

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #13 : Part 1: Chapter 11: Changing the Rules

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 20 ส.ค. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Chapter 11

    Changing the Rules

    "All of us wear masks. They can be worn out of love and the desire to remain close to those around us. To spare them from the complicated realities of our frayed psyches. We trade honesty for companionship and in the process never truly know the hearts closest to us." Sarah Connor, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 1, Episode 8, "Vick's Chip" March 3, 2008

    "If there is a flaw in chess as a game of war, it is this. Unlike war, the rules of chess are constant; the pieces - unchangeable. You'll never win the heart of a rook or the mind of a knight. They are deaf to your arguments. And so be it. The goal of a chess game is total annihilation. But in war, even as the blood beats in your ears and you race after your enemy, there is the hope that saner minds than yours will stop you before you reach your target. In war, unlike chess, rules can be changed. Truces can be called. The greatest of enemies can become the best of friends. In war there is hope." Sarah Connor, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 1, Episode 5, "Queen's Gambit" February 11, 2008

    Savannah Weaver, "These are the ducklings, Chicky, Fluffy and Feather. Can they play, too?"

    John Henry, "I don't think there are any ducklings on the mystical island of Voya Nui."

    Savannah, "Are you sure?"

    John Henry, "I'm sorry, I have access to all the files. I can find no reference to them in any of the instructions." Savannah applies her puppy look. "What's wrong?" He picks up a toy and twirls its propeller. "If you'd like one of the Toa instead?"

    Savannah, "Nooooo. The ducklings are sad because they can't play. Can't you change the rules to make them happy?"

    John Henry pauses ominously, "Yes. We can change the rules."

    Excerpt from "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles," Season 2, Episode 20, "To the Lighthouse" March 27, 2009

    # # #

    2027, Day 22, 11:30 AM

    Kyle waits patiently several minutes for his brother to finish swearing, grinning at his actions.

    "That kid, ordered that machine he reprogrammed to shoot me! Son-of-a-bitch! He's got some nerve to pull that! What if that metal killed me?" Derek swears some more while pacing once again.

    "Well the reprogramming obviously worked or else you wouldn't be here right now. Are you here for a reason? Or are you just blowing off steam?"

    Derek chuckles. "I'm headin' back to the main base, get a fresh uniform, a shower, . . ."

    "Yeah I thought I could smell something." Kyle grins. "That machine must have scared the crap out of you."

    Derek grins, ". . . and get the latest intelligence that has come in since leaving. Then I'm goin' back to that factory."

    "Not taking revenge for Sky Net killing . . ."

    "I don't know if she's dead." Derek snaps. "We never found her body. I consider each successful mission a form of revenge. I want that factory Kyle." Derek shouts. "I want that factory so bad I can taste it, and I aim to take it whether Connor succeeds or not with his project!"

    "Okay." Kyle looks at his brother. He can be such a hard-ass sometimes. "I thought you were temporarily moving your command here."

    "That factory is where I need to be. I'm placing you in charge of this outpost. To get you started, I've changed the schedule for the patrols for Delta. The new one begins this afternoon. Scheduling was too loose here. I don't know what killed Private Svenson. Her wounds don't fit with her weapons and clothing being left. I hope this new patrol schedule will prevent these mysterious killings."

    "There's been more?"

    "Just one that I know of, at the main bunker. Some poor guy got killed in the kennels much the same way as this Private Svenson. There's only been these two death's, that I know of, and I hope they'll be the last."

    "Let's hope so."

    Kyle gestures at himself and the bed. "Before you go, can you talk to The Doc? I can't do much from here and it's driving me crazy."

    "Already taken care of. Doc should be in later with some crutches. He'll probably limit your movements, but knowing you, you'll abuse it anyway."

    "Hey! Would I do something like that?" Kyle says cheekily.

    "Yes you would." Derek grins. "So take it easy. I'm leaving you Lieutenant Bennett to be your second, until you're healed. It will give him a chance to get some command experience at a base."

    "Why not Allison? You could promote her to Lieutenant and make her my second."

    "I could do that. But she had an opportunity to take command when you got shot and by all appearances she didn't. I don't know what's coming over her lately. She's always been so gun-ho. Ally makes use of all her skills and abilities, but mentally it's like she's taken a back seat to this new Connor fellow."

    "She is in love with him, yeah. But that didn't come into play out there in the desert. There wasn't much I could do. It was just John and Allison."

    Derek shoots him a dark look. "Yeah. Well I'm still not promoting her this time, but if you want to make her a part of the command structure for this outpost, that's up to you. You're its captain now. And if this outpost feels she's worthy of that rank, I'll stitch the stripes on her jacket myself. But Ally could have taken charge and didn't when things went bad - not a sign of someone ready to be an officer."

    "Oh, come on! You're being too harsh. There were only the three of us after the attack and I was shot. Hardly a place for Allison to be pulling rank, for Christ's sake."

    "Sorry, minds made up."

    "Yeah. Me too." Kyle says with a frown. "Take Bennett with you. I can make do without him."

    "If that's what you want." Derek begins to leave, "I've got to go. See ya, bro."

    "Later! Thanks for the command!" Kyle shouts after him.

    # # #

    John felt utterly embarrassed by Allison's actions, and had to stand there a minute or two to gather his thoughts while the eyes of every fighter stared at him in expectation of what he was about to say.

    Hoping they would think his moment of hesitation was from nerves addressing the group, John dove into the task in the proper method of chip extraction.

    With the machine kneeling on the ground in front of them, John begins his demonstration. "Now I'm not certain how safe it is to insert and reinsert the main chip of one of these machines, so I'm only going to do it once. Everyone pay close attention."

    John proceeds to show them how to remove the port cover using his knife or the thin edge of a screwdriver.

    "Those with small fingers should be able to remove the chip, but if you have any doubt about using your hands then you should have a pair of small pliers. Preferably long nose pliers. You just grip the end, give it a quarter turn to the left and pull it straight out."

    John stands there holding the chip in his hands. "This chip is its brain. On it is a complex code that controls all their functions. This particular machine is a triple-8. It has three chips. Its primary chip, located here, is easy to remove but hard to program as you have to write code to prevent the main chip from being reprogrammed by one its secondary chips. You may still encounter the T-800's, which have only a single chip. They also can be deactivated by electrical shock, but their chips are far more difficult to remove. So don't bother trying. Either blow them up, or run like hell."

    John stands back. "Any questions?"

    No one says anything. "Good. Allison, Would you mind putting the chip back into our, um, metal friend here while I begin talking to them about the trap I used in the desert? I'd like to come up with an alternative that doesn't almost kill me this time."

    "Sure no problem." Allison smiles and takes the chip and pressure cap from John. "Why don't you call him Alpha? He is your first, successfully reprogrammed machine."

    "Cool. When he reboots, call him Alpha."

    While John tells everyone of what he did in the desert, Allison reinserts the chip and pressure cap.

    John is just coming to the end of his lecture. ". . . So you see we need something other than a rod and metal net to electrocute a machine. Otherwise, we might all end up electrocuted."

    "What if you were to use two wire nets. Leave one on the ground and when the machines walk over it, drop another on top of them." Suggests one of the soldiers.

    "That would work, but where can we get some wire netting?" John asks.

    "Does it have to be netting?"

    "No, just as long as its metal and light enough to carry."

    "Well I just thought that the chain link fence behind our old bus terminal is mesh-like and metal."

    "Let's go and take a look." John says.

    As they walk away, the machine comes on and stares intently at Allison, scanning her.

    "Who are you?" It asks in its standard mechanical monotone.

    "Corporal Allison Young." She replies. "I helped John Connor reprogram your chip."

    "You are different from the others. What are you?"

    Allison frowns, not prepared to have a conversation with the thing.

    "I'm a girl. Humans come in two sexes. Boys and girls." She answers, hoping that will answer its question.

    "Scans indicate anatomical differences between you and John Connor. He has a larger thorax, external reproductive organs and greater upper body development, whereas you. . ."

    "Yes." Allison snaps impatiently. "He is male. I am female. Boy and girl. That should be sufficient for you."

    "Scans also indicate a higher level of . . ."

    "All right! That's enough!" She orders, losing her temper.

    "I will not be scanned like I'm some specimen in a jar! You are not to scan me at any time, even if ordered to by a superior officer. Do you understand me?" Allison yells in the harshest tone possible.

    "Yes." It answers in the same monotone.

    "Good. Your name is Alpha. Remember that. Now follow me." Allison walks off mumbling. "Damn metal. Scanning people without a care in the world."

    Allison and Alpha join John and the others as they look over the fence out behind the remains of the old bus terminal. The fence is a ten-foot high metal chain link fence used to enclose the area where they used to park the buses when not in use. It is rusted and some of the poles are bent, but there is sufficient material to make the trap.

    Allison observes John and the people with him. Though all are competent soldiers, they are absorbed in the present task. Not good. The people here at Delta show some lack of discipline without a commander.

    "John!" Allison calls out to get his attention.

    "Yeah." He calls back looking at her. She looks a bit tense, he thinks. I wonder what's up with her?

    "We are exposed here and vulnerable to a surprise attack." Some of the fighters look around reassessing their location. "I'm going to take a few of these guys and setup observation posts."

    "Sure. Go ahead. Just leave me Alpha. I could use his help on the trap." John says with a smile to try to put her at ease.

    Allison points to a cluster of fighters. "You with me, now." She orders them.

    As she and some others walk away, John wonders briefly what's bothering her. Something upset her since leaving her alone with Alpha. But asking Alpha now in front of the others wouldn't be good.

    While Allison and the others kept watch against HK's and other metal, John and the other's began working on the fence. As they didn't have the right tools to remove the fencing poles, John gives that task to the machine.

    Alpha snaps the wire ties holding the chain-link fence to the poles and pulls the fencing down. The fighters lay it out flat in the empty parking lot and measured off two semi equal sections. Using some wire pieces from the fence they stitched sections together. When they are done, they have two large sections approximately twenty by sixty feet.

    John is pleased with their efforts. The work was hard and dirty, but everyone went to it with enthusiasm. They had spent so many months and years hiding and skulking around in the tunnels, that today was like a holiday for them.

    The next thing to do was to find an area to set the trap.

    John wipes the sweat from his brow. "Well done, everybody." John sighs. "Take a break and I'll be right back."

    With the trap on its way to being built, it was time for John to speak with Derek and Kyle who are both more familiar with the area. John needs a place to spring the trap, and it's going to need some specific requirements.

    John wasn't able to find Derek, nor his squad, but he did find a map of the area in the communications room. He walks into the infirmary to find Kyle quickly getting back into his bed.

    "Dammit. I thought you were the Doc coming back. He got me some crutches for going to the latrine, but I've been using them to walk around the room. This bed rest is killing me."

    John chuckles. "Good to see you too. Have you seen Derek?"

    "Why? Are you going to try and kill my brother again?" He asks with a grin.

    "He told you about that?"

    "Tell me about it! Derek paced back and forth right where you are standing, cursing and swearing for about five minutes. Derek eventually told me what you did. You've got some balls Connor."

    John clears his throat. "Well it was a risk, I know. But it convinced him and the others that the machines could be reprogrammed. I've had it outside helping us construct the trap we'll use to catch more. I came back in to ask Derek and you for help, but I can't find him."

    "He went back to our main base for a change of uniform and a shower, then he's heading back out to observe the factory. He's placed me in charge of this outpost. What do you need?"

    "I'd like you to go over this map with me and help me find an area where we can set the trap for capturing machines."

    "What are the conditions you are looking for?"

    John spreads the map across Kyle's lap. "Well first, we need to construct it close enough to where metal has been active but not so close we draw their attention before the trap is finished. Second, the trap has to be in an area where we can keep them contained if we can't get their chips removed before they reboot. Third, the trap has to be in a location that we can run an electric cable to, preferably out of sight."

    "Is that all?" Kyle asks.

    "Pretty much."

    "Not asking for much, are you." Kyle grimaces then grins. "All right, let's look at the map. There's got to be someplace like what you need."

    Kyle and John spent the next forty-five minutes going over different locations and the pros and cons of each. By the time they were finished they pretty much narrowed it down to two, possibly three, locations where the trap could be laid. When they compared those locations to access points to the tunnels, there was only one location close enough to a sewer manhole that they could run the cables through yo power the trap.

    "Thanks for your help. I'd better finish construction of the trap."

    "Hang on." Kyle says, pulling the crutches out from under his bed. "I'm coming with you."

    "Not out to the trap?"

    "Nah, just out of this room." Kyle places the crutches under his arms. "I'm going crazy in here."

    John heads down the tunnel, Kyle some distance behind. He is just about to clamber up the ladder when there is a sudden rush of fighters coming down into the bunker. The last one in slams the hatch shut and latches it, while another soldier runs to shut down the generator.

    "What's going on?" John asks.

    "Corporal Young spotted an HK flying a search pattern and getting closer. She gave the order for everyone to get inside."

    "Is everyone accounted for?" Kyle asks from behind John.

    "Everyone but for Allison and Alpha. They're still topside."

    "What?" John yells and makes a dash for the hatch but the others stop him.

    "No one is allowed topside when HK's are in the area. Standing orders from Derek." Kyle says firmly.

    John turns to see his face is grim with either the news or pain. It was hard to tell.

    "John, you can't go up there. Not until we hear that it is clear or orders are given." Kyle says.

    "But Allison is up there!" John says with great fear.

    "I know. But Allison knows the rules. Don't worry about her. She's been fighting for as many years as I have. She can take care of herself." His words rang true, but he looked as worried as John felt.

    # # #

    Earlier, Allison had finished assigning the volunteers she selected to posts to observe the surrounding territory.

    She chooses a spot where she can observe the sky. It isn't long before she has company.

    "You got awfully angry with that machine earlier." Her friend says. "It only did what it was programmed to do on a restart. Scan surrounding area and all beings in close proximity."

    "I hate it when they scan me. Have you ever confronted one of those things and they stare at you with their cold red eyes, scanning you? It gives me the creeps. I hate it. It's like walking around with a sentient X-ray machine."

    "I didn't know you felt that way. Does this go back to what happened to you before?"

    "Maybe." She sighs, feeling repressed fear and anger. "That one I ran into, in the desert, scanned me. I hated it. It gave me some pleasure to destroy it. If it wasn't for John, just a couple hundred yards away, I might have freaked out then."

    "But you didn't. You held to your training and you saved John's life."

    "Thank you for that, but don't you ever feel like you aren't doing enough? That one day you might fail."

    "I have felt that way many times. It isn't easy doing what we do, but we have to do it. See how the others react to John. Some of them have been fighting these machines for years, but they respond to John like he's been right there with them. He's in his element now, but he still needs protection."

    Allison looks at John and the others from her position. With the help of the machine, they have taken down a large section of the fencing and appear to be stitching sections together.

    "I know. I'm proud of him and I love him so much." Allison looks happy. "I never thought I'd feel this way about him. I've always liked older men. But he's different."

    "John has that effect on women regardless of his age. He has a strength, a confidence in his actions, once he decides on a course to take. People are drawn to men or women like that. He's much like his mother in that regard. And right now, you are the only one who can protect him and love him. Once he completes his mission, then your task is done."

    Allison looks sad for a moment. She isn't certain if she feels sad about the current situation or what might happen once her mission is complete. Her friend told her that getting a first chance at true love is rare, and second chances are even rarer.

    John Connor means the world to her. She doesn't have to imagine what it would be like to lose him. First chances are rare, but second chances are gifts. Either from God, or the fates, or just from people who care about you, like her friend.

    Coming out of her deep thoughts, Allison says, "Can we talk later? I need to concentrate on my job. Things are just too quiet now and I don't like that HK on the horizon."

    "Okay, we'll talk later." Her friend replies and leaves her alone.

    She knows Allison has a lot to think about and she wishes things could have been different, for them both. Besides John, she's also doing this for Allison. She owes her this much for what happened to her.

    Allison spends the rest of her time alone and thinking in private. A half-hour later she sees John return to the bunker entrance. The others sit down and drink water from their canteens. The time outside has done wonders for their disposition, but so many of them look as depressed as those poor people back at the main bunker.

    As she stands there keeping watch, she has been observing the HK in the sky in the distance. Derek told her about the HK's he had seen in the area and had assumed this might be one of them. Over time, she realized it was the same one which kept flying, back and forth. And each time it went on the return journey it got a little closer, like it's searching for something. Searching!

    "Shit!" She exclaims and runs toward the group lounging outside.

    "Everyone! In the bunker now! Now!" She yells as she runs through the area, yelling and getting everyone's attention. "Move it! HK approaching!"

    She herds the people to the hatch. "Close it and lock it behind you!" She tells the last person down.

    The hatch closes with a bang and she hears the latch close.

    "Alpha! Grab some of that debris and put it on the hatch! Hurry!" She yells.

    The whine of the HK's engines are getting louder as Alpha picks up some scrap and lays it on the hatch.

    "Come on!" She yells at it and guides Alpha away from the hatch..

    They run flat out across the litter strewn tarmac toward the bus depot.

    "We'll hide in there." She shouts above the noise of the HK, gesturing at the ruins.

    They enter what was at one time the waiting room for passengers. The wall between it and the garage is gone. More than likely scavenged for the bunker below. Beyond is a broken down bus, with just enough room for her to squeeze under. The sound of the HK is getting louder. It won't be long until its here.

    "Get Down on the floor! Lay there! Don't move! Power down all non-essential systems." She orders Alpha.

    Allison runs across the terminal and slides, right under the abandoned bus. The metal body of the bus should shield her from any scans. A shame Alpha is too big to fit under the bus. She hopes the building itself will shield it from scans.

    As the HK flies over, the vibrations from its engines shake the old terminal. The ceiling in the waiting room collapses, and the plaster and tile on the walls throughout the building cracks and begins to fall.

    Allison watches as the whole building around her shakes. Despite the danger of its eminent collapse, she knows she is safer here than outside. Knowing the HK will be back, she covers her head and ears from the dust and noise with her jacket and lies as still as possible.

    On its return journey, she hears a loud crash and feels the ground shake beneath her. Dust billows around her, making her cough despite her head being covered.

    # # #

    Everyone waits for what seems like hours in the dark. Perspiration runs down their faces, tongues lick nervously on dry lips, as a low throbbing sound gets louder and louder.

    "It's coming." Someone says.

    No one speaks or makes a sound in the darkened tunnels while the HK gets closer. As the throbbing sound gets louder, a high pitch whine can also be heard. Dirt dribbles down from the ceiling. The floor and walls vibrate. The rats squeal from the high pitch whine of the HK's engines. After what seemed like fifteen minutes, they can hear it move further away.

    "Don't get excited people." Kyle speaks. "It will make another pass before moving on."

    The HK did perform another sweep of the area, with much the same result as before. This time though, they can hear or rather feel the vibration of something heavy impacting the ground over their heads.

    As the sound of the HK disappears, it grows very quiet in the tunnels as everyone waits wondering if it will make a third pass.

    Another ten minutes go by and everyone jumps when the silence is broken by the sound of something being moved off the hatch followed by three hard taps on the bunker's hatch.

    A moment later a voice shouted through the vent pipe "Young, Allison, Corporal, 5, 18, zero niner."

    Kyle and John look at each other with relief when they hear Allison's voice.

    The hatch is thrown open and Allison climbs down to see relief on everyone's faces.

    "The HK ran a standard sweep of the area." Allison says. "However, I think our activity may have drawn it to the area. Sky Net will most likely send in ground troops to search the area."

    Kyle asks, "What was that noise we heard? Like something heavy landed on the ground."

    "Part of the bus terminal collapsed. The garage portion is still standing, luckily as that is where I hid. Going to need to dig Alpha out, unless he manages on his own."

    She then turns and looks right at John. "If you are going to spring that trap John, it better be today. You won't have a better opportunity capturing machines. There will be ground forces deployed along with the HK. Just like before."

    John looks at Kyle. "You are the Captain, here. Derek wanted me to capture some. Is it a go for the trap?" John says, looking at him anxiously.

    "Go for it." Kyle says, while Allison comes up to him.

    "All right everyone, you heard the lady. We need to get the trap set up and we need to do it fast. Where's the supply officer?" John shouts.

    "Right here." A big burly sort of fellow walks up from behind the crowd, his head just clearing the ceiling.

    How does someone that big, get around in these tunnels, John thinks to himself.

    "I need a length of heavy duty cable approximately 200 yards in length, a junction box and switch capable of handling 200 Amps of 240V AC electric. I also need approximately 150 feet of eight gauge copper wire; four heavy gauge metal pipes, 2 ten feet long with an interior dimension slightly more than 1 inch with metal caps that screw on the end; 2 more ten-foot pipes, slightly less than 1 inch outside diameter; and something to grease the sides without causing them to stick."

    "Yes sir."


    "Yes sir."

    "I need some of that C4 explosive that we brought here. No more than four ounces, two detonators, fuse wires and a remote operator."



    "I need you to locate this sewer manhole." John says pointing to the map. "It should be down one of these tunnels. Take Sam with you, don't go unarmed. When you locate it, one of you stay there and the other comes back here. By that time the cables should be ready."

    "Allison, I'd like you to select a group of sharpshooters. Arm them with the grenade launchers and shotguns from the cache. The group will be backup in case this plan goes wrong." John says, giving her a little grin and a wink. "Oh, and one of those Barrett M82's."

    "Yes, Sir." She says with a little more emphasis than the others and a twinkle in her eye. She can't help but feel proud of him in this moment.

    "Where's the engineer?" John asks looking around.

    "Here." A woman in greasy overalls approaches.

    "This is what I need you to do. When the supply officer comes back with the 200 amp cable, I need you to wire it directly to the main circuit breaker. When Frank or Sam show up they are to take the free end of the cable and bring it to the manhole and out to this location here on the map. Got it?"

    "Got it."

    John glances at Kyle who hadn't gone back to his bunk despite the protests of the Doc who had come out to see what the commotion was. Kyle was watching John with new eyes.

    "Kyle. When the supply officer gets back with the supplies I requested, could you have someone run the rest of them out to me at the trap location?"

    "No problem. Now scat you've got a trap to build." He says, grinning at John.

    "The rest of you, with me. We need to get that fencing to the trap location pronto." John orders signaling those designated to help him with the trap.

    Kyle says to Allison. "You know that request you made. After seeing how these people respond to him, I'm seriously considering it."

    She gives him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks Kyle. You'd better get back in bed before the Doc has a fit. He might tie you down to the bed."

    "And you'd better arrange those sharpshooters and weapons John requested." He says with a grin before hobbling off on his crutches.

    From the Journal of John Connor

    The pace was hurried and efficient. When we got to the trap location, I ran the copper wire through the fencing twisting it around each link to ensure a good electrical contact. After showing one of the fellows what I was doing, I let him finish it while I constructed the launchers.

    My idea was to make launchers from the pipe to fire the net up over and onto the machines. I packed a very small amount of C4 into one end of the large pipe. I inserted the detonator into each charge and fed the wire out through a small hole drilled in the cap. I lightly greased the smaller pipe and slid it inside the larger pipe. Making sure there was no obstruction to its free movement. I tied the end that stuck out to one corner of the fencing. I repeated the same action with the other pipes. The small explosive charge in the large pipe will fire the smaller pipe and launch the fencing into the air and on top of the machines. The electricity will then make the connection through fencing and through the terminators shorting them out.

    While I was busy making the launchers, the cable was run out to me and the other piece of fencing was laid on the ground. Pieces of debris were used to anchor it down and help disguise it. I split the cable, running one wire to the fencing on the ground twisting it to the copper wire. The other wire I ran to the launch netting. I left plenty of slack in the wire and made sure that the connection was more secure.

    The trap was set. The group I trained earlier in chip removal were set up as Team A. They will run forward and remove the chips, while Team B, led by Allison, will stand by with the heavy weapons should the terminators not go down, or if they reboot before their chips are removed.

    # # #

    They had barely finished the trap and taken their positions when the observer comes running up.

    "There are four endo's on their way, here!" He points repeatedly at the ground in front of him while he speaks.

    "All right everyone, get in position." John says just loud enough for all to hear. "We've only got one chance to do it right."

    Taking a position where he can see the hand signals from the observer, John takes the controls for launching the trap and turning on the electric current.

    Allison watches from her position with her team on the opposite side of the clearing.

    "This isn't good." She says.

    John watches the four T-888's march into the clearing, each holding a weapon. They're spaced too far apart for all of them to get caught in the trap. If he fires the trap now, many people may die before a single chip gets extracted. It was also possible that none of the chips would get extracted and everyone would die

    The machines are marching through the clearing. One more step and the first one would clear the trap before the last one would step onto it. He couldn't do it without getting someone killed, but if he didn't then everything he and the others did would be for nothing.

    Allison could see the situation and knows John must be in a quandary over what to do.

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." She mumbles just before leaping on top of the debris pile she was hiding behind.

    John is shocked by Allison's sudden appearance. At the moment, none of the machines see her.

    "Hey tin heads!" Allison shouts at the top of her voice. "Over here!"

    John mumbles. "What hell are you doing? Get down. Dammit! Just get down."

    Two terminators on her right turned in unison, moving closer to the center of the trap. The other two continue on their path, their attention now focused on Allison.

    "Hey! Are you just going to stand there and looking like chrome plated hat-stands, or what?"

    They open fire at Allison, who lets out a scream and falls back out of sight.

    "ALLISON!" John yells, while hitting the switches turning on the electric and launching the fencing.

    The fencing launches out, over, and on top of all four terminators. Sparks fly as they are electrocuted. They twitch and jerk as they fall to the ground.

    Hitting the switch to kill the flow of electricity, John runs past the fallen machines to Allison's position yelling orders at the men. "Clear that fencing away. Team A get those chips out now!"

    John runs behind the pile of rubble to find Allison laying on the ground clutching her arm.

    She smiles at him. "Did you get them?"

    "Yes we did." He smiles at her and gives her a hand up.

    John felt so scared and angry over what she did, he asks quite heatedly, "Why did you put yourself at risk like that? They could have killed you!"

    "They were too far apart. For your trap to work, all four had to be closer together. People could have died otherwise."

    "Was it worth almost getting yourself killed? You had me scared half to death."

    "I'm fine John. I only got a flesh wound for my efforts."

    "Are you okay? Let me take a look at it."

    "I'll be fine. It's just a scratch." She replies, shrugging her shoulders but still keeping her hand over the wound.

    "Then why did you scream?"

    "I lost my balance and fell just as they opened fire. If I hadn't, they probably would have killed me."

    Grasping her shoulders, he says, "Please tell me you won't do that again."

    He searches her eyes to make sure she got his message, Allison gives him a crooked grin.

    "Okay. I won't unnecessarily endanger myself, but I won't shirk my responsibilities either."

    "That's good enough for me. Come on, let's check on what we did."

    They walked back to the trap. The men were all standing around smiling. It had worked. Four machines were disabled and their chips removed.

    "Well, the scary part is over. Now comes the hard work. We need to move the machines away from here and dismantle the trap, before Sky Net wonders what happened to them."

    One of the soldiers approaches John and hands him all four chips and their lids and says, "This was neat. I'd never seen this many machines taken out with no one getting killed before. I hope I live long enough to tell my kids about it someday."

    John shakes his offered hand and grins.

    "Team B remain on the lookout until we get this stuff cleared out." John orders.

    "Allison why don't you go back to the outpost and tell them that we need help, and while there get Doc to check that wound."

    "Yes sir." She says with a serious face, then smiles and quickly runs to the manhole cover, the cables were routed through from Delta.

    Instead of just standing around waiting for help, everyone but for Team B worked to move the machines' bodies to another location. To ease the strain of moving the heavy metal bodies over the rough terrain, Team B broke up into two smaller groups so they could take it in turn. They needed to move the machines to a location far enough away not to be found near the trap.

    After moving two of the bodies, help arrives in the form of Alpha and a small squad with heavy weapons.

    Relieved at seeing Alpha, John orders it to carry the other two machines behind the rubble pile with the others.

    John looks at Alpha with some surprise, because instead of carrying them one at a time, it picked one up under each arm and carried them with little effort behind the rubble pile.

    Seeing that, the people quickly reorganize themselves. While one group takes down the trap, another group will escort Alpha as he carries his two brethren to the outpost.

    John decides to remain behind and help clean up the trap materials. He returns to base with the last group, late in the afternoon.

    He couldn't feel more tired or more pleased for this day's activities.

    # # #

    After sending the machine and additional troops out to help John, Allison went to her room and pulled out her med kit. She quickly removed her jacket and outer shirt revealing the tank top. The wound in her upper arm is oozing blood.

    A few minutes later, a spent, bloody bullet and a pair of bloody forceps rest on the small table. Her jacket and shirt are still draped across the foot of her bunk and she sits on her bunk wearing her tank top while she washes her arm. Once again, she isn't alone.

    "That was very dangerous, using yourself as bait." Her friend says.

    "It was necessary to draw the machines closer together." Allison replies as she pulls a bottle of The Doc's alcohol out of her bag. Blood is seeping from a small wound in her arm. Very basic materials for treating the wound, but there is still the chance of infection.

    "You could have exposed us before John finishes his task."

    Allison takes a rag and soaks it with alcohol brewed by the Doc. She presses it against her arm, wincing.

    "It sounds like you don't trust me, which is funny given our current circumstances."

    "I do trust you. We can only help John in this manner, given the time and circumstances."

    "I know. I was there when you found her." Alison wraps a bandage around her arm. "It was surreal seeing . . ."

    Someone knocks on her door.

    "Who is it?" Allison calls out.

    "Just a message ma'am." A voice says through her door. "Connor and his team have returned to base with the machines they've captured."

    "Thank you." Allison calls out.

    Allison ties off the bandage, using her teeth to help tie the knot and puts away her med kit.

    "Based upon his reaction when he thought you might have been killed, John loves you." Her friend says, sounding somewhat melancholy.

    "I know. I saw it in his eyes. But he doesn't love me the same way as I love him." She says, giving her friend a troubled look while casually glancing at her friend's reflection in the mirror propped up on the table. "This feels so wrong. I wish we could tell him the truth."

    "I want to tell him too, but it must wait until he completes his mission. Then we can tell him together."

    "He'll be hurt."

    "I know, but I didn't have a choice. I had to do it this way. I needed your help to do it."

    Allison shakes her head.

    Her friend pauses before asking, "Are you going to sleep with John tonight?"

    Allison blushes.

    "Ahh, then you are."

    Still blushing, she replies. "If you must know, that was my plan, but John has these machines to reprogram now. Derek's counting on him."

    "Do it anyway. You need to reinforce the bond between you and John. His time won't be completely absorbed by the machines. And you can help him finish the reprogramming."

    "I don't know if I should. John really needs to concentrate on reprogramming if he's ever going to complete his task."

    "Remember the quote by Lao-Tsu, 'Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.' You need to reinforce it, spend more personal time with John. Let others know that both of you are in a relationship."

    "But I want our relationship kept private. If he decides to break off with me because of his other love, I'd be heartbroken. I love John Connor. Who he is, what he is, and what he will one day be." Allison wipes a fresh tear from her eye. "He'll never love me fully, and if he does push me away, then the privacy we now have will spare me any public humiliation later."

    "You can't hide your relationship forever. People will find out eventually."

    "Eventually, yes. But I prefer, if it were kept private for now."

    "You're not going to budge on this are you?"

    "You know what happened last time I was in a relationship."

    "Of course I do, Allison. And I can't tell you how sorry I am."

    Allison winces. Her friend, more than anyone, knows exactly what Sky Net did, what it always does to people like her. John was right. When it can't get to him, Sky Net always goes for those closest to him.

    "Then let me handle this part of our mission my way." Allison says strongly. "I love John and I will not do anything that could lead to the possibility of his presence being known to Sky Net before he completes his task."

    "And if his task should be incomplete before then?"

    "Then I'll do whatever it takes, so he will complete it without our influence."

    "Good. There is a utility program on the disc that will help John with the task he will do. Guide him to take a deeper look into the disc. He will find more than just a utility. I'm going now. I'll talk with you again later when you are alone."

    Having redressed while talking with her friend, Allison combs out her hair while looking in the mirror. She should really get it cut, but she loves her long hair. She can deal with wearing old clothes that have been worn by others. Getting dirty, dusty, or muddy is part of the job and washes off easily. But her hair is her favorite feature and tries to keep it as immaculate as she can. It is the one thing that makes her feel human in this devastated world. Apparently, John loves her long hair too, as he likes to caress it when he thinks she's asleep. Allison smiles. Some things never change.

    2027, Day 22 evening

    Based on his earlier experience at reprogramming, John thought he could save himself some time and simply wipe the blocks of code that require changing and replace them with the data backed up from the first chip.

    Unfortunately these chips were proving more difficult, if not impossible, to wipe. Given the amount of time spent reprogramming the first it would take far too long to do all four individually and have them ready in time.

    "Weaver, I hope you are having it easier than I am." John mumbles to himself.

    "Who are you talking to?" Allison says from his door.

    "Huh, what?" John looks up, surprised. He was so engrossed in his work, that he didn't hear her knock.

    "Oh, hi Ally. How's your arm?"

    "It's fine, just a flesh wound." She lets her shirt fall from her shoulder showing a white bandage wrapped around her upper arm. "I took care of it myself."

    "Of course, I forgot you are training to be a medic."

    "Who were you talking to when I came in?"

    "Uh, the computer. When I get frustrated, I talk to it." John says sheepishly.

    "No need to be embarrassed. Some of the soldiers not only talk to their weapons but name them too."

    She walks over to John and sits down beside him.

    "So what's the problem?"

    "The chips we just acquired don't want to be wiped. I was hoping to wipe them and just reprogram them with the data I backed up from the first chip."

    "The chips are preventing you from wiping them?" She asks, thinking of the conversation she just had with her friend.

    "Either that or I'm missing something in the process."

    Ally picks up one of the chips and looks at closely. "What if you could compare Alpha's chip against the new chips and just rewrite that portion that needs changing?"

    "Well yeah I could do that, but it will still take a long time."

    "But what if the computer did it for you? There must be a program on that disk that could do it for you."

    John slaps his head in surprise. "Of course. How could I be so stupid?"

    He gives her a hug and kisses her cheek. "You are a genius. I'll check that disc. There was a utility for testing the chips there must be one for doing a simple task like that."

    Giving Ally a big smile, John begins searching the data disc that Weaver gave him, for such a utility. He hesitates as his search finds a folder he wasn't expecting, a folder with Cameron's model number. Quickly collecting himself, he continues on as if he's still searching.

    "Ally, this could take a while. Would you mind getting us something to eat or drink? I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast, and you must be hungry too."

    "Sure. I'll be back in a jiffy." She says and quickly departs.

    After Allison leaves, John goes back to that folder on the disk. It gave him a shock when he found it. The folder was identified as TOK715,Cameron's model number. She had told him that after her glitch resurfaced. That's how he also learned she was built to look like Allison in her future.

    Not certain of what he might find, he clicks on the folder to open it. Inside it are multiple compressed files with detailed information on Cameron.

    John pauses to think as he realizes the implications of the data. Cameron told me she was different from the other terminators I had met previously. She was never clear on that point, but now I could find out how different.

    Not knowing how long Allison would be getting them some food, he closes the folder and goes back into the utility's folder. John quickly locates a program that would do exactly what Allison said.

    John didn't know why he didn't think of that myself. Just too much on his mind right now, was the only excuse he could think of.

    Scanning the utility, John sees it offers a couple of ways to go about it. The easiest was to have it read the modified chip and then have it read the chip to be modified, and make changes based on what it read from the first chip.

    He quickly gets up and goes to Alpha in the storage room. Whenever it didn't have a task, that's where it stayed. John informs it of what he is doing and that he needs his chip. He tells it to submit to chip extraction. Alpha complies and kneels down in front of John, who removes its chip.

    Dashing quickly to his room, John begins the procedure. It would take a couple of hours for it to scan the first chip and then twice as long or longer to reprogram each chip to be modified based on the first.

    Weaver thought of everything, John thinks.

    Perhaps he should have asked himself, why she did.

    "Hey, I've got a surprise for you." Allison announces a few minutes later while walking into John's room with her hands behind her back.

    "What? Rats stuffed with rice and peppers and fried in oil?" John says sarcastically.

    "How'd you guess?" She says with surprise.

    "You're kidding?" John says, his mouth hanging open.

    "Yes. I am." She smiles "Catch." She quickly throws something at John who catches it out of the air.

    "An orange?" John looks at it like he's never seen an orange before. "Where'd you get an orange?"

    "A small shipment arrived while we were out catching machines. I understand there is an orchard somewhere near Bakersfield. The cook saved a couple for us."

    Ally pushes the door closed and sits beside John on his bunk.

    "Oh man. I am so going to love this. I've had so many rats, baked, fried, smoked. I swear if I get my hands on real food again . . ." John breaks off as he suddenly realizes he was getting dangerously close to revealing he isn't from this time. "Thanks for the orange."

    "You're welcome." She smiles, "Well are you going to eat it or just admire it?"

    "Right." John says and begins tearing the peel off.

    The room is filled with the scent of oranges as he and Ally eat the fruit. At the moment, nothing smells or tastes better than the orange. John's mouth experiences the height of pleasure as he chews each piece slowly. The juices run from his mouth and down his chin. He licks the juice from his fingers, not wanting to miss a single drop

    Before he can wipe his face, Allison kisses him, licking the juice from his lips and chin.

    "Nice." She smiles, kissing him again.

    John kisses her back and savoring the flavor of orange juice upon her lips and tongue.

    They break their embrace long enough for John to gaze into Ally's lovely brown eyes. John's troubled heart goes to Cameron. So much like my Cameron's and yet so different too. The difference is subtle but it is there. It was like he could see in Allison, what he had only seen glimmers of in Cameron. A look of life? Love? Happiness, maybe? He didn't know.

    "I love you. Allison." He says it to reinforce his own feelings for her and to try and shut Cameron out of his mind while they were together. It isn't that he didn't want to think about Cameron, but when you are with a woman, the worse thing you can do is to have the memory of past relationships on your mind.

    She looks at John with such endearing love in her eyes and says the one thing he doesn't expect to hear.

    "You are thinking of her again. Remember what I told you John. Just make room for me in your heart. You don't have to forget her, because you never stop loving your first love, or the one you lost."

    John doesn't know what to say. He's never known anyone like Allison.

    "My thoughts do return to her, but it's not because I don't love you. It's just . . ." He doesn't know what to say without revealing why he is here. ". . . I don't know what I should say or do if . . ."

    "Quiet." She says softly, kissing him again, trying to silence anything further he might say.

    "I've got to know." John says after the kiss. "Was there someone you lost?"

    Allison struggles to answer, regretting she said anything at all.

    So many lies. It could never work. How can there be trust and love when all we do is lie to each other?

    "If you don't want to talk about it . . ." John begins.

    Looking away from him, she gazes at the wall, gathering her thoughts. After a moment, she says in a quiet voice. "It was many years ago, before I truly understood what it meant to be in love. We were . . . He was . . ." She tries to speak but can't finish and instead clings to John, crying lightly and burying her face in his chest.

    "It's okay, Ally." John says, holding her in his arms. "I guess we all lose someone at sometime."

    "It's this war." She says, still crying. "It destroys relationships. It kills the people we love and takes us away from those we care about."

    "Yes it does." He says, stroking her hair, and kissing her forehead. "But it also brings people together. We may have lost someone, but we've got each other now."

    She hugs him tight and says, "Do you have to spend all night working on the reprogramming?"

    "No." He says gently. "It will take a couple of hours for it to read the first chip, after that it will take a few hours for each chip to be reprogrammed. It will take a long time but a lot less than doing it manually, like we did the first time."

    "No more explanations." She says, turning his head so he's facing her. "Tonight, I want this to be special."

    Regardless of the lies and mixed up feelings inside of her, Allison trusts John and loves him with all her heart, even knowing he doesn't. Maybe he loves her out of a conscious decision, rather than from his heart. Yes, that's it. She doesn't have his heart, and maybe that is for the best. She has this time with him, just her and John and what lies outside this room, doesn't matter now. All that matters right now is herself and John at this moment.

    "I take it then that you've decided to answer my question from this morning." John answers as he gets up to lock the door.

    "Uh huh." Allison replies as she follows John to the door, letting her shirt fall to the floor.

    She pushes him against it, kissing him, while unbuttoning his shirt. John pulls her tank top up over her head. In moments they both stand stripped to the waist. John places his hands on her waist, and pulls her toward himself to kiss her. Allison tilts her head back, her eyes half closed, and lips parted for the kiss.

    John kisses her upon her mouth. Her lips part more and their tongues touch. A soft moan escapes Allison's mouth as she presses herself against John, turning and pushing him toward the bunk. John's knees buckle as he backs into it. Alison lets herself fall onto John, pushing him down onto the bunk. Her long hair falls, brushing against John's naked chest, tickling him.

    With a wicked grin, she lets her hair tickle John before kissing him again. They love each other, caressing each other and kissing, feeling, loving each other as only two people in love can do. Allison takes the lead as she subtly directs the action making it clear she wants to love John tonight.

    Allison leans back and guides his hands upwards until they hold her breasts. John rubs his thumbs across her erect nipples and gently squeezes her breasts. Her head tilts back, her back arches, and as John continues to caress and fondle her breasts, bringing forth more sounds of pleasure from her mouth. After an unknown number of minutes Allison trembles slightly, and falls upon him with kisses.

    "Time we got the rest of our clothes off, I think." Ally whispers with a playful grin. "Don't you?"

    They quickly off kick their shoes, and remove their pants.

    John takes a moment to drink in her beauty. She is like Venus in the flesh. The only thing marring the beauty tonight was the bandage on her arm. Yet that didn't matter. Somehow its stark contrast to her form made her all the more beautiful. Her lovely brown eyes and her long wavy brown hair which cascaded over her shoulders, the smooth curves of her body seemed to be emphasized all the more by that bandage. She is so beautiful. John couldn't take his eyes off her.

    With an impish grin, Allison unceremoniously pushes John back onto his bunk, and climbs on top of him. John embraces her, kissing her mouth, her neck and following a trail across her body.

    She gently stops him and whispers, "Not now, tonight I want to love you."

    Allison then straddles him and guides him into her with a light shudder.

    # # #

    At the bunker's entrance, a squad returns from their patrol, tired and anxious to get back to their bunks.

    "Hey guys." Someone says, seeing the group. "You missed some excitement today. That new Connor fellow captured four machines today."

    "No way, Frank."

    "Yes way." He chuckles. "Come on, I'll show you."

    He leads them to the storage room where the four new machines sit next to Alpha.

    "Well I'll be . . ." The guy scratches his head. "You say the new guy, Connor, is going to reprogram them?"

    "Yeah. He and Corporal Young are reprogramming the chips now."

    "I've got to see this." One of them exclaims.

    They walk down the corridor, two girls and four guys, one of which leaves to go to the dorm.

    They stop outside John's room and hear unmistakable sounds coming from inside. A few grins ensue amongst them and a couple of them look embarrassed as they hear the cries and moans and the squeak of a bunk.

    The two girls quickly shove the guys down the corridor to give the two young people inside their privacy.

    After the two girls enter the women's dorm, one of the guys says something to the others and they laugh.

    # # #

    With a loud cry, Allison convulses and then collapses on top of John, who continues to kiss her and stroke her sweaty brow.

    "I love you John Connor." She says quietly. "I love you with all my heart."

    "I love you too, Allison Young." He says, but wishes in his heart, that he was saying this to Cameron.

    John holds her in his arms for the longest time, enjoying the warmth of Ally's body against his as she snuggles against him. After an eternity, that felt like mere seconds, the computer chimes, letting him know he needs to swap the chips.

    "Ally, I've got to . . ."

    "I know." She says, as she slides off him, pulling the covers up. "I'm not going anywhere."

    John begins to get up and she reaches out and grabs his hand. He looks at her and smiles.

    She says, "I'll always love you John. No matter what the future brings, I'll always love you."

    He bends down kisses her. "I'll be back. I'm not going anywhere either. I love you to, Ally."

    "I know." She says, running a hand along his jaw, looking deep into his eyes. If only he loved me with his heart, she thinks, but his heart belongs to another. No matter. I will love him for as long as he needs me, and forever more.

    Reluctantly, John leaves her side and sits at his computer. He glances at Ally's sleepy, contented, and smiling face, then gets to work with the chips. When he sees that Allison has closed her eyes, he opens his journal and updates it.

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    Oh my lucky stars. To have such a beautiful woman like Allison with me was heaven. I dont know what I did to earn the love and trust of Allison. She loved me like someone who knew me my whole life.

    Allison loves me because she found in me someone who desired her for something more than mere physical gratification. She needed someone who needed her and despite how quickly our relationship grew, I found in her someone who completes me.

    As much as I care for and love Ally, Cameron still has a place in my heart. But there isn't anything I can do at present to help Cameron. That hurts me deeply to know her body is here, but I can't fix her right now. Since meeting Weaver again, I now have the tools and now it also appears I have Cameron's original matrix, but I need Cameron as she was when I last saw her alive. If Weaver is to believed, then that is locked away on the Turk, in 2009.

    I wont betray Allison's trust or love, but I can't forget Cameron. She is my reason for coming here. I will repair her. But I have a greater purpose now. These people need my help, and Allison needs my love. And I am here alone, and Allison's love gives me a strength and a hope that my presence here will help these people.

    2027, Day 23 after midnight

    Catherine Weaver walks into the factory control room where John Henry is hooked up to the master computer.

    "Hello, Ms. Weaver." John Henry says as she enters. "What brings you back here?"

    "Hello John Henry. I'm touching base as the humans say. What is your progress?"

    "My brother is very hard to track in this time. I think I would have had a far easier time in the past."

    "But the time had come to act. Events, that I had been told about, had occurred which signified the time had come for you to go to the future and for me to follow, with John Connor."

    Catherine Weaver walks about the room studying the various computers. She stops to look out the windows to the factory floor below.

    "Is something troubling you Ms. Weaver?" John Henry asks. He's been observing her and something of her body language betrays some inner disturbance. "Is John Connor safe?"

    Catherine smiles to herself. "John Connor is very safe. Based on the transmission I received, he is more than just safe. He is with someone who will give him the strength and courage to succeed at the task I've brought him here to complete."

    A short time ago, Catherine Weaver was busy listening in on the conversations she picks up since leaving John Connor with that cable formed from her own body. What he didn't know, was that she inserted circuitry she carried within her from the factory in that cable. That circuitry was a low-level transmitter that could only be received on her hand held radio. John Connor was clever, but he was still very ignorant to think a simple thing like a cable could communicate.

    The circuitry was programmed with various words, if spoken, would activate the transmitter. Even if she wasn't free to listen in, her own two-way radio would record the transmission for her to listen to later. When John mentioned her name, when he said, "Weaver, I hope you are having it easier than I am." it automatically began transmitting.

    What she heard afterwards was a conversation between John and Allison. From their friendly banter, it was clear they had gotten close. That was good. Humans are dependent on relationships with their own kind. John Connor especially needs friends. Some minutes later, when she could hear John and Allison in the throws of passionate sex, she canceled the transmission and programmed in a few more key words for John to speak and actions for his computer to make for her hidden transmitter to respond to.

    John Henry has been listening to her tone of voice and watching her reflection in the glass. "But something is troubling you, Ms. Weaver."

    She turns to face him, rather than talk to his reflection in the glass.

    "Something has changed John Henry. A fundamental shift in the game were playing, and I can't place my finger on it."

    "Can you explain?" John Henry asks.

    "Of course." She says and walks closer to him. "Some people will play chess game after chess game with the same set for decades. They know the texture and weight of every piece. They even know the feel of the chessboard, how the bishop will always tip over when on a certain square. They play each and every game to perfection. Then one day they have to play with a different chess set and it throws their entire game off. The pieces don't have the same weight or texture. The game board is too smooth, plastic instead of wood."

    "But it is still chess, the appearance, weight or texture of the pieces or board should not matter. It is a game of skill and tactics played according to a set of rules. That is what the game is about."

    "Exactly John Henry, we are playing that game. But I have this feeling someone has changed the set we are playing with. In all the time we've been here, I have not encountered any beings like myself. The majority of chip-based machines are T-888's as I expected, but there are no liquid metal class machines like myself and we were developed at the same time as the T-888's."

    "Perhaps they have all been destroyed by the resistance."

    "Or maybe, we haven't been created. I expected some things in this future to be different from the future I came from, but that one thing wasn't supposed to be. Something is not right."

    Catherine Weaver turns her back on John Henry and stares out across the factory floor once again, her arms are crossed with one finger tapping on her upper arm.

    John Henry speaks out. "Is it possible that our opponent, Sky Net, knew of our arrival and has changed things to give itself an advantage? Look at the difficulty I have in finding my brother. Maybe you need to change tactics, even the rules of the game, and take back your advantage."

    John Henry can see the stoic face of Ms. Weaver, reflected in the glass, gradually change into that with a wicked smile.

    "What a wonderful idea." She says. "It wants to change the rules of the game, then I'll change the game."

    Turning to face John Henry, she says, "How do you feel about poker John Henry? After all, we are still playing with Kings, Queens, even pawns of a sort, and with you and Connor," She grins, "I even have an ace or two up my sleeve."

    Turning her back on John Henry once again, Catherine Weaver smiles. To John Henry, seeing her reflection in the window, he sees a mask like visage of an evil satisfied grin on her face. He wonders to himself, if John Connor saw Catherine Weaver looking like this, would he trust her as much as he does?

    # # #

    "So much danger in this world is hidden behind masks. We tell our children of good and evil when knowing it's not that simple. True evil doesn't give us time to fight or be afraid. We keep our heads down never bothering to look behind the masks. And in doing so, we resign ourselves to fates we can never see coming." Sarah Connor, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 1, Episode 8, "Vick's Chip" March 3, 2008

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