Dimensions is good
Dimensions and the bad side of the world
Dimensional and problems of the world
Scientist have been mentioed Dimensional theory very much and it's interesting
But I doubt that the world today is very bad
Both in the many problems in the world are so many
according to the prinples of science Dimensions is Width Length Heigh Time
and our world is Universe or multiverse
Suppose that our world is dimansions 7th in the multiverse
or There is only one Universe
Universe theory
There may be only one Universe
and can have extraterrestrial life
because scientists find a favorable star to living thing
and scientists,Astronomical expert Still can't prove that alien exist or not exist
Therefore, one should not rush to judge that it does not exist
many Universes which it's interesting how diverse it is
scientist considered to be of great interest
and scientists Still trying to Find proof until now
We therefore assume that another Dimension may or may not be
for example Russian-Ukrainian War but in another dimension may or may not be
and science of other dimensions have both botter or worse our dimensions
คุณแน่ใจว่าต้องการคืนค่าการตั้งค่าทั้งหมด ?
All of you honorable
I don't want to make this a novel
But I will tell you what I feel
I am a person who is very interested in science
such as dimetional theory or multiverse
According to the opinions of scientists on the multiverse
And I hope that in less than 50 yeart, humanity should have technology human civilization can give
To avoid the problems in today's already serious in world. if unable to rerious
get problems in the future will be aggravated
Let mankind die in the most tragic way.
let's say Current Russian-Ukrainian war
1st dimension Russia wins War
2nd dimension Russia and America Divide Ukraine Half
3rd dimension Ukraine wins war
4th dimension no this war
5th dimension Russia and poland divide Ukraine in half with the Ukrainian government left in the city Pripyat and Chernobyl
6th dimension Ukrainian president resigns and the new government of Ukraine compromise
to lose the land But the war might be over
7th dimension The war may be protracted and everyone will be in trouble
and others dimension who still do not know how ?
or example 2
let's say Supreme Leader of the German Rhich not dead or German Rhich wins war
how will the world be
This posture is all speculation because we haven't Scientists shouds know
and scientist from america china russia and others
let's come together to invent something nem for the world
we may have a bright future for our children
it's the same as everyone might.
Increase the chances of our lives
How many years will it take, I don't know
But it's going to cost a lot of money. and the government must support But it's very difficult because (WAR)
Whether Universe or multiverse if every country
give support
if Russia will seize Ukraine
China will reunite Taiwan i did it because Taiwan is a province of china
But the government should always take into account
time that their whole country with the whole world is hometown of we are the same
I can't explain much because I took the midterm exam
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