uneven. Couldn't have been a professional?" Sarah doesn't answer. "What did they use, a broken bottle? "

    She remains silent and resolute, though scared, but you never show fear to an enemy.

    Kreilley steps away and takes almost a lecturing posture. "Are you familiar with the phrase 'death by a thousand cuts'?"

    Sarah just glares at him.

    He takes no notice. "It is a form of torture and execution originating from Imperial China. Basically, it means you cut someone repeatedly, creating multiple small wounds. Each wound is quite small and painful, and bleeds. In time, make enough small wounds and the person will die from blood loss. It is a slow and very painful way to die Sarah. You can avoid all that if you just tell me one thing."

    "What is that?" She sneers, knowing what the question will be.

    "Where is your son, John Connor?"

    Sarah doesn't answer. Preston Kreilley forms a long slender needle point with his index finger and slowly presses it into her flesh.

    "You will tell me." He says with cold determination.

    "Nnnnnaaaaaahhhhhh!" Sarah screams in pain.

    He pushes it in deeper."Where is John Connor?"

    "I'll never tell you!" She spits at him.

    "I'm so sorry to hear that." He sticks her in another location shoving the point in deep.

    "Aaaaaaarrrrgggghhh!"She screams as the needle like appendage pierces soft tender flesh.

    "Tell me. Where is John Connor?"

    "Go to hell, you bastard!" Sarah shouts at him spittle flying with every word.

    "I see we'll be at this a very long time." He says very calmly as his other fingers extended into needle points.

    "Aaaaaaagggghhh!" Sarah screams again and again as Kreilley administers his torture.

    Outside the concrete building muffled screams can be heard. "Aaaaaaagggghhh." Loud, long, cries of pain and anguish which would make any person sick to hear them.

    "Nnnnnaaaaaahhhhhh! I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" Sarah screams at him.

    The screams go on for better than an hour. No one comes to investigate. No one can hear. And those that can hear don't care or can't act.

    Again and again the screams of pain and torment echo forth from inside the building. Soon they begin to fade in intensity and all that can be heard are weak cries of pain and fear.

    Sarah is hanging limp from her wrists. Blood runs from many wounds all over her body. Tears stream from her eyes mixing with the blood and sweat as it runs down her face, neck and body. Blood is pooling below her on the ground. Spots of blood are seen on the wall behind her.

    "One more time Sarah," Kreilley asks icily, "where is John Connor?"

    "He's gone." Comes Sarah's almost unintelligible reply.

    Kreilley can barely hear her answer.

    "Gone. Gone where?" He leans in to hear her better, sliding a cold metal hand up her thigh.

    Sarah almost jumps as she feels a cold metal dagger press against her.

    "I don't know. He left with one of you." She replies in a horse whisper.


    "Weaver. He left with Weaver." Sarah is sobbing. She can't hold back the tears. The pain of betraying her son hurts more than the pain from her wounds.

    "Where did they go?"

    Sarah doesn't answer. Kreilley begins to stroke her face with his ice-pick like digits. The metal dagger presses home, bringing more pain and humiliation upon Sarah.

    "All it will take is one quick thrust. Where did they go, Sarah?"

    She trembles slightly as the points of his fingers slide across her face. "I don't know. They time traveled to the future. I don't know what year." She hastily, hoarsely says in a whisper.

    Kreilley's eyes brighten. "So Catherine Weaver is the other liquid metal terminator. They are both gone and I've got you. There is no one who can stop me."

    He steps back from Sarah, his fingers withdrawing from her face.

    "One more thing, and we're finished."

    Sarah trembles, as she still feels the dagger ready to impale her. She raises her head, her eyes and face wet with tears and sweat. "What?" She manages to gasp.

    "Where was the time displacement equipment they used?"

    What does it matter now? It already knows so much. "Basement. . . Zeira Corp." Sarah pants.

    Kreilley steps back, his hand withdrawing. Blood trickles down her leg.

    "Zeira Corp." Kreilley says with blank expression. "Where the false Weaver was protecting her child."

    Looking at Sarah, he says, as pleasantly as if he asked her for the time of day, "Thank you for cooperating."

    Kreilley leaves the building, turning off the lights and locking the door behind him.

    Sarah continues to hang by her wrists in the dark, alone, crying deep sobs. She has betrayed her son and possibly the world. The only saving grace being she knows one thing that this monster doesn't know. The year John will be arriving in the future.

    Kreilley marches across the pavement toward the gleaming office building, pulling out a cell phone as he walks.

    "Mr. Petri. Get a technical team together, with security. Disguised as Homeland Security. Tell them the target is Zeira Corp. I want every piece of tech they find in the basement. I'd suggest that they start in the same room in which their pet project, John Henry, was residing. Tell them they've got three hours to get back here if they want to live to see the dawn of a new day."

    Breaking the connection, he makes another call using the voice of Detective Wicker and calls the officer in charge of securing the crime scene.

    "That's right. Homeland Security is sending in a team. It's their crime scene now. What's that? It ain't my call to make. I'm just tellin' you what I've been told. Okay. Call the director of the regional FBI, he's got all the details. That's right FBI."

    Kreilley isn't at all surprised when a minute later his cell phone rings. Checking the screen, he sees the call is coming in on the number for the FBI director. Without missing a beat, as he travels up the elevator to his office, he tells the police officer with the full authority of his position, that Homeland Security is bringing in a forensic team with their own security forces. He and his other officers can leave. Kreilley couldn't be more pleased when the officer accepts the command.

    2009, Day 6, after midnight

    Cameron is standing outside under the trees near the vehicles, keeping watch. Savannah is inside the truck sleeping on the back seat.

    Cameron's sensors has been providing her some limited information. Though she doesn't understand it as worry, her internal clock says they have been gone too long. More than two hours have passed and the gun fire she heard more than an hour ago has her concerned.

    She heard two short blasts of gunfire. She's almost certain the first was from a Heckler & Koch MP5A3 and then a few moments later she though she heard Sarah's Remington 870. Then it was quiet and it has been quiet for too long.

    Cameron checks on Savannah. She is still sleeping. There has been no one around here since they arrived. Cameron decides she needs to find the others. No. Her primary mission is to protect Sarah Connor. She needs to find Sarah Connor. She gets into Macklin's car and hot wires it.

    She drives around to the east side entrance and smashes through the gates. Guards come running out but fail to stop the car. They fire at the car but it doesn't stop as it plows through the security men. Killing many.

    Cameron's sensors start picking up on Sarah's distinctive cries. She drives quickly to the other side of the compound and right up to a concrete building. She gets out and approaches the door. Her sensors pick up nothing on the other side but a single heat signature.

    Cameron snaps the lock and shoves the door open. The interior is lit only by the outside lights. Cameron scans the room and finds Sarah Connor. She is hanging by her wrists naked and bleeding from multiple puncture wounds in her thighs, abdomen, chest, and arms. Her life signs are weak.

    Cameron snaps the chains and locks binding Sarah's feet and waist. She then gently lifts Sarah and snaps the bonds holding her wrists. Cameron carries Sarah's limp body to the car and lays her gently on the back seat. Sarah is mumbling incoherently the whole times. She goes back inside and picks up Sarah's clothing and guns from the floor and returns to the car.

    Cameron gets in the drivers seat just as alarms begin to sound. She quickly steers the vehicle away from the building and drives swiftly down the narrow lanes between buildings.

    More armed men in gray uniforms come running out and start firing at the car. Cameron takes no notice of them and swiftly drives through them, scattering some, injuring others, and killing a few. She drives through the gate she came in just moments ago under a hail of gunfire. The windows are smashed and the trunk punctured with many holes from the bullets.

    Cameron accelerates down the road and back to where she left Savannah in the truck.

    Sarah stirs from being shaken by Cameron's driving. "What's happening?" She mumbles.

    "Don't worry Sarah. I'm taking you to safety. Just lie still until I can treat your wounds."

    Cameron quickly arrives at where she left Savannah sleeping in the truck. Her arrival wakes Savannah.

    Cameron jumps out and approaches the truck. She opens the back door and tells Savannah to get in the front seat. Cameron returns to the car and gently lifts Sarah and carries her back to the truck and lays her on the back seat.

    "Savannah, go to the car and get her clothes and weapons please. Make two trips if you have to but be quick." Cameron says to her.

    Savannah does exactly what Cameron told her to do. She likes Cameron.

    Cameron pulls out the first aid kit and starts treating Sarah's wounds. Cleaning the wounds and applying antibiotic ointments and gauze bandages. She treats the more critical wounds first, stitching the larger wounds. Cameron then helps Sarah into her undergarments.

    "How bad . . . is it?" Sarah manages to finish asking.

    "You've loss 40% of your blood. You need a blood transfusion, antibiotics and possibly a tetanus shot."

    "No hospitals. No doctors." Sarah mumbles.

    "Then we'll have to steal what we need."

    "Whatever you have to do." she replies, her voice barely audible as she is near to passing out.

    Savannah has been watching the whole time.

    Seeing her worried expression, and having seen how quickly she carried out her request for Savannah to bring Sarah's items. She decides little Savannah needs something to do to make herself useful.

    "Savannah why don't you go in back and help Sarah finish treating the rest of her wounds while I drive."

    "Okay." Savannah gets in back with Sarah. "Are you in pain Sarah?"

    "Yes, Savannah. I'm in pain."

    "Show me what I need to do, and I'll help." Savannah cries a little, but these aren't tears of fear, but tears of sympathy.

    "There are pictures on the box. They show you how to clean the wounds and apply the medicine and bandages." She manages to say. She doesn't want to show weakness in front of this girl.

    "I see them."

    Savannah follows the directions and begins cleaning the wounds and applying antibiotic ointment and gauze pads and bandages. Meanwhile Cameron drives as fast as she can, keeping the vehicle in the narrow lane as she drives away from Topanga Canyon, taking a circuitous route around Los Angeles. Sarah needs someplace to recover. The motel they were just at would prove beneficial. It is remote and in the mountains.

    "Cameron, where are you taking us?" They had been driving for nearly an hour, but only now did Sarah think to ask. The loss of blood has made her feel groggy.

    "I am taking you someplace safe, someplace to heal." Cameron looks in the rear view mirror and sees that Savannah has taken a seat by Sarah's head and has been mopping her brow with her tiny little handkerchief.

    Cameron drives deep into the mountains. Deciding it would be best for Sarah to finish dressing before arriving at the motel, she pulls into a wide area on the side of the road where tourists can stop and look at the view. Cameron gets out and opens the back door.

    Cameron checks the wounds that Savannah had treated.

    "Very good." Cameron says, smiling at the little girl.

    "Thank you." She says softly, worried about the woman.

    "I should help you finish dressing." Cameron says, helping Sarah forward to the edge of the seat.

    Cameron helps Sarah on with her slacks and her shirt. She was just debating whether she should put Sarah's shoes on when Sarah says, "Look!"

    Cameron turns and looks out the darkened valley to the sky lighted by the city in the far, far distance. Up and down the coast she can see traces as missiles are launching. She looks up overhead and can see the traces of missiles being launched from further inland.

    Cameron looks at Sarah, her face full of shock and fear.

    "This is wrong. This is wrong." she says.

    "Is this Judgment Day?" Sarah shouts at her.

    "It can't be. It's the wrong date."

    "What is today's date?"

    "Today is Monday, May 18, 2009. If Sky Net was born in that industrial complex, then this is now Judgment Day."

    "But you said . . . I mean your other self said that Judgment Day was on April 21, 2011."

    "It is. Something has changed to accelerate their plans."

    Sarah recalls giving in and finally telling Kreilley her son was gone.

    "I told him . . ."

    "Told who? Told what? Sarah!" Cameron yells.

    "A machine, liquid metal, that John was gone."

    "I warned you that doing the wrong thing could change things for the worse."

    "I was being tortured!" Sarah shouts. "I held out as long as I could!" Tears pour from Sarah's eyes.

    "I held out as long as I could." She says even quieter as she cries some more, leaning against the cyborg.

    Cameron holds Sarah as she cries, but they can't stay there any longer. So as gently but as firmly as possible, Cameron helps Sarah into the back seat, her body wracked with grief and pain. Cameron gives Savannah a boost inside then goes around to the driver's side.

    The motel is no longer an option. There is only one place they will be safe. Cameron drives deeper into the mountains, turning northwest, away from the motel, away from the city, to get as far away as she can from the missiles that will be arriving in the area from foreign nations. There is only one place she can go to now. Crystal Peak.

    As focused as she is on her driving, Cameron's thoughts keep turning to her primary matrix on that other chip and the promise she made to her that she'd see John again.

    She had walked into the room in the basement, removing her mask. After a brief introduction, she was asked by Cameron, with text displayed on a monitor.


    "John is still in the future. He sent me here to rescue you and protect his mother until he returns."


    "Yes, Cameron. John is safe. He has many friends looking out for him."


    "He loves you too. That is why I'm here, to rescue you."

    Sarah cries out in the back seat, interrupting Cameron's thoughts.

    "Forgive me John. Please, forgive me." Sarah says with deep heartache. She has doomed the world and possibly her son. The tears don't stop.

    Savannah sits beside Sarah's head, who is curled up on the back seat.

    "It's okay Sarah." She says sweetly as she strokes the woman's hair. "We'll find John. Won't we Cameron?"

    Cameron glances in the rear view mirror at the girl's honest expression of worry and concern. "Yes we will." She says confidently.

    Cameron must find him. John told her he would follow. So what happened to him? Did he die before he could? And what will she tell his Cameron? Her hand moves to the pocket in which her second chip lies. She promised Cameron that she would see John again.


    "You'll see him again. I promise. Now we must begin the transfer to the chip."

    She'll have to tell her what happened and there is only one way she can do that, she must insert the chip herself. Then when the time comes for John's arrival, she must find John and watch him, protect him. He must live and return to the present. Too many people are relying on him. Most of all, the people who love him.

    The taillights of the truck disappear down the road and deeper into the mountains, as cities all over the world blossom into giant mushroom clouds.

    "Forgive me John." Sarah cries one last time before exhaustion takes its toll and she falls silent.

    # # #

    REVELATION CHAPTER 6: 7-8 "And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

    # # #


    MONDAY, MAY 18, 2009

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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