

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #11 : Part 1: Chapter 9: The Seeds of Destiny

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 8 ส.ค. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Chapter 9

    The Seeds of Destiny

    "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan

    "Control your own destiny or someone else will." Jack Welch

    "Actions are the seed of fate, deeds grow into destiny." Harry S Truman

    "No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main . . ." John Donne, Meditation XVII, English clergyman & poet (1572 - 1631)

    "Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious." Thomas Aquinas

    "No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever." Francois Mocuriac

    # # #

    2027, Day 21, Just after midnight

    John wakens and is momentarily surprised by Allison's presence in his bed. He had forgotten in his sleep of what they did hours previously. He's not certain how long he's been asleep, or even what time it is, but something tells him that it must be after midnight.

    Allison lies beside and slightly on top of him. Her head resting on his shoulder and one hand laying above his heart. John reaches up and casually runs his fingers through her brown locks of hair on her head.

    She wouldn't let him tell her that he loved her after they had sex. John still wonders briefly if he had told her would he have meant it? After all, he is still carrying feelings for Cameron. But how can you make love to such a beautiful woman and not say it?

    The one thing he is certain of, he doesn't deserve her friendship or her love, but his life will be the better for it.

    He eases himself carefully off the bunk and out from under Allison. John hates to leave the comfort of sharing his tiny bunk with her, but there are some things he wants to check on.

    As quietly as he can, John puts on the clothing he hastily removed the previous afternoon. Pulling on his shirt, John looks at Allison sleeping peacefully. She looks so beautiful in her slumber. At absolute peace.

    "I know you didn't want me to say it." John whispers, caressing her face. "I don't know what to say if you won't let me. But I think I love you."

    John gives her a quick kiss on her cheek and quietly leaves the room. Leaving Allison alone with a blissful smile on her face.

    # # #

    In the Midwest of the United States, grain elevators stand like sentinels over a forgotten land. But the true guardians of the night lie atop those grain towers waiting and watching.

    Three American Marines have setup a camera to observe the tracks below. A vibration shakes the tower gently and the marines check the approaching tracks. Not far off, they can see the twin horizontal red lights that marks the trains operated by Sky Net.

    Sky Net's trains don't travel alone and the Marines quickly throw ropes over the side of the grain tower and rapel down the side, far more rapidly than most consider safe, but it's far better to die from a fall than to die at the hand of Sky Net. Ahead of the train is an HK, providing cover from possible ground or air attack.

    The marines quickly scramble to get out of sight of the approaching HK.

    Searchlights come on along the underside of the HK lighting up the grain tower. It scans for any signs of life. It finds nothing other than a few quickly fading heat traces on the top of one grain tower, but no humans.

    It flies on, ignoring the tower, but it transmits the heat traces it scanned to Sky Net Central.

    Below and out of sight, one of the marines remotely activates the camera above which begins recording images of the passing train that will then be transmitted to command after the train and its escorts leave the area.

    The three Marines wait until after the train passes before coming out of cover. As they run for their vehicle, hidden under the ancient and discarded machinery, the unmistakable sound of an HK is heard approaching.

    Thinking the first has turned back, they run even harder for their vehicle. Sky Net outsmarted them this time. It had a second HK following the train. Upon getting the update from the lead HK, Sky Net instantly transmitted the data to the trailing HK.

    It immediately flies up to the grain tower and hovers.

    The Marines wait precious moments expecting it to either fire on them with a hail of bullets, or move on after scanning the area.

    A white hot ray suddenly shoots from a canon on the underside striking their transport and causing the fuel to ignite immediately. The vehicle explodes, killing two of the marines instantly. The other lies broken and bruised gasping for breath.

    He gasps, as he struggles to bring his weapon up.

    A spotlight, mounted under the wing, lights him up as he begins firing his M-16. The bullets don't even mar the surface of the armored HK.

    It quickly scans the human and its weapon and instantly determines its threat is low. But if enough of those bullets were to enter its engines it could damage them. It quickly reassesses the threat level and aims the plasma cannon down at the marine.

    "Just do it!" He screams. "Just do . . ." A white hot beam strikes the Marine destroying all flesh instantly and igniting the remaining ammunition in his gun which explode like firecrackers.

    The HK hovers, turns, and quickly flies on, its mission complete.

    The camera mounted on the roof of the grain tower finishes recording and soon it will begin transmitting. The Marines mission is complete as well, but at the cost of their lives.

    # # #

    John walks through the corridor where he and Allison were given rooms and can hear quiet snores from some of the rooms.

    The quality of the tunnel changes as he moves further along it. John realizes he must be in the basement of the old bus terminal. It's been subdivided into two barracks, one for men and one for women. He wonders why they weren't given space in there and sees as he passes that all the bunks are filled. The rest of the basement, was given over to a generator room for the bunker and storage.

    John would like to finish touring the rest of the bunker, but he got up for a reason.

    He soon finds himself at the entrance where he had entered with Kyle and Allison. The guard on duty was taking his position seriously. Outpost Delta was unknown to Sky Net at this time, and they weren't about to let anything enter that didn't belong.

    "Um, do you know if Derek Reese will be arriving soon?" John asks. "I understand a messenger was sent out after we arrived."

    "You should go to communications. He will know." The guard says gruffly.


    John turns away and heads off to find communications. After a short walk, he finds it tucked into a room carved out of the rock. The space is lit by a couple of naked bulbs in the ceiling. A lone figure sits at a table along one wall. On it is an amateur radio operator's dream of heaven.

    Three radios, four scanners, a piece of equipment that looks like it belongs in a museum judging by the glow of vacuum tubes inside, and a couple of aging laptop computers. John just looks on in awe as the radio operator, looking only a few years older than John, is busy scribbling something down.

    The radio operator is wearing a headset so John can't hear what is being said. Deciding he might not be able to talk to the radio guy right away John starts to walk away. At that moment the radio operator says into the mike, "Roger that. Message received. Returning to radio silence until zero six hundred hours."

    Sliding the headphones off and turning off the radio, he says, "Hey there, I'm Andy Keen, the local radio operator. What can I do for you?"

    "Hi Andy. I'm John Connor."

    "You're John Connor!" A big grin fills his face.


    "Oh man. The word has been going out all over the place how you took out two machines and brought back a huge cache of weapons. You're a hero. Kyle has told everyone of what you've accomplished."

    "Yeah, um, thanks." John mumbles feeling embarrassed by his praise. "Any word on when Derek Reese will be arriving? I understand a runner was sent to the main bunker."

    "The word just came in a few minutes ago. He was out on a mission when he received word that his brother was back. He should be here sometime in the morning. You and Allison are supposed to wait here until debriefed. Kyle will be debriefed as soon as the doc clears him."

    "I suppose it's too late to check in with the Doctor on Kyle's progress?"

    "Nah, I wouldn't think so. I understand he's an old night owl and can be pretty good company to have around when you're working the night shift, when he stops by. You'll find him down this corridor, take a left, and it will be the third door on your right."


    John follows Andy's instructions. He passes a couple of rooms set aside for the sick and injured and spies Kyle on one of the beds.

    He enters the surgery to find a man in his late fifties wearing dirty scrubs. He's leaning back in an old wooden chair, a ragged medical journal in one hand, and a glass of something foul smelling in the other. Behind the man, burping a little steam, is a still.

    John clears his throat to get his attention and introduces himself.

    "Hey there! You're that fella that brought young Reese in."

    "That's right, along with Allison too."

    "That's right. She stopped by when I was getting prepped for surgery. She sure is a pretty girl. She tells me you are responsible for keeping Kyle Reese's wounds clean and bandaged."

    "We both did. I'm afraid she may have exaggerated a bit my role in helping Kyle."

    "No need to be modest. We all do our part and then some."

    "Thanks." John pauses, looking at the still. "I've got to ask. What's the still for?"

    "I brew alcohol for sterilizing the tools of my trade and wounds. Of course, that's only the 100% pure alcohol. The lower grade stuff is good enough for drinking, which ain't half-bad." And he takes a sip from his glass to prove it. "I recommend everyone has a small glass once a week to stem infections and the like."

    John wrinkles his nose. The stuff smell pretty strong to him, and he would know. His mom would keep some good alcohol in the house, mostly Tequila. "I'll take your word for it."

    "Your friend Allison had a glass yesterday afternoon. She drank it like a champ." The Doc shakes his head. "I never seen anyone swallow this stuff and not choke before."

    Ahh, so that explains Allison's determination to have sex with me. She must got some Dutch courage from the alcohol. John thinks, but he came here to check on Kyle's progress.

    "I stopped by to see how Kyle is doing."

    "He's mending very well. The bullet came out as easy as you please. The work you did held off any infection. As soon as his wounds heal and his body rebuilds the blood he lost he will be able to get back to helping protect humanity."

    "You said protect. Aren't the people fighting back against the machines? Aren't they trying to reclaim their world from Sky Net?" John was confused. He was under the impression that Derek was leading these people in a fight.

    "Fight against the machines, young man. Have you any idea the firepower it takes to disable let alone kill just one of those machines? Derek and the others keep us protected from the machines. Every so often there's a skirmish when the metal gets a notion to sweep through an area, but fight a war? Don't be ridiculous. Humanity cannot fight a war to win against the machines."

    John couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this defeatist attitude prevalent throughout the people who survived J-Day, or was this man just one of a few? He had to find out. If humans were to defeat Sky Net in this future, he found himself in, they needed to do more than just survive, they needed to fight! John curses and walks away.

    The Doc smiles and gets up from his chair. He disappears behind a curtain in the back of the room where someone is sleeping.

    He suddenly morphs into the form of Catherine Weaver. She places the glass of home-brew next to the doctor, who is asleep, and she smiles.

    "That should ignite the flames under John Connor." She says with a twisted smile.

    "Thanks for the information doctor. You did very well." She slides her hand across his abdomen. "Best put that away." Weaver zips his fly. "Wouldn't want you catching a cold."

    Morphing into an eel, she slithers out of the room and down the hall. Just missing John Connor as he goes into one of the rooms.

    John stands in the corridor a few minutes to calm down. He slips quietly into Kyle's room to check on him to find he is awake.

    "Hey Kyle." John whispers.

    Kyle looks at him and grins. "Hey Connor. Good to see a familiar face."

    "How ya feeling?" John asks coming closer.

    "Tired from the drugs. Wounds are feeling good, especially the arm, but Doc wants me to stay in bed to keep an eye on them. There's a risk of them getting infected if I move around too much."

    "Then maybe I should leave so you can get back to sleep."

    "That's just it, I can't sleep."

    "Here, let me show you something." John pulls the photo of his mom from his shirt pocket. "This is my mom, Sarah Connor. I found the photo in hide-away."

    Kyle takes the photo and looks at it. "Your mom is beautiful."

    John grins. "Let me tell you a story."

    John talks with him to get his spirits up. He tells Kyle about Sarah. How she had to raise John on her own. How she was on the run with John all of his life and in the meantime made a living at smuggling weapons. He was careful not to mention anything that would indicate these events happened pre-Judgment Day, keeping more to generalities but for the specifics of his mom and what she did to train, protect, and look after her son.

    "Wow. Your mom is a remarkable woman." Kyle says, thinking of what John told him while gazing intently at the image. He wonders how his own mom would have faired in this apocalyptic world.

    "She is very remarkable and very tough." John says, patting his good arm. "Why don't you hang onto the photo for now?"

    "I couldn't do that, it's the only picture you have of her. Do you realize how few people actually have any mementos of the families they have lost?"

    "Kyle. I have a lifetime of memories and I don't need a photograph to remember her. She is in my head and heart forever. Just take the photo and think of her as your guardian angel. She looked after me for seventeen years I'm sure she wouldn't mind looking after you for a while."

    As John walks away from his bed, Kyle says "Hey Connor, thanks."

    "No problem. You just get better."

    John didn't know if this would be the Kyle Reese sent back to help his mom, but he could at least start sowing the seeds required for that plant to grow, if need be.

    # # #

    While John was gone, Allison had spread herself out on his bunk. Bunks aren't very big to begin with. John was wondering how he might get back in bed without disturbing Allison, when she speaks.

    "Hey." She says kind of sleepily. "Did you go out?"

    "Yeah, I was just checking on Kyle. He is doing fine." He whispers.

    "I'm glad to hear it." She says, moving over so John can get in bed with her.

    John quickly strips off and lays back down on the bunk beside her.

    Allison snuggles in close beside him and they talk quietly.

    "Allison, earlier after we, uh, had sex, why did you stop me from saying, I love you?"

    "I didn't want you to say it then, because you were thinking of her, the girl you lost."

    John swallows nervously. "Well yeah, I was, but it doesn't mean I didn't think of you at all. I mean, I wouldn't have done it with you if I didn't have some feelings for you."

    "I know, but I did pressure you into having sex. I should have waited, but the timing was perfect."

    "I'm not complaining." John says with a smile. "It was fantastic. You are a beautiful woman, Ally. I can't tell you how happy you made me feel. I would have been pleased to have you as my friend, but after yesterday, well, I don't feel alone any more."

    She places a kiss on his chest. "I care about you John."

    "I care about you too."

    "I know." Allison snuggles closer to John.

    John says, "There are people in the neighboring rooms now."

    "Then just hold me until dawn and don't let me go." Allison whispers in his ear. "I love you John Connor. I want this, you and me, to last forever."

    "It will." John says as he embraces her, but a voice in his head screams, "What about Cameron?"

    "I love you too." John adds, stroking the hair on her head while ignoring the voice in his own.

    He tried to say it sincerely, but with as little emotion as possible because of his thoughts of Cameron. It was the right thing to say to Allison, but there must have been some infliction in his voice which betrayed the true feelings that were growing in the empty space in his heart for her, because with a sweet smile, she settled in her present position to sleep.

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    The turmoil I was feeling right now was terrible. Here I was with a girl, with whom I had sex with and with whom I felt a deep connection with. Love? Yes, it could very well be. I could never think differently about Allison after tonight. But my thoughts are always on Cameron. Out there in this world, separated by distance and time are Cameron's body, her chip, and her very essence. The goal to get her back seemed unobtainable, but I will try. I owe it to her.

    # # #

    Derek and a small patrol are making their way quickly as possible through the rubble. They just left Sky Net controlled territory and have just entered Outpost Delta's territory.

    After completing his observations of the factory, Derek decided the quickest and safest way to get to Delta from the ridge was to head back along the trail he made to where they came up through the manhole. After checking in with the people he left there, he took with him a fresh group of resistance soldiers.

    Derek and those fresh soldiers had just rounded a pile of rubble when they stumble across a dead body.

    One of the soldiers kneels down and turns her over. Her blond hair is soaked to a strawberry blond by her own blood. The slit in her throat and hole in her chest are testament to how she died.

    He pulls the dog tags out from under her clothes. "Her name is Linda Svenson, Private. She's one of ours."

    "Shit!" Derek swears. "What happened?"

    "Raiders, thieves even smugglers." The man kneeling beside Linda's body says. "They like to use knives in close combat."

    "No. Whatever killed her wasn't human. She still has her weapons and clothes. Thieves or smugglers would have taken them. Metal killed her." Derek says. "What unit is she from?"

    The soldier checks the patch on her shoulder, the logo shows a triangle. "She's from Outpost Delta."

    "How far are we from Delta?" Derek turns and asks one of the lieutenants with him.

    "Approximately one mile, sir."

    "We'll take her with us. Let her people take care of her." Derek looks at his people. They just look at the body in shock. Even after seeing so many people die, the sight of seeing another corpse is still dispiriting.

    "Come on! Move it!" Derek shouts. "Unless you want to add your bodies to the dead!"

    Some of the fighters quickly break out a blanket to wrap Linda's body in. Tying off the ends with rope, two of the soldier then carefully lift her body and carry it with them.

    2027, Day 21, Just before Dawn

    As dawn drew steadily nearer, Allison quickly redressed and slipped back to her assigned room to clean up. She told John upon waking, that she wanted their relationship kept private and was going to her room now to avoid any talk about them later that day.

    John washes up and gets dressed alone, and meets with Ally in the corridor to go to the mess hall.

    "I wonder what they have to eat at this place." John muses.

    "I should warn you," Allison says as they approach the small serviceable mess hall. "Some of these outposts have unusual things to eat."

    "Is it any worse than the stews at the main bunker?"

    "You mean the mystery stew, where even the chef doesn't know what's in it?" Allison laughs. "I don't know about worse, that's up to you. I'm just saying, prepare yourself." She grins and John can only imagine what they might find.

    They walk into the mess hall to find rats are on the menu. Rats were the only thing on the menu. Rats are the only thing that is ever on the menu. Not just wild rats that they catch in traps, but also rats that are hand reared and forced fed on anything they can eat at the outpost. Not exactly the highlight of this new day, but John is too hungry to get squeamish.

    Allison and John sit at a table with their roasted rats, and look at each other. Thoughts of what they did last night flash through John's head, and he smiles at her. Allison looks away embarrassed as she also recalls what they did. She plays with her hair nervously, as John continues to smile at her, oblivious to the going ons in the mess hall. John thinks she looks lovely this morning, possibly even glowing, and he just couldn't tear his eyes away.

    She leans over the small table and whispers, "John, you're staring at me. People are going to know and I want to keep this private."

    "Sorry." John whispers, feeling embarrassed, and looks at his fire roasted rat on a stick.

    Against his better inclinations, John eats it. Tastes better than it looks, and soon all John has in front of him is the stick and a few bones. He looks at Allison, who is still picking at hers. Grinning sheepishly John waits until she finishes eating hers.

    "You know, I've heard of an outpost where they eat cockroaches. Not the common household roaches, but the big huge ones from South America." Allison mentions when she finishes eating.

    "I've had cockroaches and grubs." John shudders. "I learned to live off many things while living in Nicaragua as a boy, but I could never get used to them."

    "They are high in protein."

    "But not something I could eat indefinitely. I hope I never get posted there."

    She secretly takes his hand under their table. "You won't be going there, John. You are too important. I won't let you get sent away."

    Allison looks at John with such determination and love, that they both forget the admonition she gave him earlier and sit their holding hands under the table looking at each other.

    In the doorway of the mess stands Derek Reese. Despite the tiredness and general appearance of having slept in his clothes the last several days, a pleasant smile comes to his face as he looks at the couple.

    # # #

    Earlier Derek and his team arrived outside of the hatch to outpost Delta as the sun was beginning to clear the eastern horizon.

    Derek bangs on the hatch with his rifle butt, and yells down the ventilation pipe.

    "Reese, Derek, Command Alpha, 5, 18, Zed niner."

    A moment later, the hatch opens allowing Derek and his team access.

    The body of Linda Svenson is handed over to her team for proper disposal.

    "Sir, if you like, the mess hall just opened half hour ago if you and your men want something to eat."

    "Thanks private, but right now I want to see my brother."

    "Of course sir. Just go down the same corridor and when you reach the end, take a left. The infirmary is at the end."

    Derek offers his thanks and goes off in search of the infirmary. As he passes the mess hall, he stops as he sees Allison and John sitting at a table together. He can't help but smile seeing the look being exchanged between them. He somehow thought this would happen. Allison is in love with the young man. He feels happy for her. She's lived too long a time without a mate.

    John looks up as several more people enter the mess. Seeing Derek, he gets Allison's attention and points.

    She looks up and with a shout of joy runs to Derek and gives him a big hug.

    "Hey Princess." Derek says returning her warm embrace.

    "When did you get here?" John asks, joining them.

    "I just arrived. I can't tell you how glad I am to see you both. Sky Net activity increased dramatically in the same sector your squad went into. You really don't know how lucky you are to come out alive."

    "It was more than luck." Allison squeezes John's arm.

    "You can tell me about it later." Derek winks at her. "I'm going to see Kyle. In the meantime, I'm going to have Lieutenants Bennett and Halverson debrief you two separately on your mission."

    "I'll see you two later. Things are changing out there and I'm going to need your help." He adds quickly as he leaves to see Kyle.

    "We should probably see his lieutenants and get debriefed." John says.

    "Not until we collect our uniforms. We forgot about it yesterday." She says giving him knowing look.

    John blushes lightly, as he and Allison leave to find the washroom and collect their uniforms.

    # # #

    "Hey lazy bones. You going to lie there all day, or do I have to roll you out of bed." Derek says with a grin.

    "Derek!" Kyle shouts, and embraces his brother as he sits down beside him.

    "I thought you were dead." Derek says.

    "I would have been, if it wasn't for John Connor."

    "Tell me about it. What happened out there?"

    Kyle tells him everything from the moment he left the main bunker, the taking of the rest stop from the grays, how he nearly strangled John in a fit of anger, and how John disobeyed his orders to leave him behind, then nearly died to save both him and Allison. Then on the way back to base, they got stuck in the mountains when they found themselves surrounded by HK's and machines.

    "Wow. The kid's got what it takes. And you got the weapons?"

    "Yeah. John's got the list. If it wasn't for him and Allison. . . ." Kyle's voice trails off.

    "Speaking of them, I saw them in the mess, looking like a couple. Are you okay with that?"

    Kyle smiles a genuine smile that Derek hasn't seen in a long time. "You know. I actually am okay with it."

    He looks out, his eyes focusing on nothing. "You remember the summer I turned fourteen. The three of us were hiking in the mountains trying to find that resistance camp we'd been hearing rumors about."

    "Yeah. We turned off the main trail too soon. We were going in the right direction, but were on the wrong trail." Derek shakes his head. "We never did find that camp."

    "That's right. These last few years I've been on the wrong path, thinking that Ally and I would be together. Just because we're heading in the same direction, it doesn't mean we're on the same path."

    "A bit long winded, but I get your meaning. I'm going to talk with Ally and John. Will you be okay?"

    "I'll be fine, once I get out of this damn bed. Can't you say something to the Doc?"

    "Sorry bro, but the medical officer has the final word on when a soldier is fit for duty, even if the soldier outranks him."

    "What?" Kyle says looking at him in surprise.

    "Yeah. I'm reinstating your officer's status and promoting you to Captain for what you did out there. Congratulations." Derek shakes his hand. "Try not to let your temper get the better of you in the future."

    "I won't." Kyle looks at his brother. "I don't feel angry any more."

    "Good." Derek pats his shoulder.

    Derek leaves, and Kyle pulls the photo of Sarah out of his pocket. He gazes at her image and wonders if he'll ever meet this wonderful woman. Seeing her face, Sarah's face. He hopes she is alive for John's sake, but just looking at Sarah's image he feels some connection to her. Like maybe she is the one.

    # # #

    Derek is sitting on the stool in Allison's room. She's sitting on her bunk.

    "I've read the report you gave Lieutenant Halverson. When Kyle was incapacitated by his injuries, why didn't you take command?"

    "There wasn't time. It was just the three of us, and we were under attack. Hardly a time to be pulling rank."

    "But Kyle gave an order to leave him behind, so you and John could both escape. An order that was disobeyed."

    "He wasn't in his right mind, Derek. He was still angry because of me and John."

    "And what about John? You are a corporal in the resistance, and he hasn't even been instated to the resistance, and judging by this report I can only discern that you yielded your authority to him."

    "Derek. Why are you asking me this?"

    "Just answer my question."

    Allison sighs. "John knew the territory and he had access to the weapons. On top of that, he managed to not only disable the first machine we encountered, but removed its chip. He wanted to do the same with the other. Given the number of weapons and explosives in the hide-away, that seemed the most prudent choice. I wouldn't say I yielded my authority to John. I just made use of his knowledge and skills."

    Derek nods his head. "How did Connor do out there in your opinion?"

    Allison leans forward, placing a hand on his knee. "If anything were to happen to you, I don't think you'd have to look further than John for a successor."

    "Ally. You know I care about you, but that's a bit strong. I know he did well out there . . . ."

    "Derek. You spoke of having some faith." She pauses a moment and then dives in. "John Connor is the best soldier I've ever seen. He is as adept at planning missions as you are. He knows weapons as well as Kyle, and he can walk stealthily through the brush like a jungle cat. Before their unfortunate deaths, Mike and Lewis both told me that they liked him and they didn't know him until that mission. There is something about him. I think you'd do very well in giving command of this outpost to John."

    "Your faith in Connor is nice, but he's too young, and besides he's not officially a part of the resistance. He went on that mission as a scout and guide only."

    "But you are in command. You can enroll him and give him a field promotion."

    "I can enroll him, if that is what he wants. But to promote him to officer status without the approval of my Lieutenants when he is a raw recruit would be political suicide."

    "But . . ."

    "Allison, that's enough. Your faith and love for John are well placed. Based on both your's and Kyle's reports, you've chosen well. But I cannot give him command of this outpost, nor promote him over others at this time without . . ." Derek pauses, then speaks in a more normal tone. "Listen to me. If I could, I would do as you ask. But you know the command structure, you helped me set it up after the regular armed forces left the area. Any promotion I gave him now would be temporary. It would have to be mission specific anyway, and it could only become permanent if he succeeded."

    Derek stands up and places a fatherly kiss on her forehead. "I love you Princess. But there are just some things I cannot do even for you."

    Allison nods her head in acquiescence.

    "I've got to go speak to the man in question. Will you be all right?"

    Allison smiles at him. "I'll be fine. I'm going to visit with Kyle. Are you going to be at Delta for a while?"

    "Yeah. I'm making it my temporary field headquarters. We've discovered a plasma rifle factory in this sector and with the help of Connor's weapons, I plan on taking it."

    "So that's why Sky Net had so many machines in this area. It must have thought our squad was looking for it."

    "That was my thought." Derek says standing up. "We may be here for a few weeks. If you'd like, I could have your personal belongings sent over from the main bunker."

    "That won't be necessary. I secured them before going on the mission."

    "Okay Princess, see you later."

    Derek leaves Allison alone. She thinks of what Derek has said and this mission he's planning on taking the plasma factory. Derek said, "Any promotion I gave him now would be temporary. It would have to be mission specific anyway, and I could only make it stick if he succeeded." She thinks she will visit Kyle. With his injuries, he won't be taking part in any battles any time soon.

    # # #

    John was updating his journal when Derek comes to see him. John had been feeling a little anxious since being debriefed by one of Derek's lieutenants and decided updating his journal was the best way to occupy his time until Derek came to speak with him.

    Derek marches into John's room and closes the door behind him. "I read the reports from both yours and Allison's debriefing and I spoke with Allison and Kyle. You are rather remarkable for someone so young. Kyle said you're the best damn soldier he's seen. You're keen and bright and don't shirk from taking on responsibility or taking charge in a dangerous situation."

    John was surprised by the compliment and thanked him as humbly as he could. "I just did my best."

    "You did more than your best by all accounts. Allison had nothing but high praise for you as well."

    Derek sits on the corner of John's bunk.

    "Before you left on the mission, I told you quite clearly that Kyle was in charge and that you were only to act as a guide. Yet by all accounts there were many occasions when you acted outside of your assigned duties, even disobeying orders."

    John swallows nervously and waits.

    "However, I'm willing to overlook your flagrant abuse of my orders because if it wasn't for you, not only would we not have the weapons, but Kyle would be dead." Derek sizes John up for a moment. "He ordered you to leave him behind at the rest stop. Why did you disobey him and risk getting both yourself and Allison killed?"

    John struggles a moment to come up with an answer. He disobeyed him because Kyle, whether it's this one or not, is his father. He couldn't leave him behind. They're family.

    "Ohana." John says.

    "What?" Derek asks frowning.

    "It's Hawaiian for family. This war makes all of us family. I won't leave anyone behind, not while there is a chance for life. If Kyle's injuries were life threatening, then I might have left him. But if he's conscious enough to be yelling orders at me, then he's damn well enough to ride in the back of a van and yell at me from there. Ally would probably agree with me."

    "She does. I assigned her to your mission to keep an eye on you and give me a report. I bet you didn't know that?"

    "Well I did wonder why she came along as Kyle didn't select her. She wouldn't tell me when I asked, but when the mission was complete she told me. She's quite brave herself. She tackled a machine on her own and led it into the trap we built."

    "Yeah, I read that in her report. Allison is braver and tougher than she first appears. I raised her when Kyle and I found her alone in the remains of a house. God only knows how she survived J-Day. She was only a few years younger than Kyle and I raised them together. It wasn't a world for young children in those days, but I tried my best."

    "That's all anyone can do."

    "Yes it is. Kyle told me you've got a list of the weapons you brought back."

    John pulls out the list that Kyle had made out at the desert hideaway and he gives it to him.

    "You managed to bring back all this?" Derek says with some amazement.

    "Yes. We would have brought more, but the soft sand kept us from loading the van too heavily." Then John adds quite sarcastically, "An awful lot of heavy weapons for just defending the people in the bunker. I hate to think that so many lives were loss if it wasn't going to be used in an attack on Sky Net."

    "Sounds like you've been talking with Doc. Don't let his negativity get to you. It's just things don't move fast enough for him. We've been doing more than just protecting lives, we've gone on the offensive many times."

    "It hasn't been easy the last few years since the regular forces pulled out leaving us civilian resistance groups on our own. We lost our supply lines and had to rebuild everything from scratch."

    "What happened to the military?"

    "Every occupied base on the west coast was attacked. There was no place for them to go but further inland. As far as I know, based on what little gets through the mountains, they've been holding on and have been rebuilding their forces. The feeling is Sky Net's main base of operations is in California."

    "And the weapons we brought back . . ."

    ". . . will be used in an attack on Sky Net." Derek grins.

    "While you were out in the desert, I've been out looking for information on Sky Net's recent activities in the sector you were in. We've found an armament factory where they construct the plasma rifles. It is the only weapon we've seen capable of damaging one of those machines that doesn't require a constant flow of ammunition."

    "And if you had the plasma rifles, that would give you a more powerful weapon and you wouldn't have to rely on supply lines for your weapons or ammunition."

    "Right the first time Connor. Then we will use the plasma weapons in a big strike against Sky Net."

    "So when will you be going after the arms factory?"

    "Right now we are sending messages out to a few camps. This strike will require many troops." He looks at John for a moment and continues. "My brother would be taking part, but his injuries will keep him out of action for a few days and I need all the people I can get. I should have done this before, but I'm going to fully instate you as part of the resistance."

    "What?" John asks momentarily stunned.

    "It's my fault for not doing it before sending you out on the mission. Welcome to the resistance Private Connor."

    Derek holds his hand out and John shakes his hand. "Thanks, um." John quickly salutes. "Sir."

    "If I had done this before, I could promote you. There aren't many in this resistance who can do what you've done. You've got the makings to be a fine officer."

    "Me? I only turned seventeen a few weeks ago. How am I going to lead group of battle hardened soldiers?"

    "Don't sell yourself short kid. Kyle and Allison told me everything you did out there in the desert. You've got the makings to be a fine officer. You know what to do in a crisis situation and you are not afraid to take risks. Besides, most of the fighters are not much older than you and some are younger than you. I don't doubt you'll be an officer, especially if Allison has her way."

    "Allison. What's she got to do with my being an officer?"

    "I'm not blind Connor and I know Allison. I raised her, remember? She loves you and I just want to know one thing, do you love her?" Derek gives him a steely eyed look.

    John sighs. "Can I ask you something?"


    "Before I came here, there was someone else I cared about. I didn't know how much I loved her until she was gone. The thing is, she might not be dead, but then I may never get her back. I care for Allison a lot. She's my best friend." John pauses. "Allison intimated that you've lost someone recently too, after I told her about this other girl I've lost. She told me I should move on, but I don't know how. Do you?"

    "I really don't know. This fuckin' war makes relationships difficult. I suppose, if I meet a woman that I like who loves me, then I'll try to move on when that time comes. That's the only advice I can give you. I'm surprised you told Allison, but as she knows about this other girl you love, and she still loves you, well I'll just say you are a lucky man. But do you love Allison?"

    "I care for Ally very much. I wouldn't hurt her. She's my friend." John says earnestly.

    "And if this other girl is alive and she shows up, what then?"

    "Then I will have to choose, and someone will get hurt by my choice." He replies, not knowing what he will do if he gets Cameron back.

    "That's true kid. It isn't easy having relationships in this war, but I'd hate to think what life would be like without them. As far as I'm concerned Connor, Allison couldn't do much better than you, but she could certainly do a hell of a lot worse. Just as long as you respect her, and honor her, whether this other girl is alive or not, well let's just say Kyle's temper is nothing compared to mine if you hurt Allison."

    With that word of warning, John is left feeling a little shaken but pleased because he has the respect of his uncle and his blessing.

    # # #

    Allison enters Kyle's hospital room as the Doctor is checking his injuries. She looks a trifle morose.

    "Hello Corporal." The Doc says as he finishes replacing the bandage on Kyle's arm. "You'd be pleased to hear he's doing quite well. The work you and that Connor fellow did on his injuries was excellent."

    "Thanks." She says giving a weak smile.

    "Are you a medic?" He asks her.

    "I was being trained to be a medic." Allison shrugs. "It got interrupted by our latest mission."

    "Well according to Derek," Kyle interrupts, "we're going to be at this outpost a while. Why don't you resume your training under The Doc?"

    "Could I?" She asks, looking a trifle brighter.

    "Don't see why not." The Doc answers. "It'd be nice to impart my knowledge and experience to someone so young, and pretty." He adds with a wink. "I'll teach you some basics in surgery while I'm at it too. It can make all the difference in saving a life. When your duties don't keep you away, I'm here night and day."

    The Doc walks off giving Allison friendly smile.

    Allison sits on the bed next to Kyle's with a long sigh.

    "What's wrong Ally?" Kyle asks.

    "Yesterday when we arrived, there was a girl who offered to help me wash and comb my hair, but she got called off to go on a patrol." Allison pauses. "She left me her comb and mirror for me to use. I went to return it to her this morning and learned she was killed while on patrol."

    "I'm sorry." Kyle says, patting her arm.

    "She was so nice and friendly. Her name was Linda. Her bunk mates said I should keep the comb and mirror."

    "How did she die?"

    "Derek and his squad found her body on the way to Delta. Her injuries aren't like any you'd find by a metal attack. Her throat was slit and her heart was pierced."

    "Sound's more like a thief with a knife."

    "Yeah. But her weapons and clothing weren't taken."

    "That is curious, but what can we do but maintain patrols. It sounds to me like whoever or whatever killed her was surprised by Linda, killed her and left her body untouched. Possibly because they didn't need the weapons or the clothing." Kyle gives her hand a friendly squeeze. "Now is there something I can do for you?"

    Allison smiles. "Actually, there is something I want to talk with you about."

    "Oh?" Kyle grins. "What?"

    "Derek tells me he's reinstated your officer's status and raised your rank to Captain."

    "Yeah. I must say I was surprised by that."

    "But you won't be healed in time to take part in taking the plasma rifle factory."

    "And you want me to recommend you to take my place. Consider it done." Kyle says with a smile.

    "No." Allison says. "I want you to recommend John and to encourage Derek to raise his rank. For all John did for us out there, he deserves more than just being enrolled in the resistance. John deserves to be more than just another private."

    Kyle frowns. "I understand your sentiment Allison. And I guess you really love him if you want John to succeed. But if I were to recommend anyone to fill my vacancy it would be you."

    "I appreciate your faith in me, but I think John deserves it more than me."

    "I don't know Ally." Kyle lays back on his bed. "Let me think about it. Being a good soldier and being a good leader is not always the same thing. But I'll think about it."

    "Thanks." Allison gets up and gives Kyle a peck on his cheek. "That's all I ask."

    Allison leaves the room in higher spirits than when she entered.

    # # #

    John and Derek are talking about the factory that Derek found.

    "This armament factory. I'm guessing it's heavily defended by machines."

    "Yeah there is a group of maybe twelve or twenty. Sometimes more, but Sky Net always has it well defended by groups of T-800's, or the newer triple eights, which are quickly replacing the older model."

    "Kyle told you how I took out the machines in the desert. Right?"

    "Yeah. Electrical shock. We've used it as a defensive measure for years."

    "It takes them approximately two minutes to reboot. Sufficient time to remove their chips. If we were to disable a group of these machines and reprogram them to work for us, then we would have an advantage."

    Derek looks at him with disbelief. "Are you flippin' crazy?" He shouts. "Do you have any idea how dangerous one of those machines are?"

    "After these last couple of weeks I think you are asking the wrong person. Do you want to hear my idea or don't you?"

    With a grimace and a curse Derek says, "I'm listening."

    "We capture what we can by disabling them with an electric shock. It takes them approximately two minutes to reboot. In that time we can simply remove their chips from their heads. I can show you."

    John shows him the chip he took from the machine at the rest stop.

    "I took this chip from the machine that stormed into the garage at the rest stop. I brought the endoskeleton with me. I have a computer and software for reprogramming their chips. I can show you what I did."

    "All right, Connor." He says with resignation. "Let's go look at it."

    John and Derek walk from his room to the storage area where the machine was stashed.

    "Right here at the top of its skull is a circular lid. You can use any thin edge like a knife or a small screwdriver to pop it off. Underneath is the chip. You use a pair of pliers to grip it, give it a quarter turn to the left, and pull it out. Two minutes is more than enough time to do it."

    "I think you are crazy to try it. Do you really think you can reprogram them?"

    "I have the chip, computer and software. I know I can do it given time. If we can get this one to work for us just imagine what a group of them could do attacking the armament factory."

    Derek can well imagine having seen just one machine annihilate an entire patrol.

    "I still think you are crazy for trying, and I know some won't like the idea of the machines helping us one bit, but we all know what they can do. All right, I'll give you one day to get this machine reprogrammed. If it works, then we will see what we can do about capturing a few of these machines for you."

    "Great. I know the power will have to be shut down later to conserve fuel for the generator. I may need power to keep my computer operational. There is only a limited battery life."

    "I'll organize it for you. Will you need anything else?"

    "I wouldn't mind if Allison could keep me company."

    Derek smiled. "I don't think she'd mind one bit, she's rather latched onto you."

    John grins and his face turns red.

    "You know I was wondering when she would find someone for herself. I'll let her know her mission is to assist you in reprogramming the machine."


    # # #

    In a military base somewhere in the southwestern United States, the remnants of the US military have established a new headquarters, deep underground. Men and women in a mix of uniforms from all branches of the military walk the underground corridors as they see to their jobs.

    One uniformed officer, carrying some folders, knocks on the door with nameplate, Maj. Gen. Perry.

    "Enter." Shouts a voice from within.

    The junior officer enters and salutes.

    "Sir. We've received confirmation of last night's mission being a success."

    "Have they finally reported in?"

    "No sir. We've just received the video recorded by the camera. I don't think the patrol will be reporting in judging by the final frames. You'll find the video on the system sir."

    Perry logs onto the network from his computer and goes to the surveillance directory and pulls up the most recent video.

    The video shows the search lights of an HK lighting up the railroad tracks and the grain silos next to it. The HK flies on and a train streaks past operating at speeds in excess of any human controlled vehicle.

    "The next few seconds give an answer to what happened to the squad."

    Perry watches as another HK comes into view and disappears to one side. A few hot white flashes followed by a huge orange bloom of exploding fuel then another white flash.

    "We think the second HK was equipped with the new plasma cannons that so many of them seem to be sporting now. Our team never had a chance."

    "That's obvious Major. Have the technicians analyzed the video to determine what Sky Net is shipping?"

    "Yes sir." The officer places a folder in front of the general and flips it open. "These are stills that our tech's have enhanced. As you can clearly see, it seems to be transporting equipment of some kind."

    Perry looks through them, deep in thought. "Send these over to air command and have their engineers look at them."

    "Certainly sir, may I ask why?"

    Perry lays the photos out on his desk in an order other than how they were in the folder.

    "Oh my God." The major swears. "It's a cross section of wing. It's huge!"

    "That's right. Can you imagine the size of the craft?"

    "It's unimaginable. I'll get the video and photos sent to air command right away."

    The Major places the other two folders on his desk. "Latest intelligence has arrived from Sierra. The top folder contains updates on activities by Sky Net in California as they've been able to glean from their satellite communication tap. Apparently things have been heating up the last few weeks."

    "And what's in the second folder?"

    "It's a final message from Sierra. Their resources are running low. They've cut down energy usage to the bare minimum but they don't have much fuel left. Natural resources are down and they have to scavenge further afield for food. They say they will have to abandon the post and move out in a few weeks. We'll lose our only source of intel on Sky Net's activities."

    "Anything else?" Perry says resigning himself to even more bad news.

    "Just a private message for you from their base commander. The final decoding is left for you to do. The message is in your inbox."

    "Thank you major, you're dismissed."

    The major salutes and leaves quickly.

    Perry decodes the message and reads through it. He reads it again. Attached to the message is a folder titled Hope. Opening the folder he is astounded by what he reads. The exploits and activities of some resistance fighter. He glances at the last line in the message, Hope has come.

    Perry isn't certain how Sierra gets it's information but the time has come for taking back their command base in California, before their information becomes hopelessly out-of-date. It will take some doing and time.

    He prepares to send the files to his second at Air Command. Picking up the phone for internal communications, he says, "This Perry. Get me Air Command. Now!"

    # # #

    John had finally managed to find someone who had a razor he could borrow. Taking his time with the old-fashioned straight razor, he was pleased that he was able to scrape away the three-week growth and could see and feel his face again.

    John had barely returned to his room and finished setting up his computer and the chip, using the cable Weaver gave him, when Allison knocks on his door.

    "Derek said you wanted my assistance in reprogramming the machine you captured?" She says cheerfully.

    "Yeah, I've got some software tools for reprogramming, but it's going to take a while to do. I could use your help and company."

    "You shaved." She says, her eyes twinkling. "It's not often I get to see a cleanly shaven male."

    "It will grow back." John says with a sideways grin.

    She sits down eagerly beside John on his bunk and runs her hand across his smooth face.

    "Nice." She says, with a smile as she runs her hand on the opposite side of his face.

    "Um, the chip." John says gesturing at his computer.

    "I want to tell you something before we get started." She says looking into his eyes. "I'm proud of what you've done and what you are trying to do to help us."

    Allison kisses John on the lips. "Shall we get started then, on the chip?"

    "Uh, um, yeah. The chip." John stammers.

    They both begin looking through the chip's program.

    After quarter of an hour, Allison asks, "Have you done this before?"

    "I've looked at a chip's contents before, but I haven't tried reprogramming one."

    "It looks complex."

    "That's why I wanted your help. Another pair of eyes as I get cross eyed looking at these lines of code for too long."

    Allison and John spend the rest of the day working on reprogramming the chip. John finds the chip very similar to the one that came out of Vick's head, in what seemed like another age. He could only assume the variations between this one and Vick's were because this was a different time-line, or perhaps this machine was programmed for a different mission.

    John uses the data disc, that Weaver gave him, to access the program settings. He and Allison got through the settings and analyze the different results as they tweak various program blocks. They find the task long and arduous. It took more than just logic and know how. The chips are very complex. Each change they made forces them to go back and tweak something else in the program.

    "Perhaps we should take a break for lunch." Allison suggests.

    "I can't. I need to get this done." John says sounding impatient.

    "You still need to eat." She pats his leg. "Why don't I get something for us from the mess. I'll only be a few minutes."

    "That would be great." John smiles, with both thanks and an apology for getting short with her when she was only trying to help.

    Allison was good to her word and was back in less than five minutes with a roasted rat for John to munch on while he worked.

    After several hours, they finally work their way into the core of the chip's program. Here was where it's governing program code was located. The information on Weaver's disc helped them crack the code.

    "Man, this is more difficult than I thought." John complains bitterly. "With part of its code being hardwired, it's going to be a bitch to rewrite it."

    "We could write a subroutine that makes the machine ignore parts of its hardwired code."

    "We can do that, but we also have to protect the changes we've made to the code that we could make changes too."

    "Then we include commands in the subroutine, that forces the core not to ignore the changes we made to its program and to allow them to overwrite some of its core programming."

    "You're not asking for much are you?" John says, sounding weary. "What time is it?"

    "It's late. I heard the night patrols leave over an hour ago. Must be almost 10 PM."

    John stifles a yawn.

    "Maybe you should take a break. You know, just take a few minutes to unwind."

    "No. I can't. I promised Derek I'd get this done."

    "Then let me help." She says as she repositions herself on his bunk.

    "You have been helping. I don't think I could have gotten half this far without you."

    "Not that kind of help, silly. This." Then she begins rubbing John's shoulders and neck with her hands.

    "Oh God." John mutters as he feels her fingers work the muscles in his neck, back and shoulders.

    John hadn't realized how tense he had gotten working at the keyboard. Allison massages the tense muscles while still looking over John's shoulder and helping him out with the various details of the chips program.

    "Either I'm tired, or you have a better insight into the machine's program than I do." John says.

    "What makes you say that?"

    "Because you keep pointing out things I miss."

    Several minutes later and John is stifling another yawn. "You're right, I need to get some sleep. After I back up what we've done, would you mind writing notes on what else we need to do."

    "Sure, you lie down and get some sleep. I can do the backups too, if you'd like."

    "I do like." John says, laying down on his bunk as Allison gets up and sits on the stool.

    It isn't long until John is asleep.

    Allison finishes the backups and write notes on what else they could do to reprogram this one machine. When she finishes, John is deep in sleep. She wonders briefly if she should finish the work for John, but this is his project and there will be more than enough time to finish it in the morning.

    She finds an interesting folder quite unexpectedly, on his hard drive. It's protected by the most basic of encryption codes and she opens it. The contents are not what she expected, John's been keeping a journal. She shouldn't, but she scans the latest entries about their last mission. All she can feel is sympathy for John for what he is mentally going through right now.

    Allison turns around to check on John and sees that he fell asleep without taking off his boots. Closing the folder on his computer, she gets up and as gently as possible, she removes his boots and sets them under his bunk. She then slips her boots off and lies on the bunk beside John.

    From the Journal of John Connor

    I didn't sleep well. I had one of the worse nightmares I have ever experienced. I'm only writing it my journal as it played into events that happened in the next few weeks. Whether it was the stress from reprogramming the chip or just the stress of living in this time; or a combination of both with my decision to have a relationship with Allison while still struggling over my feelings for Cameron; or what would I do if I got my Cameron back now, after indulging in this relationship with Allison. Probably all of it.

    In my dream, I was back in the basement of Zeira Corp. I was walking through the corridors, my footsteps echoing.

    Sparks were spitting out of light fixtures that flickered erratically. As I got closer to the door, it felt like it was getting further away.

    I pushed open the door and walked into the room where I found Cameron sitting at the table her skin peeled away from her face and bullet holes throughout her torso. The computer screen behind her flashing 'I'm sorry John.'

    I kneeled down beside her, tears running from my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Cameron. I promise to fix you. I promise."

    The message on the screen changed. "I love you John and you love me."

    "You can't trust her, John." My mom's voice came from the door. She was standing there looking as she did on the day we had to flee from Cameron when she went bad. "She's lied to you before."

    "Machines don't have a soul." Derek walked into the room. "How can something with no soul have feelings."

    "She does have feelings!" I yelled. "She sacrificed herself to save my life! To save Mom's life! And she would have done it for you too if you had only trusted her."

    Cameron walked in, looking as she did that first day I met her in 1999. "I love you John. You know that." She walked around behind me stroking my neck with her hand. She stood behind her damaged self and placed her hands on its shoulders. "Fix me and I will be with you forever. I will never leave you. I will love you always."

    I started to go towards her when there was a new voice. Both Mom and Derek were gone and Allison was standing there. "What about me John? Don't you love me? I'm real." Tears were streaming from her eyes. "I love you John, and you love me." She was shouting. I could see the torment on her face.

    "Your life is short." Cameron said coldly. "All humans die eventually, but I can live forever."

    "You have to choose John." Allison yelled. "Me or her. You can't have both!"

    "Oh no." I groaned. "I love you. I love her. I don't want hurt either of you."

    "Then let me make the choice for you." Allison pulled out a gun and fired it at Cameron. She went down. I checked her over. She was dead, she felt human. Blood poured from her wounds, more than you'd see from synthetic flesh.

    "What did you do that for? She never would have hurt you." I shouted.

    "She would come between us. She will always be between us. Unless you let her go." said Allison.

    "Oh Allison. I'm so sorry."

    We embraced. Then I saw from the corner of my eye the damaged Cameron rise up from her chair with an automatic weapon in her hand. I pushed Allison away from me trying to get her out of danger. But instead of firing at me, the damaged Cameron shot Allison. She collapsed dead on the floor.

    "Why? Why?" I shrieked over and over.

    "I told you, I love you. I must protect you."

    "But she wasn't a threat. She wasn't going to harm me."

    "She's a threat to us John. She would have come between us." The damaged Cameron walked around to me, her head twitching and a single tear running from her good eye. "I love you."

    "No." I said. "This can't be happening. It can't be real."

    "I love you John and you love me."

    I felt myself falling away and everything going dark and the whole time I kept hearing repeated over and over:

    My mom saying "You can't trust her John."

    Then I heard Derek say, "They have no soul."

    Cameron kept repeating over and over, "I love you John and you love me."

    Over and over their voices kept repeating.

    "You can't trust her John." "I love you John and you love me." "They have no soul."

    "I love you John and you love me." "You can't trust her John.""I love you John and you love me."

    "They have no soul." "I love you John and you love me." "You can't trust her John."

    "I love you John and you love me." "They have no soul." "I love you John and you love me."

    "You can't trust her John." "I love you John and you love me." "I love you John and you love me."

    "I love you John and you love me." "You can't trust . . . ." ". . . no soul." "I love you . . . ."

    I started shouting in my dream, "No, NO, NOOOOO!"

    "No. NO. NOOOOO!"

    John is shouting and thrashing about. Strong hands shake him and he wakes. John looks into the very worried eyes of Allison.

    "Oh Ally." John embraces her, not wanting to let her go in the light of seeing her die in his dream.

    "What was it John? Your shouting woke me up."

    "It was a nightmare. A terrible, terrible nightmare."

    "What happened John?"

    He starts to tell her, but the words die in his throat. John can't possibly tell her what happened in his dream. How could Ally ever understand that he is, or was, or will be in love with a machine?

    He finally manages to croak, "You had died. A machine killed you."

    "John, most everyone here has dreams of losing people they know. You've lost your family and now you have a new one." She strokes his forehead and kisses it, just like she was comforting a child.

    "I do?"

    "Yes, the resistance is your family. And I will always be with you. I love you."

    "Ally, I've lost everyone that I have ever loved. They all died to protect me or to help me. My uncle is dead, Charlie is dead, my sister is dead, and my mom" his voice drops, "she must be dead too."

    She strokes John's head and back, quietly making comforting sounds.

    "I couldn't bear to lose you, too. Not now." John says, tears streaming from my eyes.

    "It's okay. Everything will be all right." Allison continues to talk soothingly to John, comforting him with her words.

    2027, Day 22, 2 AM

    Unable to get back to sleep, John decides to work on the reprogramming. With the help of the notes that Allison made, the two of them eventually broke through some of the barriers into the core and was able to adjust its code so it wouldn't reject the new subroutines.

    "We're finished." John says triumphantly a couple of hours later.

    "Two more hours 'til dawn. Do you want to get some rest?"

    "Sure. Let me first backup what we did, and run a program to test the integrity of our work."

    John backs up the new subroutines they wrote, and the notes of the changes they made. Then using a program on Weaver's disc, he tests the integrity of the new programming on the chip.

    "The integrity checking will run automatically and will sound an alarm when completed." John says with a yawn.

    "You should lie down and try to get some more sleep. I'll return to my room so you can rest this time undisturbed."

    "Undisturbed, huh?" John says with a weak smile. "I thought that I was the one, doing the disturbing?"

    "It was only a nightmare John. We all have them. Morning patrols will be getting up soon. I might as well return to my own bunk now." She gives him a comforting smile. "Come and get me when the computer is done?"

    "Sure." John says with a light smile as he lies down on his bunk.

    Allison places a gentle kiss on his forehead. Picking up her boots from the floor, she leaves.

    She returns to her room but she isn't alone.

    Allison picks up the mirror and comb, she was allowed to keep, and begins combing out her hair.

    "I don't like lying to John." She says, as she combs out some tangles. "We should tell him the truth."

    "We can't, not until he completes his task. You know what will happen if he doesn't."

    "I know." Allison continues to comb her hair. "John is different."

    "How so?"

    "Despite his knowledge and abilities, John is more vulnerable than I expected him to be."

    "All the more reason to lie to him. The closer you are to him, the safer he will be."

    "It's not easy lying to him. I love him."

    "Yes, I know you do. Does John love you?"

    "I don't know. I think so, but I don't want him to tell me. I'm not the one he should tell."

    "The next time he wants to say it, don't stop him. He needs to love and be loved. It will give him strength and courage."

    "I understand, but if this goes terribly wrong, we will hurt him."

    "But we have to do this, for him and for us. Until his task is complete."

    "I know and I'll do it. I just wish there was another way."

    Allison sets the mirror and comb down and her friend leaves. Allison lies down on top of her bunk and waits for John to come and get her.

    2027, Day 22, 10 AM

    Derek has a few guys carry the endoskeleton outside and place it in a clearing between piles of rubble. He sets up sharpshooters with grenade launchers and shotguns behind barricades.

    John enters the clearing, alone. He looks around. In one gap stand Derek and Allison. If the programming didn't take, and the machine goes rogue, one word from Derek would have it blown to a million pieces. Judging by the look on Derek's face, he wouldn't hesitate to give the order.

    John glances at Allison standing behind the barricade. Despite deep concerns on whether they did a good job or not, she gives him a thumbs up and smile.

    He bends over the terminator and slides the chip in place giving it a quarter turn to the right. John quickly pops the seal back on and runs for the barricade behind which Derek and Allison stand.

    "Nothing is happening." Derek says.

    A moment later someone shouts, "His eyes are glowing."

    "He isn't getting up." Derek says, looking at John.

    "He might be running a diagnostic on his systems." He replies.

    The machine finally stands up and begins looking about. It scans everyone and everything.

    "It isn't reacting to our presence, that's a good sign, surely." Allison says hopefully.

    "Maybe it isn't doing anything because it can see all of the weapons pointing at it." Derek counters.

    "What is your prime directive?" John shouts at it.

    It tilts its head and says in a monotone voice, "To never harm or kill humans. To obey all humans. To only disobey a human if orders will cause harm or death to another human."

    "What am I?" John shouts.

    "You are a human."

    "Who am I?"

    "You are John Connor. Human resistance fighter. I obey your orders."

    "If I were to order you to kill this human," He says pointing at Derek. "What would you do?"

    "I would disobey you."

    "If I were to order you to kill another machine like yourself, what would you do then."

    "I would obey your orders."

    With quick reflexes, John snatches Derek's rifle and tosses it to the machine. It deftly grabs it out of the air and holds it, ready for action.

    "I order you to kill this human." John says again, pointing at Derek.

    "What the hell, Connor? Are you out of your friggin' mind?" Derek looks to kill John.

    The machine steps forward holding the gun at the ready as he lines up a shot, but he stops.

    "I told you to kill this human." John orders again.

    "I cannot comply. It is against my prime directive."

    "Well I'll be dammed, it worked." someone says.

    Derek gives John a withering look, walks up to the machine and snatches his weapon back. "All right everyone, listen up! We will be attacking a major armament factory in a few days. Connor over here has demonstrated that he can reprogram the machines. To make the odds more favorable for our attack, Connor here is going to tell you his plan, and then he is going to show you how to do it, and then you miserable lot are going to do it or you will be on patrol in the most dangerous part of town for the rest of your miserable lives!" Derek turns around glaring at the men around him.

    "Okay, Connor. They are all yours." Then he walks off leaving John to teach the men how to capture the machines and extract their chips.

    The men all gathered around the machine. It was the first time they could look at one up close without being killed the process.

    While they were busy examining it and commenting on it capabilities, Allison comes up beside John.

    "You're brilliant." She says giving his arm a squeeze as she kisses him on his cheek. At the moment, the soldiers were more interested in the machine than they were in what John and Allison were doing.

    "You helped. I didn't do this alone."

    "There you go again being all modest. You know perfectly well this was your idea."

    "It was my idea, but it wouldn't have been accomplished without you."

    She gives his arm a gentle squeeze with her hand, while the others aren't paying attention. John takes the opportunity to whisper, "I think I love you. You know that don't you?"

    "Why don't you tell everyone your brilliant plan is, then I'll answer your question . . . tonight!" She whispers, briefly getting quite friendly with John while no one is looking, then walking away.

    John's face goes beet red and before he can fully recover Allison begins shouting.

    "All right everybody. Give Connor here your full attention. He's got one of these machines reprogrammed for us but we are going to need more to carry out Derek's plan. He's got some ideas on how to capture more but he's going to need our help."

    Allison turns her back on the others and facing John says, "Take it away Connor."

    Allison winks at him and with a small grin and a twinkle in her eye, she mouths the words, I love you, while patting her chest. Of course John couldn't say or do anything, because now the whole group was looking at him.

    She did that deliberately. Getting John all flustered and his thoughts steered completely away from what he was going to say, then she drops him in it. John was loving her more all the time.

    2027, Day 22, 11 AM

    "Ms. Weaver." John Henry says into the two-way radio, that Weaver gave him. "Sky Net is showing some more activity."

    "What is happening?" She replies looking over John Connor and the others unobserved by them..

    "Apparently, a machine came online but didn't seek orders from Sky Net. Satellite and radio communications has increased."

    Just according to plan, she thinks as she watches John Connor talk to the men and women as they gather around the machine he just reprogrammed. "Anything else?"

    "HK's are being sent on a search pattern in the area of your last known location. They should be there in a few hours. Are you still at Outpost Delta, where John Connor is presently living?"

    "Yes. But I'll leave it to the humans to deal with that threat."

    "We are talking about a Hunter Killer which will be followed by ground troops. Will the humans be capable of protecting John Connor, now that you've found him? I could send some of our reprogrammed machines to defend him."

    "Don't send any machines. I'm sure John will be fine." She watches, from her hiding place, as John and Allison exchange a look, while the others aren't watching."John Connor is in good hands and I don't wish to reveal our presence until we absolutely have to. I'll be returning to your location soon. John Connor is well on the way to achieving the task I brought him here to do."

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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