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ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : ตัวย่อที่ใช้ในงานนิตติ้ง
​เยอะ​หน่อยนะ​ะ​...ยั​ไม่้ออ่านที​เียว็​ไ้่ะ​....​ไว้​เอัว​ไหนสสัย​แล้ว่อยมาู็​ไ้่ะ​ ะ​​ไ้​ไม่าลาย อิอิ
( ) # times or * = Repeat instructions inside the parentheses or between the asterisks the number of times indicated.
alt = alternate
bar = increase one stitch by knitting into the front and back of same stitch
beg = beginning
bet or btw = between
bo = bind off
bor = bind off row
cc = contrast color
cir(c) = circular(ly)
cm = centimeters
cn = cable needle
co = cast on
cont = continue
cor = carriage on right
ctr = center
dec = decrease
dk weight = double knitting weight: 22 stitches (22 sts) = 1"/2.5 cm
dp or dpn = double pointed ndl
eor = every other row; end of row/round
est = established
fol(l) = following
g = grams
g st or garter stitch = knit every row
incR (increase right) = knit into the back of the right side of the stitch of the row below stitch on left needle
increase (inc) = work twice in the same stitch
incL (increase left) = knit into the back of the left side of the stitch of 2 rows below stitch on the right needle
in(s) = inch(es)
ins = insert
k = knit
k1-blp = Knit 1 stitch through the back loop.
k1 f&b = Knit through the front and back of the same stitch for a 1-stitch increase.
k1togww = Knit 1 together with wrap: Slip the wrap onto the left needle tip and knit together with the stitch through the back loop.
k2t or k2tog = Knit 2 sts together as one
k3t or k3tog = Knit 3 sts together as one
k.co = Knit cast on
kf&b = Knit into front, then back of stitch
ktbl = Knit through the back loop
kw = knitwise, as if to knit
left slanting increase = Insert left-hand needle under bar from front, btw last stitch worked and 1st stitch on right-hand needle, knit (or purl) strand through back of loop.
lhn = left-hand needle
lt = left twist: Knit the second st, then knit the first st through the back loop (the first st crosses over
the second st, to the left).
m = meters
m1 = make one: Insert LHN front to back under horizontal strand between the st on the LHN and the st just
worked, forming a loop on the needle, knit this loop through the back.
m1L = make 1 left: Pick up the left side of the st below the st you just worked, and knit into it.
m1R = make 1 right: Pick up the right side of the st below the next st, and knit into it
mc = main color
mm = millimeters
my = main yarn
ndl(s) = needle(s)
nr = next row
o = yarn over
p = purl
p2t or p2tog = Purl 2 stitches together
p2togtbl = P 2 sts tog through the back loop. (Alternately, purl 1 st, place it back on the LHN. With point of right-hand needle (RHN), pass the next st over it and slip the st back to the RHN)
p3tog = Purl 3 sts tog as one.
pat(t) = pattern
pm = place marker
prev = previous(ly)
psso = pass slip stitch over
pu or p/u = pick up
pu&k = pick up and knit
pw = purlwise, as if to purl
rc = row counter
rd = 1 entire round of circular knitting
rem = remaining or remove
rep = repeat
rev = revers(e)(ing)
rev st st = reverse stockinette stitch: Knit on wrong side, purl on right side.
rhn = right-hand needle
right slanting increase = Insert LHN under bar from back, bet last st worked and 1st st on RHN, knit (or purl) strand through front of loop.
rnd(s) = round(s)
rpt = repeat
rs = right side
rsr = right side row
rt = right twist: Knit the second st through the back loop, then knit the 1st st. (2nd st crosses over the first st, to the right.)
s = slip the next st purlwise
s2kp = Slip 2 sts together as if to knit, knit the next st, then pass both slipped sts over this st.
sb = Slip bead over next stitch.
sc = single crochet
sk = skein
sk2p = Slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped st over.
skp = Slip 1 st as if to knit, k 1 st, pass slip st over.
skpo = Slip 1, knit 1, pass slip st over.
sl = Slip the next st purlwise.
sl1k = Slip 1 knitwise (yarn at back).
sl1 k1psso = Slip 1 knitwise, k 1 and pass slip st over knit st.
sl1 wyif = Slip 1 st purlwise with yarn in front.
sl1 k2togpsso = Slip 1 st knitwise, k 2 tog and pass slip st over the k2tog.
sm = slip marker
sp = single pointed
spi = stitches per inch
ss = stocking or stockinette stitch: Knit 1 row, purl 1 row.
ssk = slip, slip, knit: Slip 1 st as to k, slip 2nd st as to knit,insert LHN in front of the 2 sts and k tog.
ssp = slip, slip, purl: Slip next 2 sts knitwise one at a time, return them to LHN, keeping them twisted, then p2tog through back of sts.
sssk = slip, slip, slip, knit: Slip 1 st as if to knit, and then slip 2 more sts in same way; insert left needle tip into the 3 slipped sts from left to right and k these 3 sts tog as one.
st(s) = stitch(es)
st st = stocking or stockinette stitch: Knit 1 row, purl 1 row.
syif = Slip st purlwise with yarn in front.
t = turn
tbl = through back loop
tog = together
vdd= vertical double decrease: Slip 2 sts as if to work k2tog, k 1, pass slipped stitches over (2 stitches decreased).
wo = yarn (wool) over needle
wpi = wraps per inch
ws = wrong side
wsr = wrong side row
ww = worsted weight yarn
wy = waste yarn
wyib = with yarn in back
wyif = with yarn in front
x = times
yb = yarn back: Move yarn to the back of the work by going between the needle tips.
yds = yards
yf or yfwd = yarn forward: Move yarn to the front of the work by going btw the needle tips.
yo = yarn over: Bring yarn to front of work and lay over needle as you k the next st.
yo twice = Wrap yarn around needle twice.
yon = yarn over needle from back to front
yrn or yron = yarn round needle: Bring yarn around needle from front to back.
ytb = yarn to back of work
credit : http://www.knittingpatternaday.com/abbreviations.htm