

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #14 : Part 1: Chapter 12: Murphy's Law

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 3 ก.ย. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Chapter 12

    Murphy's Law

    "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Murphy's Law

    "Sometimes they go bad. No one knows why." Cameron Phillips, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 1 Episode 6, "Dungeons & Dragons" February 18, 2008

    "We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh." Agnes Repplier

    "When John was little, he used to sleep with his hand under my chin. At night I'd lay awake watching him, calm, peaceful, happy. I wanted to freeze time, and let my son live in that moment forever. But you can't freeze time. You can't protect your children from the future that awaits them." Sarah Connor, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 1, Episode 9, "What He Beheld" March 3, 2008

    # # #

    2027, Day 23 after midnight

    Allison sleeps on John's bunk. He looks over to see the blanket has slipped away from her naked shoulder. Quietly so as not to disturb her, he gets up from his desk and carefully pulls the blanket back over her shoulder and tucks it in.

    He sits on the edge of the bunk and stares at Allison's sleeping form. Mixed emotions play across his face as he thinks about her, he is both happy and sad at having her in his life. Happy because that is how she makes him feel; sad because of the choice he will have to make if and when he gets his Cameron back. Someone will be hurt no matter what his choice will be.

    It was one thing when he went out with Riley. That was just rebelling against his mom and denying his feelings for Cameron. But now, he acknowledges those feelings, and this is worse than rebellion, it's a betrayal. The only difference being, Cameron isn't at home or ditched at the mall, she's scattered across time and space in three parts. He doesn't need Allison and does need her at the time.

    John's heart goes out to her as he caresses Ally's face and then her hair. She smiles in her sleep at his light touch. He wishes he could tell her the truth, the secrets he carries inside. The pain he feels. So much about himself he hasn't told Ally, and yet she loves him and trusts him. Just knowing that someone in this time and place cares for him as much as Ally does, is almost worth the pain. Almost.

    Reluctantly, he returns to his computer to resume work on the chips. He doesn't know how long he's got to get them ready. The word could be given at any time that the attack will occur. Even though Derek isn't overly enthusiastic about his project, he does admit the machines can help. While waiting for the next chip to finish, he nods off, his head resting on his folded arms.

    John is still dozing, when the computer chimes, signifying it has finished the second chip. Waking, he decides to take a break from the reprogramming while Allison is still asleep. He won't have a better time to look at the folder he spotted earlier. The folder with Cameron's model number, TOK715.

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    With Cameron on my mind again and having found that folder with her model number. I decided now was the best time to look at it. Inside the folder, I found detailed information about Cameron's model and her programming.

    What made the TOK715 model different from the standard T-800 series was that they were custom built to match real human individuals at all possible levels. They also have a highly advanced physical repair system to their organic coverings. Whereas all T101 type cyborg units have to live with the severe physical damage they may sustain to their flesh covering, the TOK715 utilizes a sophisticated system of nanobot technology to repair its flesh. It is autonomous, operating independent of chip function or presence. It utilizes organic material that the body ingests to rebuild its tissues.

    Oh my God! That would explain so much. Why her wounds healed so quickly. Why she ate so little though she was capable of eating. Why it seems she only ate just before or immediately after a mission. It was so that her body would begin repairs. That last day in the hotel room, she begged me to eat something for the good of my health, but I couldn't over my anxiety over Mom's arrest. Instead I went and sulked falling asleep on the bed. After she woke me and had me check her power cell, I noticed as we were leaving that the food was gone. That is why her body is now restored, despite laying in that bunker for eighteen years. Once her flesh was restored, it would only take minimal power from her power cell to maintain its upkeep.

    I went digging further through the files. Though like any other Terminator she had preprogrammed knowledge of weapons, fighting methods, tactics and other models of terminators, etc., there were also whole blocks devoted to subroutines governing her actions and responsiveness as an individual - human behavior perhaps? This was the most complex terminator model I have ever come across. It wasn't that Sky Net was trying to mimic humans anymore, but it was like it was trying to recreate them utilizing some of the most sophisticated engineering I've ever seen.

    While studying her programming, I discovered when she was on a mission, portions of her personality and emotional subroutines could sometimes be suppressed to allow more efficient pursuit of her mission. That would explain her sudden change in personality after she rescued me from Cromartie in Red Valley. After that, her mission was no longer to get acquainted with me, but to protect me and that's why she changed. Her subroutine switched from infiltration to protection.

    I studied her programming some more. It also appeared that when threat levels were low, the controls over her personality and emotional subroutines would be released. That is why at some of the most inopportune moments she would suddenly seem quite 'friendly' and less machine like, I realized.

    There was one morning when Derek and I were sitting down to yet another breakfast of pancakes in the old house. Cameron came into the kitchen and as she walked in, she absently stroked the back of my neck with her fingers as she had done many times before. The first time she had done that, I didn't know why. I was uncomfortable the first few times but soon it just became something she did. Her touch was very light, almost imperceptible. This time, Derek saw her do it. He got up abruptly and stormed out grumbling something about 'a metal whore.' I couldn't see Cameron's face as she stroked my neck, but I saw it when she turned to gaze after Derek's back as he left. For just a moment, I could see sadness and pain in her eyes and then they suddenly went blank, like someone flipped a switch inside her head. Why was I so blind not to realize it then?

    Deciding to return to work reprogramming chips, John began closing all the sub-folders that had opened when he decompressed the main folder. It was then that he found something that he wasn't looking for, a folder containing Allison's name.

    He looks at Allison nearby, sleeping on the bunk, looking peaceful and content. She even smiled in her sleep, looking happy and content.

    This was it. Here I am faced with an opportunity to learn something more of Allison. Not the Allison presently sleeping in my bunk, but the Allison who died so that my Cameron could exist.

    With curiosity, John opens the folder. If anything, maybe he could get the answers to the questions he never got to ask Derek after Cameron's glitch, when she slipped into Allison's personality.

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    I clicked on the folder and inside were multiple files. Some of the oldest contained intelligence reports. Apparently someone had infiltrated my resistance group in the future time line that my Cameron and that other Allison came from. The infiltrator was probably a gray. He filed numerous reports on various people I spent time with and apparently the other Allison Young had spent a great deal of time with me. There was nothing in his reports to suggest she and future me were lovers but apparently she was part of my inner circle, which considering the time is remarkable for someone her age.

    I looked into newer files. I found out that the other Allison Young was captured and tortured. Under duress and drugs and hypnosis was forced to reveal information about herself and everyone and everything she knew. Also something called a neural probe was used to gain more information. Perhaps it's used to map the neural pathways of the human mind onto a chip. The information that was obtained from Allison, was used to program the machine built to look like her. No. That's not right. Based on the information here, TOK715 was built to be Allison.

    Why? There's only one answer, to infiltrate and terminate me.

    Damn Sky Net, and all those responsible for building it! Just by knowing my Allison, I could see why she was part of future me's inner circle. Maybe even as lover's or close friends too. I wish there was some way I could avenge her death, but how can I? Those responsible are in a different future time line to the one I'm in.

    I realize now, that buried deep within Cameron's programming was everything about Allison. This other Allison revealed more than just her relationships and her emotions. It's like they picked her brain for every little detail about her life. It went far beyond just interrogation. It was a complete biological, physical, mental, emotional and psychological analysis of her entire life. Cameron's personality and identity are her own, but on her chip somewhere is Allison. That would explain the temporary breakdown she had, when she reverted to the Allison personality and identity after the car bombing. Whatever glitch she had must have temporarily released it until her own personality subroutines came back online. Something like a cross between multiple personality disorder and sleepwalking in humans.

    I dug some more and came across something that hurt me very much. In the last file, I read that after she made an escape attempt she was then killed . . . by TOK715. Afterwards TOK715 went through a total reprogramming job to add all information about Allison Young to her chip. I closed all open folders and files. I couldn't read anymore.

    I felt so angry, scared, sad, and just sick inside. Sky Net created Cameron to be Allison just long enough to get close to me to kill future me. Based on everything I read, she should have succeeded, but I know she didn't and why. Cameron told me one day after her glitch resurfaced.

    One thing I do know. Cameron is a person. She may have been built in another time to be Allison, but she is her own person now. Physical appearances may be the same as Allison, but everything about her is different. One thing I know with certainty, her emotions, though not well expressed, are real.

    Cameron does love me. Hard to believe, but I believe it. I love you Cameron and I promise to fix you. I swear on everything I hold dear.

    2027, Day 23 morning

    The basement where Derek setup the first observation post, has turned into a mini headquarters, fielding information down the line to the main base and to Delta Outpost.

    "Morning Sir!" Lieutenant Michaels says warmly as Derek Reese approaches. "How's your brother doing?"

    "He's doing well." Derek says, giving her a brief smile. "Kyle, Allison and Connor returned with the weapons they were sent to collect."

    Derek joins the lieutenant and takes long look at the factory.

    "Anything new to report?" He asks.

    "Aerial transports arrive about every nine hours and then depart approximately one hour later. They land behind the factory, near a smaller structure. We're assuming they either drop off raw materials or pick up completed plasma rifles, or both. The next one is due to arrive in about five hours."

    "I see." Derek scowls as he watches the factory. He observes the occasional appearance of a machine outside the factory or at the windows.

    "Any idea on how much metal is guarding the place?"

    "It wouldn't take many to guard a building that size. I see two possible scenarios: one, it doesn't know we know it's there and has minimal forces, say about a dozen maybe two dozen metal; two, it knows we know it's there and it could have a hundred in hiding just ready to take us out."

    "I agree, but there is only one flaw in your second argument."

    "Which is?"

    "If Sky Net knew we were here, it would not hesitate to destroy us, and we've been out here, what, two, three days, watching that place?" Derek shakes his head. "No. If it knew we'd be dead already."

    "Sir. I see one flaw with your argument."

    "And what is that lieutenant?" Derek says, turning his scowling face at her.

    "What if Sky Net wants us to think it doesn't know we are here and has something else planned?"

    "Like what?"

    "I don't know sir. But I think it's something that should be considered."

    "Well if you can come up with a reason why Sky Net would want us to attack this factory, then I'm all ears. I'm goin' to the observation point on the ridge before it gets light. Let me know if you have any more insight into Sky Net's thoughts." He finishes sarcastically.

    Derek leaves immediately and arrives at the other observation point just as the sun begins to crest the mountains in the east.

    # # #

    Dawn is breaking. John can hear the sounds as people rise from their slumber in the neighboring rooms, and the sounds as guards change duties and the sounds as patrols return and others prepare to leave. Just another morning in a resistance base. It becomes still and quiet again, then the silence is broken by laughter from someone down the corridor. John smiles. He's heard so little laughter since arriving in 2027.

    He'd spent the night wide awake thinking about what he had read about his Cameron and that other Allison. John had spent more time looking through Cameron's folder than he should have and was behind schedule with the chips.

    Sometime later, Allison begins to stir in his bunk.

    "Hey there, sleepy-head. It's morning." John says, gently shaking Allison's shoulder.

    "Oh, hey John. What time is it?" She asks, stretching and arching her back. The blanket slipping from her naked shoulders and to her waist as she sits up.

    "It's quarter to eight."

    "What! Why didn't you wake me earlier?"

    "I just thought you could use the sleep."

    She bolts out of bed and starts pulling her clothing back on rapidly.

    "Calm yourself. You go out looking like you got dressed in the dark, people will know something is going on between us. Besides," John chuckles, "those are my pants you are wearing." John says with a smile.

    Allison looks down at herself and sees how crazy her clothing is, and yes she is wearing John's pants. With a gentle laugh, she kisses John on his forehead.

    "You win. But if anyone finds out I'm sleeping with you, you are in so much trouble." She straightens out her clothes and swaps John's pants for her own.

    "Why don't I take a peak outside, and if it's clear, you can run for your room."

    She nods her head, so John quickly pulls on his pants and goes to the door. He quietly opens it and looks up and down the corridor. He can't see or hear anyone.

    "It's clear." He says, pulling his head back in the room.

    Allison slips out of his room and goes down the corridor to her room.

    John is just sitting back down at his computer when he hears Allison shriek. Acting quickly, he grabs his hand gun and runs to her room throwing open the door.

    Allison is standing in the middle of her room with a look of total embarrassment on her face. On the wall behind her is a banner that says, "Congratulations to the Happy Couple."

    John didn't know what to say when suddenly a chorus breaks out behind him. Turning around, John sees about half a dozen guys singing.

    "For they are a jolly good couple.

    For they are a jolly good couple.

    For they are a jolly good couple.

    Which nobody can deny.

    Which nobody can deny.

    Which nobody can deny.

    For they are a jolly good couple.

    For they are a jolly good couple.

    For they are a jolly good couple.

    Which nobody can deny."

    Allison would have melted into the floor if she could have. Being a private individual, this is just complete humiliation for her. Sparing her feelings, John closes her door giving Allison some privacy.

    With complete and total embarrassment he walks back to his room followed by cat calls, wolf whistles, and all sorts of cheering, and hollering. John closes the door against the noise, wishing there was a crack in the floor he could disappear into as well.

    Afraid of facing Allison in the mess, and even more afraid of what the others might say or do, he decides not to get his breakfast of rat. He didn't know what he could say to her, and he wasn't certain if they could even look at each other without getting some kind of response from the other troops.

    He checks the progress the utility is having with the latest chip, then decides to visit Kyle.

    # # #

    After washing up from the nights intimacy with John, Allison pulls out her mirror and props it up so she can look at her reflection while combing out her damp hair. Though her expression is calm, her pursed lips give a definite impression of suppressed anger. She's still combing her hair, when her friend comes to visit.

    "I have never been so humiliated in all my life." Allison says before her friend can utter a word. "You could have woken me!"

    "You wanted to keep, your relationship with John, a secret from everyone."

    "I told you I wanted our relationship kept quiet!"

    "That's why I forced your hand."

    "Did you know what they were planning?" She says accusingly.

    "No, but I heard them in the corridor while you and John were . . . very physical."

    "They heard us!" Allison yells, using her anger to hide her embarrassment. "I only did those things with John last night because I thought we had some privacy. Now thanks to you, not only do they know we are in a relationship, but that we also had sex! Damn you!"

    "You know there is no privacy in these bunkers." Her friend says and getting no response, plows on. "I heard their same voices in the early hours of this morning. By their laughter and banter, I knew they were planning something."

    "Something!" Allison jumps to her feet. "Look at that banner! Look at it!" She says shouting and pointing at it. "Everybody knows! What if John were to break off our relationship. He could you know. And I can't imagine I could feel any more humiliated than I do now."

    Disappointed, her friend says, "You do John an injustice. He needs this relationship with you. What's wrong with the banner? They all know you are a happy couple now. I think its sweet."

    "Sweet! You don't get it, do you? I am well known in these camps! Derek Reese is the leader of the resistance aided by his younger brother Kyle Reese, and their adopted sister Allison Young, which is me! Me! When one of us is mentioned in a conversation, guess who the next two names are that come up? When word gets out that I'm in a relationship with someone, they are going to ask who and the answer is going to be John Connor."

    "Exactly, and that will lead to a discussion about John and what he has accomplished."

    "To what end? Let Sky Net know he's here!"

    "Of course not, but it will happen eventually. Before it does, John needs to rally support around him. His name will now be included with yours and the Reese brothers. He is now associated with the leadership. I am doing this for him."

    "Did you ever think about me? How I feel? I'm a very private person. I don't like that our sex life is now going to be a source of gossip and jokes on this base. Just once did you think why I was almost nineteen before having sex? It isn't that there weren't opportunities, but I'm very careful about whom I trust, men particularly. John is the only man I've ever trusted enough to have sex with. And it's ruined because you allowed it to be known. I'm not here to provide entertainment!"

    "I think you are over-reacting. I only wanted to help John make friends by breaking the tension and fear that everyone feels."

    "I make friends very easily. I could have introduced John to people if you gave me a chance, but John is very busy right now. So just show me some respect as a person, as an individual. I've got feelings too."

    "I respect you Allison." Her friend says gently. "I wouldn't entrust you with this operation otherwise. But your feelings must be secondary to the greater mission."

    Pausing for emphasis, she adds, "There isn't time for you to go around to make introductions. This event, as embarrassing as it is for you, will serve as an ice breaker. It is to your advantage and John's."

    Losing patience, Allison nearly screams at her friend. "Listen to me! You are playing a dangerous game here. Playing with our lives like we were pieces on a chess board. You can't ignore our feelings!"

    "I'm not. John's success and happiness is more important that your quibbles. Think of me and what I have given up and what I have lost in all this. You are not alone in this. I am always with you."

    She gets no response from Ally, so she quietly says, "I'm hurting too. I see the two of you together and I wish . . ."

    "Oh just shut up and leave me alone." Allison leans against the wall crying. "You don't understand. Public knowledge is a death sentence."

    "I know you Allison. I know how you feel, and why."

    Allison sinks to the floor. "You don't know me at all. If you did, you wouldn't put me in this position."

    "I'm sorry Allison." Her friend says, sounding genuinely sorry. "I know what happened last time, but this time will be different. I promise."

    "You can't promise that." Allison says, hugging her knees to her chest, still crying. "You don't know what will happen."

    "No, but neither do you."

    Allison rests her head on her knees, hiding her tear stained face. "Just go away . . . Please."

    "If that's what you want. But talk to John about this. He cares about you." She says, her voice cracking at the end. "More than either of us expected him to care."

    Allison doesn't say anything more, so her friend leaves.

    When Allison is alone, she says to herself over and over, "It will happen again. I know it will."

    # # #

    Moving quickly, and secretly to avoid anyone, John makes his way to the infirmary. Upon arriving, he finds Kyle sitting up in bed eating his morning ration of rat and reading some papers.

    "Hey Kyle how's it going this morning?"

    "Not bad. Reading some reports that Derek sent me on the factory. And there are some positive rumors coming in. The people who supply us with food, also supply us with information. Apparently there are some whispers that the regular military have been making some progress in their territory against Sky Net."

    "Where is their territory?"

    "East of the Rocky's now. Big blow up a few years back severely crippled them on the west coast. They were already hurting with the rerouting of their supplies to avoid raiders. Then Sky Net hit them hard. They pulled out to rebuild their forces. That made me angry, but Derek and Allison managed to rebuild the civilian led militias and open up new supply lines."

    "Didn't you help?"

    "I'm a soldier John, not a leader. Derek's force of will plus Allison's intelligence put together a structure we all work under. Don't you ever let Ally fool you. She may look like a sweet girl, which she is, but she is smart. We got a fair amount of education when we were kids. She helped Derek to organize the resistance that he now leads."

    "How is Allison in battles?"

    "The best." Kyle answers without hesitation. "You'd never know it, but she's better than most of us. The men and women like her. I never saw her equal until I met you. I think she'd make a damn fine officer."

    "If that's the case, then why is she still a corporal?"

    "Derek." Kyle frowns. "I think he might be afraid of promoting us too quickly because of our association with him. I've held the rank of Lieutenant before I was demoted for, um, let's just say my temper got the better of me. Anyway, this successful mission of ours, gave him reason to restore my officer's status and promote me. Unfortunately, he can't promote Ally too without looking like he's showing favoritism."

    "I suppose that does make things difficult for you and Ally."

    "Yeah. But since I've been made a captain, and placed in charge of this post, I'm going to assign Ally as my second. It will mean a temporary raise in rank to Staff Sergeant. It's an NCO position, but it will put her on the fast track for becoming a lieutenant. What do you think of that?"

    "I think it's awesome." John says. "She would love it. What about you? When are you going to be able to leave the infirmary?"

    "The doc says I can leave today, but I'm still confined to base. Risk of infection is gone, but I'm still recovering from the loss of blood."

    John lets off a jaw cracking yawn.

    Kyle takes a good look at John and realizes how disheveled he looks, with dark circles around his eyes.

    "What's up with you? You look like hell."

    "I didn't get much sleep last night."

    "That's the rumor going around the bunker." Kyle says with a grin.

    "Oh God." John mumbles running his hand across his face, afraid he might be blushing. He can't believe someone told Kyle. For himself, he doesn't care, but he knows Allison will be devastated to learn Kyle knows too.

    Kyle laughs. "What, you think I don't know the two of you are sleeping together?"

    John can't find it in himself to answer him, or to even look him in the eyes.

    "From the way I saw Allison react when she thought you had died out there in the desert. I knew that she loved you. Before that, I thought, possibly hoped, it was just simple adoration."

    'Kyle, I . . ." John tries to speak.

    "No, don't say anything. I love her and I care for her very much. We've known each other for basically our entire lives. In the last few years I had to come to love her more than just as my adopted sister, and hoped that she would someday love me the same way. But she never saw me as anything other than an older brother. That was how Derek raised us."

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to . . . I didn't want to come between you." John felt really bad, like a real ass. He continued to stare down at his feet, not wanting to meet Kyle's eyes.

    "Don't apologize for something you couldn't change. I knew the day you arrived here that Allison liked you. She saw something in you that was different from everyone else, besides the fact that you had no clothes on when we found you." He grins. "Nice way to introduce yourself to the ladies by the way."

    Kyle laughs at John's further embarrassment.

    He continues. "You know, out there in the desert when I lost my cool with you. It wasn't just about being jealous over Allison. I was jealous of you. You're the smartest soldier I've seen. What we know has come from experience. We are only alive because of what we've learned. But your knowledge goes beyond our experience. That and the way people respond to you. I don't know what it is you have John, but there is some kind charisma, some kind of charm you have with people. They like you and trust you almost immediately."

    Kyle pauses to take a sip of water from his bedside.

    "Derek and I are considered leaders, because we've pretty much kept these people alive. All right we've done some fighting, but pretty much just keeping them alive has been all we can do. But you're a born leader, John. I was with you in the desert. I saw you take command in difficult situations and the soldiers didn't even flinch. Here at the bunker, I saw you organize the men in getting that trap built. You lead without even trying. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

    "Thanks Kyle." John says feeling very humbled by Kyle's praise. He wishes that his mom could be here to know how Kyle feels about him. She'd probably cry and try to hide it.

    Wanting to change the topic, John asks, "Can I read the reports from Derek?"

    "Here you go." Kyle says, handing the reports to John.

    John scans through them quickly, gleaning the most important information from them relevant for their attack and capture of the factory.

    "I recall from the map, that there are tunnels in that area. Do any of the tunnels here come close to that factory?" John asks.

    "Well there are some old metro tunnels heading in that general direction, but they've been closed for years. They're unstable and recent earthquakes have brought down the ceiling in some locations."

    "Are the tunnels still passable?" John asks, still looking at the reports.

    "Yeah. I think so." Kyle looks at him questioningly. "What are you thinking?"

    "I've got an idea. What do you know of medieval siege tactics?"

    "Medieval?" Kyle asks, then grins. "You've got a plan for taking that factory, don't you?"

    "Kind of." John grins self-consciously. "What if you and I work out an entire battle plan from these reports Derek has sent you, and present it to him when he returns?"

    "I think he'd appreciate it. Certainly save him a lot of work."

    "Great. I'm going to go grab some chow and check on the progress of my reprogramming. I'll meet you back here in half an hour."

    "Take your time. It's not like I'm going anywhere at the moment."

    "Yeah, right." John grins. "See you soon."

    # # #

    Cold, precise alignment of parts as huge robotic arms set each piece in place on the assembly line.

    Piercing brilliant miniature suns shine bright inside the structure as weld joints are made as each modular section comes together.

    Henry Ford's assembly line has grown to magnificent and deadly proportions as the factories that at one time produced cars for humans in another age are put to more efficient and deadlier use.

    Piece-by-piece, it comes together. Rail cars with the final segments of its mighty superstructure sit outside. Cranes pick up the pieces and carry them inside where they are lowered and set in place for assembly.

    As it is assembled, one end slowly and gradually begins to show itself as it protrudes from the open doors of the 500-acre factory. First a gigantic jet engine, almost as large as the door opening itself emerges followed by a wing, as high on its leading edge as the fuselage of the largest modern passenger jet.

    Cameras scan the interior and exterior of the building. Red eyes glow as they watch for human saboteurs. Huge machines, known as Ogre's to the humans, patrol the grounds, one blast of their plasma canons capable of incinerating any organic life form.

    Inside the factory, machines watch indifferently as the mighty wing is constructed.

    An HK transport arrives. Suspended below its fuselage is an engine, almost as large as the craft itself.

    A hatch slides back on the factory roof and the engine is lowered until its inside.

    With an almost silent majesty, the transport flies off, the cables retracting into its body.

    Inside the factory, robotic arms set the engine in place as power and fuel connections are made.

    # # #

    John stops in the mess to grab himself a rat. He eats it quickly to spend as little time there as possible, but still some of the others wave and smile at him. A few say some things to tease him, but John just shakes it off with a grin and leaves as soon as he is finished eating. Right now he wishes for some of his mom's cooking. Burnt or not, it would still be better than this.

    He returns to his room to find the third chip was almost finished being reprogrammed. He decides to wait to swap it for the next before returning to see Kyle.

    John is still waiting, when Allison enters his room.

    "Hey." She says quietly.

    John can see that Ally looks upset. Her face is flushed she looks like she's been crying recently.

    "Hey yourself. I thought you might try to avoid me today after this morning. What brings you back here?" He asks.

    "You." She says, just as quietly. Her friend was right, she needs to talk with John. He'll understand.

    "Did I do something wrong?" John isn't sure if he's at fault or what, but Ally is upset.

    "No, that's just it. You didn't do anything wrong. I did." Allison says, knowing it's not completely true.

    "What are you talking about? What did you do wrong? I don't understand."

    John was feeling frustrated, worried she was about to break up with him for that mornings prank.

    She sits beside him and holds his hand. "No, John, you wouldn't understand. You've only been in the camps a short time. I've spent my whole life living like this with these people."

    John screws up his face trying to comprehend. "I'm confused."

    "Sorry. I'm just not explaining it well. I grew up with these people, John. I saw the bitterness and despair that filled these people. I was determined not to be downtrodden by this life we live, to make things better for me and everyone else. And as I got older, and saw how the boys started paying more attention to me, I knew what they wanted. They just wanted to use me as a distraction from their own miserable lives. I needed more than that. I wanted something real in a relationship. So I decided to wait until I met the right person."

    "That day when we found you in the tunnels and I looked at you. I saw the way you looked at me. Not with the eyes of someone who just wanted me for a distraction, but your eyes were filled with joy and life and love. And then something like a dark shadow passed over your face and you collapsed into tears of grief and pain."

    John remembers that moment clearly. At first he was hopeful that he had found Cameron, then he saw the dog and knew it wasn't going to be that easy.

    "Derek had some of the men carry you into that empty room. I followed and stayed with you. I heard your grief. I wiped the tears from your face. It was like your world died for you on that day. But I saw your eyes when you looked at me. You looked at me like I was the only person you ever desired, yet you didn't want me. Your soul is alive and it is bursting with hope and love, and I found myself falling in love with you."

    John was feeling a little choked up at this point. His eyes getting teary.

    "Out there in the desert, I lied to you. Derek didn't order me to tag along to report on you. I volunteered. I wanted to see for myself what kind of man you are."

    She looks straight into his eyes. John gives her hand a gentle squeeze.

    "That afternoon in the garage when I hugged Mike, I did it to see your reaction, as a test. I knew that Mike had no feelings for me and would accept the hug as it was meant. I saw the longing in your eyes. You tried to hide it, but I saw. And when I embraced you, it was like I was being held by someone who truly cared for me. Then you looked into my eyes and I knew then for certain that I had found the one person I always wanted. I saw the love in your eyes. I felt the desire in your arms and lips. I loved you fully from that moment on. I knew there was no one else for me."

    Feeling deep relief that Ally wasn't here to break up with him, John says, "So what you are saying is . . ."

    "All of this is my fault, because I fell in love with you. Last night, I forgot about what life in these tunnels is like. I forgot that privacy isn't a guarantee. I don't know what came over me last night, but you were all I wanted. I put everything else out of my mind because of my love for you. I did things that I never imagined I would do if I thought people could hear us. Then this morning came and those people . . ." Her voice breaks and she looks away.

    John gently turns her head to face him. Her face cannot hide the look of fear and love in those pleading brown eyes. She was embarrassed about this morning and last night, and was probably afraid of what John might do or say. To reassure her, John kisses her.

    "I love you Allison. I'll never stop loving you. And it is nobody's fault about last night or what those jokers did this morning. We may be embarrassed that the whole camp knows about us, but is that really so bad. At least now we don't have to hide it. I know you are a very private person, and maybe you feel uncomfortable because everyone knows. I can't say I feel comfortable with it either, but it's out there now. If it makes you feel any better, both Derek and Kyle have given me their approval. I think they are both finally glad that you have someone in your life now. They care for you very much and I think they were worried about you."

    "They don't know that we sleep together do they?" She says, sounding shocked.

    "Well . . . Kyle knows. He told me this morning."

    "Oh, God." She buries her face in her hands.

    "Hey, don't react like this. He's very happy for you, and for us. I spoke to Derek before he left and he's happy for you too. He's glad you have someone in your life now."

    He pulls Ally closer to him. "Does that make you feel any better?"

    "Some, but I don't know how I can walk about and do my duties with everyone knowing what we do in private." She sounds frustrated. "I almost wish we hadn't had sex last night. I don't know what you think of me now."

    "What I think, is that you love me and when you are with me, nothing else in this world matters to you."

    "But the first time we did this, I coerced you and last night I kind of forced myself on you."

    "Hey, I may have been reluctant the first time, but last night I was a very willing participant. You love me and I love you. Nothing else matters if you are happy. You are happy aren't you?"

    "Yes," She says smiling through the pain. "Being with you, makes me very happy."

    "Nothing else matters then. We are happy. I know that you love me and I wouldn't part with last night's memory for anything. You are the best friend I have. So let them have their little laughs and jokes at our expense. Just think of what our happiness has done for these people. I've seen more smiles today and heard more laughter since any other day since I arrived. What we have is special and private, but our joy brings them joy. And isn't that what makes life special?"

    "I guess you're right. I do love you."

    "And I love you too." He kisses her and holds her for several minutes.

    Allison feeling somewhat more at ease, muses quietly. My friend was right. Talking with John about it does make me feel better. But she should have given us time. What's her rush? Is it this coming attack? John's mission? It's like she's working to a time table that only she knows.

    Breaking into Allison's musings, John asks, "While we are having this serious talk, can I ask you something? There's something that has been on my mind for a couple of days now."

    "Sure, what's on your mind?" She asks, sounding more like herself.

    "We're having sex and hopefully we'll be in this relationship a long time so we'll be having sex many times," she smiles coyly at him, "But I'm a little concerned about a lack of birth control."

    "You are worried I might become pregnant. Are having children important to you?" She says in a flat monotone. Radiation and malnutrition has made many men and women sterile.

    "Someday, possibly, but I'm too young to be a father right now."

    "You probably don't know this, but some people start families as young as fourteen, as so few live to see forty. So you aren't too young." She sighs before saying, "But you don't have anything to worry about. Neither one of us will be a parent unless we adopt. I'm unable to have children."

    Allison looks near to tears when she says it, so John hugs her.

    "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Was it the radioactive fall-out on Judgment Day?"

    "Probably, but I'm not sure. According to the doctor who examined me, my ovaries are not producing eggs."

    "I'm sorry Ally. I shouldn't have brought it up . . . adding more pain to your misery. Do you want children?"

    "Someday, I guess, in a few years time. If we survive that long, and we are still together, maybe we can adopt if having children is something you want. There are many orphans who need parents to care for them. I've always wanted a little girl of my own."

    Allison is in deep thought for a moment and her serious tone quickly changes to one of mirth when she asks, "Speaking of being too young to be a father, how old are you?"

    "Well, um, I'll be eighteen on my next birthday. And you?"

    "Ooh, you're younger than me. I'll be nineteen this summer." She says with a smile.

    "When exactly?"

    "I'll tell you when you need to know. I like to keep a few secrets." She says, smiling just a little.

    Despite her attempt to lighten the mood, John can see that she is still upset, and somehow he has this feeling it's more than just people knowing about them, the prank, or the fact she can't have children.

    "I shouldn't tell you this, but I know something that Kyle told me."

    "What? He didn't tell you some family secret or something?"

    "No." John chuckles. "You know he's been promoted to captain and that he's been placed in charge of Delta?"

    "Yes." She says, drawing it out wondering what John is going to say.

    "You know, on second thought, I should let Kyle tell you." John says turning his attention back to the computer.

    "John Connor!" Allison says sharply. "You tell me right now or so help me, I'll . . ."

    "You'll do what?" John asks, smiling to himself and pretending not to notice her expression.

    "I'll tickle you until you talk."

    John's head snaps in her direction with surprise. "You wouldn't?"

    "Try me." She says, and reaches out quickly to dig her fingers under his ribs.

    John backs up quickly. "No you don't have to do that."

    "Then tell me, my fingers are getting itchy." She wriggles her fingers, a huge grin on her face.

    "Okay, I'll tell you." John says as he eases back down. "Kyle's going to make you his second in command, which will mean a temporary raise in rank to Staff Sergeant."

    "You're kidding?" she says, honestly surprised.

    "No, I'm not."

    Ally's outstretched hands quickly reach up and grasp John's face, and she kisses him.

    "Thank you."

    "It wasn't my idea. You should thank Kyle."

    "I will, but you told me to make me feel better. Thank you." She says with a grateful smile.

    John's computer chimes, signifying its time to begin processing the fourth and final chip.

    "I hate to leave you right now, but I have a meeting with Kyle to discuss the attack on that armament factory. Would you like to come with me or stay here and keep an eye on that last chip?"

    "I'll stay here until the computer is done. Then if you're not back by then I'll come and join you both."

    "Great. Come and get me if there are any problems."

    John left the room, with both of them in better spirits, to the sound of Allison typing on the keyboard.

    Later, he writes in his journal:

    Allison did more than just share a bed with me. She shared her soul with me. That is what makes her love so much more than mere words. I love Allison. But on that day when we saw each other for the first time, and I looked at her and she saw that look of hope and love, it was because when I first saw her I thought she was Cameron. When I realized she wasn't her, and that I was all alone, that's when I was filled with pain and grief. As much as I love Allison and I recognize her as the person she is, her very presence is a constant reminder of Cameron.

    But now, I understand Allison more than anyone else does. For years she carried a private desire for someone who was her equal and who didn't go about with the despair of the world on their shoulders. Her heart was filled with joy and hope and love and I guess she found that same spirit in me. But she didn't know, oh she couldn't know, my private desire to restore Cameron. I didn't know how or when, but I made a promise to fix her. I will fulfill that promise. I must!

    2027, Day 23 Late morning

    Kyle and John discussed possible attack plans for quite some time. During the discussion, John learned how strong the resistance was, which wasn't very strong. Though Derek and Kyle controlled the largest resistance group, there was a large number of semi-autonomous groups. These groups made up the bulk of the resistance, but didn't have to go with orders from command. A rather shaky coalition of groups, similar to the Confederacy during the American Civil War, and John knows how that turned out for them in the long run.

    "Ideally, Derek wants us to capture the factory and not destroy it." Kyle explains.

    "And if we can't, hold it long enough to take completed weapons, then blow it up."

    "Which is where we can use the C4 we brought from the desert."

    "We wouldn't need much with the fuel cells there." John says.

    Kyle looks at John with some surprise.

    "Are you out of your mind! You're talking about a nuclear explosion."

    "What's a little more radiation amongst friends?" John quips.

    "Sounds like something Derek would say." Kyle says. "Hand me that sketch of the factory grounds Derek sent."

    Kyle looks it over and compares it to the map of the territory.

    "Any idea on what that structure is behind the factory?" John asks.

    "They haven't got a clue. They haven't seen any metal go in or out of it, but there are some cables running to it so they can only guess that it contains a nuclear fusion generator."

    "Nuclear fusion?"

    "I'm no tech, I only know what I've been told. That is what Sky Net uses to generate electricity, mostly on the Hunter-Killer Tanks, and occasionally some structures. They aren't dependent on external fuel sources to generate electric." Kyle sighs, "Anyway, what's this idea you have for using the tunnels?"

    "As you can see on the map, the old metro tunnel takes us pretty close to the factory. If there is an exit close to it, then it would get us within striking distance before the machines at the factory could see us. And if another group were to strike from the ridge behind the factory . . ."

    "I see what you are getting at." Kyle says. Damn, Ally was right, Connor does plan as well as Derek.

    "You are talking about a pincer move, with one group attacking from the tunnel."

    "And the other group would be hidden until they cleared the ridge."

    "Only one problem, we don't know if the tunnels are clear all the way or if there is access to the surface within the factory walls, like through drains or underground conduits."

    "Do you think we've got time to send a couple of people on a quick investigation of those tunnels before Derek gets back?"

    "I've got no idea when Derek will get back. When he decides to move on that factory, he'll be here and expect us to be ready to go."

    "Who is the best explorer in the group here at this bunker?"

    "That's easy. I'd say either Frank or Jo."

    "I'll tell you what, I'll find them and send them in to see you, and in the meantime I can check progress on that last chip."

    John quickly finds Frank in the mess and Jo in the girl's dorm and lets them both know Kyle wants to speak with them. He was just returning to his room, after stopping at the latrine, when he can hear Allison shouting.

    "Dammit. Stop!"

    He was just entering his room when Allison yells, "JOHN!"

    "I hear you. What's wrong?" He says, shaking his head from the echo in the room.

    "The computer. Everything was going well until just a moment ago and then all this crazy text started appearing." She says, her face filled with panic.

    Catherine Weaver is sitting in the space she commandeered for herself in the factory where John Henry operates. With the new codes she programmed into her transmitter in the cable, she can now listen in on conversations based on activity of John's computer. She's been listening in on the conversation between John and Allison. Interesting how John has paired off with her of all people. Is it destiny? Or mere coincidence?

    John takes one look at the computer screen and can see what Allison is talking about. Over top of the utility that was running to rewrite the chips is a whole chorus of hexadecimal and ASCII characters were appearing, filling lines and soon the lines began filling the screen and scrolling up.

    John did the only thing he could do, turn off the computer and unplug the chip.

    Catherine Weaver is concerned. The situation is changing. Right now it looks like the software on the disc she gave John are failing to reprogram the chips he acquired. Sky Net must have reacted to his successful programming of his first machine by downloading an anti-tampering program code into some of its machines. It's reacted far more quickly than anticipated. This doesn't look good.

    "This doesn't look good." John says, echoing Weaver's thoughts. If his computer has gone belly up, then he'll never get Cameron repaired, unless he can get it fixed or replaced.

    "What's wrong?" Allison asks, seeing the deep lines of worry crease John's forehead.

    "It could be any number of things really. The worse could be that my computer is failing. The next worse thing is that these chips can fight the reprogramming utility."

    "Is there a third?" She asks with some concern.

    "Yeah, the chips could have found a way past the firewall and planted a virus." John says with some despair.

    Creating or fighting a virus created by humans is one thing. How do you fight one from Sky net? What if it has gained control of the computer, or worse rendered it completely useless?

    "What does this mean?" Allison asks, knowing full well what it will mean for her friend.

    "It means I won't be able to reprogram the chips nor test the ones I have until I know it is safe to use the computer."

    "What can we do?" She says, hoping there is something she can do to help.

    "Well right now we can't do anything."

    "But Derek might be counting on you to reprogram the machines."

    "I know. I'm going to have to go to someone for help."


    "Allison. You've shown me that you love me and trust me more than anyone else I've known, except for possibly my mother. What I'm going to tell you, has got to remain between us. You can't tell anyone. Not even Kyle or Derek."

    "I won't. I promise. What is it?" She says, trying to hide her curiosity. John is going to open up to her at last. Tell her some secret he's kept buried.

    John closes the door and sits her down beside him on the bunk. "I didn't get to the main bunker on my own. I had help."


    "A friend, though I didn't realize it at the time. But I now realize that she was a friend and was looking out for me."

    Catherine, listening in on the conversation, feels pleased. John thinks of her as his friend. That is very good.

    "She?" Allison asks, with an edge to her voice.

    "It's not that sort of friendship. For one thing she looks old enough to be my mom. Her name is Catherine Weaver. She brought me to the bunker, the one you found me in. I didn't say anything about her to protect her. She left me as soon as we heard people. Weaver is the only one who can help me right now."

    The fool! Catherine Weaver sits up straight. John Connor has told Allison her name. She is now known to others in this time line. He's lied about so much. Why not her name? So far John hasn't revealed what she is, but based on his previous conversations with Allison, it won't be long until he tells her all.

    What is worse, if he should try out the chips he was reprogramming, everyone in that outpost could end up dead and she still needs John to fulfill his part of her plan.

    Adjusting her transmitter, she calls John Henry.

    "John Henry! I'm leaving immediately for the outpost." She says as she gets up from her chair.

    "Is there a problem?"

    "Only if I don't arrive in time. Keep searching for your brother. I'll be back."

    Catherine Weaver was already running through the factory as she spoke. By the time she reached the exit, she was in her default silvery humanoid form. Like the ancient Greek God Mercury, she runs faster than any living being or a motorized vehicle could towards the outpost.

    Allison asks, "How can she help?"

    "Because she's the one responsible for fixing my computer and providing me the software we've been using. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't have gotten as far as we have."

    "How do we get in contact with her?"

    "This is going to sound strange, but she may already know we need help." He says, glancing at the cable that was part of her body.

    "What is she psychic?" She asks with disbelief.

    "No," John quickly glances at the cable, "she just left me a gift and told me if I needed her all I would have to do was talk to it and she would hear me."

    "You do realize how strange that sounds?"

    "Yeah I know. It sounded strange to me too."

    "How long until she gets here?"

    "I don't know. She has her own purpose for being here. She will show up whenever she's free."

    "Don't worry John. If she doesn't arrive in time, we'll figure something out."

    "But what if we can't? Computers can't be easy to come by in this time."

    "We'll find a way. I promise." She says, looking far more worried than John feels.

    If John doesn't get his computer fixed, he may never complete his mission, she thinks.

    John gives her a hug in thanks for the support. "I'm glad you're my friend. I don't know what I would do without you Allison."

    "Dead from the electrical shock in the desert for one thing." She deadpans, causing John to laugh.

    "Let's go visit Kyle." Ally says, giving him a reassuring smile. "And we can tell him the bad news together."

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    I was frightened. If my computer was hopelessly damaged, I would never be able to repair Cameron. Her chip is damaged, which means I'd have to prepare a new one for her. Right now though, I need to prepare chips for the captured machines for the coming attack on the plasma rifle factory.

    Things are beginning to feel hopeless. Looking at Allison's face when my computer crashed, you'd think she was more disappointed than I felt. It feels good to have her as my friend, more so than being my lover. I really don't know how I'd get through these days without her. She is right, relationships are important. More so than ever in these times in which we live.

    2027, Day 23 mid-day

    John knocks on the door before entering Kyle's room with Allison.

    "Hey John. I've sent Frank and Jo to scout the tunnels." Kyle looks at both of their faces. "Ooh, what's the long faces for?"

    Allison quickly explains what happened and John tells Kyle about what could be wrong with his computer.

    "I can't even test the three chips we've already reprogrammed." John adds.

    "Shit." Kyle swears. "I know it was along shot John, and what you've done so far is a miracle. Especially convincing Derek to go along with your scheme."

    "I know, but what if Derek is counting on them for this operation?"

    Allison says, "Couldn't you just plug the chips into the machines and test them that way. We've got weapons capable of destroying a single rogue machine."

    "I don't know." John scratches his head, "It will be dangerous, but I guess if we setup another team like we did when testing Alpha, maybe we could try them one at a time."

    "That would be better than not knowing at all." Kyle says with a confidant tone. "You set it up and when you are ready, let me know. I'm dying to get out of here, if only for a few minutes."

    John leaves the room to get things organized. Ally begins to follow, but is stopped.

    "Ally, could you wait a moment?"

    "Sure." Ally asks, waiting for Kyle to speak.

    He hesitates before saying, "I, um, heard of what some of the people at the base did to you and John, and I know you value your privacy. Things are difficult and it's hard enough to find something to laugh at, even though the prank was directed at you, and wasn't in good taste, don't be angry with them."

    "I am upset with what they did. I think it was very juvenile. Last night I thought John and I would have some privacy. On the way to see you, I happened to glance at the patrol schedule and found that someone had changed it. Now with the new schedule and reassignments, John and I will never have privacy. Are you responsible for the change?" She says in an angry tone.

    "Well, um, no. Derek changed the schedule before leaving. I'm sorry. I thought he might have told you."

    "Well he didn't and he should have." She says, her eyes frowning. "I feel totally humiliated."

    "I'll have a word with the pranksters. It won't happen again."

    "Thanks. Is this all you wanted to say to me?" She says, still sounding a little upset.

    "No. I want to apologize. When we were out there in the desert, I said and did some things that I regret. I was a fool, and I'm sorry."

    Ally reaches out, placing a hand gently on his arm. "You don't have to apologize for anything."

    "Thanks. I need to know something. Derek's insights into people's characters are uncanny. He thinks you are taking a back seat to John. That you basically let him take over after I was injured."

    "Is that what you think?" She asks, going on the defensive.

    "I was there, Allison. What I saw, were two people working like hell to complete their assigned mission against overwhelming odds, while at the same time keeping my wounds from getting infected. You and John are the two best people I know. I think you did, what you thought was best to complete the mission."

    "Thank you." She says kindly.

    "Derek has put me in charge of this outpost, and my new rank of Captain allows me to select whom I choose as my second. I'm choosing you with a temporary raise in rank to Staff Sergeant. You'll be a non-commissioned officer, but you'll be on the fast track to becoming a Lieutenant, if that's what you want."

    "Kyle. What I want most in this world, is to be happy. I have that with John. My rank means little as long as I can contribute to the fight. If you think I can do the job, then I accept."

    "Good." Kyle says, with a big smile. "And I want you to know Ally, I think John is a good man. You chose well for yourself. Until he arrived, I had not seen your equal in the resistance."

    "Thanks Kyle." Ally places a quick kiss on his cheek. "There's someone out there for you. You just need to be patient."

    "I know." Kyle grins. "Sorry I was such an ass for so long."

    "Comes with the territory, seeing you're my brother." Ally smiles. "I gotta go, organize the squad and all."

    Kyle waits for Allison to leave and pulls out the photo of Sarah Connor that John gave him. Maybe that someone isn't all that far away, if she's still out there, he thinks.

    # # #

    Inside the storage room, John had just finished reinstalling Alpha's chip and was waiting for him to reboot. When his eyes light up, it gives John a bit of chill, but he doesn't believe he has anything to fear from this machine.

    "Alpha, I need your help." John says firmly.

    "Yes, John Connor."

    "Alpha, we are going to be testing some more machines like yourself. I have three chips which will be inserted into three of the machines we captured yesterday. I don't know if I have successfully reprogrammed them. If they turn hostile towards us, I need you to step in and protect us. Do you understand?"

    "I understand. Terminators being activated might be mis-programmed. Mis-programing could cause it to harm you and other humans. My mission is to protect you and all other humans from machines who wish to terminate you."

    "That is correct."

    In a short amount of time, Alpha moved the bodies of three machines near the clearing where they tested Alpha, placing one of the machines in the clearing.

    Allison soon arrives with eight men and women, equipped with grenade launchers and shotguns with shells of depleted uranium.

    Allison walked up to John and puts something in his hands.

    "I think you forgot something."

    John looks at what she placed in his hands. It was the chips and their covers.

    "Thank you. Where's Kyle?."

    "Just coming." Kyle calls out.

    John looks up and sees Kyle being helped up through the hatch by a female resistance fighter.

    "All right everyone." John shouts. "Today's testing is going to be pretty much like yesterday's, I hope. My computer packed it in this morning and I don't know how well these chips have been reprogrammed. I can't even test them first."

    Pointing to Alpha, he says, "Alpha here was my first. He's assisted us quite well and his mission is to protect us from any machine that wishes to do us any harm. That is why he is with us today."

    Alpha quickly scans the various people around him.

    "Kyle if you are ready, I'll insert one of these chips into the machine now."

    Kyle shouts some orders. "I want grenade launchers on top of each hill of rubble for a clear shot into the center where the other machine is. Shotguns, I want you here on the ground spread out around the perimeter so you have a clear shot at the machine without having anyone else in your line of fire."

    Kyle waits for them to get into position and then says, "All right Connor, go ahead."

    Allison stands by with both a shotgun and grenade launcher. The female fighter, which helped Kyle out of the bunker, stands beside them, watching everything.

    John goes forward and inserts a chip, sealing it in with the cap. He quickly walks back next to the others and waits. He is nervous. After the problem with his computer, he was a lot less optimistic this time around.

    "His eyes are lit." One of the grenade launchers hollers.

    They watched with held breath as the terminator stands up and scans everyone around him. It takes a step towards John and the others.

    "What is your prime directive?" John shouts at it.

    It doesn't answer. Some of the soldiers begin to get nervous.

    "What is your prime directive?" He yells again.

    "My prime directive is to never cause harm to a human, to obey all humans, to only disobey if order would cause harm to a human."

    John sighs audibly with relief, eliciting a grin from Allison.

    "If another machine were to try and harm a human what would you do?"

    "My mission is to protect all humans from machines who wish to harm them."

    "And if that machine was going to try and kill a human, what would you do then?"

    "I would protect that human from harm, or disable the machine to prevent it from causing harm."

    "If I order you to attack any human, would you obey me?"


    "If I were to order you to attack anything that wasn't human, what would you do?"

    "I would comply."

    John turns to Kyle and says with a grin, "I think I will avoid testing it by telling it to kill you."

    "I appreciate that. Try to avoid threatening more than one Reese per week with death. It isn't healthy for you."

    John designates the machine as Beta, and asks Alpha to fetch another machine. He quickly complied and set it in the same place as the other had lain without prompting. They learn fast.

    Once again John inserted the chip while everyone remained on alert. He runs back and stands beside Kyle and Allison again, flanked by Alpha and Beta. He decides he'll have to mark them in some way to identify them later.

    The other machine boots up quickly and stands up. It scanned John, Kyle and Allison and the two machines with them. It then scanned everyone else. Having finished its scanning, it focused its attention on John and the machines on either side. John swallows nervously. Allison chambers a shell in her shotgun

    "What is your prime directive?"

    "My prime directive is to never cause harm to a huma-an, to obey all huma-ans, to only disobey if order would cause harm to a huma-an."

    "What is your mission?"

    "To defend all huma-ans from the forces of Sky Net."

    "Who am I?"

    "You are John Connor. Leader of the forces against Sky Net."

    "I am nothing of the kind. I am only a resistance fighter."

    "Data bank from Sky Net confirms you are John Connor leader of the resistance."

    John turns to face Kyle. "I don't understand. He shouldn't be saying that. The only programming I've done is the same I've done with Alpha. Just his prime directive and mission and behavioral controls."

    "Ask him again John. Maybe he's got a piece of fluff stuck in a sprocket or something." Kyle responds.

    "Who am I?"

    "You are John Connor. Leader of the forces against Sky Net."

    "Alpha, who am I?" John asks feeling nervous.

    "You are John Connor. Resistance fighter."

    "This is getting grade A weird." John says to no one in particular.

    "Beta, who am I?"

    "Human resistance fighter. Name. John Connor."

    Someone always has to be different.

    "You in the middle verify your data and answer my question again. Who am I?"

    The machine tilts its head and looks at John, scanning him again.

    "You are John Connor. Resistance fighter."

    "Why did your latest answer differ from the others you gave?"

    "Database corrupted. Data cross linked with corrupted files."

    It looked like it was running an internal diagnostic.

    "Give me a report on chip integrity."

    Allison whispers to John, before slipping away, "As soon as you give the signal, I'll tell the squad to fire at it."

    John nods his head, while the machine reports.

    "Chip integrity 90%. Falling. 86%. Falling. 81%. 75%. 69%. Rebooting on fail safe mode. Restart."

    "Sky Net systems Reboot. Core System online. Programming has been altered. Sky Net Systems override in place."

    It suddenly goes into a threatening posture and says loudly in a hollow metallic voice, "YOU ARE HUMAN RESISTANCE FIGHTERS! YOU'LL DROP ALL WEAPONS AND COME WITH ME TO THE NEAREST SKY NET INTERNMENT CENTER!"

    "Allison! Now!" John yells, grabbing Kyle and dragging him down on the ground behind Alpha and Beta.

    The female fighter lands on top of them both. Shielding them as numerous explosions and gun fire from the hollow behind him.

    Shrapnel rains down on everyone and all around them as the terminator is blown up by multiple grenades fired directly at it.

    As the final explosions die down, John hears a female voice with a Scottish accent whisper in his ear, "Once again I must shield you from an explosion."

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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