ลำดับตอนที่ #2
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ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : 02 รีโมทคอนโทรล (rhymes, not a novel, angst, psychological)
02 รี​โมทอน​โทรล
Just like the weather, I am crazy.
Crazy for my mood, not wanting it to be negative.
Negativity would never, ever be included in a healthy mindset.
A healthy mindset is what I want right now.
Now that I want to clear up the sky, I have to stop the dwindling storm in my head.
In my head, there are objects flying around, trees, cars, houses, bed, TVs, a nasty tornado it is.
It is also a TV, a broken one. The one that changes the channel itself rapidly, the one that turns itself on and off, it’s the one that needs fixing.
Fixing it requires a precise process and careful hands, or the TV may shatter into pieces, in and out.
In and out, I may shatter into pieces like the remote control I smashed when I could not control myself.
I could not control myself with just a remote control anymore, I could not control this large, slim, fragile box with a delicate, complicated control.
Control, slowly, step by step, breathe, take it easy.
Easy, I tell myself.