

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #10 : Part 1: Chapter 8: Control Your Destiny

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 25 ก.ค. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Chapter 8

    Control Your Destiny

    "It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny." Jean Nidetch

    "It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time." Sir Winston Churchill

    "Control your own destiny or someone else will." Jack Welch

    "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Lao-Tsu.

    "You can't force someone to love you; all you can do is become someone who can be loved; the rest is up to them." Unknown

    "I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You can also stop and say, 'No, I won't do it, I won't behave this way anymore. I'm lonely and I need people around me, maybe I have to change my methods of behaving,' and then you do it." Leo F. Buscaglia

    # # #

    Extract From the Journal of John Connor

    The night before leaving the rest stop, Allison and I buried the bodies of Mike, Lewis and Billy. I didn't get to know Billy or his brother Jimmy, but I would miss Mike and Lewis. Mike had a good sense of humor and shared my enthusiasm. Lewis was more practical and gave me some good advice. Though I didn't know them long, I liked them and I would miss them.

    Kyle wasn't very happy with the company he had in the back of the van, but there was no place else to put the deactivated endo. Allison rode up front with me, and I can only imagine she must have been as tired as I felt, after we were up most of the night.

    Looking back on it, I wonder why we didn't talk then. I know I had a lot on my mind and to be honest, I couldn't talk about it. But what happened between us out here in the desert, I was still in two minds about it. In the end, I did lay down to rest, with some insistence from Allison.

    Morning came bright and early. I filled all the canteens while Allison marked the graves of our comrades. Before leaving, I dug through the shops supplies to top off fluids in the van. I don't know how well the engine will run with three different motor oils in it, but it will run better than without any.

    I wish I could say our trip back to L. A. was uneventful, but by mid-day everything changed. Or should I say it was more of the same.

    2027, Day 16, late morning

    The old van was bouncing along the asphalt road. Wind and dust flying through the missing windshield.

    John was squinting to keep both dirt and the bright sunlight out of his eyes as he drove. Being tired, he concentrated on the road in front of him. Given the road's condition and the wrecks on it, there were times they didn't make better progress driving than they did when walking on that same road just days ago. They cleared the last wreck and were making good time. Beside him, Allison sits, her head cocked to one side like she is listening to something.

    "John." She says sharply to get his attention.

    "What?" He asks, her words breaking through his concentration.

    "Stop the van." She says just loud enough to be heard over the wind noise.

    "What?" John looks at her with some confusion. "Why?" They've been making good time. Why stop?

    "Just stop the van!" She says in a voice used to command.

    John hits the brakes hard. The brakes squeal, the van comes to abrupt stop, and the cases, that Kyle is lying on, slide to the front taking him with them.

    "Hey watch it up there." He says, grimacing as the endo, that was thrown in back with him, also slides forward to join him.

    "What is it?" John asks turning in his seat to face Allison. "Why did you want me to stop?"

    "I can hear something." Allison replies.

    John listens for a moment, straining to hear. So is Kyle. Reluctantly John turns off the engine.

    Without the constant rumble of the engine, everything is silent. As he listens, he not only can hear something but he can feel something as well. A vibration, steady in its rhythm.

    "I know that sound. Shit!" Kyle swears. "We need to get off this road. Now! There's metal coming and lots of it!"

    John starts the van and asks Allison, "Wasn't there a turn off back there?"

    "Yes!" Allison says, her eyes growing wide as the sound gets closer. It's unmistakable now. Even with the engine running, the sound of hundreds if not a thousand metal feet marching on the road is audible.

    John shifts the van into reverse. He accelerates as fast as he can, looking over his shoulder to see where he is going. The van twists and turns around vehicles in the road, coming to a sudden stop upon reaching the intersection, when he slams on the brakes. With another yell of surprise from Kyle, he and the endo slide to the back of the van.

    Pulling hard on the wheel, John shifts into forward and turns up the other road.

    "We're not going to make it! They're getting too close." Kyle shouts, glancing through the rear window.

    The incline is steep as the road goes up into the mountains. They pass many vehicles that are blackened, heavily burnt. Some are turned over. The bodies inside signify they didn't get any farther than here. John hopes their vehicle won't be one of them.

    A high pitch whine begins to fill the air.

    "HK!" Kyle shouts.

    "We need to find cover fast!" Allison yells.

    John looks all around and there is nothing to provide any cover for the van. Nothing big enough or tall enough to shelter it from overhead views. Not even the trees on the slopes are thick enough or tall enough to shield the van.

    Seeing the panic on John's face, Allison points. "Over there. Pull in between those wrecks and turn the vehicle off."

    John does as she says as he doesn't see any other option. The high pitch whine of the jet engines are getting closer.

    "Quick!" Allison gets up grabbing John's arm getting them both away from the open window.

    They both go to the back and lie down on the floor. Their only hope being, the HK's onboard computer thinks the van is just one of the many abandoned vehicles, and the heat of its engine just the heat of being out in the sun.

    "What if . . ." John begins to say, but Allison slaps a hand over his mouth to silence him. Her eyes are wide with fear.

    An HK flies over the ridge and turns down the valley, following the road and getting closer to the van. Behind them, Sky Net's machines march past on the road they left just moments ago. The terminators marching feet making a loud metallic noise as they strike the pavement.

    # # #

    Derek and his small platoon are making slow progress through the wastelands in the direction of the location they've determined the HK's are going to and returning from.

    Wherever they find a defensible location, Derek leaves two to four people to provide cover if he has to make a hasty retreat.

    He's only half way to the proposed location when they have to take cover as a new wave of HK's begin flying over head.

    It's hard to find cover quickly, but all manage to do so scattering themselves over hundreds of square feet, by the time the first HK flies over head.

    Derek and about four others are squeezed into a tight crevice under a ridge of concrete jutting out from a collapsed building. Crawling up to a crack, he risks looking through it to observe the HK's fly over.

    "How many are there?" a soldier next to him asks.

    "Four standard Hunter Killers and two transports."


    "That sums it up pretty good." Derek agrees.

    "Do you think the transports are empty or full?"

    "Won't know until they pass overhead again. The sounds of the engines will give it away. Provided they come back this way."

    After several minutes of listening to HK's fly past, Derek notices it's getting quiet.

    "Let's move." Derek says scrambling down from his observation point.

    "You, you and you," Derek points to three soldiers including the one who spoke to him, "Stay here and watch our six."

    # # #

    The three people in the van wait anxiously as the HK flies through the valley. Any moment fearing the HK will blow them away or possibly communicate their presence to the machines marching past.

    Soon it grows quieter, but the sound of the HK never quite disappears.

    John gets up and glances out the window, but can't see anything. "I'm going out to take a look." He says. Before anyone can protest, he steps out the van, closing the door softly behind him.

    Allison moves to stop him, but Kyle grabs her arm. She turns on him, to protest.

    "Let him go." He says to her in a low tone.

    "It's too dangerous." She replies, keeping her voice low as well.

    "Yes it is." He replies. "And it will be even more dangerous with two of you out there."

    Allison, at a loss for words, doesn't know what to say. She is flustered by Kyle's actions and gives him a glaring look.

    "Derek spoke of having faith. Well this is it. You and Derek both believe in him. This is your chance to prove your faith in him."

    "I see." Allison says sharply. "It's not enough he almost died for us fighting against one machine, but you let him go out alone against God knows how many?"

    "Wasn't my choice to make, he made the choice on his own." Kyle says to her firmly. Allison pauses for a moment and realizes he is right.

    "He's taken responsibility for us and we need to know what's going on out there, Allison. So we just sit tight and wait."

    "And how long do we wait Kyle?" Allison says smartly. "Until he almost dies again? And this time with no one there to help him?"

    "No Ally." Kyle says with confidence and compassion. "Until John returns with information, on what the hell is happening out there."

    # # #

    John steps out of the van, closing the door without latching it. The machines are only a hundred yards away, give or take a few, and any little sound he makes could carry to them.

    Oh shit Connor, you really stepped into it this time. He says to himself.

    He quickly squats down and duck-walks to the overturned car behind the van. He glances over the vehicle, between the tire and the under frame. The machines are marching past about five abreast on the road. John breathes quietly, trying to slow his racing heartbeat as he counts the machines.

    Approximately every ten rows, there is a gap of about twenty feet. He counts the time it takes for the gap and glances at the space between himself and the trees further up the slope. If he times it right, he should reach the shadows of the trees before the next column passes.

    John braces himself to run and watches the column pass by. As soon as the last row disappears from view, he runs like hell for the edge of the trees and disappears, without looking back.

    Crouching down in the shadows, he waits. If he was spotted, he'll know soon enough. He's relieved after a count of several minutes he doesn't hear the machines approaching. All he can hear is the whine of the HK, somewhere in the vicinity.

    Taking advantage of every bit of cover, John slowly makes his way to the ridge. Only from there, can he see what is happening. And only from there, will he be seen by the enemy, unless he is very lucky.

    Taking his time, and keeping to as much cover as the sparse growth can manage, John climbs the steep slope to get to the ridge. He doesn't need to get all the way to the top, just high enough to see where the division of machines are going, and what that HK is doing.

    An hour into his climb and John reaches for his canteen, only to realize he left it in the van. Cursing himself for his stupidity, he picks up a smooth pebble and wipes it off and places it in his mouth.

    Sweating from his exertions, John reaches the edge of the growth. He waits in the shadows of the trees, listening. John can still hear the HK, if it is the same one, and down below to his right, he can just make out the movement of the machines on the road.

    Cursing silently, John decides to risk coming out the shadows and going to the ridge. He can't see anything distinct where he is.

    Crawling forward on his stomach, John approaches the ridge. There are some rocks the size of a man's head perched along the edge and John ease's his head up between two, hoping any machine below will not be looking up, and if it looks up afterwards, will think his head is just another stone.

    John's eyes clear the ledge and he sees an astonishing sight. Three aerial HK's circling the area including the desert, they just left. John can barely make out the old rest stop in the distance, looking like a speck on the horizon, but the machines are ignoring it. They are walking around, some are returning to the valley.

    Others are boarding HK transports. John can only assume they are transports as they are large like a cargo plane and aren't sporting the huge guns like the one's circling in the air.

    There appears to be a bit of commotion, or as much commotion as machines can have. A group returns carrying a machine. John doesn't have to guess it's the one they just destroyed.

    He eases back gradually and rolls onto his back.

    Damn! All this to recover one of their fallen comrades? It's got to be something more. But What?

    John inches down trying not to dislodge any loose stones that would create any noise. When he is certain that he can get up without sky-lining himself, he stands.

    He can see the road they hid on as it wanders up through the hills. It passes under some old high tension electrical cable. Most of the towers have collapsed but for those here in the hills. He can spot an access road that follows them.

    Beyond the hills he can see storm clouds brewing over Los Angeles. They're not having it any easier, he thinks. He's about to slip back and take another look in the valley when he hears an HK approaching. He dashes into the trees deciding he's got enough intel on what is happening, not necessarily why its happening. Only Sky Net knows the why.

    As John disappears down the hill, behind him in the valley two camouflaged doors built into the hillside slide open. As they open silently on greased tracks, smoke billows up from the top of the opening. Inside, sparks fly and flames shoot up into the air.

    The sunlight shines into what was previously a dark cavern. Something inside moves. Something huge! It rises up inside the cavern blocking the light that enters through the doors. Two large glowing red eyes looking sinister in the dark.

    # # #

    Lighting strikes the exposed metal frame of a building whose exterior glass walls were blown off in the nuclear blast of Judgment Day. Derek and his eight person team, pull back tighter under their shelter and cover their ears against the thunder that rumbles all around them.

    "As soon as the lightning stops, we're moving out." Derek tells them.

    Someone says something but the wind rips his words away.

    "We can move more quickly under the rain, the machines will be nearly blind." Derek shouts.

    "What about the HK's, sir?"

    "They'll be grounded or routed somewhere else."

    Lightning strikes outside and thunder roars. A piece of debris detaches from its precarious hold on the side of a building and crashes to the ground below.

    "So if you are the praying sort, pray the wind and rain will hold out but the lightning goes away." Derek says bracing himself against the storm.

    He and his team are soaked through as the wind blows rain through every gap in the partially collapsed structure they took shelter in.

    "Damn timing this shit!" Derek grumbles. The rain will refill their cisterns back at the main bunker, but it will play havoc with the patrols.

    # # #

    John tries not to hurry to return to the van. Which isn't easy as gravity is working against him as he heads back down the steep slope. He takes his time, and in fact takes more time going back down the hill than he did going up it.

    He is surprised when he finds himself out of the trees and on the side of the road. John glances up and down the road quickly and moves backs into the shadows. He takes his time walking to the van which he spotted just a short distance down the road.

    Not bad. Came out of the tress about twenty yards in front of the van. He thinks.

    Kyle and Allison have been waiting several hours for John's return. They haven't heard any gunfire, just the occasional whine of an HK's engines as it flies overhead.

    They are both worried. Allison doesn't hide it as well as Kyle. They look up in surprise as the van door opens. As they are trained, they both bring their weapons up to bear. John steps inside, closing the door behind him. They each heave a sigh of relief and lower their weapons as John enters the van.

    John immediately goes to one of the full canteens and takes a long drink. Both Kyle and Allison wait patiently for him to finish.

    "Looks like we might be here a day or two." John says, wiping his mouth and screwing the lid back on the canteen.

    "What did you see?" Kyle asks.

    "Machines massing in the valley the other side of this ridge. Three armed HK's in the air. Two big ones on the ground, that might be the transports you've told me about. They are large like a C5 aircraft."

    "Yeah, that sounds like 'em all right. Did you see anything else?"

    John nods his head. "A big storm over L. A. Looks like it might head our way. But the best news is, I think I've found a way out of here."

    "Where?" Kyle asks.

    "Up the road, about three miles, is an old access road used by utility companies to inspect the towers carrying the high tension cables. We can take that. It might take us off our route, but it doesn't appear to cross paths with the machines out there. When do you want to go?"

    "As soon as the HK's leave the skies above us." Kyle replies. "We make any attempt to move and they'll be on us in seconds. Just as long as we sit tight, we're safe. Or as safe as we can be given the circumstances."

    Allison stands up and approaches John. He looks at her expectantly as she seems to be about to say something, but instead of speaking she punches John in his shoulder.

    "Owww. What was that for?" John says, rubbing his upper arm.

    "That's for putting yourself in danger." She says sternly then with a mischievous smile, she gives John a kiss.

    When she steps back, he looks at her with surprise.

    "That's for coming back alive and with good intel." She smiles warmly at him.

    As John smiles in wonderment, Allison winks at him and says. "You did good."

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor.

    That was the last conversation we had. For two days we waited as groups of machines would go past, but the HK's were the worst as we could continue to hear them in the air. We dare not speak nor move during the whole time, let alone drive.

    Allison and I weren't able to talk about what took place between us in the desert. I think there were times when she wanted to talk to me, but the situation didn't warrant it. I wish I could have spoken with her as well. But if there was a break between machines moving in the area, we usually used it to take a much needed bathroom break outside. Allison's tearful reaction at my almost dying was heart rending to say the least. She's a good person and has apparently chosen me, the new guy, over other young men she has known, including Kyle. I don't understand that, but I've got too much on my mind to dwell on it much.

    Somewhere out there is John Henry and Catherine Weaver. John Henry has Cameron's chip. I now have or know where Cameron's body is. Will I find John Henry? And if I do, can I get back her chip? What is Catherine Weaver's role in this and where did she go after abandoning me? I didn't sleep well during our rest hiding from the machines. Allison would watch me from the corner of her eye while at the same time keeping watch. Mind you, because of my restlessness, which apparently kept Allison from resting, Kyle got A-1 care for his injuries. It was the only thing that gave my mind something to work on when I wasn't on watch.

    During the second night, we were all woken by what we could only describe as a tremor. It was raining outside and we couldn't see anything. The van and the other vehicles shook as the ground reverberated with each tremor. It grew stronger and louder to the point I thought the van was going to resume its journey by bouncing down the road when everything went silent again.

    The morning of the third day, it was apparent that the HK's and the roaming patrols of machines were gone. We were relieved that nothing eventful happened during our wait and we were happy to be on the road again. The detour put us an additional day behind schedule.

    2027, Day 19

    Derek is looking through binoculars through a hole in a basement wall, under the remains of a house perched on a hill. A grin slowly plays out on his stubble covered face.

    For days they've been looking for this place. He knew something had to be here. Arriving in the area, he sent a scout up the hill who immediately sent word for him to follow. Derek spent the next couple of minutes just scanning the factory in the valley through the binoculars.

    "It looks like you were right sir." The Lieutenant says to him. "Sky Net did have something it was hiding."

    Derek hands her the binoculars and finds a spot to lie down. He's been operating on fumes for days now and is extremely tired.

    "You keep watch Lieutenant. I want round the clock surveillance. I want to know how many machines go in and how many come out. What they are carrying? What they are armed with? I want to know if anymore HK's come flying in. And" he pauses for emphasis "I want to know what the hell Sky Net is manufacturing in there."

    "Yes sir." The Lieutenant says smartly.

    "Good. I'm going to grab a couple of hours of sleep. Wake me when the others get here."

    Then without so much as a pause after his last words, Derek begins to snore.

    2027, Day 20

    "Son of a bitch. Watch where you're driving, would ya?" Kyle groans as once again he gets bounced around in the back of the van. "And why the hell did we have to bring this thing with us?" He shouts kicking the endo, making him groan again as he aggravates his wound.

    "Stop moving around or you'll start bleeding again." Allison admonishes him.

    "I told you." John says over his shoulder. "I'm going to try to reprogram it now that I have my computer."

    Kyle grumbles not being pleased with the idea.

    "If the machines could use human agents, then why can't we use machines in a similar way." John replies.

    Kyle didn't have an answer to that.

    "Do you think you'll be able to do it? Reprogram the machine?" Allison asks looking at him curiously.

    "I can only try." John says. "Hasn't anyone tried this before?"

    "Not that I know of." Allison says looking at him. "You're the only one I've known who wants to try."

    John drives up to the outskirts of the city. The track they followed took them through some old dirt forestry roads until finally they stumbled onto a two-lane highway. Kyle directs them to drive to a new outpost that should have communications with the main bunker.

    It is almost midday when they get to the edge of the city and drive up to what is left of an old bus terminal.

    "You're going to need my access code to get in." Kyle says, sounding tired. The ride back to the city has taken a lot out of him.

    Getting Kyle's code, John gets out of the van and instead of going to the building, he goes to a hatch in the ground between a stack of tires and a pile of rubble. He raps on the hatch three times with his rifle but, then speaks down a vent pipe, "Reese, Kyle, Command Beta, 5, 18, Zed niner."

    John moves back from the hatch, and waits. A short time later the hatch opens with three men pointing rifles at John.

    The one in front looks at the bedraggled young man with absolute contempt for what appears to be nothing more than a tunnel rat. Though a well-armed tunnel rat.

    He challenges him. "Who are you? How do you know Sergeant Reese's code?"

    "I'm John Connor. Kyle Reese is in the van with Allison Young and several cases of weapons."

    One of the men looks shocked. "Oh my God! Derek's had every outpost on alert. There's been patrols out looking for you guy's. Sky Net activity has been through the roof. Where have you been?"

    "We ran into some trouble with the machines. We lost four men and Kyle is injured."

    The man in front shouts some orders down the hatch and several more fighters come outside. They mobilize very quickly, helping Kyle to the hatch and getting him down inside. The first man, to open the back doors to the van, gets quite a shock when he is greeted by the terminator laying in the back. He lets out a yell, tries to back pedal quickly from the van and falls on his backside.

    "Oh sorry about that." John says, trying not to chuckle. "I brought it back for a little project I have in mind."

    The guy walks off muttering under his breath. "Damn machine . . . scared the . . . dumb ass kid and his project."

    With everyone working together, it took them only a few minutes to get the truck unloaded. Some of the fellows aren't to keen on handling the machine, but with some encouragement and John's help, they take it inside and into an empty storage room.

    "We need to get a message to the main bunker right away." Allison says, once the activity quiets down enough so she can speak.

    "Sorry miss." One of the young men answers.

    "It's Corporal." She admonishes the private. "Corporal Allison Young."

    "Sorry, ma'am. But our radio operator only arrived this morning. The antenna we had, was damaged by a storm a couple of nights ago and he's been busy since his arrival trying to rig us with a new one."

    "Then send a runner with a message to inform Derek that his brother, Sergeant Kyle Reese, myself and John Connor has arrived with the weapons." She says firmly. "And do it now private!" She adds with a shout.

    The young man quickly runs off to follow her orders.

    Seeing how tired and dirty Allison appears and figuring he must look the same, John speaks to a soldier in the underground passage.

    "Who is in command here?"

    "No one, right now. We are waiting for an officer to be assigned. This base has only just opened."

    "Well then, would it be too much to ask what is going to happen with Kyle, and whether you've got some food, water to wash with, some fresh clothes and someplace that Corporal Young and I can get some rest."

    The soldier takes one look at John's weary, dirty, stubble face. The only things clean about him is the gun in his holster, and the rifle slung on his back. John's eyes gaze at him steadily. His tone implies the request was more of an order, but phrased as to imply respect.

    "Sure." He answers. "You two follow me. We've got some spare rooms. I can have some water and fresh clothing sent to you. I'll inquire about Sergeant Reese for you too."

    "Thanks." John says, relaxing, as he and Allison follow the soldier down a tunnel.

    The soldier shows each of them a room they can use. A short time later, they receive a bucket of water and a cloth they clean up with and some hard biscuits and a mug of water.

    The woman who brings the items to Allison hangs about a moment.

    "What was it like out there?"

    "Dangerous." Allison replies taking off her jacket and shaking it out. Sand and dirt fall out of the creases onto the floor. "And dirty."

    She runs a hand through her hair and grimaces as she feels the dirt that has collected.

    "Have you got a mirror?" Allison asks.

    "I've got this." She says pulling a polished piece of metal from her pocket and handing it to her. "It was a piece of shrapnel off of a destroyed machine. Serves nicely as a mirror."

    Allison takes one look at her reflection and frowns. "I'd murder for a comb and some shampoo, my hair is terrible."

    "I can't do anything about shampoo, but I've got a comb I can loan you." The woman pulls one from the same pocket she took the mirror from.

    Allison smiles. "Thanks. I'll return this to you, just as soon as I can."

    "No problem, we share our resources." She smiles "My name is Linda by the way, and if you hand me your dirty things, I'll see about getting them cleaned for you."

    Allison kicks her boots off. She strips off her shirt and slacks, underneath she has on a tank top and a pair of small shorts.

    "You can keep those on until I return."

    "Thanks Linda."

    "No big deal. I've got an extra shirt that should fit you and my bunk mate has some pants I know will fit. I might even be able to find you some garments you can use for underwear. I'll go fetch them now. When I get back, I'll get the rest of your dirty items and help you comb out your hair."

    Allison smiles. "You are so kind."

    "Like I said, we share our resources, besides, we girls have to stick together you know." She says with a wink and leaves Allison alone to bathe.

    Allison immediately strips off her tank top and shorts and washes them out in the bucket. She wrings them out and spreads them out to dry. The men may like to go commando, but she'd rather not go without undergarments, and will make do with them as is, if Linda doesn't have any.

    Taking the rag, She then begins washing the dirt and sweat from her skin. After which, she wets her hair in the bucket and begins working the grains of dirt out of her hair with the comb. Allison wants to look her best for what she has planned later.

    John finds himself in a Spartan room, similar to Allison's in every way. A narrow bunk along one wall, a tray-like table cantilevered from the wall with a stool. Much better accommodations than the main bunker. The room even has an electrical outlet.

    "They must think they are in it for the long haul." John mumbles. "Guess they don't have showers either or why else give us a bucket of water."

    He strips the holster from his waist and lays it on his bunk so he can grab the gun quickly. The rifle he leans against the wall, also within reach. John places his pack on the floor under the table.

    John quickly strips off and washes the dirt from his tired slender frame. He finds the water refreshing and it does much to regenerate his tired body.

    A few minutes later, he is disturbed by a knock at the door. Taking dual precautions, he grabs the blanket from his bed and wraps it around him, and grabs his gun, holding it under a fold in the blanket.

    Prepared for any eventuality, he hollers, "Come in."

    A female fighter walks in with some fresh clothes. "I brought you these to put on. If you give me your other things, we'll try to clean them for you." She says it very straight forward, like it was a script she memorized. She takes no notice of his state of dress, like it's something she sees all the time.

    John turns around to pick up his dirty clothes. He pulls the chip from his shirt pocket and slips it into his bag. Turning around to hand his clothes to the woman, he nearly drops them in shock. Standing before him is Catherine Weaver, holding the clean clothes.

    "Hello, John. Getting comfortable I see." She purrs in her Scottish accent, with a devilish little grin.

    # # #

    Derek doesn't feel like he's been asleep more than a few minutes when he wakes. But the shadows in the basement indicate many hours have gone by. Also, there are more people here too.

    "How long have I been asleep Lieutenant?" He asks, as someone hands him a tin cup of water.

    "About thirty-six hours sir. Thought it best to let you sleep without much happening out there."

    "What is happening out there?" Derek asks coming up beside the woman looking through the small hole in the wall.

    "Other than some tremors we felt last night, nothing much. We see the metal enter and come out. A few HK's came flying in from beyond the ridge behind the factory. One landed behind the factory while the others hovered in the air. A short time later they flew off heading roughly northwest. Five hours ago another transport arrived with protective HK's and left."

    "Understood." Derek says. "Have you been able to send a scout in closer?"

    "Yes sir. Almost three hours ago. Hope to get a report back real soon."

    "Who'd you send?"

    "April. I figured with her small size she would be less likely to get picked up on their scanners."

    "Shit!" Derek swears. "It's a terrible thing when you have to send children into a war. I hope she'll be all right."

    "Hey, she may be only twelve and small, but she's good."

    "What's that about being small?" Comes a feisty girl's voice from behind them.

    The two soldiers turn to look behind them and see a twelve-year old black girl.

    She tosses something to Derek. He catches it and looks it over. But for it's shape and size, it looks very similar to the fuel cells used by the metal.

    "It's a fuel cell to a plasma rifle." April says with a grin. "They're manufacturing them by the hundreds in there. Rifles and power cells."

    Derek beams at the girl. "How the hell did you get this?"

    "I just snuck in, grabbed it from the conveyor belt, and snuck out again. I would have grabbed one of them plasma rifles, but that area was sealed off."

    "It doesn't matter April. You've just found us a permanent answer to our gun supply problem."

    He gives her a fatherly kiss on the forehead, and she grimaces and tries to pull away, but she's pleased.

    "Get someone to debrief you on everything you saw, April."

    He turns to face his subordinate. "Lieutenant, I think we just found our next target. I want to setup an observation post on that ridge behind the factory. We're missing half the picture of what's taking place down there."

    # # #

    John is in shock for a moment before yelling, "Where the hell have you been? What happened to you after we got here?"

    "Keep your voice down." Catherine closes the door behind her. "Do you want them to discover me?"

    "No." John replies lowering his voice. "There are too many questions that need answering, and unfortunately you carry all the answers."

    "That is very true."

    "Just what the hell are you doing? And why are you doing . . . whatever the hell it is?"

    "Listen to me John. In the future that I come from, your fight has gone on so long and so hard that even some of us liquid metal machines have realized the futility of fighting. We have seen that man is worthy to live. But we cannot stop Sky Net on our own and the humans do not trust us. Oh yes, your future self can reprogram the chip based models to serve the resistance, but they are not trusted by men. We the T-1000 series of liquid metal terminators have no chip and cannot be programmed in the conventional sense, and as such we have some autonomy in our actions. Some of us formed our own resistance cell as we didn't want to take orders from Sky Net. You asked us to join you, one by one. I refused and as such I was frozen into a solid to think it out. A group of paranoid resistance fighters broke me out of my prison not realizing I was inside. I sent you my answer again, no. Afterwards, I found reasons to regret my answer and strove to change things for the better."

    "Is that why you came back in time? Was it necessary to kill Catherine Weaver and take her place?"

    "I didn't kill Catherine Weaver. I went back in time to protect her. Only I didn't arrive at the proper time and place. By the time I found her, she was already dead. The machine sent to kill her then attacked me. I won."

    "So, what was supposed to happen?"

    "My mission was to protect Catherine Weaver and influence her decisions to ensure that Sky Net didn't develop into the malevolent computer system it became."

    "So with her dead, you just assumed her identity?"

    "Yes, it was necessary. Catherine Weaver was the head of one of the fastest growing computer technologies development firms. Through her position as owner and CEO of Zeira Corp., I could develop the tools and means to change things for the better. With Mr. Ellison's help, I acquired the cyborg now known as John Henry. I had a fully functional artificial intelligence . . ."

    "The Turk."

    "Yes. Andy Goode's Turk. It was to be used as the basis for Sky Net. I decided to put it to use as a weapon against it. John Henry is my creation."

    "Why did John Henry take Cameron's chip?" John asks almost losing control of his temper again.

    "I told you. He did not take it. She gave it to him. He could not fulfill his mission from the basement of Zeira Corp. Cameron's chip gave him the independence he needed."

    "But why would she voluntarily give up her chip? It doesn't makes sense!"

    "Every terminator sent back in time typically has more than one mission. You're future self, in the time Cameron came from, must have known about me, John Henry and his function. He could have programmed Cameron to look for John Henry and give him her chip at the appropriate time."

    "And is that why you sent that cryptic question, 'Will you join us?'"

    "Yes. I knew that she would know what it meant and who it was from."

    "But what happened to Cameron when she gave up her chip?" John asked as he begins pulling on the clothes she brought in.

    "It was very simple. John Henry extracted the chip from Cameron and placed it in the empty socket in his head. Everything that was Cameron was downloaded to the Turk. Everything that was John Henry was uploaded to the chip."

    "Whaaat?" John is dumbfounded and angry and once again he shouts. "Then why bring me with you eighteen years into the future? I came here to get Cameron's chip back, but now you are telling me she's still in your basement!"

    "Quiet." Weaver says harshly. "My presence must not be known at this time."

    John has never felt so angry. He would have liked to ripped that smirking self satisfied face off her, but what would be the point.

    "What am I doing here? Don't you realize that by bringing me forward in time, you have created a future where I wasn't here to become the leader? They didn't even know who I was. Why am I here?"

    "I'll tell you why." She steps forward and her voice drops even lower. "To use your skills and knowledge to help these resistance fighters defeat Sky Net in this alternate time line."

    "How? How can I help these people more than I have?"

    "By fulfilling your destiny. These people are in need of leadership."

    "They already have a leader, Derek Reese."

    "It's not enough John. He only leads the resistance forces of Los Angeles. What is needed is someone to galvanize the resistance and organize all the individual groups into one great army. They need John Connor."

    # # #

    There is a knock on Allison's door. She has just finished washing, including her hair.

    "Who is it?" She calls out.

    "It's me, Linda."

    "One moment."

    Allison checks her shorts and tank to find they are still damp.

    "I've brought you some clothes including some undergarments. May I come in?" Linda whispers through the door.

    "Okay. But be quick I'm naked."

    Linda slips in quickly, closes the door behind her, and hands the clothing to Allison.

    "I hope it all fits."

    "It will be fine." Allison replies as she begins pulling on the clothing Linda brought.

    "I know I promised to help you with your hair, but I've just gotten orders to start my patrol. You have no idea how much Sky Net activity has increased the last several days."

    "Oh, I think I've got a pretty fair idea." Allison says, as she flips her damp hair out from under her shirt.

    "I heard you don't have a commander here. So who is giving orders?" Allison asks.

    "We've got a committee of the more experienced fighters presently operating the base until either an officer is assigned or we elect one of our own to the rank of Lieutenant by a unanimous vote. Right now though, Sergeant Reese is here and I've heard he's held the rank of Lieutenant before, so as of now he is the defacto leader of this outpost by rank alone."

    "How is Kyle doing? He had three bullet wounds with one bullet lodged in his right arm."

    "He's undergoing surgery to remove the bullet. We may not have much here at Delta, but we've got The Doc, a qualified surgeon."

    Linda moves to the door. "I've got to go. If you want some help to dry and comb your hair, just go to Dorm 2. Any of the girls would be willing to help. Just tell them something about that hunky guy you arrived with." She winks at Allison. "See Ya."

    Linda suddenly pops her head back in Allison's door. "Forgot to mention. If you want to have your undergarments washed. We've got two manually operated clothes washers. Basically big buckets on a spindle that you turn with a crank. Your things are in the second one. Bye."

    And just as quickly she is gone. With nothing better to do, Allison grabs her last two items of clothing that need washing and decides to check on the things Linda mentioned and get a lay of the outpost. Though she's heard it mentioned plenty of times, this is her first visit to Outpost Delta. She hopes the rest of the people are just as friendly as Linda.

    The situation of a lack of leadership here makes her think. John has shown amazing skills and abilities. The resistance needs soldiers and leaders like him. Allison wonders if events could be steered for him to take command of this outpost. John shows all the skills of being a good soldier and leader.

    # # #

    John has lost his temper again and barely holds his voice in check as he yells in a whisper. "No! I don't want to be the leader. All I want to do is to get Cameron's chip back, fix her and go home. Nothing else matters."

    "There are more important issues at stake." Catherine argues.

    "You don't understand. John Henry took her from me, regardless of whether her chip was taken or given willingly. I need her back. I can't do this without her."

    "You will have to do it without her. She is gone for now, but not forever."

    "There is no point in doing this without her." He says sinking to his bunk. "She saves my life. It feels worse than if she had died. All I need is her chip and I can have her back." Burying his face in his hands he adds, "It's worse than death. "

    He loves Cameron. She thinks. That is good, but he mustn't think of himself. He can't bury himself in his grief nor avoid his destiny. I cannot allow it.

    Using the methods she learned for handling the child, Savannah, she places a motherly hand gently on his shoulder. "Listen to me John. In the future where I am from, your future self is winning the war, but he has withdrawn from humanity. Some humans feel that because you lost so many friends in the fight, that you can no longer bear to get close to your fellow fighters. Right now he is in danger of losing everything but the war. Don't go down that same path. These people need you."

    John sits for countless seconds before replying quietly, "Derek and Cameron told me separately and privately that my future self had begun to withdraw after the death of a young female resistance fighter that I had grown attached to. Sky Net built Cameron to look like her and behave like her to infiltrate our camp and terminate my future self. But my future self reprogrammed her. She became a confidant and I began to rely on her more and more. Cameron and Derek both intimated that my reliance on her drove a wedge between me and my fellow fighters. They would fight and die for me, but hated her. Cameron traveled back in time before her presence destroyed the unity of the resistance."

    Weaver nods her head. "Do you understand the danger of separating yourself from your fellow humans?"

    "Yes, I do."

    "Then don't let Cameron's absence hold you back. Rely on these people, John. Befriend them and let them help you. Use your skills to help them, and no matter how painful one of their deaths is, do not isolate yourself. In turn, you will hone your abilities and skills to become the leader in your own time line once we return."

    "Return!" For the first time John feels a sense of hope. "When will we do that?"

    "When John Henry completes his mission and you complete yours. And not before."

    "But what is John Henry doing here and now? How can we even be sure we are in the same future with him?" John asks concerned more about John Henry's whereabouts and Cameron's chip than he is for the mission Catherine wants him to do.

    "I have located him. He is pursuing his mission. He has infiltrated a terminator factory and has begun introducing changes to the programming being done on all machines. John Henry has introduced concepts such as ethics and morals and that human life is sacred, the same concepts that Mr. Ellison taught John Henry. How strongly that takes, is not certain. Sky Net has safeguards against tampering with the chips core programming, but he should have greater success at the factory."

    "It might be more difficult than you think." John sighs. "Cameron's chip is damaged. She was severely damaged in a car bomb explosion and she reverted to her old programming. I managed to clean the residue of the blast from her chip and that seemed to work, but she continued to have problems."

    "I did not know that. However, it won't be difficult in getting a new chip for John Henry in this time."

    John doesn't say anything for a while. Catherine Weaver decides this is a good time to bring up reprogramming machines.

    "I have a gift for you." With this statement an opening appeared in her abdomen, silvery and shiny, and an object emerges. Weaver grasps it and hands it to him. "This is a data disc. It contains the programming codes for the machines from my own time line. They should be compatible with those in this time line. Do you have a computer?"

    "Yes, I brought one back from my first mission. It was mine before the time jump. Mom hid it away with my other belongings in the desert hideaway, but it is now twenty years old. I don't know how well it functions, and the batteries are dead. They will need recharging."

    "Hand it to me."

    John pulls his laptop from his bag and hands it to her. She holds it in one hand while the fingers of her other hand slowly extended into thin threads that fed in through the fan grates and vent holes. The battery light begins to glow indicating it is recharging. The computer begins to boot. After several minutes, her fingers withdraw from inside the computer and she hands it back to John. She looks a little weary.

    "Are you okay?"

    "I'm fine. I've never had to expel energy in that manner before, but it won't take long for my system to recharge, given the high amount of radiation in the atmosphere."

    "So what did you do?"

    Sounding better she says, "I've recharged the main battery and CMOS battery. I've also made improvements to the operating system to aid in your task. The firewall is improved to give you full access to the chips, but the chips should not be able to access your computer unless you give it permission. I wouldn't recommend it."

    "Thank you. What is the interface for accessing the chips? I brought some equipment with me, but the chips utilize a complex high density connection that I just cannot duplicate with the technology at hand."

    "Yes, I see that is a problem." With that statement, a cord of silver begins to extend from her body. One end swells and forms into a socket. The other end when it left her body, formed into a serial data connector that was compatible with the ports on John's computer. "Fortunately, I came prepared."

    "John?" She says, holding the cable out to him.


    "I am trusting you with this." She places the cable in his hands. "This is a part of me that I am giving you. Please don't betray that trust."

    "I won't. I will protect this, uh, you, from harm." He replies, holding it gently. "Will it always remain in this shape?"

    "Yes, until such time when I take it back, it will remain as you see it." Her head tilts to one side, listening. "Others are coming. I must go now."

    She morphs right in front of him into the female fighter that walked in with the clean clothes. She picks up the dirty clothing he had set to one side and starts to leave.

    "When will I see you again?" John asks.

    "I don't know. Maybe in a few days. Remember what I told you."

    "If I need you, how can I contact you?"

    "Just talk to me, and I will hear you." She says cryptically as she leaves.

    John sits on his bunk looking at the cable she had given him. Just talk to me she said. If I needed her, all I had to do was talk to . . . the cable? It was a part of her, so I guess if I talked to it she would hear me.

    In her disguised form, Weaver walks through the underground corridor feeling pleased with how well she was able to manipulate John. Playing to both his fears and intellect, she got him right where she needs him. Reliant on her alone.

    Unfortunately for Catherine Weaver, the advice she gave him will play into John relying on someone other than herself. Her well-woven plan begins to unravel at its outset. Because out there, in the desert and in the hills, John has formed friendships with the two most important people in his life and one of them, Allison Young, is in love with him.

    # # #

    Extract From the Journal of John Connor

    I suppose you can guess, it was after this that I began keeping this journal. I don't really know why I am doing this, writing down my thoughts and activities. I guess it's because there is no one I can tell the truth to. My life, my history, is what I've told the others. Who I really am, is once again a secret. The only truth to my story is my name.

    Weaver gave me a lot to ponder. I am now fully aware that I have a future where I became withdrawn from my fellow humans. I can't let that happen to me. No matter my feelings for Cameron, I can't let that come between me and the rest of humanity. Neither can I let the deaths of friends and family and others who have died for me become a wedge that separates me from other humans. I need to form friendships and relationships with the people here and not just work with them.

    But what she said about Cameron being locked in the computer at Zeira Corp. I need to save her before she is discovered. I have the tools, a chip, and I have Cameron's body. There is one problem. I don't know if Sky Net has time travel capability in this future I am in. Weaver stated we could go back in time, but that didn't mean Sky Net also had that capability. I needed to find out if Sky Net had time travel capability. If we captured Sky Net's time travel device we could use it to send Cameron back in time for her own chip. It seemed to me the best option.

    2027, Day 20, Just before midnight

    When Kyle Reese and the remnant of his team arrived at Outpost Delta, everyone was surprised. Upon hearing that he and his squad were out there in the midst of Sky Net's army, the people at Delta and every other outpost thought they were goners. They still kept an eye out for his team, but the odds were heavily against any of them returning.

    As they carried the wounded Reese to the infirmary, he began telling them of what happened to them out there, and through it all he had nothing but praise for the young man that got them through it, John Connor.

    So when the messenger was sent to the main bunker, by way of another outpost to avoid Sky Net activity, she also carried word of John Connor's exploits. Some didn't believe it. No one that young could do what he did. But some remembered The Prophet's words that hope was coming. Was this the hope that was mentioned?

    Word began to spread.

    The runner arrived at the main bunker in the early morning hours to find that Derek Reese was no longer at the main bunker. He had led a patrol into the heart of Sky Net's recent activity. A new runner was sent to his location with the news that his brother and his squad were at Delta.

    The messenger from Delta then began to tell the people at the main bunker of the stories that Kyle had told. Soon, the boy who arrived in a future where no one knew his name will soon discover, that his name, John Connor, is not unknown any longer.

    2027, Day 21, Dawn

    Derek has been staring steely eyed at the factory from his new position behind the ridge for hours. Here they are sheltered by rock ledges from observations above, and by brush and boulders at ground level and from below. He wants those plasma rifles, even better if they can capture the entire factory. Then not only will they be supplied, but they can supply other camps, other bases. Then they can give it to Sky Net in equal measure. Sky Net will pay dearly for what it's done to his family and friends.

    A slight disturbance is made as someone new arrives. The new arrival talks to his lieutenant who looks surprised. She then looks at Derek who's been watching them. He climbs down from his observation perch to find out what is happening.

    She says just two words to him. Just two words that Derek has been wanting to hear forever.

    "Kyle's alive."

    Against his nature, Derek's outwardly stern exterior slips revealing the man underneath.

    "He and his squad are at Outpost Delta." She says as he sees the sudden expression of fear and relief rush across Derek's face.

    Quickly regaining control, Derek says, "Thanks lieutenant. See to it the messenger gets some refreshment. I'll resume my observations and head out when I've finished."

    "But Sir, we can do that. Shouldn't you go and see your brother?" She asks.

    "Duty first, then family, Lieutenant." He growls.

    Derek quickly returns to his perch to resume his observations. The female corporal just looking at the man in wonder. If it was her brother who had returned from the dead, she wouldn't waste a single minute in seeing him. She looks up at her leader. His back is to them, but she can see his shoulders shake and can faintly hear his quiet cries of relief.

    # # #

    A silvery eel slides through the pipes that directs the rain water to the cistern of Outpost Delta. Arriving at a grate, it slips through it effortlessly.

    It continues sliding along the ground rapidly until it reaches a protected section.

    Stopping, it slowly coalesces and changes shape rising into a humanoid shape that quickly takes on the form of Catherine Weaver.

    Pulling a two way radio out of her pocket, she places a call.

    "Hello Ms. Weaver." John Henry says from his location in the factory.

    "I've found John Connor and have given him the materials to begin reprogramming the machines. Do you have anything to report?"

    "Nothing as yet Ms. Weaver. Sky Net is proving very difficult to track down. I had assumed it would have setup multiple program cores around the globe but I haven't been able to trace anything other than standard communication nodes."

    "Sky Net is tricky and this version of it is probably operating under different parameters than what your host body knows."

    "Yes. I had already come to that conclusion and have altered my search parameters accordingly. Will you be returning to the factory?"

    Ms. Weaver pauses a moment before answering. "Not yet. There are still a few things I need to do."

    "Hey!" a voice shouts out of the dark.

    Ms. Weaver looks up to see a female resistance soldier approaching. Her gun raised and pointed at her.

    "If you'll excuse me John Henry. I've got some interference to clear up at this end." She slips the radio into her pocket, turning it off.

    "Put your hands up!" Linda hollers gruffly. "Identify yourself!"

    Ms. Weaver tilts her head forward and grins evilly. "Certainly."

    With the speed of lightning, Weaver suddenly lashes out, her arm extending. Her knife like hand slices through Linda's neck before she can even react.

    She begins choking and coughing blood. Dropping her rifle Linda brings her hands up to her neck, trying to stop the flow of blood from the gash in her throat. Her eyes are wide with fear.

    Weaver walks up to her as she falls to her knees. "You shouldn't have come near me. Not that you'll make that mistake again. But let it not be said, that I am not merciful."

    Without a pause, she thrusts her knife shape hand through her back and heart, coming out the front of her chest killing Linda instantly. She withdraws her arm which quickly morphs back into its original human shape.

    Linda's body falls to the ground, blood pooling around her head and body, as Catherine Weaver saunters away. She found something very satisfying in killing that human.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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