

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : Topic 2

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 870
      27 ม.ค. 50

    Direction: read the paragraph and choose the best topic for each paragraph.


    A.   Alice’s adventures in wonderland is a good book. It is a story of a girl who dreamt that she went down a rabbit hole and had many adventures. She drank something from a bottle to get smaller. Then she ate a little cake to get bigger. She went to a mad party where she met a March Hare and quarreled with him. It was a curious dream. Alice told her sister about the dream.

    (Adapted from Growth with Our Language Today by David A. Colin and others)

    1. What is the topic of the passage?

    a. Good books

    b. Alice’s adventures

    c. The book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

    d. Alice’s curious dream about Wonderland


    B.   Owls are well equipped to do their hunting at night. The animals that they like best to eat are those that are active at night. The feathers of an owl are so soft that he can swoop down upon a mouse or a rat without being heard. The big eyes of an owl help him to see well even at night.

    (David A. Colin and others; Growth with Our Language Today)

    2.    What is the topic of this passage?

    a. Hunting at night
    b. A bird
    c. Owl’s food
    d. Owls


    C.   Fins are a great help in swimming. A fish pushes itself forward by moving its tail and tail fins from side to side. Its other fins help it keep its balance. They also help guide it.

    (Bertha Morris Parker, Ed., The Golden Book Encyclopedia, book 6)

    3.   What is the topic of this paragraph?

    a. fins
    b. Swimming
    c. fish
    d. How to swim


    D.   Chiang Rai has many modern hotels. Most of which are situated right in the heart of town. Hotel rates vary, depending on the hotel you choose. The average range of charges is from 7US$ to 200 US$. All the hotels provide TV sets and other conveniences according to the rate charged.

    4.   What is the topic of this paragraph?

    a. Chiang Rai
    b. Hotels in Chiang Rai
    c. Hotels
    d. Modern hotels


    เฉลย : c, d, a, b


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